571 research outputs found

    Is Ambient Intelligence a truly Human-Centric Paradigm in Industry? Current Research and Application Scenario

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    The use of pervasive networked devices is nowadays a reality in the service sector. It impacts almost all aspects of our daily lives, although most times we are not aware of its influence. This is a fundamental characteristic of the concept of Ambient Intelligence (AmI). Ambient Intelligence aims to change the form of human-computer interaction, focusing on the user needs so they can interact in a more seamless way, with emphasis on greater user-friendliness. The idea of recognizing people and their context situation is not new and has been successfully applied with limitations, for instance, in the health and military sectors. However its appearance in the manufacturing industry has been elusive. Could the concept of AmI turn the current shop floor into a truly human centric environment enabling comprehensive reaction to human presence and action? In this article an AmI scenario is presented and detailed with applications in human’s integrity and safety.Ambient Intelligence, networks, human-computer interaction

    The current challenge to restore factual truth in the age of disinformation and post-truth: the case of the fact-checker ‘Polígrafo’ in Portugal

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    Fact-checking emerges as a new journalistic approach in the scope of measures to combat disinformation. It verifies the veracity of information circulating in the media ecosystem, especially on the Internet and online social media. However, fact-checking has some limitations. For example, the human ability to check information is not sufficient for the massive production of false information. Moreover, journalism is complex and often deals with partially true or partially false information. These issues are addressed in the first part of the paper, situating fact-checking in the social context of disinformation and post-truth. Then, the product developed by the fact-checker “Polígrafo” in Portugal is described and interpreted. The analysis based on theoretical and empirical data can help improving this new journalistic approach without disregarding its contribution to combating disinformation. The results confirm social media as the preferred media for selecting information to be analysed and the option for a fact-checking model with a verdict based on a rating scale of veracity. Furthermore, it was observed an effort to contextualise the fact. It also includes interviews with people involved in the event, rhetorical questions giving a didactic tone to the text, bold marking of the most relevant information, and hyperlinks to other information sources.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    New journalism in the age of disinformation: an analysis on the work of fact-checkers in Portugal

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    Fact-checking has always been a decisive step in gathering information and in conferring credibility to the news. However, in the scope of efforts to combat the current phenomenon of disinformation, a new type of fact-checking has emerged, aimed exclusively at analyzing content that has already been published in traditional or digital media and has gone viral in social media. It provides a space in these media where professionals verify the accuracy of data, facts, statements, and other content in various formats (video, photo, and audio) that were presented to the public. Further, it holds accountable those who use lies to confuse or mislead the public. On the other hand, this new journalistic approach is questioned both for the methods it employs in verification and for its effective impact in combating disinformation. Indeed, the initial damage caused by false information is usually greater than the attempt to repair it because it has wider repercussions and outreach, especially in digital media. Besides, some people prefer to believe false information, even if it is declared to be a lie. Therefore, this study intends to contribute with a theoretical and preliminary analysis about these current challenges that are faced by fact-checkers, taking the case of Portugal as an example. Scientific research on this topic is still scarce in countries outside the United States (Tompkins, 2020) and is critical to contribute to efforts to combat disinformation. It is an opportunity to examine possible spaces for improvement of the method and material that has been produced in the country.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Characterization of an evaluation success model of an IS project, focused on stakeholders

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    Typically, we measure the success of an Information Technology project through time, budget and quality. However, with the advance of years, we found that stakeholders have also something to say about success evaluation. Each stakeholder has an impact, its own interests and expectations about the project development. Therefore, what for some can be considered a success, for others can be considered a failure, because each one has a different perspective on the same project. This short paper proposes a flexible success evaluation model for an Information Technology project, called Success Breakdown Structure (SBS). In this model, the various stakeholders present in a project are presented, as well as their success assessment criteria over three different visions: after the completion of the project, after a few months and last, after a few years. From the obtained results, we can conclude that the evaluation of a project success is not concern of project managers only, but is transversal to all stakeholders.COMPETE: POCI-01-0145-FEDER-007043 and FCT – Fundação para a CiĂȘncia e Tecnologia within the Project Scope: UID/CEC/00319/2013

    Relationship between optimism and functional autonomy in individuals with multiple sclerosis

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    Objetivo: O presente estudo tem como objetivo verificar a relação existente entre autonomia funcional e otimismo. MĂ©todo: Os participantes sĂŁo 280 indivĂ­duos portadores de esclerose mĂșltipla (EM) diagnosticada hĂĄ mais de um ano em que a maioria sĂŁo mulheres, com nĂ­vel elevado de escolaridade, maioritariamente casados, e a trabalhar em regime de tempo integral. A funcionalidade foi avaliada com a Escala de Impacto de Participação e Autonomia – IPA, e o otimismo com o Life Orientation Test – Revised (LOT-R). A recolha de dados realizou-se em unidades de saĂșde de Lisboa e cumpriu as regras conforme a Declaração de HelsĂ­nquia. ConclusĂŁo: Os resultados mostram que existem valores de correlação estatisticamente significativos, mas moderados entre as dimensĂ”es da LOT-R e IPA, sugerindo que o otimismo Ă© um fator importante para a autonomia funcional dos indivĂ­duos portadores de EM. ABSTRACT - Aim: The present study aims at identifying the relationship between optimism and functional autonomy in individuals with Multiple Sclerosis (MS). Method: The participants are 280 individuals diagnosed with MS for more than one year; the majority are women, with high levels of education, mostly married and employed on full time. To access functionality we used the Impact on Participation and Autonomy Scale – IPA, and to assess optimism the Life Orientation Test - Revised (LOT-R). Data was collected in Lisbon health settings. Data collection follows the rules of the Helsinki Declaration. Conclusion: Results show that correlations between the two main variables are statistically significant, but moderate, suggesting that the perception of optimism is an important factor for functional autonomy in individuals with MS

    Psychometric characteristics of the instruments used to assess quality of life in multiple sclerosis: a literature review

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    A esclerose mĂșltipla (EM) Ă© a doença crĂłnica neurolĂłgica que mais afeta adultos jovens; em 80% dos casos, a doença progride para situaçÔes de nĂ­veis variados de incapacidade, o que torna necessĂĄrio avaliar a qualidade de vida (QV) desses indivĂ­duos. O objetivo desta revisĂŁo foi localizar estudos que avaliam a QV em indivĂ­duos com EM, identificando os instrumentos utilizados e suas caracterĂ­sticas psicomĂ©tricas. Foram consultadas as bases Psycinfo, Psycarticles, Psycbooks, Psychology & Behavioral Science Collection, EJS E-Journal, Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials, Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, Database of Abstracts of Reviews of Effects, Medline, e Academic Search Complete, utilizando os descritores 'multiple sclerosis' e 'quality of life', para localizar artigos publicados no perĂ­odo 1997-2007. Foram selecionados 1.376 artigos e, apĂłs a leitura dos resumos, excluĂ­dos os referentes a instrumentos que nĂŁo tinham boas caracterĂ­sticas psicomĂ©tricas e/ou eram pouco referenciados. Foram encontrados 461 artigos, dos quais 267 usaram instrumentos genĂ©ricos e 194 especĂ­ficos para a EM. Dos 7 instrumentos (2 genĂ©ricos, 5 especĂ­ficos) com boas caracterĂ­sticas psicomĂ©tricas utilizados pelos estudos consultados, o mais usado Ă© o SF-36 (em 237 estudos). Todos os instrumentos tĂȘm validade verificada e apresentam grau elevado de confiabilidade, podendo ser utilizados para avaliação da qualidade de vida de pacientes com EM tanto em pesquisa quanto na clĂ­nica. ABSTRACT - Multiple sclerosis (MS) is the chronic neurological disease that most affects young adults; 80% of patients experience a transition towards persistent disability, hence the need to assess their quality of life (QoL). The aim of the study was to review studies that assess QoL in patients with multiple sclerosis, inquiring on the instruments used and their psychometric features. Articles published from 1997 through 2007 were searched for by means of key words 'multiple sclerosis' and 'quality of life' in databases Psycinfo, Psycarticles, Psycbooks, Psychology & Behavioral Science Collection, EJS E-Journal, Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials, Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, Database of Abstracts of Reviews of Effects, Medline, and Academic Search Complete. From the 1,376 studies found, after abstract reading those that reported on instruments with poor psychometric properties and/or were little referred were excluded. A total of 461 articles were selected, of which 267 reported using generic instruments and 194, MS-specific ones. Among the 7 instruments reported by the studies as having good psychometric characteristics (2 generic, five MS-specific), the most used is the SF-36 (by 237 studies). All instruments have shown adequate psychometric properties and a high degree of reliability, hence may be used to assess QoL in subjects with multiple sclerosis both in clinic and research

    AnĂĄlise psicomĂ©trica da escala de impacto na autonomia e participação, em pessoas com esclerose mĂșltipla

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    A avaliação da Autonomia e funcionalidade das pessoas com esclerose mĂșltipla Ă© fundamental para a compreensĂŁo das limitaçÔes e necessidades destas pessoas. O presente estudo tem como objectivo estudar as propriedades psicomĂ©tricas da Escala de Impacto Autonomia e Participação em doentes com esclerose mĂșltipla. Participaram neste estudo 280 indivĂ­duos com diagnĂłstico de esclerose mĂșltipla, 71,4% mulheres com idade mĂ©dia de 39,23 anos. Procedeu-se Ă  anĂĄlise factorial exploratĂłria, consistĂȘncia interna, teste-reteste, validade convergente e discriminante. Os resultados demonstram valores psicomĂ©tricos apropriados para a versĂŁo de lĂ­ngua portuguesa semelhantes Ă s versĂ”es de lĂ­ngua alemĂŁ e de lĂ­ngua inglesa. ConcluĂ­mos que esta escala tem boas condiçÔes psicomĂ©tricas para avaliar a autonomia funcional em indivĂ­duos com esclerose mĂșltipla. ABSTRACT: Assessment of Autonomy and participation of patients with multiple sclerosis is essential to understand the limitations and necessities of these patients. The present study aims to examine the psychometric proprieties of the Impact on Participation and Autonomy Questionnaire (IPA) in patient with multiple sclerosis. Participants are 280 patients with a diagnostic of multiple sclerosis, 71.4% females, mean age of 39.23 years. We inspect metric properties namely, validity, construt validity and convergent and discriminant validity, and reliability, internal consistency and test-retest. The results show that IPA is a reliable and valid instrument for assessment autonomy and participation in Portuguese language, with similar sensibility than the Germany and English version. In conclusion these instruments have psychometric conditions for assessment the functional autonomy of people with multiple sclerosis

    Is ambient intelligence a truly human-centric paradigm in industry? Current research and application scenario

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    Based on the paper presented at the International Conference “Autonomous Systems: inter-relations of technical and societal issues”, organized by IET with the support of the Portuguese-German collaboration project on “Technology Assessment of Autonomous Robotics” (DAAD/CRUP) at FCT-UNL, Biblioteca da UNL, Campus de Caparica on 5-6 November 2009.The use of pervasive networked devices is nowadays a reality in the service sector. It impacts almost all aspects of our daily lives, although most times we are not aware of its influence. This is a fundamental characteristic of the concept of Ambient Intelligence (AmI). Ambient Intelligence aims to change the form of human-computer interaction, focusing on the user needs so they can interact in a more seamless way, with emphasis on greater user-friendliness. The idea of recognizing people and their context situation is not new and has been successfully applied with limitations, for instance, in the health and military sectors. However its appearance in the manufacturing industry has been elusive. Could the concept of AmI turn the current shop floor into a truly human centric environment enabling comprehensive reaction to human presence and action? In this article an AmI scenario is presented and detailed with applications in human’s integrity and safety

    Catches in ghost-fishing octopus and fish traps in the northeastern Atlantic Ocean (Algarve, Portugal)

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    Ghost fishing is the term used to describe the continued capture of fish and other living organisms after a fisherman has lost all control over the gear. Traps may be lost for a variety of reasons including theft, vandalism, abandonment, interactions with other gear, fouling on the bottom (i.e., traps and ropes are caught on rocky substrate), bad weather, and human error (Laist, 1995). Annual trap loss can be as high as 20% to 50% of fished traps in some fisheries (Al-Masroori et al., 2004). Because lost traps can continue to fish for long periods, albeit with decreasing efficiency over time (e.g., Smolowitz, 1978; Breen, 1987, 1990; Guillory, 1993), ghost fishing is a concern in fisheries worldwide
