54 research outputs found

    Quelle nouvelle offre audiovisuelle pour la BCU de Fribourg ?

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    La consommation de musique et de vidĂ©o en ligne a fortement Ă©voluĂ© ces derniĂšres annĂ©es en raison des nombreux contenus disponibles - souvent gratuitement - sur Internet. Alors que les supports optiques semblent vouĂ©s Ă  disparaĂźtre Ă  moyen terme, la BCU de Fribourg a souhaitĂ© connaĂźtre des alternatives aux CD/DVD et notamment les possibilitĂ©s de prĂȘt de musique et de vidĂ©o en ligne. Une premiĂšre partie de ce travail consiste en une synthĂšse des recherches effectuĂ©es sur le sujet et prĂ©sente certains aspects techniques et juridiques de la diffusion en ligne ainsi que les enjeux d’une offre dĂ©matĂ©rialisĂ©e pour les bibliothĂšques. Dans un second temps, une Ă©tude des offres de diffĂ©rentes bibliothĂšques (essentiellement en Suisse, France et Allemagne) a Ă©tĂ© menĂ©e afin d’exposer quelques pratiques en bibliothĂšques et d’identifier les principaux services de musique et vidĂ©o en ligne. La troisiĂšme Ă©tape consiste en une analyse de la situation actuelle de la BCU de Fribourg Ă  partir de laquelle sont alors proposĂ©es, dans la derniĂšre partie, des solutions en ligne adaptĂ©es aux besoins de la bibliothĂšque ainsi que des alternatives aux offres commerciales. La BCU de Fribourg connaĂźt actuellement encore une importante demande pour ses collections physiques cependant, au vu de l’évolution rapide des technologies, elle est consciente qu’elle doit dĂšs aujourd’hui Ă©galement prendre en compte l’offre de musique et de vidĂ©o en ligne. Ce travail n’apporte par une solution « clĂ© en main ». En effet, les enjeux financiers sont parfois importants et les diffĂ©rentes propositions nĂ©cessitent une Ă©tude approfondie en termes de faisabilitĂ© (Ă©conomique, organisationnelle et technique). Toutefois, les rĂ©sultats prĂ©sentĂ©s permettent de se forger une idĂ©e de la situation actuelle quant Ă  l’offre audiovisuelle en bibliothĂšque et fournissent des Ă©lĂ©ments nĂ©cessaires Ă  une prise de dĂ©cision

    Development of a Continuous Pulsed Electric Field (PEF) Vortex-Flow Chamber for Improved Treatment Homogeneity Based on Hydrodynamic Optimization

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    Pulsed electric fields (PEF) treatment is an effective process for preservation of liquid products in food and biotechnology at reduced temperatures, by causing electroporation. It may contribute to increase retention of heat-labile constituents with similar or enhanced levels of microbial inactivation, compared to thermal processes. However, especially continuous PEF treatments suffer from inhomogeneous treatment conditions. Typically, electric field intensities are highest at the inner wall of the chamber, where the flow velocity of the treated product is lowest. Therefore, inhomogeneities of the electric field within the treatment chamber and associated inhomogeneous temperature fields emerge. For this reason, a specific treatment chamber was designed to obtain more homogeneous flow properties inside the treatment chamber and to reduce local temperature peaks, therefore increasing treatment homogeneity. This was accomplished by a divided inlet into the chamber, consequently generating a swirling flow (vortex). The influence of inlet angles on treatment homogeneity was studied (final values: radial angle α = 61°; axial angle ÎČ = 98°), using computational fluid dynamics (CFD). For the final design, the vorticity, i.e., the intensity of the fluid rotation, was the lowest of the investigated values in the first treatment zone (1002.55 1/s), but could be maintained for the longest distance, therefore providing an increased mixing and most homogeneous treatment conditions. The new design was experimentally compared to a conventional co-linear setup, taking into account inactivation efficacy of Microbacterium lacticum as well as retention of heat-sensitive alkaline phosphatase (ALP). Results showed an increase in M. lacticum inactivation (maximum Δlog of 1.8 at pH 7 and 1.1 at pH 4) by the vortex configuration and more homogeneous treatment conditions, as visible by the simulated temperature fields. Therefore, the new setup can contribute to optimize PEF treatment conditions and to further extend PEF applications to currently challenging products

    Memobase – Das Portal zum audiovisuellen Erbe der Schweiz

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    Mit dem multimedialen Portal Memobase macht Memoriav, die Fachstelle fĂŒr die Erhaltung des audiovisuellen Erbes der Schweiz, Bilder und Töne aus GedĂ€chtnisinstitutionen sicht- und hörbar. Das Portal ermöglicht die Suche in BestĂ€nden aus mehr als 60 Institutionen aus allen Sprachregionen der Schweiz. Dazu gehören auch die bewegten Bilder der mehrsprachige Schweizer Filmwochenschau oder Filme ĂŒber die humanitĂ€ren Aktionen des Internationalen Komitees vom Roten Kreuz.With the multimedia portal Memobase, Memoriav, the specialist agency for the preservation of Switzerland's audiovisual heritage, makes images and sounds from memory institutions visible and audible. The portal allows users to search in collections from more than 60 institutions from all language regions of Switzerland. It also includes films on the humanitarian actions of the International Committee of the Red Cross or the moving images of the multilingual Swiss newsreel.Peer Reviewe

    Exploring the Potential of Head Worn Displays for Manual Work Tasks in Industrial Environments

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    In this thesis I explore the potential of modern Head-Worn Displays for aiding manual work tasks in the manufacturing industries. In such settings, workers are already supported by using mobile hand-held devices that show instructions and enable the worker to document work tasks. However, the most important disadvantage of hand-held devices is that users need to put them aside when performing tasks that require both of their hands. The current generation of Head-Worn Displays promises hands-free usage with little added complexity and also enables the augmentation of workers’ vision, thereby supporting the work task in a more effective and efficient way. For assessing the potential of Head-Worn Displays on factory floors, a series of studies has been conducted. The studies have been carried out directly on the production line of a German car manufacturer together with workers or in-lab, depending on the study goals. Together with workers and managers in the industrial settings we identified two work tasks whereby support for Head-Worn Displays showed good potential for increasing productivity, quality and worker comfort. The Head-Worn Display support was improved in an iterative manner within a Human-Centred Design approach. The thesis contributes with experiences on introducing Head-Worn Displays in real world settings and for long time periods. The recorded productivity increases attributed to the Head-Worn Displays are discussed, along with worker and manager feedback. For long-term use on a factory floor, extending battery operating time was found to be of central importance. CPU and Camera were identified as the most energy consuming devices and an approach to address that is presented. A benchmark suite is introduced to enable designers, developers, and project managers to make informed decisions when selecting Head-Worn Displays. Finally, a theoretical discussion of Head-Worn Displays is presented by situating them in a sense-based Augmented Reality taxonomy, I proposed.QC 20170426</p

    UnterstĂŒtzung eines manuellen Verwiegeprozesses per Smartwatch

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    In diesem Beitrag wird anhand der Steuerung des manuellen Verwiegesystems ManDos erlĂ€utert, wie eine Smartwatch im industriellen Umfeld genutzt werden kann, um den Nutzern eine möglichst freihĂ€ndige und ortsungebundene Interaktion zu ermöglichen. Dazu wurde zunĂ€chst eine Analyse des bestehenden Systems durchgefĂŒhrt, im nĂ€chsten Schritt ein Konzept und der Anwendungsfall erarbeitet und im letzten Schritt das Konzept realisiert.QC 20201021</p

    UnterstĂŒtzung eines manuellen Verwiegeprozesses per Smartwatch

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    In diesem Beitrag wird anhand der Steuerung des manuellen Verwiegesystems ManDos erlĂ€utert, wie eine Smartwatch im industriellen Umfeld genutzt werden kann, um den Nutzern eine möglichst freihĂ€ndige und ortsungebundene Interaktion zu ermöglichen. Dazu wurde zunĂ€chst eine Analyse des bestehenden Systems durchgefĂŒhrt, im nĂ€chsten Schritt ein Konzept und der Anwendungsfall erarbeitet und im letzten Schritt das Konzept realisiert.QC 20201021</p

    UnterstĂŒtzung eines manuellen Verwiegeprozesses per Smartwatch

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    In diesem Beitrag wird anhand der Steuerung des manuellen Verwiegesystems ManDos erlĂ€utert, wie eine Smartwatch im industriellen Umfeld genutzt werden kann, um den Nutzern eine möglichst freihĂ€ndige und ortsungebundene Interaktion zu ermöglichen. Dazu wurde zunĂ€chst eine Analyse des bestehenden Systems durchgefĂŒhrt, im nĂ€chsten Schritt ein Konzept und der Anwendungsfall erarbeitet und im letzten Schritt das Konzept realisiert.QC 20201021</p
