98 research outputs found

    A General Filter for Stretched-Grid Models: Application in Two-Dimension Polar Geometry

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    Variable-resolution grids are used in global atmospheric models to improve the representation of regional scales over an area of interest: they have reduced computational cost compared to uniform high-resolution grids, and avoid the nesting issues of limited-area models. To address some concerns associated with the stretching and anisotropy of the variable-resolution computational grid, a general convolution filter operator was developed.\ud \ud The convolution filter that was initially applied in Cartesian geometry in a companion paper is here adapted to cylindrical polar coordinates as an intermediate step toward spherical polar latitude–longitude grids. Both polar grids face the so-called “pole problem” because of the convergence of meridians at the poles.\ud \ud In this work the authors will present some details related to the adaptation of the filter to cylindrical polar coordinates for both uniform as well as stretched grids. The results show that the developed operator is skillful in removing the extraneous fine scales around the pole, with a computational cost smaller than that of common polar filters. The results on a stretched grid for vector and scalar test functions are satisfactory and the filter’s response can be optimized for different types of test function and noise one wishes to remove

    Energy cycle associated with inter-member variability in a large ensemble of simulations with the Canadian RCM (CRCM5)

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    In an ensemble of Regional Climate Model\ud (RCM) simulations where different members are initialised\ud at different times but driven by identical lateral\ud boundary conditions, the individual members provide\ud different, but equally acceptable, weather sequences.\ud In others words, RCM simulations exhibit the phenomenon\ud of Internal Variability (or inter-member variability—\ud IV), defined as the spread between members in an\ud ensemble of simulations. Our recent studies reveal that\ud RCM’s IV is associated with energy conversions similar\ud to those taking place in weather systems. By analogy\ud with the classical work on global energetics of weather\ud systems, a formulation of an energy cycle for IV has been\ud developed that is applicable over limited-area domains.\ud Prognostic equations for ensemble-mean kinetic energy\ud and available enthalpy are decomposed into contributions\ud due to ensemble-mean variables and those due to\ud deviations from the ensemble mean (IV). Together these\ud equations constitute an energy cycle for IV in ensemble\ud simulations of an RCM. A 50-member ensemble of\ud 1-year simulations that differ only in their initial conditions\ud was performed with the fifth-generation Canadian\ud RCM (CRCM5) over an eastern North America domain.\ud The various energy reservoirs of IV and exchange terms\ud between reservoirs were evaluated; the results show a\ud remarkably close parallel between the energy conversions\ud associated with IV in ensemble simulations of RCM and the energy conversions taking place in weather systems\ud in the real atmosphere

    An approximate energy cycle for inter-member variability in ensemble simulations of a regional climate model

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    The presence of internal variability (IV) in ensembles of nested regional climate model (RCM) simulations is now widely acknowledged in the community working on dynamical downscaling. IV is defined as the inter-member spread between members in an ensemble of simulations performed by a given RCM driven by identical lateral boundary conditions (LBC), where different members are being initialised at different times. The physical mechanisms responsible for the time variations and structure of such IV have only recently begun to receive attention. Recent studies have shown empirical evidence of a close parallel between the energy conversions associated with the time fluctuations of IV in ensemble simulations of RCM and the energy conversions taking place in weather systems. Inspired by the classical work on global energetics of weather systems, we sought a formulation of an energy cycle for IV that would be applicable for limited-area domain. We develop here a novel formalism based on local energetics that can be applied to further our understanding IV. Prognostic equations for ensemble-mean kinetic energy and available enthalpy are decomposed into contributions due to ensemble-mean variables (EM) and those due to deviations from the ensemble mean (IV). Together these equations constitute an energy cycle for IV in ensemble simulations of RCM. Although the energy cycle for IV was developed in a context entirely different from that of energetics of weather systems, the exchange terms between the various reservoirs have a rather similar mathematical form, which facilitates some interpretations of their physical meaning

    Singular vectors in atmospheric sciences: A review

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    AbstractDuring the last decade, singular vectors (SVs) have received a lot of attention in the research and operational communities especially due to their use in ensemble forecasting and targeting of observations. SVs represent the orthogonal set of perturbations that, according to linear theory, will grow fastest over a finite‐time interval with respect to a specific metric. Hence, the study of SVs gives information about the dynamics and structure of rapidly growing and finite-time instabilities representing an important step toward a better understanding of perturbations evolution in the atmosphere. This paper reviews the SV formulation and gives a brief overview of their recent applications in atmospheric sciences. A particular attention is accorded to the SV sensitivity to different parameters such as optimization time interval, norm, horizontal resolution and tangent linear model, various choices leading to different initial structures and evolutions

    Simulation of temperate freezing lakes by one-dimensional lake models : performance assessment for interactive coupling with regional climate models

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    A systematic assessment of the ability of two selected 1-D lake models (the model of S.W. Hostetler and the Freshwater Lake model) to simulate lake surface temperature and fluxes for different lake conditions, corresponding to typical temperate freezing lakes of North America, through a set of offline tests, is presented. Results suggest that both models perform well in shallow lakes, while important differences between modelled and observed water temperatures and ice-cover duration can be noticed in deeper lakes. These differences could be partially attributed to the biases in the driving data and most importantly to the lack of representation of complex processes in the models, such as horizontal transfer of water and heat, ice drift, etc. Sensitivity of the models to lake depth, water transparency, explicit snow and snow/ice albedo is presented and possible ways of improving the performance of the 1-D lake models are proposed

    Evidence of added value in North American regional climate model hindcast simulations using ever-increasing horizontal resolutions

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    Commonly termed “added value”, the additional regional details gained by high-resolution regional climate models (RCMs) over the coarser resolution reanalysis driving data are often indistinguishable at the 0.44° grid mesh computationally affordable large CORDEX domains. In an attempt to highlight the benefits of finer resolutions to study the RCM added value, five North American weather phenomena are evaluated in RCM hindcast simulations using grid meshes of 0.44°, 0.22° and 0.11° with available observations. The results show that the orographic precipitation on the west coast of North America is enhanced and more realistic, with two distinct rain bands in the finer resolution simulation. The spatial distribution of precipitation in August and the high frequency of summer precipitation extremes over southwestern United States reveal that the North American monsoon is improved with increasing resolution. Only the finer RCM simulation shows skill at producing snowbelts around the Great Lakes by capturing lake-effect snow. A comparison of wind roses in the St. Lawrence River Valley indicates that only the finer RCM simulation is able to reproduce wind channeling by resolving complex orography. Finally, the simulation of the summer land-sea breezes by the RCM simulations leads to added value in the diurnal cycle of precipitation over the Florida peninsula and the Caribbean islands. Overall, the almost systematic improvements of the finer resolution simulations suggest that higher resolutions, only computationally affordable over smaller domains, might get a higher priority to promote RCM added value

    Singular vector decomposition of the internal variability of the Canadian Regional Climate Model

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    Previous studies have shown that Regional Climate Models (RCM) internal variability (IV) fluctuates in time depending on synoptic events. This study focuses on the physical understanding of episodes with rapid growth of IV. An ensemble of 21 simulations, differing only in their initial conditions, was run over North America using version 5 of the Canadian RCM (CRCM). The IV is quantified in terms of energy of CRCM perturbations with respect to a reference simulation. The working hypothesis is that IV is arising through rapidly growing perturbations developed in dynamically unstable regions. If indeed IV is triggered by the growth of unstable perturbations, a large proportion of the CRCM perturbations must project onto the most unstable singular vectors (SVs). A set of ten SVs was computed to identify the orthogonal set of perturbations that provide the maximum growth with respect to the dry total-energy norm during the course of the CRCM ensemble of simulations. CRCM perturbations were then projected onto the subspace of SVs. The analysis of one episode of rapid growth of IV is presented in detail. It is shown that a large part of the IV growth is explained by initially small-amplitude unstable perturbations represented by the ten leading SVs, the SV subspace accounting for over 70% of the CRCM IV growth in 36 h. The projection on the leading SV at final time is greater than the projection on the remaining SVs and there is a high similarity between the CRCM perturbations and the leading SV after 24–36 h tangent-linear model integration. The vertical structure of perturbations revealed that the baroclinic conversion is the dominant process in IV growth for this particular episode

    Potential for added value in precipitation simulated by high-resolution nested Regional Climate Models and observations

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    Regional Climate Models (RCMs) constitute the most often used method to perform affordable high-resolution regional climate simulations. The key issue in the evaluation of nested regional models is to determine whether RCM simulations improve the representation of climatic statistics compared to the driving data, that is, whether RCMs add value. In this study we examine a necessary condition that some climate statistics derived from the precipitation field must satisfy in order that the RCM technique can generate some added value: we focus on whether the climate statistics of interest contain some fine spatial-scale variability that would be absent on a coarser grid. The presence and magnitude of fine-scale precipitation variance required to adequately describe a given climate statistics will then be used to quantify the potential added value (PAV) of RCMs. Our results show that the PAV of RCMs is much higher for short temporal scales (e.g., 3-hourly data) than for long temporal scales (16-day average data) due to the filtering resulting from the time-averaging process. PAV is higher in warm season compared to cold season due to the higher proportion of precipitation falling from small-scale weather systems in the warm season. In regions of complex topography, the orographic forcing induces an extra component of PAV, no matter the season or the temporal scale considered. The PAV is also estimated using high-resolution datasets based on observations allowing the evaluation of the sensitivity of changing resolution in the real climate system. The results show that RCMs tend to reproduce relatively well the PAV compared to observations although showing an overestimation of the PAV in warm season and mountainous regions

    Potential for small scale added value of RCM’s downscaled climate change signal

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    In recent decades, the need of future climate information at local scales have pushed the climate modelling community to perform increasingly higher resolution simulations and to develop alternative approaches to obtain fine-scale climatic information. In this article, various nested regional climate model (RCM) simulations have been used to try to identify regions across North America where high-resolution downscaling generates fine-scale details in the climate projection derived using the “delta method”. Two necessary conditions were identified for an RCM to produce added value (AV) over lower resolution atmosphere-ocean general circulation models in the fine-scale component of the climate change (CC) signal. First, the RCM-derived CC signal must contain some non-negligible fine-scale information—independently of the RCM ability to produce AV in the present climate. Second, the uncertainty related with the estimation of this fine-scale information should be relatively small compared with the information itself in order to suggest that RCMs are able to simulate robust fine-scale features in the CC signal. Clearly, considering necessary (but not sufficient) conditions means that we are studying the “potential” of RCMs to add value instead of the AV, which preempts and avoids any discussion of the actual skill and hence the need for hindcast comparisons. The analysis concentrates on the CC signal obtained from the seasonal-averaged temperature and precipitation fields and shows that the fine-scale variability of the CC signal is generally small compared to its large-scale component, suggesting that little AV can be expected for the time-averaged fields. For the temperature variable, the largest potential for fine-scale added value appears in coastal regions mainly related with differential warming in land and oceanic surfaces. Fine-scale features can account for nearly 60 % of the total CC signal in some coastal regions although for most regions the fine scale contributions to the total CC signal are of around ∌5 %. For the precipitation variable, fine scales contribute to a change of generally less than 15 % of the seasonal-averaged precipitation in present climate with a continental North American average of ∌5 % in both summer and winter seasons. In the case of precipitation, uncertainty due to sampling issues may further dilute the information present in the downscaled fine scales. These results suggest that users of RCM simulations for climate change studies in a delta method framework have little high-resolution information to gain from RCMs at least if they limit themselves to the study of first-order statistical moments. Other possible benefits arising from the use of RCMs—such as in the large scale of the downscaled fields– were not explored in this research
