82 research outputs found

    Efectos del consumo de probióticos y yogures sobre el sistema inmunitario y la microbiota intestinal de adultos sanos

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    La población adulta sana incluye adultos aparentemente sanos sin enfermedades crónicas diagnosticadas, lo cual no implica que en un determinado momento no puedan padecer alteraciones subclínicas e indetectables que vayan asociadas a desórdenes metabólicos y afecten al mantenimiento de su salud a largo plazo. En este sentido, el estilo de vida, y en concreto, la dieta, el ejercicio físico y el estrés pueden conducir a un deterioro en el sistema inmunitario y a la aparición de una disbiosis intestinal, favoreciendo con ello el desarrollo de enfermedades relacionadas, como las alergias, infecciones y alteraciones intestinales, así como desórdenes inflamatorios como las dislipemias. Por este motivo, los estudios nutricionales en población sana se centran en el estudio de nutrientes o ingredientes específicos con un enfoque preventivo frente al desarrollo de enfermedades crónicas y hacia el mantenimiento de la salud a largo plazo, ampliando su espectro de acción más allá de patologias concretas. Existe una amplia evidencia de las propiedades moduladoras de las leches fermentadas y los yogures sobre el sistema inmunitario y la microbiota intestinal.

    The application of advanced oxidation technologies to the treatment of effluents from the pulp and paper industry: a review

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    Producción CientíficaPaper industry is adopting zero liquid effluent technologies to reduce fresh water use and meet environmental regulations, which implies water circuits closure and the progressive accumulation of pollutants that must be removed before water re-use and final wastewater discharge. The traditional water treatment technologies that are used in paper mills (such as dissolve air flotation or biological treatment) are not able to remove recalcitrant contaminants. Therefore, advanced water treatment technologies, such as advanced oxidation processes (AOPs), are being included in industrial wastewater treatment chains aiming to either improve water biodegradability or its final quality. A comprehensive review of the current state of the art regarding the use of AOPs for the treatment of the organic load of effluents from the paper industry is herein addressed considering mature and emerging treatments for a sustainable water use in this sector. Wastewater composition, which is highly dependent of the raw materials being used in the mills, the selected AOP itself, and its combination with other technologies, will determine the viability of the treatment. In general, all AOPs have been reported to achieve good organics removal efficiencies (COD removal >40%; and about an extra 20% if AOPs are combined with biological stages). Particularly, ozonation has been the most extensively reported and successfully implemented AOP at an industrial scale for effluent treatment or reuse within pulp and paper mills; although Fenton processes (photo-Fenton particularly) have actually addressed better oxidative results (COD removal ≈65-75%) at lab scale, but still need further development at large scale.Comunidad Autónoma de Madrid - (Proyecto P-2009/AMB/1480)Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación - (Proyecto CIT-310000-2008-15

    The possibility of removal of endocrine disrupters from paper mill waste waters using anaerobic and aerobic biological treatment, membrane bioreactor, ultra-filtration, reverse osmosis and advanced oxidation processes

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    Producción CientíficaAn endocrine disrupter is an exogenous agent that interferes with the synthesis, binding, secretion, transport, action or elimination of natural hormones in the body that are responsible for the maintenance of homeostasis, reproduction, development, and behaviour. Some of them are suspected of causing abnormalities in sperm and increasing hormone-related cancers in humans. Studies have also been published on the estrogen-like responses of endocrine disrupters in wildlife, such as birds, amphibians, reptiles and fish. Endocrine disrupters include a wide variety of pollutants such as alkylphenols, bisphenol A, pesticides, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), phthalates, heavy metals, and natural or synthetic hormones. They may be released into the environment in different ways. One of the most important sources of endocrine disrupters are industrial waste waters. The conventional waste water treatment processes are not specifically designed to remove traces of dangerous organic contaminants (except for heavy metals) so the latter are consequently consumed by aquatic organisms and through them may also enter human food chain. In the presented research the following treatments for removing of organic endocrine disrupting compounds from paper mill waste waters were compared: anaerobic biological treatment, membrane bioreactor, and reverse osmosis (pilot plant A), and combined (anaerobic and aerobic) biological treatment, ultra-filtration and reverse osmosis (pilot plant B) at pilot scale and advanced oxidation processes (Fenton, photo-Fenton, photo-catalysis with TiO2 and ozonation) at laboratory scale. The results indicated that the concentrations of organic endocrine compounds from paper mill waste waters were efficiently reduced (100%) by both combinations of pilot plants, photo-Fenton oxidation (95%) while the ozonation, photo-catalysis with TiO2 reagent and Fenton reaction was less effective (70–80%).Comunidad Autónoma de Madrid - (Proyecto S-0505/AMB-0100)Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación - (Proyecto CTM2008-06886-C02- 01)Unión Europea - (Project 211534

    Influence of alcohol consumption on hydration status in healthy adults

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    INTRODUCTION: Osmolality and water intake are considered key biomarkers of the hydration status, which is necessary for an adequate cellular homeostasis and life. However, alcohol intake has shown to affect the hydration status via its diuretic effects. OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the influence of alcohol consumption on the hydration status of healthy men and women. METHODOLOGY: This study was performed in 123 adults (25-45 y., 69% women). Blood samples were collected to analyze osmolality levels, and a 72 h-recall was used to asses total water intake (TWI)(drinking water, liquids and solid food), liquids intake (soft drinks, juices, milk, beer, wine and spirits) and alcohol intake (gr). U-Man Whitney test was performed to analyse differences between sexes and correlations were performed with the Spearman test adjusted by sex. RESULTS: Men consumed insufficient TWI (2190.2 mL) as EFSA recommendations claim (for men=2,5 L/day), but without statistics differences with women (2213.9 mL). Men showed statistically higher levels of osmolality and liquids intake than women (P<0.05), in particular from beer and spirits consumption, and consequently, the general intake of alcoholic beverages was higher (P<0.05). Thus, osmolality levels correlated positively with alcohol and beer (P<0.05) and with a tendency with alcoholic beverages (P=0.065), which was not observed in women. CONCLUSION: Since men showed lower water intake and higher levels of osmolality, which are related to alcohol intake, a better hydration status might be achieved with a shift in the pattern of liquids by favouring drinking water.Coca-ColaPeer Reviewe

    Application of multi-barrier membrane filtration technologies to reclaim municipal wastewater for industrial use

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    Producción CientíficaThe significant percentage of the world water consumption devoted to industrial use, along with an increasingly higher environmental concern of society, has awaken the interest of industry on using municipal reclaimed water for replacing fresh water use coming from utilities or natural resources. Depending on the type of industry and the specific application, water must meet certain quality requirements. Therefore, those water quality standards that are required for those most relevant industrial applications wherein the use of reclaimed water has noticeably been reported are herewith reviewed. Although the use of internal water treatments for recycling and reusing their own effluents has recently and widely been reported within many industrial sectors worldwide, the substitution of fresh water by reclaimed municipal wastewater has yet to be extended much. The increasing proportion of municipal wastewater reclamation plants that rely on membrane filtration technologies versus the total number of reclamation facilities that are distributed worldwide is also assessed within this review, including the discussion of their main related drawbacks.Comunidad Autónoma de Madrid - (Proyecto S-0505/AMB-0100)Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación - (Proyecto CTM2008-06886-C02- 01)Unión Europea - (Project 211534

    Effect of the consumption of Lactobacillus coryniformis CECT5711 strain on the immune response of healthy adults

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    Among the various health-promoting functions of probiotics, much attention has been paid to their immunological function, although the immune response to probiotics is generally regarded to be strain dependent. For this purpose, the main objective of this study was to assess the effect of Lactobacillus coryniformis CECT5711 on the immune response of healthy adults during 6 weeks of treatment in a Hepatitis A vaccine model. One hundred twenty three volunteers were randomized into a placebo group, a probiotic group or a mixed group. Blood samples were taken at the beginning, after two weeks of treatment just before the vaccination and at the end of the study. Phagocytic and Natural Killer activities were measured in blood samples, besides the levels of cytokines using Luminex technology, leukocyte subsets assessed by monoclonal antibodies and specific Hepatitis A antibodies with a competitive ELISA.Sociedad Española de Probioticos y PrebioticosPeer Reviewe