9 research outputs found

    Máquina despulpadora de cacao con sistema remoto a distancia

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    Una máquina despulpadora de cacao que cuenta con un sensor capacitivo conectado con un PLC y configurado para accionarse de manera automática y a distancia al detectar el cacao, cortando el cacao a través de su mecanismo de corte y seleccionado los granos a través de un cilindro perforado

    Estilo de liderazgo directivo y desempeño docente de la I.E. Pública No. 1182 "El Bosque" y la I.E. Privada "Gakusei" de san Juan de Lurgancho, Lima - 2011

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    La presente investigación tuvo como objetivo principal: “Determinar la relación del liderazgo directivo con el desempeño docente de la I.E. pública Nº 1182 “El Bosque” y la I.E. privada “Gakusei” de San Juan de Lurigancho, Lima – 2011”. El tipo de investigación es aplicada descriptivo, cuyo método es el hipotético deductivo, de diseño no experimental: transversal - correlacional, porque determinamos las relaciones entre dos variables en un determinado momento; la muestra seleccionada de la población conformado por docentes y directivos de ambas instituciones, fueron 121 sujetos; la Institución Educativa Particular “Gakusei” estuvo conformado por 4 directivos y 21 docentes, mientras que en la Institución Educativa Pública Nº 1182 “El Bosque”, se conformó por 3 directivos y 93 docentes. Para la recopilación de datos se empleó como instrumento un cuestionario de preguntas cerradas sobre liderazgo directivo y desempeño docente. El estudio concluyó aceptando la hipótesis principal, los resultados de la prueba de la hipótesis general, el nivel de significancia (0.000) es menor a 0.05, por lo que se rechaza la hipótesis nula, y se acepta la hipótesis general; se encontró una relación lineal estadísticamente significativa muy alta y directamente proporcional entre estilo de liderazgo directivo y desempeño docente de la I.E. pública Nº 1182 “El Bosque” y la I.E. privada “Gakusei” de San Juan de Lurigancho, Lima – 2011 (rs = 0.951, p < 0.05

    Máquina automática moledora de semillas con embolsadora de harinas

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    La presente invencion se refiere a una maquina automatica moledora de semillas con embolsadora de harinas la cual comprende al menos un motor conectado con un mecanismo de poleas y fajas para el movimiento rotacional del eje de un molino; un cernidor con movimiento vibratorio generado por el al menos un motor, este cernidor esta dispuesto en linea en la salida del molino; un conducto a la salida del cernidor adecuado para pasar la harina hasta una manga; una celda de carga y bascula dispuesta en la base de la manga para el pesado de la harina dispuesta en la manga; un mecanismo de sellado por calor de la manga dispuesta en una parte superior de la manga, un controlador conectado con los motores y la celda de carga-bascula

    Search and classify topics in a corpus of text using the latent dirichlet allocation model

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    This work aims at discovering topics in a text corpus and classifying the most relevant terms for each of the discovered topics. The process was performed in four steps: first, document extraction and data processing; second, labeling and training of the data; third, labeling of the unseen data; and fourth, evaluation of the model performance. For processing, a total of 10,322 "curriculum" documents related to data science were collected from the web during 2018-2022. The latent dirichlet allocation (LDA) model was used for the analysis and structure of the subjects. After processing, 12 themes were generated, which allowed ranking the most relevant terms to identify the skills of each of the candidates. This work concludes that candidates interested in data science must have skills in the following topics: first, they must be technical, they must have mastery of structured query language, mastery of programming languages such as R, Python, java, and data management, among other tools associated with the technology.Campus Lima Centr

    Estilo de liderazgo directivo y desempeño docente de la I.E. Pública No. 1182 "El Bosque" y la I.E. Privada "Gakusei" de san Juan de Lurgancho, Lima - 2011

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    La presente investigación tuvo como objetivo principal: “Determinar la relación del liderazgo directivo con el desempeño docente de la I.E. pública Nº 1182 “El Bosque” y la I.E. privada “Gakusei” de San Juan de Lurigancho, Lima – 2011”. El tipo de investigación es aplicada descriptivo, cuyo método es el hipotético deductivo, de diseño no experimental: transversal - correlacional, porque determinamos las relaciones entre dos variables en un determinado momento; la muestra seleccionada de la población conformado por docentes y directivos de ambas instituciones, fueron 121 sujetos; la Institución Educativa Particular “Gakusei” estuvo conformado por 4 directivos y 21 docentes, mientras que en la Institución Educativa Pública Nº 1182 “El Bosque”, se conformó por 3 directivos y 93 docentes. Para la recopilación de datos se empleó como instrumento un cuestionario de preguntas cerradas sobre liderazgo directivo y desempeño docente. El estudio concluyó aceptando la hipótesis principal, los resultados de la prueba de la hipótesis general, el nivel de significancia (0.000) es menor a 0.05, por lo que se rechaza la hipótesis nula, y se acepta la hipótesis general; se encontró una relación lineal estadísticamente significativa muy alta y directamente proporcional entre estilo de liderazgo directivo y desempeño docente de la I.E. pública Nº 1182 “El Bosque” y la I.E. privada “Gakusei” de San Juan de Lurigancho, Lima – 2011 (rs = 0.951, p < 0.05

    Digital Tool for Film Promotion Through the Use of Augmented Reality

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    After the isolation caused by the pandemic, the entertainment sector has been forced to change the way it markets its products and services, and users have been adapting to the change. Companies dedicated to the film industry have had to bet on digital marketing to attract customers through the promotion and advertising of movies, thus attracting a larger audience to their theaters. The objective of this research article is to provide added value and innovation to the advertising promotions of movies in the premiere, through the development of a mobile application based on augmented reality to improve customers’ shopping experience. For which the Agile Mobile-D Methodology was used for the development of the application and the results were studied using 5 indicators: Time to choose a movie, where an improvement of 38.26% was obtained compared to the Pre-Test; regarding the indicator time to acquire information about the movie, an improvement of 81.33% was obtained. 33%; concerning the third indicator, time to initiate the purchase, an improvement of 88% was obtained; concerning the fourth indicator, time to obtain a reminder, an improvement of 83.33% was obtained, making the time with the use of the application shorter; finally, concerning the customer satisfaction indicator, 73% of the users who used the application rated their experience as between satisfied and very satisfied

    Contributions of the 5G Network with Respect to Decent Work and Economic Growth (Sustainable Development Goal 8): A Systematic Review of the Literature

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    Decent work and economic growth are fundamental elements for the sustainable development of a society, with Sustainable Development Goal 8 (SDG8) being one of the key objectives of the United Nations’ 2030 Agenda. The 5G network has great potential to contribute significantly to the achievement of SDG8, offering faster and more reliable connectivity, which opens up new possibilities for innovation, operational efficiency, and job creation. The present study aimed to investigate the role of 5G technologies concerning decent work and economic growth (SDG8). As part of the method, 265 articles extracted from main databases such as Scopus, IEEExplore, and ScienceDirect were analyzed using the PRISMA methodology, resulting in 74 relevant articles after applying the inclusion and exclusion criteria. As a result, a greater contribution to the use of the 5G network was identified in sectors such as manufacturing, health, and transportation, generating greater economic growth and job creation. It was also found that the technological applications with the greatest contributions are “Internet of Things” and “Artificial intelligence”. Finally, it was concluded that the results of this review are useful for future research on technologies that support 5G networks, contributing to economic growth and equitable and sustainable decent work in a wide range of sectors and rural areas

    Self-Regulated Learning of University Students: A Bibliometric Review in Scopus

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    A student's ability to structure, monitor and evaluate his or her own learning is known as self-regulated learning and is characterized as a process of self-reflection and action. The present study aimed to conduct a worldwide literature review in Scopus on self-regulated learning of university students during the period 2003-2023. It was a bibliometric analysis that defined the metrics of scientific production. The indicators were obtained from 615 documents chosen from the Scopus database using keywords in English ("self-regulated learning", "university students"). The results show that between 2017 and 2022 there was a spike in the number of papers published on the subject (51.5%). The highest scientific production rate is found in the United States (13.8%; n=105), and the highest publication rate in the Education University of Hong Kong (n=10). The journals Asia Pacific Education Researcher, Learning and Individual Differences and Sustainability Switzerland published 10 papers each, while the most cited journal was Computers and Education with 1061, with authors Liang, J.C. and Tsai, C.C., being the most cited (n=7 papers, 338 citations). From the studies analyzed, it is concluded that self-regulated learning in university students has increased in production, authorship and thematic diversity, with changes depending on the social, cognitive and academic development of the students, as well as the process in different educational environments and pedagogical practices