4,073 research outputs found

    MÀÀratlemata Ă”igusmĂ”iste tĂ”lgendamise ja Ă”iguslĂŒnga ĂŒletamise semiootiline mudel

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    VĂ€itekirja elektrooniline versioon sisaldab osaliselt publikatsiooneDoktoritöö eesmĂ€rk on avardada Ă”igusteoreetilist nĂ€gemisulatust: integreerida mÀÀratlemata Ă”igusmĂ”istete tĂ”lgendamise ja Ă”iguslĂŒnga ĂŒletamise semiootiline mudel Ă”igusteaduse meetodiĂ”petusse. Valitud on interdistsiplinaarne lĂ€henemine. Õigussemiootika abil saab mudeldada Ă”iguslikke protsesse tĂ€hendustekke aspektist, mis omakorda hĂ”lbustab Ă”igusteooria pĂ”hikĂŒsimustele vastamist, nt kuidas leida Ă”igusnormi tĂ€hendus. Doktoritöös on leitud, et mÀÀratlemata Ă”igusmĂ”iste tĂ€henduse mÀÀravad kaks mĂ€rgi omadust: direktiivsus ja binaarsus. Nendesamade mĂ€rgi omaduste abil luuakse ka tĂ€hendus Ă”iguslĂŒnga kohale Ă”iguskorras. JĂ€reldused, mis Ă”iguse tĂ”lgendamise kohta teha saab, on: esiteks, see, et normi ja lĂŒnga tĂ”lgendamise semiootilise struktuuri sarnasus ilmneb kĂ”ige selgemalt mÀÀratlemata Ă”igusmĂ”istete nĂ€itel. Teiseks, sidusa modelleeriva sĂŒsteemina on Ă”iguskorral vĂ”ime genereerida lĂŒnga kohale sobiv lahendus, sest sĂ”nade ĂŒksiktĂ€henduste summa on suurem kui iga sĂ”na tĂ€hendus ja aktiivseks muutub kogu Ă”iguslik kood. Kolmandaks, iga Ă”igusmĂ”iste nagu ka iga Ă”iguslĂŒnk oma kontekstis on ĂŒhelt poolt seotud Ă”igussisese ja teisalt Ă”igusvĂ€lise tĂ€hendusvĂ€ljaga. Õiguse eneseleviitelisuse ja vĂ€lisviitelisuse pingeseisund ehk binaarsus on nĂ€htav mÀÀratlemata Ă”igusmĂ”istete tĂ”lgendamisel nii Eesti kui ka Euroopa kohtupraktikas.The aim of this an interdisciplinary approach was chosen to expand the outlook of legal theory: the integration of a semiotic model for the interpretation of undefined legal concepts and filling legal gaps into the methodology of law. Legal semiotics allows modelling legal processes from the perspective of meaning-making, which in turn facilitates answering fundamental questions of legal theory, e.g. identifying the meaning of a legal norm. Directivity and binarity are the two semiotic properties of the legal norm as a sign that determine the formation of meaning. These semiotic properties also play a role in the formation of meaning in a place of legal gap. The principles of binarism and directivity allow us to draw the following conclusions about the interpretation of law. Firstly, the methodological similarity of the interpretation of the norm and the gap is the most apparent in the case of undefined legal concepts. Secondly, the legal system as a cohesive modelling system has the ability to generate a suitable solution in place of a gap, as the sum total of the meanings of individual words is greater than the meaning of each word by itself and the entire legal code becomes activated. Mechanisms imparting meaning to the gap in the legal system as a whole can be divided into three types: the iconic, indexical, and symbolic sign relationship, known in jurisprudence as analogy, teleological interpretation, and value judgement. Thirdly, every legal concept, but also every legal gap in its context is, on one hand, a reflection of the legal system and on the other hand, a reflection of the society. The tension between the two – self-reference and external reference of law – , their binarism, is perceptible in the interpretation of undefined legal concepts in both Estonian and European case-law, proving that it is necessary to consider both sides.https://www.ester.ee/record=b522779

    Towards Effective Educational Politics through Improving the Performance Measurement System

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    Educational field is impelled to increase performance and quality, financial discipline, strategic behaviour and its goals in order to enhance “effectiveness”. As a result the incorporation of private sector management practices into the educational field is taking place. But it is important to notice that a proliferation of private managerial practices into the educational field goes along with a conflict-laden and contradictory process. Education provides an important area of implementation for techniques of performance evaluation aimed at improving the performance of public services. One of the most common conceptual frameworks in measuring organisational performance takes the form of a production function where the educational institution is seen as analogous to a company transforming inputs into outputs and outcomes through a production process. But the problems and the vagueness in determining educational system’s inputs, outputs and outcomes cause difficulties in making political decisions and that is why clear policy prescriptions have been difficult to derive. The purpose of this article is to create a discussion whether performance measurement should be a part of decision-making in educational politics. The authors debate about incorporating private sector management practices into the educational field. The debate is based on the example of evaluating the social impact in the educational field and the performance of teachers’ work in the educational system. The article consists of three parts. Firstly, the theoretical background of the performance measurement in educational field is discussed. Secondly, the important criteria for performance measurement design and political issues are argued. Thirdly, the evaluated shortcomings in Estonian educational organisations, which restrict them to be effective, are brought out. Relieving some of these shortcomings could be in authority of Estonian educational politics

    Gustavus Reisberg to Susan Kean, March 24, 1799

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    Gustavus Reisberg wrote from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania to Susan Kean at 89 Liberty Street, New York, New York. Reisberg relinquished the agency and explained to Susan that her orders were better off in more capable hands. Mr. Simpson delivered nine scripts that awaited Susan’s order and the surplus money of two hundred twenty-five dollars was to be returned. Also discussed last year’s taxes Susan had to pay from that sum. Reisberg wrote to Caleb Adler, an upholsterer, to wait on Susan with a piece of green satin that he received as a pattern to show the quality. The remaining silk was to be forwarded by one of their traders to New York to the care of Philip Livingston.https://digitalcommons.kean.edu/lhc_1790s/1599/thumbnail.jp

    SĂŒvade kaela painutajalihaste treeningu mĂ”ju kroonilise kaelavalu korral

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    Krooniline kaelavalu on levinud tervisehĂ€ire, mis nĂ”uab multidistsiplinaarset kĂ€sitlemist. Selle ĂŒheks ravivĂ”imaluseks on kehalised harjutused. Ülevaates on vĂ”rreldud avaldatud uurimuste andmete pĂ”hjal sĂŒvade kaela painutajalihaste treeningu mĂ”ju teiste kasutusel olevate kaelalihaste treeningu programmidega kroonilise kaelavalu korral. &nbsp

    Pirnlihase sĂŒndroom: ĂŒlevaade ja fĂŒsioterapeutiline kĂ€sitlus

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    Ishias ja alaseljavalu vĂ”ib olla pĂ”hjustatud nimme lĂŒlivaheketaste degeneratiivsetest muutustest (1), ent 0,3–6% juhtudest seostatakse alaseljavalu ja/vĂ”i mittediskogeenset istmikunĂ€rvivalu pirnlihase ehk piriformis’e sĂŒndroomiga (PS) (2). PS on neuromuskulaarne hĂ€ire, mis on seotud istmikunĂ€rvi (n. ischiadicus), pirnlihase (m. piriformis) ja nendega seotud struktuuridega. Kuna PSi korral esinevad sarnased sĂŒmptomid lumbaalse radikulopaatiaga, sakroiliakaalliigese ning puusaliigese haigusseisunditega, ei osata PSi sageli kahtlustada (3–5). Seni puuduvad aktsepteeritud uurimismeetodid, mida vĂ”iks kasutada PSi diagnoosimisel referentsstandardina (6–9). Ülevaates on kĂ€sitletud PSi diagnostilisi kriteeriume ja analĂŒĂŒsitud erinevate fĂŒsioterapeutiliste tehnikate efektiivsust PSi korral
