674 research outputs found

    Body mass index is not a reliable tool to predict obesity in postmenopausal women

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    The aim of this study was to compare two methods of body composition evaluation in postmenopausal women, and establish correlations with the Body Mass Index (BMI). Twenty seven postmenopausal women (58.03±5.33) were evaluated by two body composition methods: Bioimpedance (Biodynamics 310) and Dual Energy X-Ray Absorptiometry (DXA). Results of the fat mass showed by the DXA was 38.21±7.46% of the body mass, and 39.05±4.40% by the Bioimpedance, with 0.76 of correlation (Perason’s correlation test). In the other hand, the BMI found was 28.08±4.90. There was a high correlation between DXA and Bioimpedance; however low correlation between DXA and Bioimpedance with BMI. When the body composition classification was made by the BMI, subjects were classified as overweight. In the other hand, DXA and Bioimpedance classified subjects as obese. The main conclusion of this study was that BMI is not a reliable index to classify and determine levels of obesity. Bioimpedance appear to be a satisfactory method to predict body composition in postmenopausal women, since it was observed a significant correlation with the gold standard method for body composition DXA

    Influence of resistance training on muscle lipid content in ovariectomized rats

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    The aim of this study was analyze the effect of the resistance training on muscle soleus lipid content in ovariectomized rats. Wistar adult female rats were grouped into: sedentary (S); ovariectomized sedentary (Sovx); resistance trained (T) and ovariectomized resistance trained (Tovx). A 12-week strength training that consisted to climb a 1.1-m vertical ladder with weights secured to rats in tail was used. The session was performed once every 3 days with a 4-9 climbs and 8-12 dynamic movements per climb. The muscle soleus lipid content (mg/100mg tissue) was determined by sulfo-vanilin reaction. For statistical analyzes ANOVA was used with p ≤ 0.05. The muscle soleus lipid content was significantly higher in S (2.61±0.31), Sovx (4.28±0.44) and Tovx (3.54±0.36) groups when compared with the T group (0.75±0.15). The S group showed lower values compared with Sovx and Tovx groups. Resistance training decreased lipid content in ovariectomized rats (Tovx) as compared with Sovx group. Ovariectomy increase soleus muscle lipid content, which is decreased by resistance training. Resistance training alone decrease muscle lipid content, indicating an important clinical effect

    Different Cardiovascular Responses to a Resistance Training Session in Hypertensive Women Receiving Propanolol Compared with Normotensive Controls

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    The aim of the present study was to compare the responses of blood pressure, heart rate, and rate-pressure product of hypertensive women using beta-blockers with healthy controls during resistance exercise (by the end of the concentric phase of the contractions) and in the postexercise period (5 and 30 minutes after). Ten untrained normotensive women (N) and 10 mildly hypertensive females receiving 40 mg/day of propanolol (H) were selected. Three sets of 10 repetitions at 80% of 10 repetitions maximum with 30 s rest interval were performed on the leg press exercise. The H group exhibited lower systolic blood pressure after the second set compared with N. Heart rate and rate-pressure product were lower in H in all analyzed periods compared with N. Propanolol attenuates the cardiovascular response to a leg press resistance exercise in mildly hypertensive women

    Influence of upper-body exercise order on hormonal responses in trained men

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    The aim of this study was to examine acute hormonal responses after different sequences of an upper-body resistance-exercise session. Twenty men completed 2 sessions (3 sets; 70% 1-repetition maximum; 2 min passive rest between sets) of the same exercises in opposite sequences (larger to smaller vs. smaller to larger muscle-group exercises). Total testosterone (TT), free testosterone (FT), testosterone/cortisol (T/C) ratio, sex-hormone-binding globulin (SHBG), growth hormone (GH), and cortisol (C) concentrations were measured before and immediately after each sequence. The results indicate that the GH concentration increased after both sessions, but the increase was significantly greater (p \u3c 0.05) after the sequence in which larger muscle-group exercises were performed prior to the smaller muscle-group exercises. No differences were observed between sessions for TT, FT, SHBG, C, or the T/C ratio at baseline or immediately after resistance exercise. These results indicate that performing larger muscle-group exercises first in an upper-body resistance-exercise session leads to a significantly greater GH response. This may have been due to the significantly greater exercise volume accomplished. In summary, the findings of this investigation support the common prescriptive recommendation to perform larger-muscle group exercises first during a resistance-exercise session


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    O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar o efeito da suplementação de creatina, com e sem saturação, sobre parâmetros hematológicos de indivíduos praticantes de treinamento de força. Foram selecionados 27 homens com idade média de 22,60 À 4,50 anos, massa corporal 72,67 À 11,44 kg, estatura 1,73 À 0,06 m, percentual de gordura 18,86 À 4,36, massa gorda 14,27 À 4,92 kg e massa magra 58,36 À 6,32 kg, divididos randomicamente em três grupos experimentais: Grupo Placebo (GP, n=9); Grupo Creatina com Saturação (GCSat, n=9) e Grupo Creatina (GC, n=9). Os exames hematológicos foram realizados antes e depois do programa de treinamento, bem como após as duas semanas de adaptação. Os seguintes parâmetros foram analisados: contagem de leucócitos totais, neutrófilos, eosinófilos, basófilos, monócitos, linfócitos, hemácias, hematócrito, hemoglobina, volume corpuscular médio, hemoglobina corpuscular média, concentração de hemoglobina corpuscular média e plaquetas. Houve redução significativa de hemácias, hematócrito e hemoglobina no GCSat após o período de suplementação (-4,44%, -4,47% e -5,11%, respectivamente). Para os demais parâmetros avaliados não houve diferença significativa entre os grupos. Estes podem ser os primeiros indícios da existência de uma relação de dose-resposta para a suplementação de creatina


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    ResumoObjetivo: Nos últimos anos, a participação das pessoas nas corridas de rua tem aumentado significativamente, devido aos benefícios físicos proporcionados por essa prática. No entanto, tais praticantes estão expostos a lesões físicas, particularmente se os exercícios forem realizados de maneira exaustiva, sem orientação técnica apropriada ou de forma inadequada. Deste modo, o objetivo do presente estudo foi investigar a prevalência de lesões em corredores de rua amadores. Métodos: A população investigada foi composta por 139 corredores de rua amadores. Foram coletados os dados referentes ao perfil e à prevalência de lesões através de um questionário estruturado. Para caracterização da amostra e apresentação dos dados, utilizou-se análise estatística descritiva. Foi realizado o teste qui-quadrado (χ2) para comparação entre as proporções. O nível de significância adotado foi de p < 0,05. Resultados: Os resultados mostraram que 37% dos corredores já apresentaram lesões e 63% não as apresentaram, no entanto, a frequência de lesões nos corredores com menos de 1 ano de prática foi de 79,6% (p = 0,009). As lesões de maior prevalência nos corredores são: tendinites e canelites; e os locais anatômicos mais acometidos são: joelho e face anterior da perna, ambos tendo valores estatisticamente significativos (p = 0,001). Conclusões: A prevalência de lesões em corredores amadores é considerável, apesar de ter sido relatada por menos da metade dos participantes. O tempo de prática parece influenciar na frequência das lesões e deve-se ter cautela especialmente no primeiro ano de treino, para que a corrida seja realizada de forma segura.Palavras-chave: lesões; corredores recreacionais; corrida de rua. AbstractIntroduction: In recent years, the participation of people in street racing has increased significantly due to physical benefits provided by this practice. However, these practitioners are exposed to physical injuries, especially if the exercises are performed exhaustively, without proper technical guidance or inappropriately. Objective: Investigate the prevalence of injuries in amateur street runners. Methods: The population studied was composed of 139 amateur street runners. We collected data on the profile and the prevalence of injuries through a structured questionnaire. The significance level was adopted at p < 0.05. Results: The results showed that 37% of the runners have had lesions and 63% did not present them, however, the frequency of injury to corridors under 1 year of activity was 79.6% (p = 0.009). The highest prevalence of injuries in runners are: tendinitis and shin splints; and the most affected anatomic sites are: knee and anterior leg surface, both having statistically significant value (p = 0.001). Conclusion: The prevalence of injuries in amateur runners is considerable, although it has been reported by less than half of the participants. The practice time seems to influence the frequency of the lesions and should be cautious especially in the first years of training, so that the race is held securely.Keywords: injuries; recreational runners; street race figshare DOI: 10.6084/m9.figshare.978885

    The effects of exercise modalities on adiposity in obese rats

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    OBJECTIVE: The aim of the present study was to evaluate the effect of both swimming and resistance training on tumor necrosis factor-alpha and interleukin-10 expression, adipocyte area and lipid profiles in rats fed a high-fat diet. METHODS: The study was conducted over an eight-week period on Wistar adult rats, who were divided into six groups as follows (n = 10 per group): sedentary chow diet, sedentary high-fat diet, swimming plus chow diet, swimming plus high-fat diet, resistance training plus chow diet, and resistance training plus high-fat diet. Rats in the resistance training groups climbed a vertical ladder with weights on their tails once every three days. The swimming groups swam for 60 minutes/day, five days/week. RESULTS: The high-fat diet groups had higher body weights, a greater amount of adipose tissue, and higher tumor necrosis factor-alpha expression in the visceral adipose tissue. Furthermore, the high-fat diet promoted a negative change in the lipid profile. In the resistance training high-fat group, the tumor necrosis factor-alpha expression was lower than that in the swimming high-fat and sedentary high-fat groups. Moreover, smaller visceral and retroperitoneal adipocyte areas were found in the resistance training high-fat group than in the sedentary high-fat group. In the swimming high-fat group, the tumor necrosis factor-alpha expression was lower and the epididymal and retroperitoneal adipocyte areas were smaller compared with the sedentary high-fat group. CONCLUSION: The results showed that both exercise modalities improved the lipid profile, adiposity and obesity-associated inflammation in rats, suggesting their use as an alternative to control the deleterious effects of a high-fat diet in humans