107 research outputs found

    Studying individual and conjugal trajectories in France: Scientific and methodological choices in the EPIC survey

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    Why should we perform a new survey on couple formation in France at the beginning of the 21st century’ And how should it be conducted’ This article presents the foundations of the EPIC survey on individual and conjugal trajectories (Étude des parcours individuels et conjugaux, INED–INSEE, 2013–2014), which is the third major French survey on couple formation following one on the choice of a spouse (Le choix du conjoint, 1959) and another on couple formation (La formation des couples, 1983–1984). It was designed to fulfil several objectives: capture the diverse forms of conjugality in light of renewed definitions of what constitutes a couple; characterize individual and conjugal trajectories through a retrospective approach; study the factors associated with not having a partner; and shed light on separation as a process. The survey also explored phenomena that have arisen in the last three decades: the creation of the PACS (civil union), the recognition of same-sex unions, and the rise of online dating. The article then presents the making of the survey, from methodological choices (coverage, sample sizes, and administration) to the practical aspects of data collection in the field (number of interviewers, participation rate, and representativeness).Pourquoi et comment réaliser une nouvelle enquête sur la formation des couples en France au début du XXIe siècle ? Cet article présente les principaux fondements de l’Étude des parcours individuels et conjugaux (Épic, Ined-Insee, 2013-2014), troisième enquête française sur la formation des couples après Le choix du conjoint (1959) et La formation des couples (1983-1984). Plusieurs objectifs ont guidé sa réalisation : saisir la diversité des formes de la conjugalité à partir d’une définition renouvelée du couple, rendre compte des trajectoires individuelles et conjugales grâce à un questionnement rétrospectif, étudier le fait de ne pas être en couple ou encore mettre au jour le caractère processuel de la séparation. Cette enquête aborde également des phénomènes intervenus depuis trois décennies : la création du pacs, la reconnaissance des unions de même sexe, l’essor des rencontres en ligne, etc. L’article revient ensuite sur la « fabrique » de l’enquête, des choix méthodologiques (champ, dimensionnement de l’échantillon, mode de passation) à la mise en œuvre pratique de la collecte sur le terrain (nombre d’enquêteurs, taux de participation, représentativité)

    Le marché des broutards en France. Organisation de la filière, transmission de l’information et qualité

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    La filière française viande de jeunes bovins de boucherie mâles est la première productrice d’Europe. Cet article s’intéresse plus spécifiquement à la filière des jeunes bovins mâles de boucherie de race à viande et à la structuration de la filière en France. Cet article résulte d’une enquête auprès d’acteurs de la filière et explique (i) l’organisation du marché des broutards entre élevage naisseurs et engraisseurs, spécifiant le rôle clef des intermédiaires commerciaux ; (ii) les caractéristiques des transactions (modes de coordination verticale, préférences des éleveurs) ; et (iii) les facteurs d’incertitude pour la traçabilité (sanitaire notamment) liés à cette organisation.The French young male beef cattle sector has the highest production in Europe. This article focuses specifically on the sector of young male beef cattle and the organization of this sector in France. We conducted a survey among producers and commercial intermediaries to examine how the supply chain organization influences information transmission and health management practices. This article explains: (i) The organization of the weanling market (and the paramount role of commercial intermediaries); (ii) The characteristics of the transactions (vertical coordination, farmers’ preferences); (iii) The information transmission and quality standards of weanling health management practices

    Proposal of a quantitative PCR-based protocol for an optimal Pseudomonas aeruginosa detection in patients with cystic fibrosis

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    BACKGROUND: The lung of patients with cystic fibrosis (CF) is particularly sensitive to Pseudomonas aeruginosa. This bacterium plays an important role in the poor outcome of CF patients. During the disease progress, first acquisition of P. aeruginosa is the key-step in the management of CF patients. Quantitative PCR (qPCR) offers an opportunity to detect earlier the first acquisition of P. aeruginosa by CF patients. Given the lack of a validated protocol, our goal was to find an optimal molecular protocol for detection of P. aeruginosa in CF patients. METHODS: We compared two formerly described qPCR formats in early detection of P. aeruginosa in CF sputum samples: a qPCR targeting oprL gene, and a multiplex PCR targeting gyrB and ecfX genes. RESULTS: Tested in vitro on a large panel of P. aeruginosa isolates and others gram-negative bacilli, oprL qPCR exhibited a better sensitivity (threshold of 10 CFU/mL versus 730 CFU/mL), whereas the gyrB/ecfX qPCR exhibited a better specificity (90% versus 73%). These results were validated ex vivo on 46 CF sputum samples positive for P. aeruginosa in culture. Ex vivo assays revealed that qPCR detected 100 times more bacterial cells than culture-based method did. CONCLUSION: Based on these results, we proposed a reference molecular protocol combining the two qPCRs, which offers a sensitivity of 100% with a threshold of 10 CFU/mL and a specificity of 100%. This combined qPCR-based protocol can be adapted and used for other future prospective studies

    On the effectiveness of mutual funds to cope with lasting market risks: The case of FMD in Brittany

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    Foot and Mouth disease, like other epizootic outbreaks, can have wide and lasting impacts exceeding the agricultural field. Within Europe various ad hoc policies exist to cope with these consequences. In this paper we develop a dynamic CGE model allowing us to simulate a FMD outbreak, its economic consequences and the effect of the implementation of a mutual fund as a structural risk management policy. Our results show that a financial support to farmers thanks to the mutual fund may encourage a quicker recovery from the market losses, especially helping to rebuild the cattle herds after a period of trade bans. However, counterproductive effects may be encountered in the case of mandatory participation of farmers to finance the mutual fund

    Conséquences et gestion des risques sanitaires épidémiques: Application à la production animale bretonne

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    Cette thèse quantifie les répercussions économiques liées à la survenue d’une épidémie d’élevage. Ces maladies constituent un risque de production aux implications multiples, occasionnant parfois un risque qui s’étend à toute la filière animale, voire à l’ensemble de l’économie du territoire touché, comme le montre par exemple la crise de la vache folle de la fin des années 1990. La littérature économique montre que ces crises constituent un évènement catastrophique de marché, qui entraîne un ajustement progressif dans la conduite des troupeaux. Nous proposons donc une modélisation des dynamiques de marché en élevage, permettant de capter les effets indirects et de long terme liés à la survenue d’une épizootie. L’analyse révèle que ce choc pèse sur l’endettement et peut mener à la faillite d’exploitations agricoles. L’accès au crédit joue un rôle déterminant pour la pérennité des activités d’élevage, qui in fine pénalise aussi les consommateurs. A l’échelle des territoires, la compréhension des répercussions d’une crise sanitaire passe par une modélisation en équilibre général calculable dynamique, intégrant à la fois les décisions intertemporelles des agents, dont les éleveurs, et des imperfections des marchés des facteurs de production. Le modèle est appliqué à la région Bretagne, dont les secteurs d’élevage occupent une place importante pour le tissu économique local. Les résultats de simulations montrent que le choc sanitaire pèse sur l’ensemble des filières animales, pour finalement toucher l’économie locale dans son ensemble. Dans ce contexte, le manque de flexibilité des marchés du capital et du travail accroît significativement le coût social de la maladie et freine le retour de l’activité économique. Enfin, nous montrons qu’un soutien public aux revenus des agriculteurs en période de crise tend à diminuer l’ampleur du choc et sa durée. La participation des agriculteurs à cette politique, via la mise en place de fonds mutuels, déplace le coût de gestion du risque vers ces acteurs, mais se révèle finalement plus coûteuse socialement

    Assessing the economic costs of an outbreak of Foot and Mouth Disease on Brittany: A dynamic computable general equilibrium approach

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    Epizootic outbreaks such as Foot and Mouth Disease are of great concern for agriculture. In this paper, we quantify the potential dynamic impacts of such a disease on Brittany, a French region with a strong livestock sector. We develop a dynamic computable general equilibrium model with rational expectations that allows us to measure the impacts of culling infected animals and restraining movements of live animals on the livestock sectors and downstream food industries. Our results show that economic losses are spread over many periods even with a one-time shock. The impacts on the primary sectors and downstream food sectors do not move in parallel. The food industries suffer most in the first period while the negative impacts on agriculture are mostly observed thereafter. Credit and wage constraints result in an estimated aggregated loss multiplied by more than 700 per cent. These results challenge the concept of a simple management policy for this disease

    Catastrophic risk and risk management, what do we know about livestock epidemics? State of the art and prospects

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    The economic consequences of livestock epidemics have been long studied for purposes of estimating the costs of preventive and curative veterinary measures. In this paper, we show that this catastrophic risk may have wide market consequences, and that the risk management systems are quite limited to compensate long term impacts in the European context of growing trade. Through a detailed literature review, we present the main developments of the economic research aiming at highlighting the economic consequences of animal epidemics such as Foot and Mouth Disease. We acknowledge that a very few studies have focused on the economic dynamics and on the long-run effects occurring after an epidemic disease outbreak. We discuss the relevance of a dynamic approach to reveal that the de-structuring of livestock markets affects the production dynamics as well as the whole agricultural sector. Financial implications and market constraints remain poorly studied in the livestock epidemics literature. We emphasize the growing interest of a dynamic Computable General Equilibrium approach to reveal the overall effects of epidemic outbreaks on the whole economy. This innovative research raises important challenges for the assessment and implementation of risk management policie

    Livestock epidemics and catastrophic risk management: State of the art and prospects on economic dynamics

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    The economic consequences of livestock epidemics have been long studied for purposes of estimating the costs of the veterinary measures. In this paper, we show that this catastrophic risk may have wide market consequences, and that the risk management systems are quite limited to compensate long term impacts in the European context of growing trade. Through a detailed literature review we present the main developments of the economic literature aiming to highlight the economic consequences of animal epidemics such as Foot and Mouth Disease. We acknowledge that a very few studies have focused on the economic dynamics and on the long run effects occurring after an epidemic disease outbreak. We discuss the appropriateness of a dynamic approach to reveal that the de-structuring of the livestock markets affects the production dynamics as well as the whole agricultural sphere, whose financial implications remain poorly studied. In addition, we highlight the importance of taking into account these phenomena for the development of risk management systems, and we emphasize the growing interest of a dynamic Computable General Equilibrium approach
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