369 research outputs found

    Passionate Conversations to Prostrate Modern - Jurisprudence Study

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    In this research, the hadiths mentioned regarding an attribute of the Prophet's prayer, may God's prayers and peace be upon him, were collected, which is how to fall into prostration. I collected hadiths from the books of the Sunnah of the Prophet by mentioning the hadiths that scholars of hadith and jurisprudence relied on to invoke them. Then I classified them according to the books and jurisprudence chapters found in the books of the Sunnah of the Prophet in order to ensure the interest in jurisprudence, hadith, linguistics, and fundamentalism that the chapter contains. These hadiths were then extracted based on the imams who mentioned them in their books of the authentic Sunnah of the Prophet (books of the Sahih, Sunan and Musnad, dictionaries, histories of men and countries, books of hadiths Amali, benefits, books of interpretation and beliefs, hadith portions, books of weak, books of trustworthy ones, books of specific narrators, and some of the books of hadith sciences), explaining their methods and limiting them as much as possible and as needed, guided in all of this by the rules of the principles of takhrej, the rules of hadith sciences, the words of the imams of this art, and their rulings and investigations. After translating the chain of narrators and knowing the final ruling on them, I assessed the chain of hadiths in terms of validity, goodness, or almost weakness, and facilitation. I mentioned the reasons for its acceptance in general, and I do not judge the hadith because we want to understand the ruling and the order of the path from which the hadith came. Then strange hadith books from hadith and language dictionaries were discussed. The legal rulings were then deduced from these hadiths and their implications were extracted, and the sayings of the scholars were mentioned in detail with their evidence and the responses of the two teams. The research was divided into an introduction and two sections. As for the introduction, it mentioned the virtue of the Prophetic Sunnah, the importance of the topic, the reason for choosing it, the research plan, and the research method in the study of hadiths. In the first topic, the hadiths about placing the hands on the knees were mentioned, and the third topic was about the hadiths of placing the knees on the hands. As for the conclusion, it mentioned the most important findings of the research

    EIA- A Teacher Education Project in Bangladesh: An Analysis from Diversified Perspectives

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    English in Action (EIA) is an ongoing teacher education project which places mobile technology at the centre of its action. Most of the studies carried out focused on the changes EIA brought in teachers’ classroom actions. Along with this, they also explored the classroom to observe whether the input given during training program is implemented in real life. No study has been conducted that compares and contrasts the components of mobile learning in general and the components EIA is using. This study, particularly, drew a comparative analysis between the mobile learning and EIA initiated mobile learning to reveal the extent it matched or mismatched to the components of mobile learning. It also scrutinized teachers’ behavior in the classroom after participating in EIA. It also penetrated to find the contents to be reviewed. Qualitative method was used to conduct this study. The result revealed that the components of EIA match to the mobile learning ones to the extent that EIA entails those suiting the context. Few elements were seemed absent as they are less suitable in such context. Besides, teachers were found bringing changes in their classrooms. The introduction of action research and reflective teaching were suggested to add to EIA’s program

    Classification of dyslexic and normal children during resting condition using KDE and MLP

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    Dyslexia is a specific reading disability. It can be characterized by a severe difficulty in reading, learning, spelling, memorizing as well as sequencing activities. In this work, the participants' electroencephalogram (EEG) signals were monitored during resting situation. These signals are captured from the scalp of each subject to measure the brain activities during both eyes opened and eye closed scenarios. Features from the EEG signals were extracted using the Kernel Density Estimation (KDE) and classified using the Multilayer Perceptron (MLP). Due to the large number of features extracted, relevant features are then selected by grouping various spectral components and eliminating irrelevant features. For a comparison purpose, brain signals of three children who are diagnosed of having dyslexia by medical practitioners (denoted as dyslexic) and the other three children diagnosed otherwise (denoted as normal) are used. Experimental results shown that there is a clear distinction between dyslexic and normal children during both eyes closed and eyes opened scenario. Hence, further works can be extended for early intervention in such a way that these children can be further assisted to cope with their learning experience

    Fallujah Pontoon Bridge: A Study of the Toll Tax Regulation 1921-1926

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              Fallujah pontoon bridges were not merely crossings installed to join the west and east banks of the Euphrates River, they also represented a vital link in the land transport network that connected Iraq to the outside world in the eastern Mediterranean and beyond. With the growth of Fallujah's economic role on the international commercial map in the late fifteenth and early sixeenth centuries, the pontoon bridges gained a huge commercial and military significance (demonstrated by the Ottomans’ repeated attempts to install such pontoon bridges along the Euphrates banks near Fallujah). The local authorities in Iraq regulated the toll tax imposed on crossing bridges and using ferries in Fallujah. However, toll tax regulation was considerably developed under the Hashemite monarchy. This is the key focus of this paper, which evaluates the development of the toll tax regulations, investigating unpublished official documents produced during the Hashemite monarchy. Keywords: Fallujah, Modern History, Pontoon bridges, Toll tax regulation

    Scientific Transformation of Islamic Boarding Schools through Role of Alums the Islamic Education Study Program

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    This study aims to reveal the existence and role of alums of the Islamic Religious Education study program in carrying out scientific transformations in Islamic boarding schools. The research location is the As-Salman Allakuang Darud Da'wah wal Ershad (DDI) Islamic boarding school, Sidenreng Rappang Regency. This study uses a qualitative research approach with a case study type. Data collection techniques used participant observation, semi-structured interviews, focusing on crucial informants, namely alums of the Islamic Religious Education study program who had served since 2016 at the DDI As-Salman Allakuang Islamic boarding school, as well as documentation studies. The data analysis technique used the interactive analysis technique of Miles, Huberman, and Saldana. Testing the validity of the data is done by going through the credibility, dependability, confirmability, and transferability tests. The results showed that alums of the Islamic Religious Education study program from the Parepare State Islamic Institute played an essential role in the scientific transformation of the DDI As-Salman Allakuang Islamic boarding school since 2016. Their role is seen in four ways: 1) Maximizing the functions and duties as educators by carrying out the mandate, 2) Equipping students with millennial-era skills through structured activities, 3) Strengthening self-potential and sensitivity to contemporary realities for students, and 4) Intensifying the internalization of values and ethics by carrying out recitation, coaching, and cadre training to strengthen the basis of morality Students. The value of these findings underscores the importance of alums, the relevance of education to the needs of the times, social responsibility as educators, and strengthening identity and self-potential in the context of Islamic religious education in Islamic boarding schools

    Financial inclusiveness and economic growth: new evidence using a threshold regression analysis

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    This paper investigates the effect of financial inclusiveness on economic growth in selected developed and developing countries (63 countries) for the years of 2014 and 2017. The level of financial inclusiveness for each country is calculated using a new construction of the financial inclusion index. The role of financial inclusiveness on economic growth is subsequently estimated using a cross-sectional threshold regression technique. The main findings revealed that there is a threshold effect of the financial inclusiveness-growth nexus, which means that financial inclusiveness exhibits a non-monotonic positive relation with economic growth. The positive effect is more pronounced at a high level than in the low level of financial inclusion index. These new findings should motivate policymakers and the banking sector in each country to exert greater effort in raising the level of financial inclusion in stimulating sustainable economic growth

    Headache : Could it be esophageal cancer?

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    Brain metastasis in patients with primary esophageal carcinoma is rare and has a poor prognosis. Here we report a case with brain metastasis as the initial presentation for patient's esophageal cancer.Includes bibliographical reference

    Development of Islamic law: the application of ‘urf in halal animal slaughtering practices

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    Islamic law is often misunderstood as a rigid and outdated law which is non-compatible to be exercised in this modern day. This is, however, not true due to the recognition of legal reasoning, al-ijtihad, in Islamic legal tradition where Islamic law is adaptable and flexible in line with the changing of times, places and circumstances. Halal industry, particularly the animal slaughtering practices is one of the areas that experience positive developments which lead to the emergence of new practices like stunning and mechanical slaughtering. Indeed, these practices are regarded as a new phenomenon in which there the issue was not clearly discussed in the classical literatures hence needs for further clarification on the status of Shariah legal rulings, hukm, from various sources of Islamic law including ‘urf. This paper is an attempt to discuss the development of Islamic law with special reference to the application of ‘urf in halal animal slaughtering practices. In order to achieve the objective, opinions from both classical and modern literatures are examined and analyzed in order to understand the development of Islamic law in halal industry. The findings show that ‘urf is considered as the most suitable instrument in determining the legal status of modern animal slaughtering practices since it is applicable to all kinds of situations, places and times

    Sikap pelajar terhadap pembelajaran fizik dan hubungannya dengan pencapaian dalam kalangan pelajar sains

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    Kajian ini bertujuan meninjau sikap pelajar terhadap pembelajaran fizik dan menentukan pengaruh sikap terhadap pencapaian fizik serta mengkaji perbezaan sikap terhadap pembelajaran dan pencapaian dalam kumpulan pelajar lelaki dengan pelajar perempuan. Populasi kajian adalah pelajar Kolej Matrikulasi Selangor (N = 219). Soal selidik sikap terhadap pembelajaran fizik atau STPF yang mengandungi 16 item telah diedarkan kepada populasi kajian. Ujian statistik deskriptif digunakan bagi menentukan sikap responden terhadap pembelajaran fizik dan ujian regresi linear mudah digunakan bagi menentukan kesan sikap terhadap pencapaian fizik. Data kajian menunjukkan responden mempunyai sikap yang positif terhadap fizik, iaitu mirip profil pakar. Secara signifikan, kajian mendapati sikap dapat menjelaskan sebanyak 2.9 peratus terhadap varians pencapaian fizik. Ujian-t bebas juga menunjukkan terdapat perbezaan sikap antara pelajar lelaki dengan pelajar perempuan yang signifikan dan kecil. Namun tiada perbezaan dalam pencapaian fizik. Kajian ini mencadangkan supaya kurikulum sains dinilai semula supaya kelihatan lebih relevan, dinamik dan menarik. Kajian juga membuka ruang kepada penyelidik lain untuk meneroka faktor-faktor lain yang mungkin lebih mempengaruhi pencapaian fizik


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    The aim of this research is that the role and law enforcement efforts of the Na-tional Police in dealing with alcohol in the Kabila Sector Legal Area need to be optimized in developing society. Security and public order is a dynamic condition of society as one of the prerequisites for the implementation of the national devel-opment process which is characterized by ensuring order and upholding the law and the establishment of peace which contains the ability to foster and develop the potential and strength of society in warding off, preventing and overcoming all forms of violations of the law and other forms of disturbance that can disturb the community. So based on this, the author hopes that there will be firmness from the police in taking action against crimes caused by the influence of alcohol. The type of research used in this research is an empirical method (empirical law research) and uses a normative approach method. The data analysis carried out in this research is descriptive analysis as the data is compiled using a qualitative approach. Based on the research results, it shows that the role of Bahabinkam-timnas in tackling alcohol in the Kabila Sector Legal Area has not been fully im-plemented based on Perkap No. 1 of 2021 Amendment to Perkap no. 3 of 2015. The role as intended is to encourage the community to form forums that can min-imize the situation