3,443 research outputs found

    Ibero-American Research on Local Development. An Analysis of Its Evolution and New Trends

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    Local development is a subject that arouses significant interest in the international scientific community in general, and in the Ibero-American one, in particular. The process of globalization has transformed the management of local development, altering the role that is played by local and regional entities, and it is the object of an important follow-up and analysis by academia. This research uses a bibliometric methodology and a fractional counting method, reviewing the 738 articles from the Scopus database in order to understand the state of Ibero-American research on local development, and analyze the scientific literature on the topic. The results show a significant increase in the number of publications in the 21st century, with Spain and Brazil leading the way. In addition, this research provides interesting results regarding the most influential authors on this topic, the most relevant journals, and the most important institutions and funding organizations. There are several areas of knowledge involved since local development is a transversal field, such as Social Science, environment, business, economics, and agriculture. A deep analysis of authors’ keywords identified new trends, linking local development with tourism, education, geotourism, climate change, local sustainable development, social innovation, and creativity, which provides academia with potential new lines of research

    Remote health care system for elderly people with chronic diseases

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    3rd International Conference on the Elderly and New Technologies. III Jornadas Internacionales de Mayores y Nuevas Tecnologías.Chronic diseases are the leading cause of mortality in the world, representing 60% of all deaths. The remote project aims to establish a multidisciplinary and integrated approach to utilize information and communication technologies for addressing real needs of elderly people, especially of citizens at risk due to geographic and social isolation in combination with specific chronic conditions. More specifically, remote offers a set of services oriented to maintain the independence of the persons who face chronic diseases and live alone. remote provides four different kinds of services, related to different areas such as environmental home control, schedule control, mental health and physical health. This paper is focussed on the services related to the physical health. An activity advisor, a nutritional advisor and a medical advisor will be analyzed. All services are based on client-server architecture, compound by the server side and two main clients, one for the elderly and another for the doctors who take care of them. Nowadays, the pilot phase of remote has just started. Remote counts with several pilots, in sites like Norway, Romania, Germany, Israel and Spain in which the elderly participants present different conditions. Also, the pilot sites count with medical doctors specialized in different areas, such as nutrition or physiotherapy. This situation allows testing the services in a wide variety of cases. In this paper we will analyze the results achieved so far in the pilot phase.Las enfermedades crónicas son la principal causa de mortalidad en el mundo y representan un 60 % de las muertes. El proyecto remote pretende establecer un enfoque multidisciplinario e integrado para utilizar tecnologías de la información y la comunicación para responder a las necesidades reales de las personas de edad avanzada, especialmente de los ciudadanos en situación de riesgo debido al aislamiento geográfico y social en combinación con determinadas enfermedades crónicas. Más específicamente, remote ofrece un conjunto de servicios orientados a mantener la independencia de las personas con enfermedades crónicas que viven en situaciones de aislamiento. Remote brinda un conjunto de servicios relacionados con diferentes áreas tales como el control ambiental del hogar, el control de horarios, la salud mental y la salud física. Este artículo se centra en los servicios relacionados con la salud física. En él se describirán un asesor nutricional, un asesor de ejercicio y un asesor de medicación. Todos los servicios se basan en una arquitectura cliente servidor y se componen de un servidor y dos clientes, uno para los ancianos y otro para los médicos que se encargan de ellos. Actualmente, remote acaba de comenzar su fase de pilotaje. remote cuenta con pilotos en diferentes países, como Noruega, Rumanía, Alemania o España, en los que los participantes presentan diferentes condiciones. Además, los pilotos cuentan con médicos especialistas en distintos aspectos, tales como nutricionistas o fisioterapeutas. Esta situación permite analizar el sistema en una gran variedad de casos. En este artículo se describirán los resultados obtenidos hasta la fecha

    A decision support system to design water supply and sewer pipes replacement intervention programs

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    Article number 107967Asset management in hydraulic infrastructures aims for the long-term sustainability of water distribution and wastewater networks. Strategic maintenance planning has thus been deeply analyzed in the literature for indi vidual water and sewer pipes. However, water utilities do not plan and perform replacement activities on in dividual elements, but rather on coherent aggregations of neighboring pipes. We have developed a decision support system (DSS) to help water utilities design intervention programs for hydraulic infrastructures. It in tegrates a two-stage algorithm that groups water supply and sewer pipes into practical and efficient replacement works, based upon their proximity and their priority of renewal. A multi-objective genetic algorithm optimizes the work programs configurations while integrating the water company’s strategic policy into an innovative multi-objective function. We have applied our methodology to a large water company in Spain and illustrated this application with a sensitivity analysis to determine how the company’s strategic criteria influences the resulting work configurations.Empresa Metropolitana de Abastecimiento y Saneamiento de Aguas de Sevilla (EMASESA) 273/17, 286/1

    A comprehensive framework to efficiently plan short and long-term investments in water supply and sewer networks

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    Water supply and sewer networks are critical infrastructures that provide a basic service to society. However, these systems constantly age and degrade over time. In addition, since network infrastructures are so extensive in length, they require a significant investment in maintenance tasks. Hence, within the context of infrastructure asset management (IAM), accurately defining the most efficient investment planning possible is essential to ensure their long-term sustainability. This paper presents an original five-step comprehensive framework to successfully implement an infrastructure asset management strategy and plan long-term investments. Moreover, this methodology integrates innovative and relevant operational and convenience factors that, while provide the problem both with realism and practicality, have not been addressed so far. To illustrate the usefulness and applicability of this methodology, the case study of a large water company in Spain is presented

    Early Diagnosis of Oral Cancer: A Complex Polyhedral Problem with a Difficult Solution

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    Oral and oropharyngeal cancers are a growing problem, accounting for 377,713 and 98,412 new cases per year all over the world and 177,757 and 48,143 deaths annually, respectively. Despite the substantial improvement in diagnostic procedures and treatment techniques in recent years, the mortality rate has not decreased substantially in the last 40 years, which is still close to 50% of cases. The major cause responsible for this high mortality is associated with the high percentage of oral cancers diagnosed in advanced stages (stages III and IV) where the treatment harbors poor efficacy, resulting in challenges, mutilations, or disability. The main reason for cancer to be diagnosed at an advanced stage is a diagnostic delay, so it is critical to reduce this delay in order to improve the prognosis of patients suffering from oral cancer. The causes of oral cancer diagnostic delay are complex and concern patients, healthcare professionals, and healthcare services. In this manuscript, oral cancer diagnostic delay is critically reviewed based on current evidence, as well as their major causes, main problems, and potential improvement strategiesResearch group CTS-392 (Plan Andaluz de Investigación, Junta de Andalucía, Spain

    Prognostic and Clinicopathological Significance of CCND1/Cyclin D1 Upregulation in Melanomas: A Systematic Review and Comprehensive Meta-Analysis

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    We would like to thank the research group CTS-392 (Plan Andaluz de Investigación, Junta de Andalucía, Spain).Simple Summary The incidence of cutaneous melanoma is increasing worldwide, currently responsible for 287,723 new cases and 60,712 deaths per year (GLOBOCAN, IARC, WHO). It should be also highlighted that some less frequent subtypes of melanomas-i.e., acral, uveal, and mucous melanoma-are responsible for significant morbidity associated with metastasis, responding typically worse to newer therapies. Therefore, new biomarkers are needed to improve the prognosis in individual patients. In this sense, the present study showed that CCND1/cyclin D1 upregulation is a common molecular oncogenic alteration in melanomas that probably favors the growth and expansion on cutaneous primary melanomas. Furthermore, immunohistochemical cyclin D1 overexpression strongly predicted a higher Breslow thickness, currently considered the most relevant prognostic factor in individual patients with melanomas. Finally, special attention should be paid to the CCND1/cyclin D1 complex in mucosal melanomas, whose upregulation was strikingly altered. Our objective was to evaluate the prognostic and clinicopathological significance of cyclin D1 (CD1) overexpression/CCND1 amplification in melanomas. We searched studies published before September 2019 (PubMed, Embase, Web of Science, Scopus). We evaluated the quality of the studies included (QUIPS tool). The impact of CD1 overexpression/CCND1 amplification on overall survival and relevant clinicopathological characteristic were meta-analyzed. We performed heterogeneity, sensitivity, small-study effects, and subgroup analyses. Forty-one studies and 3451 patients met inclusion criteria. Qualitative evaluation demonstrated that not all studies were performed with the same rigor, finding the greatest risk of bias in the study confounding domain. Quantitative evaluation showed that immunohistochemical CD1 overexpression had a statistical association with Breslow thickness (p = 0.007; OR = 2.09,95% CI = 1.23-3.57), significantly higher frequency of CCND1/cyclin D1 abnormalities has been observed in the primary tumor compared to distant metastases (p = 0.004), revealed also by immunohistochemical overexpression of the protein (p < 0.001; OR = 0.53,95% CI = 0.40-0.71), while the CCND1 gene amplification does not show association (p = 0.43); while gene amplification, on the contrary, appeared more frequently in distant metastases (p = 0.04; OR = 1.70,95% CI = 1.01-2.85) and not in the primary tumor. In conclusion, CCND1/cyclin D1 upregulation is a common molecular oncogenic alteration in melanomas that probably favors the growth and expansion of the primary tumor. This upregulation is mainly consequence to the overexpression of the cyclin D1 protein, and not to gene amplification

    Dysplasia in oral lichen planus: relevance, controversies and challenges. A position paper

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    Background: Patients with oral lichen planus (OLP) have an increased risk of oral cancer. For this reason, OLP is classified as an oral potentially malignant disorder. However, the precise personal (or individual) risk is unknown. Recent meta-analytical studies have reported that dysplastic OLP may transform to cancer in around 6% of cases, while the rate of transformation is lower (<1.5%) in non-dysplastic cases. The presence of epithelial dysplasia has emerged as the most powerful indicator for assessing cancer risk in oral potentially malignant disorders in routine practice. However, the general acceptance of epithelial dysplasia as an accompanying histologic feature in OLP is subject to great controversy. Many pathologists consider the presence of dysplasia as a criterion to exclude OLP when routinely reporting on this disease. This practice, widespread among oral pathology professionals, has resulted in the underestimation of the potential for malignancy of OLP. Material and Methods: A review of the literature was carried out in order to critically analyze the relevance, controversies and challenges encountered across the diagnosis of epithelial dysplasia in OLP. Results: 12 studies have been published examining dysplastic changes in OLP, reporting figures ranging from 0.54% to 25% of cases with dysplasia in the first diagnostic biopsy. The diagnosis of dysplasia in the OLP poses an additional difficulty due to the fact that the affected oral epithelium per se develops changes related to autoimmune aggression. Among the most frequent histological features of OLP that develops dysplasia are basal cell hyperplasia with basaloid appearance, loss of basal cells polarity, cellular and nuclear pleomorphism and irregular stratification. Conclusions: Epithelial dysplasia should not be considered an exclusion criterion for OLP; its evaluation requires experienced pathologists in this field

    Legalización del cannabis, una oportunidad social y económica a partir del proyecto de ley 189 de 2.020

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    Ensayo II Congreso Internacional COFACESColombia a través de los años ha luchado contra el cultivo de sustancias ilegales, se pretende encontrar los beneficios que brinda el proyecto de Ley 189 de 2.020 (Bolivar, y otros, 2.020), el cual se basa en la legalización del Cannabis recreativo para adultos. A partir de esto se cita un contexto histórico en el que se han hecho acuerdos entre varios países para abordar el consumo de sustancias psicoactivas. Se observan perspectivas de otros lugares donde ya se ha legalizado el consumo recreativo de Cannabis y esto ha permitido el crecimiento económico de los mismos.RESUMEN INTRODUCCIÓN ANTECEDENTES CASO URUGUAY BENEFICIOS ECONÓMICOS OPORTUNIDAD PERDIDA CONCLUSIONESEspecializaciónEspecialista en Formulación y Evaluación Social y Económica de Proyecto

    Interannual variability of ground surface thermal regimes in Livingston and Deception islands, Antarctica (2007–2021)

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    The absence of vegetation in most ice-free areas of Antarctica makes the soil surface very sensitive to atmosphere dynamics, especially in the western sector of the Antarctic Peninsula, an area within the limits of the permafrost zone. To evaluate the possible effects of regional warming on frozen soils, we conducted an analysis of ground surface temperatures (GSTs) from 2007 to 2021 from different monitoring sites in Livingston and Deception islands (South Shetlands archipelago, Antarctica). The analysis of the interannual evolution of the GST and their daily regimes and the freezing and thawing indexes reveals that climate change is showing impacts on seasonal and perennially frozen soils. Freezing Degree Days (FDD) have decreased while Thawing Degree Day (TDD) have increased during the study period, resulting in a balance that is already positive at the sites at lower elevations. Daily freeze–thaw cycles have been rare and absent since 2014. Meanwhile, the most common thermal regimes are purely frozen – F1 (daily temperatures < = 0.5C), isothermal – IS (ranging between 0.5C to +0.5C), and purely thawed – T1 (> = +0.5C). A decrease in F1 days has been observed, while the IS and T1 days increased by about 60 days between 2007 and 2021. The annual number of days with snow cover increased between 2009 and 2014 and decreased since then. The GST and the daily thermal regimes evolution point to general heating, which may be indicative of the degradation of the frozen soils in the study area.Ministry of Economy of the Government of Spain; PERMAMODEL, Grant/Award Number: POL2006-01918; PERMAPLANET, Grant/Award Number: CTM2009-10165; PERMASNOW, Grant/Award Number: CTM2014-52021-R; PARANTAR, Grant/Award Number: PID2020-115269GBI00; ANTARPERMA, Grant/Award Number: CTM2011-15565-Einfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    An analysis of the similarities in the ATR-FTIR spectra from Argania spinosa, Rosa rubiginosa and Elaeis guineensis oils

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    The attenuated total reflection Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (ATR-FTIR) spectra of the essential oil from Rosa rubiginosa L. seeds and the vegetable oils from Argania spinosa L. kernel and Elaeis guineensis Jacq. pulp show important similitudes that hamper their identification by vibrational spectroscopy techniques if they are not complemented with well-established methods such as gas chromatography. Nevertheless, the observed similarities in structure-composition-traditional uses between Argania spinosa and Rosa rubiginosa oils suggest that they could be interchangeable when skin physicians, dermatologic-surgeons or cosmetologists perceive in their practice that one of the oils produces an allergic reaction or other side effects, although further activity studies are needed