33 research outputs found

    Applicability of the locus of control of behaviour scale for people with dementia

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    Objective: To investigate the applicability of the Locus of Control of Behaviour scale (LoCB) for people with dementia. Method: A sample of 534 participants with dementia (78.4 mean age, 58% female) were included. Assessment included the LoCB, the Montgomery–Aasberg Depression Rating Scale (MADRS), the Mini-Mental Status Examination Norwegian revised (MMSE-NR) and the Instrumental Activities of Daily Living (I-ADL). Completion percentages and internal reliability of LoCB were examined for predefined MMSE-NR groups (0–4, 5–9, 10–14, 15–19, 20–24, 25–27, and 28–30). Factors associated with completion were analysed, and a principal component analysis (PCA) of the LoCB was performed. Sum score and component subscale scores were compared to MADRS and MMSENR scores. Results: In total, 234 participants completed the LoCB. Completion percentages ranged from 74% (MMSE-NR 28–30) to 0% (MMSE-NR 0–9). Internal reliability was between 0.80 and 0.72 in groups with MMSE-NR > 9, except in MMSE-NR 20–24 (0.52). Age, MMSE-NR and education were associated with completion. The PCA yielded three components – powerful others, internal, and luck/ fate – with explained variance of 41.3%. Participants with MADRS > 7 scored higher on the LoCB sum score, powerful others and internal subscale scores. No difference was found regarding the luck/fate subscale score. MMSE-NR did not affect LoCB scores. Conclusion: Older age, less education, and more cognitive impairment decreased the likelihood of completion. However, psychometric test results indicate that those who completed the LoCB understood the questions, even with severe cognitive impairment. We conclude, therefore, that the LoCB is applicable for investigating control orientation among people with dementia. Keywords: dementia, depression, locus of control, psychotherapeutic interventionssubmittedVersio

    Higher concentrations of kynurenic acid in CSF are associated with the slower clinical progression of Alzheimer's disease

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    Introduction: The kynurenine pathway's (KP) malfunction is closely related to Alzheimer's disease (AD), for antagonistic kynurenic acid (KA) and agonistic quinolinic acid act on the N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor, a possible therapeutic target in treating AD. Methods: In our longitudinal case–control study, KP metabolites in the cerebrospinal fluid were analyzed in 311 patients with AD and 105 cognitively unimpaired controls. Results: Patients with AD exhibited higher concentrations of KA (β = 0.18, P < 0.01) and picolinic acid (β = 0.20, P < 0.01) than the controls. KA was positively associated with tau pathology (β = 0.29, P < 0.01), and a higher concentration of KA was associated with the slower progression of dementia. Discussion: The higher concentrations of neuroprotective metabolites KA and picolinic acid suggest that the activation of the KP's neuroprotective branch is an adaptive response in AD and may be a promising target for intervention and treatment.publishedVersio


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    Sažetak - Rad predstavlja analizu statističkih parametara i pokazatelja klime za Sisak, navedenih u više prethodnih radova i studija klime Siska za pojedina kraća iz ukupnog 35-godišnjeg razdoblja (1948-1982) povezujući i objedinjujući rezultate u jednu cjelinu. Sisačko se područje po općem klimatskom obilježju uklapa u podneblje srednjo-europskih umjerenih širina. U nekim pokazateljima klime blago se ističe maritimnost, a u drugim kontinentalnost klime, ali niti jedno od tih obilježja ne prevladava bitno. Vremenske slike nekih klimatskih elemenata sadrže trendove zapažene u širem sisačkom području u tom razdoblju (temperatura zraka), kao i trendove pretežno lokalnog obilježja (naoblaka). Posebnost sisačkog podneblja ističe se osobito u sustavu prizemnog strujanja zraka, u kojemu 80% slučajeva pripada tišinama i vrlo slabim vjetrovima (do 2 B). Pri tom se osim sjeveroistočnjaka i jugozapadnjaka, koji prevladavaju u većem dijelu zapadne Hrvatske, pojavljuje i jugoistočnjak kao lokalno obilježje sustava strujanja zraka u Sisku. Rad sadrži i komparativnu analizu klimatskih paramelara bližeg i daljeg okolnog područja Siska te opis tipa klime na temelju više klimatskih i bioklimatskih kiterija. U radu se upozorava na pitanja koja su ostala otvorena za daljnja istraživanja na temelju duljeg niza i ulazeći u izvorne podatke

    Factors that influence the levels of cerebrospinal fluid biomarkers in memory clinic patients

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    Abstract Background The cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) biomarkers amyloid β (Aβ), phospho tau (P-tau) and total tau (T-tau) are used increasingly to support a clinical diagnosis of Alzheimer’s disease. The diagnostic power of these biomarkers has been reported to vary among different studies’ results. The results are poorer when heterogeneous groups of patients have been included compared to studies where patients with Alzheimer’s dementia (AD) and healthy controls have been studied. The aim of this study was to examine if age, APOE genotype and sex were associated with the levels of CSF biomarkers among patients referred to a memory clinic. Methods We included 257 patients from two memory clinics who had been assessed for dementia, including lumbar puncture. Results The mean age of the patients was 68.1 (SD: 8.0) years; 50.2% were women and 66.5% were APOE ε4 positive. Of these patients, 80.5% were diagnosed with AD or amnestic MCI. Both APOE ε4 and increasing age were associated with decreasing levels of Aβ, but not the levels of the tau proteins. In multiple regression analyses, disease stage, defined as a MMSE ≥25 or <25, influenced factors associated with the CSF biomarkers. Among those with MMSE score ≥ 25, age, APOE ε4 genotype, and MMSE score, in addition to a diagnosis of AD, were associated with Aβ level, with an explained variance of 0.43. When using P-tau or T-tau as a dependent variable, the presence of one or two APOE ε4 alleles, and MMSE score influenced the results, in addition to the diagnosis of AD. The explained variance was lower for P-tau (0.26) and for T-tau (0.32). Among those with MMSE <25, these variables explained very little of the variance. There were no gender differences. Conclusions We found that factors in addition to a diagnosis of AD, were associated with the levels of CSF biomarkers. Among those with MMSE ≥25, lower levels of Aβ were associated with several factors including increasing age. This is not reflected in clinical practice, where age-specific cutoffs exist only for T-tau. In this study, age was not associated with the levels of tau proteins

    Factors that influence the levels of cerebrospinal fluid biomarkers in memory clinic patients

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    Abstract Background The cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) biomarkers amyloid β (Aβ), phospho tau (P-tau) and total tau (T-tau) are used increasingly to support a clinical diagnosis of Alzheimer’s disease. The diagnostic power of these biomarkers has been reported to vary among different studies’ results. The results are poorer when heterogeneous groups of patients have been included compared to studies where patients with Alzheimer’s dementia (AD) and healthy controls have been studied. The aim of this study was to examine if age, APOE genotype and sex were associated with the levels of CSF biomarkers among patients referred to a memory clinic. Methods We included 257 patients from two memory clinics who had been assessed for dementia, including lumbar puncture. Results The mean age of the patients was 68.1 (SD: 8.0) years; 50.2% were women and 66.5% were APOE ε4 positive. Of these patients, 80.5% were diagnosed with AD or amnestic MCI. Both APOE ε4 and increasing age were associated with decreasing levels of Aβ, but not the levels of the tau proteins. In multiple regression analyses, disease stage, defined as a MMSE ≥25 or <25, influenced factors associated with the CSF biomarkers. Among those with MMSE score ≥ 25, age, APOE ε4 genotype, and MMSE score, in addition to a diagnosis of AD, were associated with Aβ level, with an explained variance of 0.43. When using P-tau or T-tau as a dependent variable, the presence of one or two APOE ε4 alleles, and MMSE score influenced the results, in addition to the diagnosis of AD. The explained variance was lower for P-tau (0.26) and for T-tau (0.32). Among those with MMSE <25, these variables explained very little of the variance. There were no gender differences. Conclusions We found that factors in addition to a diagnosis of AD, were associated with the levels of CSF biomarkers. Among those with MMSE ≥25, lower levels of Aβ were associated with several factors including increasing age. This is not reflected in clinical practice, where age-specific cutoffs exist only for T-tau. In this study, age was not associated with the levels of tau proteins

    Factors that influence the levels of cerebrospinal fluid biomarkers in memory clinic patients

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    Background The cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) biomarkers amyloid β (Aβ), phospho tau (P-tau) and total tau (T-tau) are used increasingly to support a clinical diagnosis of Alzheimer’s disease. The diagnostic power of these biomarkers has been reported to vary among different studies’ results. The results are poorer when heterogeneous groups of patients have been included compared to studies where patients with Alzheimer’s dementia (AD) and healthy controls have been studied. The aim of this study was to examine if age, APOE genotype and sex were associated with the levels of CSF biomarkers among patients referred to a memory clinic. Methods We included 257 patients from two memory clinics who had been assessed for dementia, including lumbar puncture. Results The mean age of the patients was 68.1 (SD: 8.0) years; 50.2% were women and 66.5% were APOE ε4 positive. Of these patients, 80.5% were diagnosed with AD or amnestic MCI. Both APOE ε4 and increasing age were associated with decreasing levels of Aβ, but not the levels of the tau proteins. In multiple regression analyses, disease stage, defined as a MMSE ≥25 or <25, influenced factors associated with the CSF biomarkers. Among those with MMSE score ≥ 25, age, APOE ε4 genotype, and MMSE score, in addition to a diagnosis of AD, were associated with Aβ level, with an explained variance of 0.43. When using P-tau or T-tau as a dependent variable, the presence of one or two APOE ε4 alleles, and MMSE score influenced the results, in addition to the diagnosis of AD. The explained variance was lower for P-tau (0.26) and for T-tau (0.32). Among those with MMSE <25, these variables explained very little of the variance. There were no gender differences. Conclusions We found that factors in addition to a diagnosis of AD, were associated with the levels of CSF biomarkers. Among those with MMSE ≥25, lower levels of Aβ were associated with several factors including increasing age. This is not reflected in clinical practice, where age-specific cutoffs exist only for T-tau. In this study, age was not associated with the levels of tau proteins

    Trajectories of depressive symptoms and their relationship to the progression of dementia

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    Background The relationship between progression of Alzheimer's disease and depression and its underlying mechanisms has scarcely been studied. Methods A sample of 282 outpatients with Alzheimer's disease (AD; 105 with amnestic AD and 177 with Alzheimer's dementia) from Norway were followed up for an average of two years. Assessment included Cornell Scale for Depression in Dementia and Clinical Dementia Rating Scale (CDR) at baseline and follow-up to examine the relationship between AD and depression. Additionally, MRI of the brain, CSF dementia biomarkers and APOE status were assessed at baseline. Progression of dementia was defined as the difference between CDR sum of boxes at follow-up and baseline (CDR-SB change). Trajectories of depressive symptoms on the Cornell Scale were identified using growth mixture modeling. Differences between the trajectories in regard to patients’ characteristics were investigated. Results Three distinct trajectories of depressive symptoms were identified: 231 (82.8%) of the patients had stable low-average scores on the Cornell Scale (Class 1); 11 (3.9%) had high and decreasing scores (Class 2); and 37 (13.3%) had moderate and increasing scores (Class 3). All classes had average probabilities over 80%, and confidence intervals were non-overlapping. The only significant characteristic associated with membership in class 3 was CDR-SB change. Limitations Not all patients screened for participation were included in the study, but the included and non-included patients did not differ significantly. Some patients with amnestic MCI might have been misdiagnosed. Conclusion A more rapid progression of dementia was found in a group of patients with increasing depressive symptoms.acceptedVersio

    Prevalence and change in alcohol consumption in older adults over time, assessed with self-report and Phosphatidylethanol 16:0/18:1 -The HUNT Study.

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    BackgroundChanges in alcohol consumption may affect older adults' health. We examined prevalence and changes in the alcohol consumption of older women and men (≥65 years) in Norway over a 24-year period.MethodsData from three population-based health surveys (The Trøndelag Health Study-HUNT2 1995-97, HUNT3 2006-08, HUNT4 2017-19) were used. Alcohol consumption was measured using self-reported measures and an objective measure of alcohol consumption (Phosphatidylethanol 16:0/18:1, PEth). Self-reported lifetime abstinence, former drinking, current drinking, frequent drinking (≥4 times/week), and risk drinking (≥8 units/week) were measured. The PEth concentrations were stratified: 0.06 μmol/l (indicating >1 unit/day); >0.10 μmol/l (indicating >3 units/day), and >0.30 μmol/l (heavy alcohol consumption).ResultsIn HUNT4, the prevalence of self-reported lifetime abstinence, frequent drinking, and risk drinking was 5.2%, 4.4%, and 5.6%, respectively, while prevalence of PEth 0.06 μmol/l was 21.2%. Over the course of the three surveys, the prevalence of self-reported lifetime abstinence decreased, while the prevalence of frequent drinking and risk drinking increased. Men were less often abstainers and more often frequent and risky drinkers than women in all three surveys. Gender differences for abstinence and current drinking reduced with time. From HUNT3 to HUNT4, the prevalence of PEth 0.06 μmol/l increased. Men compared to women, had less often PEth 0.06 and >0.10 μmol/l in HUNT3 and HUNT4. Women and men ≥75 years were just as likely to have PEth >0.30 μmol/l in HUNT4. The gender differences in PEth concentrations were reduced in HUNT4 among those aged 70-74 years or ≥75 years.ConclusionAlcohol consumption has increased among Norwegian older adults over a 24-year period, but at a slower pace during the last decade

    Visual Evaluation of Medial Temporal Lobe Atrophy as a Clinical Marker of Conversion from Mild Cognitive Impairment to Dementia and for Predicting Progression in Patients with Mild Cognitive Impairment and Mild Alzheimer's Disease

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    Background/Aims: To evaluate whether visual assessment of medial temporal lobe atrophy (vaMTA) can predict 2-year conversion from mild cognitive impairment (MCI) to dementia and progression of MCI and Alzheimer's disease dementia as measured by the Clinical Dementia Rating Scale Sum of Boxes score (CDR-SB). Methods: vaMTA was performed in 94 patients with MCI according to the Winblad criteria and in 124 patients with AD according to ICD-10 and NINCDS-ADRDA criteria. Demographic data, the Consortium to Establish a Registry for Alzheimer's Disease 10-word delayed recall, APOE ɛ4 status, Cornell Scale for Depression in Dementia, and comorbid hypertension were used as covariates. Results: vaMTA was associated with MCI conversion in an unadjusted model but not in an adjusted model (p = 0.075), where delayed recall and APOE ɛ4 status were significant predictors. With CDR-SB change as the outcome, an interaction between vaMTA and diagnosis was found, but in the adjusted model only delayed recall and age were significant predictors. For vaMTA below 2, the association between vaMTA and CDR-SB change differed between diagnostic groups. Similar results were found based on a trajectory analysis. Conclusion: In adjusted models, memory function, APOE ɛ4 status and age were significant predictors of disease progression, not vaMTA. The association between vaMTA and CDR-SB change was different in patients with MCI and Alzheimer's disease dementia