14 research outputs found

    Global variations in diabetes mellitus based on fasting glucose and haemogloblin A1c

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    Fasting plasma glucose (FPG) and haemoglobin A1c (HbA1c) are both used to diagnose diabetes, but may identify different people as having diabetes. We used data from 117 population-based studies and quantified, in different world regions, the prevalence of diagnosed diabetes, and whether those who were previously undiagnosed and detected as having diabetes in survey screening had elevated FPG, HbA1c, or both. We developed prediction equations for estimating the probability that a person without previously diagnosed diabetes, and at a specific level of FPG, had elevated HbA1c, and vice versa. The age-standardised proportion of diabetes that was previously undiagnosed, and detected in survey screening, ranged from 30% in the high-income western region to 66% in south Asia. Among those with screen-detected diabetes with either test, the agestandardised proportion who had elevated levels of both FPG and HbA1c was 29-39% across regions; the remainder had discordant elevation of FPG or HbA1c. In most low- and middle-income regions, isolated elevated HbA1c more common than isolated elevated FPG. In these regions, the use of FPG alone may delay diabetes diagnosis and underestimate diabetes prevalence. Our prediction equations help allocate finite resources for measuring HbA1c to reduce the global gap in diabetes diagnosis and surveillance.peer-reviewe

    The Creative Drummer: An EEG-Based Pilot Study on the Correlates of Emotions and Creative Drum Playing

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    It is reasonable to assume that emotional processes are involved in creative tasks and the generation of creative ideas. In this pilot study, we investigate the emotional correlates in professional drummers during different degrees of creative music playing. Ten participants performed three tasks: repetitive rhythmic drum playing, pattern-based improvisation, and attention-intensive free improvisation, while their EEG activity was recorded. Arousal and valence levels were estimated from the EEG data at baseline and for the three tasks. Results show significantly increased levels of valence (i.e., increased prefrontal right alpha power compared to prefrontal left alpha power) during pattern-based and free improvisation relative to baseline, and significantly increased levels of valence during free improvisation relative to pattern-based improvisation. These results seem to indicate that positive emotion (characterized as increased valence) is associated with the creation of original ideas in drum playing and that the freer the creative process, the greater the positive effect. The implication of these results may be of particular relevance in the fields of music-based therapeutic interventions and music pedagogy

    A Logic-Based Concurrent Object-Oriented

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    Parallel computers and distributed systems are becoming increasingly important. Their impressive computation to cost ratios o#er a considerable higher performance than that possible with sequential machines. Yet there are few commercial applications written for them. The reason is that programming in these environments is substantially more di#cult than programming for sequential machines. In this thesis, we presentTempo and Tempo++, two programming languages which aim to reduce the inherent complexity of writing concurrent programs

    Music-Enhanced Emotion Identification of Facial Emotions in Autistic Spectrum Disorder Children: A Pilot EEG Study

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    The Autistic Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is characterized by a difficulty in expressing and interpreting others’ emotions. In particular, people with ASD have difficulties when interpreting emotions encoded in facial expressions. In the past, music interventions have been shown to improve autistic individuals’ emotional and social skills. The present study describes a pilot study to explore the usefulness of music as a tool for improving autistic children’s emotion recognition in facial expressions. Twenty-five children (mean age = 8.8 y, SD = 1.24) with high-functioning ASD and normal hearing participated in the study consisting of four weekly sessions of 15 min each. Twenty-five participants were randomly divided into an experimental group (N = 14) and a control group (N = 11). During each session, participants in the experimental group were exposed to images of facial expressions for four emotions (happy, sad, angry, and fear). Images were shown in three conditions, with the second condition consisting of music of congruent emotion with the shown images. Participants in the control group were shown only images in all three conditions. For six participants in each group, EEG data were acquired during the sessions, and instantaneous emotional responses (arousal and valence values) were extracted from the EEG data. Inter- and intra-session emotion identification improvement was measured in terms of verbal response accuracy, and EEG response differences were analyzed. A comparison of the verbal responses of the experimental group pre- and post-intervention showed a significant (p = 0.001) average improvement in emotion identification accuracy responses of 26% (SD = 3.4). Furthermore, emotional responses of the experimental group at the end of the study showed a higher correlation with the emotional stimuli being presented, compared with their emotional responses at the beginning of the study. No similar verbal responses improvement or EEG-stimuli correlation was found in the control group. These results seem to indicate that music can be used to improve both emotion identification in facial expressions and emotion induction through facial stimuli in children with high-functioning ASD

    Music, Computing, and Health: A Roadmap for the Current and Future Roles of Music Technology for Health Care and Well-Being

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    The fields of music, health, and technology have seen significant interactions in recent years in developing music technology for health care and well-being. In an effort to strengthen the collaboration between the involved disciplines, the workshop “Music, Computing, and Health” was held to discuss best practices and state-of-the-art at the intersection of these areas with researchers from music psychology and neuroscience, music therapy, music information retrieval, music technology, medical technology (medtech), and robotics. Following the discussions at the workshop, this article provides an overview of the different methods of the involved disciplines and their potential contributions to developing music technology for health and well-being. Furthermore, the article summarizes the state of the art in music technology that can be applied in various health scenarios and provides a perspective on challenges and opportunities for developing music technology that (1) supports person-centered care and evidence-based treatments, and (2) contributes to developing standardized, large-scale research on music-based interventions in an interdisciplinary manner. The article provides a resource for those seeking to engage in interdisciplinary research using music-based computational methods to develop technology for health care, and aims to inspire future research directions by evaluating the state of the art with respect to the challenges facing each field

    Proyecto de Tesis II - CI189 - 202101

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    DESCRIPCIÓN Curso de especialidad en la carrera de ingeniería civil de carácter teórico-práctico dirigido a los estudiantes del 10mo ciclo. El curso Proyecto de Tesis II busca que los estudiantes de Ingeniería Civil apliquen sus capacidades adquiridas durante todos sus estudios, en completar una investigación, que plantea resolver una problemática en una de las líneas de la carrera. Con la ayuda de un docente asesor especialista en el tema lograran redactar el informe de tesis al 100%, este informe será revisado por otro docente especialista que proporciona sugerencias de mejoras a la investigación. Por último, los estudiantes exponen ante un jurado especialista sus resultados quienes evalúan y también hacen sugerencia de mejoras a la investigación. PROPÓSITO En el Perú actualmente existe un gran número de estudiantes de Ingeniería Civil que no cuentan con el título profesional, por no realizar la tesis de investigación, lo cual disminuye significativamente su desarrollo profesional y sus oportunidades laborales. Adicionalmente las leyes Peruanas exigen que para el obtener el bachillerato los estudiantes deben redactar un trabajo de investigación. El curso de proyecto de Tesis 2 permite que los estudiantes puedan desarrollar el 100% de la Tesis y un trabajo de investigación, siendo ambos certificados por un asesor y un jurado evaluador. Este curso contribuye con el desarrollo de las competencias generales de comunicación escrita, comunicación oral, manejo de la información y ciudadanía y las competencias específicas 2, 3, 5 y 6 de ABET, todas a nivel de logro 3. Cuenta con el prerrequisito de Proyecto de Tesis 1

    Proyecto De Tesis I - CI186 - 202101

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    Descripción: Curso de especialidad en la carrera de ingeniería civil de carácter teórico-práctico dirigido a los estudiantes del 9no ciclo. El curso Proyecto de Tesis I busca que los estudiantes de Ingeniería Civil apliquen sus capacidades adquiridas durante todos sus estudios, en completar una investigación, que plantea resolver una problemática en una de las líneas de la carrera. Con la ayuda de un docente asesor especialista en el tema lograran redactar el informe de tesis al 50%, este informe será revisado por otro docente especialista que proporciona sugerencias de mejoras a la investigación. Por último, los estudiantes exponen ante un jurado especialista sus resultados quienes evalúan y también hacen sugerencia de mejoras a la investigación. Propósito: En el Perú actualmente existe un gran número de estudiantes de Ingeniería Civil que no cuentan con el título profesional, por no realizar la tesis de investigación, lo cual disminuye significativamente su desarrollo profesional y sus oportunidades laborales. El curso de proyecto de Tesis 1 permite que los estudiantes puedan desarrollar el 50% de la Tesis de investigación, siendo la misma certificada por un asesor y un jurado evaluador. Contribuye con el desarrollo de las competencias generales de Pensamiento Crítico, Razonamiento Cuantitativo, Pensamiento Innovador y las competencias específicas 1, 4 y 7 de ABET, todas a nivel de logro 3

    Proyecto de Tesis II - CI189 - 202102

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    DESCRIPCIÓN Curso de especialidad en la carrera de ingeniería civil de carácter teórico-práctico dirigido a los estudiantes del 10mo ciclo. El curso Proyecto de Tesis II busca que los estudiantes de Ingeniería Civil apliquen sus capacidades adquiridas durante todos sus estudios, en completar una investigación, que plantea resolver una problemática en una de las líneas de la carrera. Con la ayuda de un docente asesor especialista en el tema lograran redactar el informe de tesis al 100%, este informe será revisado por otro docente especialista que proporciona sugerencias de mejoras a la investigación. Por último, los estudiantes exponen ante un jurado especialista sus resultados quienes evalúan y también hacen sugerencia de mejoras a la investigación. PROPÓSITO En el Perú actualmente existe un gran número de estudiantes de Ingeniería Civil que no cuentan con el título profesional, por no realizar la tesis de investigación, lo cual disminuye significativamente su desarrollo profesional y sus oportunidades laborales. Adicionalmente las leyes Peruanas exigen que para el obtener el bachillerato los estudiantes deben redactar un trabajo de investigación. El curso de proyecto de Tesis 2 permite que los estudiantes puedan desarrollar el 100% de la Tesis y un trabajo de investigación, siendo ambos certificados por un asesor y un jurado evaluador. Este curso contribuye con el desarrollo de las competencias generales de comunicación escrita, comunicación oral, manejo de la información y ciudadanía y las competencias específicas 2, 3, 5 y 6 de ABET, todas a nivel de logro 3. Cuenta con el prerrequisito de Proyecto de Tesis 1

    Empowering Latina scientists

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