3,455 research outputs found


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    ABSTRACT RIANA. 8105102920. Correlation Between Self-Directed Learning And Learning Outcomes On Students Office Administration Departements At Smk Tirta Sari Surya Jakarta. Scientific Paper, Jakarta: Concentration of Office Administration Study Program of Economics Education, Department Economics Administration, Faculty of Economic, State University of Jakarta, 2015. The purpose of this research is to detect correlation between Self-Directed Learning And Learning Outcomes On Students Office Administration Departements At Smk Tirta Sari Surya Jakarta. The research is done during for four months since November 2014 to April 2015. The method of research is survey method with correlation approach. The population research was all of students with total 320 students, and 100 students for sampling and used proportional random sampling. Instrumen that used to get variable data X (Self-Directed) measured by questionnaire using Likert Scale. For Variabel Y (Learning Outcomes) was measured by average value of Learning Outcome from student. The analysis test by finding regression equation, that is Y = 45.18 + 0.435X, while analysis rules test that is test normalitas while analysis rules test that is test normalitas regression estimation error Y on X with test liliefors got Lhitung 0.064 Ftabel 3.96 that declare regression very mean with regression linearity test that produce Fhitung 1.13 < Ftabel 1.67 that show that regression model that used linear. Correlation coefficient hypothesis test is done with formula product moment produce rxy as big as 0.507. Significancy test with thitung as big as 5.82 dan ttabel 1.66. Because tcount < ttabel, from watchfulness result so researcher can conclude that found connection significant between self directed learning with learning outcomes on students office administration department at SMK Tirta Sari Surya Jakarta. Determination coefficient test produces KD as big as 25.70% So can be taken conclusion found which are positive connection and significant between self directed learning and learning outcomes

    Kemampuan Membaca Kritis di Tinjau dari Kemampuan Berpikir Kritis dan Minat Membaca pada Siswa Kelas VIII SMP Negeri 3 Gunungsitoli

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kemampuan membaca kritis ditinjau dari kemampuan berpikir kritis dan minat membaca pada siswa kelas VIII SMPN 3 Gunungsitoli. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian expostfacto. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah keseluruhan siswa kelas VIII SMPN 3 Gunungsitoli yang berjumlah 159 siswa. Sebanyak 106 siswa di pilih sebagai sampel yang ditentukan dengan teknik random sampling. Data kemampuan membaca kritis dan berpikir kritis dikumpulkan dengan menggunakan tes esai, sedangkan data minat membaca menggunakan kuesioner. Data dianalisis dengan menggunakan Anava dua arah berbantuan SPSS17.00 for windows. Penelitian menunjukkan hasil sebagai berikut. Pertama, terdapat perbedaan kemampuan membaca kritis ditinjau dari kemampuan berpikir kritis. Kedua, terdapat perbedaan kemampuan membaca kritis ditinjau dari minat membaca. Ketiga, terdapat pengaruh interaksi antara kemampuan berpikir kritis dan minat membaca terhadap kemampuan membaca kritis. Kempat, terdapat perbedaan kemampuan membaca kritis pada siswa yang memiliki berpikir kritis tinggi dengan siswa yang memiliki minat baca tinggi dengan minat baca rendah. Kelima, terdapat perbedaan kemampuan membaca kritis pada siswa yang memiliki kemampuan berpikir kritis rendah dengan siswa yang memiliki minat baca tinggi dan minat baca rendah. Keenam, terdapat perbedaan kemampuan membaca kritis pada siswa yang memiliki minat baca tinggi dengan siswa yang memiliki kemampuan berpikir kritis tinggi dan kemampuan berpikir kritis rendah. Ketujuh, terdapat perbedaan kemampuan membaca kritis pada siswa yang memiliki minat baca rendah dengan siswa yang memiliki kemampuan berpikir kritis tinggi dan kemampuan berpikir kritis rendah


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    Abstrak: Nusa Tenggara Barat (NTB) merupakan salah satu provinsi di Indonesia yang juga merasakan dampak akibat pandemi Covid-19, salah satu sektor yang juga terkena dampak pandemi Covid-19 yaitu sektor Pendidikan. Sistem pembelajaran daring (dalam jaringan) menjadi pilihan yang dilakukan oleh pemerintah agar kegiatan belajar mengajar (KBM) di masa pendemi Covid-19 tetap berjalan, sekalipun banyak kendala yang dirasakan oleh semua pihak. Universitas Nahdlatul Ulama (UNU) NTB salah satu universitas swasta di Nusa Tenggara Barat juga melakukan sistem perkuliahan daring selama masa pandemi covid-19, perubahan sistem ini mendorong peneliti untuk melakukan penelitian internal kampus di Universitas Nahdlatul Ulama NTB untuk mengetahui motivasi belajar mahasiswa selama masa pandemi covid-19. Adapaun instrument yang peneliti gunakan pada penelitian ini yaitu kuesioner, sedangkan sampel penelitian yaitu mahasiswa Universitas Nahdlatul Ulama NTB yang aktif mengikuti perkuliahan daring selama masa pandemi covid-19. Ada 3 variabel yang peneliti gunakan untuk mengukur motivasi belajar mahasiswa selama masa pandemik covid-19, yaitu: menyelesaikan tugas mandiri (problem solving), kejujuran (responsibility), dan semangat mencari literasi (digital literacy). Hasil penelitian menujukkan bahwa sekalipun perkuliahan di masa pandemic covid-19 dilakukan secara daring tidak mengurangi motivasi belajar mahasiswa Universitas Nahdlatul Ulama NTB, hal ini dibuktikan dengan presentasi hasil analisis kuesioner setiap butirnya berkisar antara 65% sampai dengan 89%.Abstract:  West Nusa Tenggara (NTB) is one of the provinces in Indonesia that also felt the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic, one of the sectors also affected by the Covid-19 pandemic, namely the Education sector. Online learning system (online) is an option made by the government so that teaching and learning activities (KBM) in the era of Covid-19 protesters continue to run, despite many obstacles felt by all parties. Nahdlatul Ulama University (UNU) NTB one of the private universities in West Nusa Tenggara also conducted an online lecture system during the covid-19 pandemic, this system change encouraged researchers to conduct internal campus research at Nahdlatul Ulama Ntb University to find out the motivation of student learning during the covid-19 pandemic. The instrument that researchers used in this study is a questionnaire, while the research sample is a student of Nahdlatul Ulama University NTB who actively participated in online lectures during the covid-19 pandemic. There are 3 variables that researchers use to measure students' learning motivation during the covid-19 pandemic, namely: completing independent tasks (problem solving), honesty (responsibility), and the spirit of seeking literacy (digital literacy). The results of the study showed that even though lectures during the pandemic covid-19 conducted online did not reduce the motivation of students studying Nahdlatul Ulama NTB University, this is evidenced by the presentation of questionnaire analysis results of each item ranging from 65% to 89%


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    ABSTRAKKeadaan latar belakang ekonomi para wali santri rata-rata menengah kebawah sehingga tidak semua santri mampu membayar iuran bulanan yang dibebankan oleh pengurus yayasan. Apalagi pada saat pandemi seperti sekarang, banyak wali santri yang tidak ada pekerjaan sama sekali. Sehingga, pengurus Yayasan Daarul Hufadz Al-Amiin tidak bisa lagi memberikan tunjangan kepada para guru. Berdasarkan kondisi tersebut, kami ingin memberikan pelatihan budidaya cacing tanah kepada pengurus Yayasan Daarul Hufadz Al-Amiin, agar lembaga tahfizdul qur’an ini menjadi lembaga yang mandiri dari segi ekonomi. Di sisi lain, lokasi Yayasan Daarul Hufadz Al-Amiin ini berada tidak jauh dari pasar tradisional kecamatan pringgarata, sehingga banyak limbah sayuran yang bisa dimanfaatkan sebagai bahan untuk budidaya cacing tanah. Selain itu, kotoran ayam petelur dari pengusaha ayam petelur di sekitar Yayasan Daarul Hufadz Al-Amiin bisa digunakan sebagai bahan pakan cacing tanah. Kegiatan pengabdian ini dilaksanakan mulai dari kegiatan pelatihan yang diisi dengan pemberian materi dan praktek, pendampingan, monitoring dan evaluasi. Adapun peserta pelatihan yaitu semua pengurus Yayasan Daarul Hufadz Al-Amin dan para guru, para peserta sangat antusias dalam mengikuti pelatihan karena bagi mereka pelatihan budidaya cacing tanah ini adalah hal yang baru. Adapun beberapa materi pelatihan yaitu mulai dari pembuatan media, pemberian pakan, perawatan, hingga tehnik memanen. Pelatihan ini diakhiri dengan kegiatan pemberian bibit cacing tanah lumbrecus rubelus dari pihak pelaksana PKM kepada pengurus yayasan Daarul Hufadz Al-Amin sebagai modal awal untuk memulai usaha budidaya cacing tanah. Berdasarkan data hasil kegiatan PKM yang telah dilakukan dapat disimpulkan bahwa keterampilan berbudidaya cacing tanah sudah dilakukan dan pihak mitra mampu melaksanakan kegiatan tersebut meliputi persiapan media, pembuatan pakan, perawatan. Selain itu, hampir semua pengurus dari pihak mitra menyatakan bahwa pelatihan budidaya cacing tanah ini bermanfaat. Kata kunci: budidaya; cacing tanah; pandemic covid-19; usaha alternatif. ABSTRACTThe state of the economic background of the guardians of the students is on average lower middle so that not all students can afford to pay monthly dues charged by the board of the foundation. No longer at a pandemic time like now, many parents have no job at all. Thus, the board of Daarul Hufadz Al-Amiin Foundation can no longer provide benefits to teachers. therefore, we want to provide training on the cultivation of earthworms to the board of Daarul Hufadz Al-Amiin Foundation, so that this qur'an tahfizdul institution becomes an independent institution in terms of economy. On the other hand, the location of Daarul Hufadz Al-Amiin Foundation is located not far from the traditional market of pringgarata subdistrict, so that a lot of vegetable waste can be used as an ingredient for the cultivation of earthworms. In addition, laying chicken manure from laying hen entrepreneurs around the Daarul Hufadz Al-Amiin Foundation can be used as feed material for earthworms. This devotional activity is carried out starting from training activities filled with materials and practices, mentoring, monitoring and evaluation. The participants of the training are all administrators of Daarul Hufadz Al-Amin Foundation and teachers, the participants are very enthusiastic in participating in the training because for them this earthworm cultivation training is a new thing. The training materials are ranging from media making, feeding, care, to harvesting techniques. This training ended with the activity of giving earthworm seeds lumbrecus rubelus from the implementing party of PKM to the board of the foundation Daarul Hufadz Al-Amin as the initial capital to start a business of earthworm cultivation. Based on the data of pkm activities that have been done can be concluded that the skills of earthworm cultivation has been done and the partners are able to carry out such activities including media preparation, feed making, maintenance. In addition, almost all administrators from the partner side stated that this earthworm cultivation training is useful. Keywords: cultivation; earthworms; pandemic covid-19; alternative business

    The Development of Bilingual Teaching Materials on Mathematical Logic Based on Integrated Mathematics

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    This research aims to develop bilingual teaching materials mathematical logic integrated with Islamic religious values, to more easily convey mathematical materials with everyday life. This development research uses 4D models (define, design, devlop, disseminate). The subject of this study is student of university nahdlatul ulama west nusa tenggara. The instruments used are satisfaction questionnaires and validation questionnaires. Validity includes expert media validation, linguist validation, and validation of the substance of mathematical material. Research results based on expert validation include aspects of the feasibility of teaching materials getting a score of 91.5% with very decent criteria, and aspects of the validity of teaching materials reaching 210 with “highly valid” criteria, aspects of practicality of teaching materials reaching 90%. Based on these results, the bilingual teaching material integrated mathematical logic developed practically and validly for use


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    Abstrak: Lembar Kerja Siswa (LKS) sebagai salah satu dari perangkat pembelajaran dianggap memiliki materi yang lebih ringkas, dengan latihan-latihan yang dapat membuat siswa menemukan sendiri konsep, teorema, rumus dan sebagainya. Di sisi lain, seorang pendidik sekarang dituntut untuk membentuk watak serta peradaban peserta didik. Sedangkan content (isi) dari Lembar Kerja Siswa (LKS) yang ada saat ini masisangat kurang dengan nilai-nilai sebagaimana yang tercantum pada Undang-Undang RI No. 20 tahun 2003. Oleh karena itu, pelaksana memberikan pelatihan penysusunan LKS berbasis Matematika Terintegrasi bagi guru. Adapun metode yang pelaksana gunakan dalam melakukan pelatihan ini dibagi menjadi tiga tahapan yaitu: (1) Materi; (2) Pelatihan pnysusunan LKS berbasis Matematika Terintegrasi, dan; (3) Melakukan monitoring dan evaluasi. Berdasarkan hasil kegiatan yang telah dilakukan dapat disimpulkan bahwa keterampilan (skill) mitra sangat baik yaitu sebesar 90% untuk menyusun LKS Matematika berbasis matematika terintegrasi pada materi himpunan.Abstract: Student Worksheet (LKS) as one of the learning devices is considered to have more concise material, with exercises that can make students discover for themselves concepts, theorems, formulas and so on. On the other hand, an educator is now required to shape the character and civilization of learners.While the content (content) of the student worksheet (LKS) that exists today is still very lacking with the values as stated in The Indonesian Law No. 20 of 2003. Therefore, the implementer provided integrated Mathematics-based mathematics LKS training for mathematics teachers at Al-Ikhlashiyah Islamic Junior High School. The methods that implementers use in conducting this training are divided into three stages, namely: (1) Material; (2) integrated mathematis based student worksheet preparation training, and; (3) Monitoring and evaluation. Based on the results of the activities that have been carried out, it can be concluded that the skills of math teachers are very good which is 90% to compile mathematics-based mathematics student worksheet integrated on the set material


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    This study aims to analyze the difficulties of students in working on questions about opportunities in class IX Middle School students in one school in Nagreg. The research method used is a qualitative description method. The study was conducted with a sample of 27 students. The test questions given are in the form of 6 descriptive test questions that have a cognitive level based on Bloom's Taxonomy that has been validated both in content and empirical. Data processing techniques namely through data tabulation, then calculating of percentages and comparing the results of calculations with criteria. The results of the study state that students find it difficult to determine the empirical opportunity of an experiment and determine the sample space of an experiment at a high cognitive level (C6). Difficulties arise because students are unfamiliar with the concept, students do not understand the material, have not been able to conceptualize and analyze correctly, also weak mastery and understanding of existing concepts. So this indicates that there are still many students who have difficulty in solving the problem opportunity


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    The purpose of this research is to test whether the adversity quotient, business capital, family background and knowledge of entrepreneurship have an effect on student motivation for entrepreneurship. The data in this study were obtained through the distribution of questionnaires to 130 students in the Special Region of Yogyakarta. Based on the results of the analysis of existing data, the findings of this study indicate the following. First, the adversity quotient has a positive effect on student entrepreneurship motivation. Second, business capital has no effect on student motivation in entrepreneurship. Third, family background has a positive effect on student entrepreneurship motivation. Fourth, the provision of entrepreneurship knowledge has a positive effect on student entrepreneurship motivation.Makasud penelitian ini menguji apakah adversity quotient, modal untuk usaha, latar belakang pada keluarga serta bekal ilmu berwirausaha berpengaruh pada motivasi mahasiswa dalam berwirausaha. Dalam penelitian ini, data yang digunakan diperoleh melalui pembagian kuesioner kepada 130 responden mahasiswa yang bertempat tinggal di lingkungan D.I. Yogyakarta. Berdasar hasil analisis data yang ada, temuan pada penelitian ini menunjukkan seperti berikut. Pertama, adversity quotient berpengaruh positif pada motivasi mahasiswa dalam berwirausaha.  Kedua, modal untuk usaha tidak berpengaruh terhadap motivasi mahasiswa dalam berwirausaha. Ketiga, latar belakang pada keluarga berpengaruh positif terhadap motivasi mahasiswa dalam berwirausaha.  Keempat, bekal ilmu berwirausaha berpengaruh positif terhadap motivasi mahasiswa dalam berwirausaha
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