21 research outputs found

    Developing Computer-Based Training using the Requirements Engineering Techniques

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    There are several Requirements Engineering (RE) techniques have been developed to assist large projects within the RE process. However, it is still not clear if these frameworks will adequately to be useful in developing e-Learning software. The purpose of this paper is to show that the RE techniques can also fit for developing e-Learning software such as Computer-Based Training (CBT). In this context, a case study at the Food and Beverages (F&B) Division, Radisson SAS Hotel in Hamburg was taken in order to apply some of the RE techniques. The need to have a CBT for new staff at the division, led the research to focus on identifying the problem and user needs. Using the RE techniques such as Documentation Study, Interviewing, Requirements Workshop, Observation, and Prototyping is becoming a solution that helps developer in developing the CBT as needed by user afterward. This paper presents the result of using the RE methods in developing the CBT. The programming skills in developing the CBT will not be discussed in this paper. Keywords: Computer-Based Training, e-Learning software, Requirements Engineerin

    Rancang Bangun Web Manajemen Laboratorium 3D dengan VRML

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    The development of multimedia technology website is currently only limited to the two dimensions only. While the need for an interactive Web site was limited to the kind of video website YouTube. With the ability of a three-dimensional visualization programming that can be integrated with web programming, it will create a website to be interesting and interactive. By using VRML (Virtual Reality Modeling Language), can be made a 3D website. By using a combination of VRML and PHP, is expected to create a concept of interactive 3D websites. VRML uses the basic concepts of computer science as the creation of graphic objects 3Dimension. In its design will be made a 3D space that consists of several tools for manajamen laboratory, namely Registration, Dates Practical 3D, and 3D experimental module in the form of 3D and indoor antenna vsualisasi chamber that contains two types of antennas. Having a website hosted on the internet and conducted a questionnaire of 50 random samples and divided into two age categories, namely the age of 20 years and under and 20 years and older. Then the resulting percentage is more than 35% gave good attention to 3D website Keywords :Virtual Reality Modeling Language,visualization, 3dimensio


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    Nowadays, the development of information and communication technology of book grew rapidly. It showed by the increase of book order online application via telephone at some book stores still handled by the human operator. That process the database saved the information data of books. So, the customer still got the bad service when the human operator can�t handle. In this final project, made a system to make easier the customer to order book by web or IVR. All of book data which ready to order will be saved in database management system. The book order done by web which is the process connect to the web server. IVR server reminder feature for the member in 3 conditions. Reminder works when the book ordered by member is on database server, reminder works to remind the member for paying process of book order or 7 days before for booking process and new books reminder. From the analysis test, the result is the telephone number dialed by IVR server is the same telephone number on database. Then, from reminder test, by the average delay test between channels is 4,3 seconds. The test of website, the registration process, the data input must be a valid data. The login process use the username and password data which proper for registration process. For credit card validation process using luhn algorithm need a average time 0,0063838 seconds for valid number and average time 0,0001291 seconds for invalid number. Keyword : IVR, Reminder, Server, Database


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    ABSTRAK Movie trailer merupakan preview atau cuplikan-cuplikan adegan yang menarik dari sebuah film, yang bertujuan untuk menarik minat penonton untuk melihat film tersebut. Saat ini banyak sekali adegan menarik yang dibuat dengan menggunakan special effect, seperti pada film Saw dan Resident Evil. Pada proyek akhir ini nantinya akan dibuat suatu movie trailer, dimana terdapat cuplikan-cuplikan adegan yang banyak menggunakan special effect di dalamnya. Seperti pembunuhan dengan darah yang menyembur dari tubuh seseorang dan berceceran, tubuh yang hancur terbakar, bangunan-bangunan yang hancur akibat ledakan dan lainya untuk mendapatkan kesan yang dramastis dan menarik. Pembuatan special effect seperti pada adegan-adegan tersebut nantinya akan menggunakan teknik implementasi footage action movie essential elements pada Adobe After Effect dan beberapa plugin yang mendukungnya. Pada akhirnya, proyek akhir ini akan menghasilkan sebuah movie trailer, dimana nantinya teknik pengerjaannya dapat menginspirasikan sineas muda Indonesia sebagai media pembelajaran di bidang perfilman. Juga dapat digunakan sebagai metode baru untuk proses reka ulang suatu kejadian yang tidak mungkin dilakukan dengan cara rekontruksi ulang secara langsung dengan menggunakan video biasa. Kata Kunci: special effect, movie trailer, adobe after effect, footage elements

    The Role of Tangible Interfaces in Enhancing Children’s Engagement in Learning

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    This paper presents the results of an exploratory study in which the authors investigated the impact of tangible interface used by children at the elementary school level. Exploration of the viability of graphics tablet and the pen tool was conducted by investigating the children\u27s ease in acclimating to the technology and the effectiveness in engaging them to complete some tasks. Several children were invited to a workshop where they learned and played BatiKids, a game-based learning developed to support children in learning the process of making Indonesian hand-written batik. The qualitative analysis based on the notes and video recording taken on the field observational, and the responses to interview questions to the participants. The results show the main findings and discuss the design implications for a tangible interface in the context of BatiKids


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    Dunia telah memasuki zaman Industry 4.0, dimana teknologi pendukungnya adalah Virtual Reality (VR) dan Augmented Reality (AR). Saat ini teknologi VR/AR sudah semakin berkembang pesat, sudah banyak peneliti dan industri yang mengembangkan aplikasi VR/AR. VR adalah teknologi komputer yang mampu memreplikasi lingkungan real maupun hayal dan mampu menstimulasi kondisi fisik pengguna sehingga mampu berinteraksi. Perangkat yang digunakan untuk dapat menggunakan teknologi VR ada berbagai macam, dari perangkat Head-Mounted-Display, perangkat masukan, perangkat lunak, konten, hingga perangkat gabungan. Pengetahuan tentang teknologi VR ini bias didapat dari Internet. Namun apakah teknologi ini sudah dikenal oleh masyarakat Indonesia, khususnya sekolah sebagai pendukung kegiatan edukasi? terutamanya oleh siswa menengah dalam membantu siswa untuk belajar dan mencari pengetahuan. Untuk menjawab permasalahan tersebut, Kami mengadakan kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat dengan judul “Pengenalan Teknologi Virtual Reality dan Augmented Reality sebagai Pendukung Edukasi untuk Siswa Menengah di Gresik”. Dimana dalam kegiatan tersebut Kami menjelaskan cara kerja teknologi VR/AR, implementasi penggunaan teknologi VR/AR berserta contoh-contoh aplikasi yang dapat digunakan untuk edukasi, dan penjelasan tentang aplikasi VR/AR yang tidak baik untuk siswa. Dari hasil pengamatan didapatkan bahwa 80% penggunaan teknologi VR/AR mudah dan berguna untuk edukasi, namun untuk implementasinya masih membutuhkan biaya

    Invitin Project: Scrum Framework Implementation in a Software Development Project Management

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    The printed invitation is commonly used in our community to invite others to special events. In Indonesian society, this has happened inviting someone from door-to-door by sending printed invitations. Due to rapid information technology development, we proposed a website-based online invitation platform, Invitin. In general, the Invitin project has three main actors, which are customer, customer service, and admin. The methodology that we used was based on the SDLC (Software Development Life Cycle) and applied Scrum framework. Implementing the Invitin project using Scrum helps to organize development tasks easier and provides other benefits in some cases. Thus, Scrum increases our team productivity to develop a high-quality dynamic website application

    Implementation of Scrum in the manufacture of non-invasive blood sugar detection devices using PPG signals

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    This study presents the effective integration of Scrum methodology in the production process of non-invasive blood sugar testing devices using Photoplethysmography (PPG) signals. During three months, a team consisting of a Product Owner, Scrum Master, and Developer Team successfully utilized Scrum's agile structure to manage the challenges of PPG signal processing, hardware integration, and software development. The repeated sprint cycles enabled swift adjustment to new obstacles and stakeholder input, guaranteeing both effectiveness and agility in the development process. The dynamic approach facilitated both the punctual delivery of complex medical equipment and the cultivation of a culture focused on ongoing enhancement, establishing a model for the future use of agile approaches in healthcare technology. The successful implementation highlights the effectiveness of Scrum in managing the complexities of medical device development. It provides a model for improving non-invasive blood sugar detection devices and establishes agile methodologies as a key driver of innovation in healthcare technology