32 research outputs found

    A Review on the Applications of Machine Learning for Tinnitus Diagnosis Using EEG Signals

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    Tinnitus is a prevalent hearing disorder that can be caused by various factors such as age, hearing loss, exposure to loud noises, ear infections or tumors, certain medications, head or neck injuries, and psychological conditions like anxiety and depression. While not every patient requires medical attention, about 20% of sufferers seek clinical intervention. Early diagnosis is crucial for effective treatment. New developments have been made in tinnitus detection to aid in early detection of this illness. Over the past few years, there has been a notable growth in the usage of electroencephalography (EEG) to study variations in oscillatory brain activity related to tinnitus. However, the results obtained from numerous studies vary greatly, leading to conflicting conclusions. Currently, clinicians rely solely on their expertise to identify individuals with tinnitus. Researchers in this field have incorporated various data modalities and machine-learning techniques to aid clinicians in identifying tinnitus characteristics and classifying people with tinnitus. The purpose of writing this article is to review articles that focus on using machine learning (ML) to identify or predict tinnitus patients using EEG signals as input data. We have evaluated 11 articles published between 2016 and 2023 using a systematic literature review (SLR) method. This article arranges perfect summaries of all the research reviewed and compares the significant aspects of each. Additionally, we performed statistical analyses to gain a deeper comprehension of the most recent research in this area. Almost all of the reviewed articles followed a five-step procedure to achieve the goal of tinnitus. Disclosure. Finally, we discuss the open affairs and challenges in this method of tinnitus recognition or prediction and suggest future directions for research

    More on signed graphs with at most three eigenvalues

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    We consider signed graphs with just 2 or 3 distinct eigenvalues, in particular (i) those with at least one simple eigenvalue, and (ii) those with vertexdeleted subgraphs which themselves have at most 3 distinct eigenvalues. We also construct new examples using weighing matrices and symmetric 3-class association schemesOutput Status: Forthcoming/Available Onlin

    The prevalence of polycystic ovary syndrome in adolescents: A systematic review and meta-analysis

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    Background: Polycystic ovarian syndrome is an endocrine disorder with many complications. This syndrome is a growing concern among adolescents around the world, with varying reports of its prevalence in different parts of the world. Objective: This study aimed to determine the prevalence of polycystic ovary syndrome in adolescents by a systematic review and meta-analysis. Materials and Methods: In this study, a search for published articles with an English language limitation and without a time limit was done in different databases (Scopus, PubMed, and Web of Science, Emabse and Cochrane) in January 2019. The 12 studies that met the criteria for entering a qualitative assessment scale of 5 and higher were subjected to systematic review and meta-analysis. Egger and Begg’s tests were used to check the publication bias. Data were analyzed with STATA software, version 11.1. Results: Twelve studies were included for meta-analysis. The total number of participants in the study was 149,477. The average quality score of all studies was 8.67 (range: 5–10). The prevalence of polycystic ovarian syndrome in adolescents based on the Rotterdam criteria was 11.04% (95% CI: 6.84–16.09%), based on the National Institute of Health criteria, it was 3.39% (95% CI: 0.28–9.54%), and based on Androgen Excess and Polycystic Ovary Syndrome Society, it was 8.03% (95% CI: 6.24–10.01%). Conclusion: The result of this study showed that there is a variation in the prevalence of PCOS in adolescents based on different criteria; we suggest more community-based studies among adolescences in different parts of the world

    The Effect of Errorless and Errorful on Practice Children's Learning of Motor Skills: The Role of Reinvestment

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    The purpose of the present study was to investigate the effects of errorless and errorful practice on children’s learning of motor skills: The Role of Reinvestment. The statistical population of the present study consisted of all the male elementary school students in the age range of 7-10 in Mashhad in the academic year of 2017-2018. For this purpose, 48 male students in the city of Mashhad, , were selected through an available sample and randomly based on the levels of reinvestment. This study is an applied research and the type of practice protocol in four groups: errorless with high reinvestment tendency, errorful with low reinvestment tendency, errorful with high reinvestment tendency. Retention, transfer, and dual-task tests were conducted after the acquisition phase at 24-hour intervals. To analyze the data in the acquisition, retention, transfer, and dual-task phases, a mixed model variance analysis (ANOVA) 2 (reinvestment levels: high and low) × 2 (practice protocol: errorless and errorful) and LSD post-hoc test were used, and the data were analyzed using SPSS 24 software. The results of the acquisition test showed that all groups had made progress, but two groups, the errorful with high reinvestment tendency and the errorless with low reinvestment tendency, performed significantly better than the other groups on the retention and transfer tests. The two groups of the defectless with low reinvestment tendency and the defectless with high reinvestment tendency performed significantly better than the other groups under pressure conditions. Therefore, it is recommended that physical educators pay special attention to these psychological variables (reinvestment) when designing exercises and training programs for children’s motor skills

    تأثیر مداخلات تمرینی بر والگوس داینامیک زانو: مطالعه مروری نظام مند: تمرینات ورزشی و والگوس داینامیک زانو

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    Background and Objectives: Increase in dynamic knee valgus during movements such as landing, jumping, cutting, stepping up and down, and walking is one of the risk factors for knee injuries and a reduction in the mechanical efficiency of movement. Recent research has shown that landing with dynamic knee valgus causes weakness and possible defects in dynamic movements of lower limbs; Therefore, the aim of this study was to determine the effectiveness of exercise intervention on dynamic knee valgus angle during landing, jumping, and cutting tests. Method and Material: Seven electronic databases in Persian (three databases) and English (four databases) and specified keywords were used to identify the studies. These studies include the effects of exercise interventions on dynamic knee valgus during jumping, landing, and cutting tests which were published between 2010 to 2020 and 1390 to 1399 in both Persian and English. Results: Eleven articles with a total of 445 participants met the inclusion and exclusion criteria of the present study. Eight studies reported a significant effect of exercise programs (between three and 10 weeks) on reducing the dynamic knee valgus, and only three studies (between 16 and 24 sessions) showed no difference in dynamic knee valgus. According to the results of this study, Core exercises (strength and stability) and plyometric exercises with 64% and 80% reduction in dynamic knee valgus were the most effective methods in improving the kinematics of the lower limb, respectively. Conclusion: Using jump-landing, strong core, and lower limb exercises before the main exercise (at least 20 minutes) can reduce dynamic knee valgus and prevent lower limb injuries. How to cite this article: Ramezani F, Saki F, Sohrabi T. The Effects of Exercise Interventions on Dynamic Knee Valgus: A Systematic Review. Irtiqa Imini Pishgiri Masdumiyat. 2022;10(1): 43-54.سابقه و هدف: افزایش زاویه والگوس زانو در خلال حرکات پویا نظیر فرود، پرش، برش، بالا و پایین رفتن از پله و راه‌رفتن، یکی از عوامل خطرآفرین آسیب‌‌های زانو و کاهش بازده مکانیکی حرکت است. تحقیقات اخیر نشان داده‌اند، فرود با والگوس پویا زانو، ضعف و نقص احتمالی حرکات پویا اندام تحتانی را باعث می‌شود؛ هدف از این مطالعه تعیین اثربخشی مداخلات تمرینی مختلف بر زاویه والگوس زانو طی آزمون‌های فرود، پرش و برش بود. روش بررسی: مطالعه به روش مرور نظام مند انجام شد.جهت شناسایی مطالعات مورد نظر از هفت پایگاه الکترونیکی اطلاعاتی فارسی (سه پایگاه) و انگلیسی (چهار پایگاه) و کلیدواژه‌های مشخص شده، استفاده گردید. این مطالعات شامل اثربخشی مداخلات تمرینی بر والگوس داینامیک زانو طی آزمون‌های پرش، فرود و برش است که بین سال‌های 2010 تا 2020 و 1390 تا 1399 به زبان‌های فارسی یا انگلیسی منتشر شده بود. نتایج: یازده مقاله با مجموع 445 شرکت‌کننده (گروه تمرین: 252 نفر و گروه کنترل: 203 نفر) معیارهای ورود و خروج مطالعه حاضر را برآورده کردند. هشت مطالعه تأثیر قابل‌توجه برنامه‌های ورزشی (بین سه تا 10 هفته) را بر کاهش زاویه والگوس پویا زانو گزارش کردند و تنها سه مطالعه (بین 16 تا 24 جلسه) تفاوتی در زاویه والگوس پویا زانو نشان ندادند. براساس نتایج این مطالعه تمرینات میان تنه (قدرتی و ثباتی) و تمرینات پلایومتریک به ترتیب با 64% و 80% کاهش در زاویه والگوس داینامیک زانو بیشترین اثربخشی را در بهبود کینماتیک اندام تحتانی داشتند. نتیجه‌گیری: استفاده از تمرینات پرش - فرود و تمرینات قدرتی میان تنه و اندام تحتانی قبل از تمرینات اصلی ورزشی (حداقل به مدت 20 دقیقه) می‌تواند والگوس پویا زانو را کاهش دهد و در نهایت از آسیب‌های اندام تحتانی جلوگیری کند. How to cite this article: Ramezani F, Saki F, Sohrabi T. The Effects of Exercise Interventions on Dynamic Knee Valgus: A Systematic Review. Irtiqa Imini Pishgiri Masdumiyat. 2022;10(1): 43-54

    Signed graphs with at most three eigenvalues

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    summary:We investigate signed graphs with just 2 or 3 distinct eigenvalues, mostly in the context of vertex-deleted subgraphs, the join of two signed graphs or association schemes

    More on Signed Graphs with at Most Three Eigenvalues

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    We consider signed graphs with just 2 or 3 distinct eigenvalues, in particular (i) those with at least one simple eigenvalue, and (ii) those with vertex-deleted subgraphs which themselves have at most 3 distinct eigenvalues. We also construct new examples using weighing matrices and symmetric 3-class association schemes

    The Relationship between Critical Thinking and EFL Learner's Reading Comprehension Ability

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    The present research was aimed to investigate the relationship between critical thinking and reading comprehension ability among EFL learners at Payame Noor University (PNU) of Rasht. For this purpose, 125 PNU students were selected by employing Cambridge English Language Assessment Test as the sample of this research. Then Lauren Starkey Critical Thinking Test (2010) including 30-multiple choice item was conducted to the participants to distinguish critical and uncritical learners. Significant correlation found between these two major variables through employing Spearman Non-Parametric Correlation Coefficient. The findings of the current study can have theoretical and practical implications for improving EFL learners' ability in reading comprehension