20 research outputs found

    Grupo multifamiliar con adolescentes ofensores sexuales

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    O texto apresenta a proposta interventiva do Grupo Multifamiliar com adolescentes ofensores sexuais realizada no Centro de Orientação Médico Psico-pedagógico no DF. O público alvo foram os adolescentes ofensores sexuais, seus familiares bem como seus pares. O GM ocorreu em cinco encontros onde foram desenvolvidos temas específicos comuns a todas as famílias: Proteção; Sexualidade; Violência sexual é um crime; Transgeracionalidade; Projeto de namoro. Os recursos humanos incluíram a equipe do COMPP (2 psicólogos, 1 assistente social, 1 psicopedagoga/psicóloga) e a equipe da universidade (1 professor/supervisor/pesquisador, 3 alunos de graduação e 2 alunos de pós-graduação). Estiveram presentes 28 pessoas: 12 adultos, 7 adolescentes e 9 crianças. O GM totaliza 15 horas de intervenção com objetivo e foco definidos. As etapas da proposta são: Articulação com a Rede; Nivelamento de conhecimento teórico e metodológico do GM; Entrevistas familiares com cada família participante; GM com adolescentes ofensores sexuais; Avaliação da efetividade. ______________________________________________________________________________________ ABSTRACTThe text presents the Multifamiliar Group as an interventionist proposal with sexual offender adolescents, carried on at the Psychopedagogical Medical Orientation Center at Brasília. The target public were the sexual offender adolescents, their families as well as their friends. The MG took place in five encounters where specific themes common to all the families were developed: Protection; Sexuality; Sexual violence is a crime; Transgenerationality; Dating project. The human resources included the COMPP team (2 psychologists, 1 social assistant, 1 psychopedagogue) and the university team (1 teacher/supervisor/researcher, 3 graduation students and 2 post-graduation students). Twenty eight persons were present: 12 adults, 7 adolescents and 9 children. The MG totalizes 15 hours of intervention with a defined objective and focus. The steps of the proposal are: Articulation with the Net; Levelling of the methodological and theoretical knowledge of the MG; Familiar interviews with every participant family; MG with sexual offender adolescents; Evaluation of the effectiveness. ______________________________________________________________________________________ RESUMENEl texto presenta la propuesta de intervención del Grupo Multifamiliar (GM) con adolescentes ofensores sexuales realizada en el Centro de Orientación Médico Psico-pedagógico del DF. Se destinó a los adolescentes ofensores sexuales, sus familiares bien como sus pares. El GM ocurrió en cinco encuentros donde fueron desarrollados temas específicos comunes a todas las familias: Protección; Sexualidad; Violencia sexual es un crimen; Transgeneracionalidad; Proyecto de noviazgo. Los recursos humanos incluyeron el equipo del COMPP (2 psicólogos, 1 asistente social,1 psicopedagoga/psicóloga) y el equipo de la universidad (1 profesor/supervisor/investigador, 3 alumnos de graduación y 2 alumnos de pos-grado). Estuvieron presentes 28 personas: 12 adultos, 7 adolescentes e 9 niños. El GM totalizó 15 horas de intervención con objetivo y foco definidos. Las etapas de la propuesta son: Articulación con la Red; Nivelación del conocimiento teórico y metodológico del GM; Entrevistas familiares con cada familia participante; GM con adolescentes ofensores sexuales; Evaluación de la efectividad

    “Ministério da Obrigação adverte”: é preciso proteger os adolescentes ofensores sexuais

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    This text deals with a part of the research-action “Multifamiliar groups with sexual offender adolescents” and emphasizes the written production of the adolescents during the process. two texts were involved: the first one was a letter addressed to the parents and the second was an evaluation of the multifamiliar group. Seven adolescents between 14 and 17 years old wrote the texts. About the first text we discussed: the adolescent as responsible for the domestic work; the adolescent and his need to receive support and protection and the adolescent and the recognition of his growth phase. about the second text: the feelings of the adolescent regarding sexual abuse; the relation with the institution that carries out the intervention; the symbols that identify his ambivalence. We comment about the sexual abuse practiced by these adolescents as from two main points: the adolescence seen as a development phase and the role played by the family in the conduction of this phase.Este texto trata de una parte de la investigación- acción “Grupos multifamiliares con adolescentes delincuentes sexuales” y enfatiza en la producción escrita de los adolescentes durante el proceso. Se involucraron dos textos: el primero fue una carta dirigida a los padres y el segundo fue una evaluación del grupo multifamiliar. Siete adolescentes entre 14 y 17 años escribieron los textos. acerca del primer texto, discutimos: el adolescente es responsable del trabajo doméstico; el adolescente y su necesidad de recibir apoyo y protección; y el adolescente y el reconocimiento de su fase de crecimiento. Sobre el segundo texto: los sentimientos del adolescente acerca del abuso sexual; la relación con la institución que lleva a cabo la intervención; los símbolos que identifican su ambivalencia. Finalmente, comentamos acerca del abuso sexual practicado por estos adolescentes desde dos puntos de vista principales: la adolescencia vista como una fase de desarrollo y el rol jugado por la familia en la conducción de esta fase.This text deals with a part of the research-action “Multifamiliar groups with sexual offender adolescents” and emphasizes the written production of the adolescents during the process. two texts were involved: the first one was a letter addressed to the parents and the second was an evaluation of the multifamiliar group. Seven adolescents between 14 and 17 years old wrote the texts. About the first text we discussed: the adolescent as responsible for the domestic work; the adolescent and his need to receive support and protection and the adolescent and the recognition of his growth phase. about the second text: the feelings of the adolescent regarding sexual abuse; the relation with the institution that carries out the intervention; the symbols that identify his ambivalence. We comment about the sexual abuse practiced by these adolescents as from two main points: the adolescence seen as a development phase and the role played by the family in the conduction of this phase


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    Objetivou-se conhecer aspectos da violência sexual e adesão das vítimas ao seguimento ambulatorial.Estudo transversal, com coleta retrospectiva de dados em um serviço de referência no estado do Paraná. Acoleta foi realizada de fevereiro a maio de 2014 mediante fichas de notificação de 2009 a 2013. Foram atendidos1272 agredidos sexualmente, sendo 53,46% deles com idade entre 12 e 18 anos e 94,65%, mulheres. Em maisda metade dos casos, o agressor era desconhecido (53,38%), a agressão ocorreu nas residências (39,30%)e vias públicas (35%), à noite (50,33%) e, em 96,67% dos casos, houve penetração vaginal. A indicação daProfilaxia Pós-Exposição às vítimas ocorreu em 76,4% e a contracepção de emergência foi administrada em64,77% das mulheres. Apenas 19,54% completaram o seguimento ambulatorial. As evidências indicam anecessidade de estratégias de atendimento que motivem a vítima de violência sexual a finalizar o tratamento.El objetivo del estudio fue conocer aspectosde la violencia sexual y adhesión de las víctimas alprocedimiento ambulatorial. Estudio transversal cuyosdatos fueron obtenidos de modo retrospectivo en unservicio de referencia en el estado de Paraná. Los datosfueron recogidos de febrero a mayo de 2014 por medio defichas de notificación de 2009 a 2013. Fueron atendidos1272 agredidos sexualmente, siendo la edad de 53,46% deellos entre 12 y 18 años y 94,65%, mujeres. En más de lamitad de los casos, el agresor era desconocido (53,38%),la agresión ocurrió en las residencias (39,30%) y localespúblicos (35%), por la noche (50,33%) y, en 96,67% delos casos, hubo penetración vaginal. La indicación de laProfilaxia Pos Exposicón a las víctimas ocurrió en 76,4%y la contracepción de emergencia fue administrada en64,77% de las mujeres. Solamente 19,54% completaronel procedimiento ambulatorial. Las evidencias apuntan lanecesidad de estrategias de atendimiento que ayuden lavíctima de violencia sexual a finalizar el tratamiento.The aim was to investigate aspects of sexualviolence and the victims’ adherence to outpatient follow-up. This transversal study involved retrospective datacollection in a specialized service in the Brazilian state ofParaná. The collection was undertaken between Februaryand May 2014 from the notification files of 2009 – 2013.A total of 1,272 persons who had been the victims ofsexual assault was attended; 53.46% of them were agedbetween 12 and 18 years old, and 94.65% were female. Inmore than half of the cases, the aggressor was unknown(53.38%), the aggression took place in homes (39.30%) andon public highways (35%), at night (50.33%) and, in 96.67%of cases, there was vaginal penetration. Indication of Post-Exposure Prophylaxis to the victims took place in 76.4%of cases and emergency contraception was administeredto 64.77% of the women. Only 19.54% completed theoutpatient follow-up. The evidence indicates the need forattendance strategies which motivate the victim of sexualviolence to complete treatment

    Guidelines for the use and interpretation of assays for monitoring autophagy (4th edition)

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    “Ministério da Obrigação adverte”: é preciso proteger os adolescentes ofensores sexuais

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    Este texto trata de una parte de la investigación- acción “Grupos multifamiliares con adolescentes delincuentes sexuales” y enfatiza en la producción escrita de los adolescentes durante el proceso. Se involucraron dos textos: el primero fue una carta dirigida a los padres y el segundo fue una evaluación del grupo multifamiliar. Siete adolescentes entre 14 y 17 años escribieron los textos. acerca del primer texto, discutimos: el adolescente es responsable del trabajo doméstico; el adolescente y su necesidad de recibir apoyo y protección; y el adolescente y el reconocimiento de su fase de crecimiento. Sobre el segundo texto: los sentimientos del adolescente acerca del abuso sexual; la relación con la institución que lleva a cabo la intervención; los símbolos que identifican su ambivalencia. Finalmente, comentamos acerca del abuso sexual practicado por estos adolescentes desde dos puntos de vista principales: la adolescencia vista como una fase de desarrollo y el rol jugado por la familia en la conducción de esta fase.This text deals with a part of the research-action “Multifamiliar groups with sexual offender adolescents” and emphasizes the written production of the adolescents during the process. two texts were involved: the first one was a letter addressed to the parents and the second was an evaluation of the multifamiliar group. Seven adolescents between 14 and 17 years old wrote the texts. About the first text we discussed: the adolescent as responsible for the domestic work; the adolescent and his need to receive support and protection and the adolescent and the recognition of his growth phase. about the second text: the feelings of the adolescent regarding sexual abuse; the relation with the institution that carries out the intervention; the symbols that identify his ambivalence. We comment about the sexual abuse practiced by these adolescents as from two main points: the adolescence seen as a development phase and the role played by the family in the conduction of this phase.This text deals with a part of the research-action “Multifamiliar groups with sexual offender adolescents” and emphasizes the written production of the adolescents during the process. two texts were involved: the first one was a letter addressed to the parents and the second was an evaluation of the multifamiliar group. Seven adolescents between 14 and 17 years old wrote the texts. About the first text we discussed: the adolescent as responsible for the domestic work; the adolescent and his need to receive support and protection and the adolescent and the recognition of his growth phase. about the second text: the feelings of the adolescent regarding sexual abuse; the relation with the institution that carries out the intervention; the symbols that identify his ambivalence. We comment about the sexual abuse practiced by these adolescents as from two main points: the adolescence seen as a development phase and the role played by the family in the conduction of this phase

    “Ministério da Obrigação adverte”: é preciso proteger os adolescentes ofensores sexuais

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    Este texto trata de una parte de la investigación- acción “Grupos multifamiliares con adolescentes delincuentes sexuales” y enfatiza en la producción escrita de los adolescentes durante el proceso. Se involucraron dos textos: el primero fue una carta dirigida a los padres y el segundo fue una evaluación del grupo multifamiliar. Siete adolescentes entre 14 y 17 años escribieron los textos. acerca del primer texto, discutimos: el adolescente es responsable del trabajo doméstico; el adolescente y su necesidad de recibir apoyo y protección; y el adolescente y el reconocimiento de su fase de crecimiento. Sobre el segundo texto: los sentimientos del adolescente acerca del abuso sexual; la relación con la institución que lleva a cabo la intervención; los símbolos que identifican su ambivalencia. Finalmente, comentamos acerca del abuso sexual practicado por estos adolescentes desde dos puntos de vista principales: la adolescencia vista como una fase de desarrollo y el rol jugado por la familia en la conducción de esta fase.This text deals with a part of the research-action “Multifamiliar groups with sexual offender adolescents” and emphasizes the written production of the adolescents during the process. two texts were involved: the first one was a letter addressed to the parents and the second was an evaluation of the multifamiliar group. Seven adolescents between 14 and 17 years old wrote the texts. About the first text we discussed: the adolescent as responsible for the domestic work; the adolescent and his need to receive support and protection and the adolescent and the recognition of his growth phase. about the second text: the feelings of the adolescent regarding sexual abuse; the relation with the institution that carries out the intervention; the symbols that identify his ambivalence. We comment about the sexual abuse practiced by these adolescents as from two main points: the adolescence seen as a development phase and the role played by the family in the conduction of this phase.This text deals with a part of the research-action “Multifamiliar groups with sexual offender adolescents” and emphasizes the written production of the adolescents during the process. two texts were involved: the first one was a letter addressed to the parents and the second was an evaluation of the multifamiliar group. Seven adolescents between 14 and 17 years old wrote the texts. About the first text we discussed: the adolescent as responsible for the domestic work; the adolescent and his need to receive support and protection and the adolescent and the recognition of his growth phase. about the second text: the feelings of the adolescent regarding sexual abuse; the relation with the institution that carries out the intervention; the symbols that identify his ambivalence. We comment about the sexual abuse practiced by these adolescents as from two main points: the adolescence seen as a development phase and the role played by the family in the conduction of this phase

    "El Ministerio de Obligación advierte": es necesario proteger a los adolescentes delincuentes sexuales

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    Este texto trata de una parte de la investigación- acción “Grupos multifamiliares con adolescentes delincuentes sexuales” y enfatiza en la producción escrita de los adolescentes durante el proceso. Se involucraron dos textos: el primero fue una carta dirigida a los padres y el segundo fue una evaluación del grupo multifamiliar. Siete adolescentes entre 14 y 17 años escribieron los textos. acerca del primer texto, discutimos: el adolescente es responsable del trabajo doméstico; el adolescente y su necesidad de recibir apoyo y protección; y el adolescente y el reconocimiento de su fase de crecimiento. Sobre el segundo texto: los sentimientos del adolescente acerca del abuso sexual; la relación con la institución que lleva a cabo la intervención; los símbolos que identifican su ambivalencia. Finalmente, comentamos acerca del abuso sexual practicado por estos adolescentes desde dos puntos de vista principales: la adolescencia vista como una fase de desarrollo y el rol jugado por la familia en la conducción de esta fase