27 research outputs found


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    Dalam mencapai langkah pembelajaran geografi, dibutuhkan sumber belajar untuk memperoleh informasi, pengetahuan, pengalaman, dan keterampilan pada proses belajar mengajar. Sumber belajar memiliki beberapa jenis, salah satu yang dapat digunakan pada pembelajaran geografi yang mempelajari gejala dan peristiwa alam yang terjadi di muka bumi yaitu sumber belajar lingkungan. Sehingga, keberadaan Taman Wisata Alam Situ Gunung di Kabupaten Sukabumi yang didalamnya memiliki potensi untuk dimanfaatkan oleh guru geografi SMA sebagai sumber belajar geografi pada kegiatan belajar mengajar. Berdasarkan latar belakang tersebut, penelitian ini mengkaji tentang pemanfaatan Taman Wisata Alam Situ Gunung sebagai sumber belajar geografi SMA di Kabupaten Sukabumi. Penelitian ini bertujuan : 1) Mengidentifikasi potensi TWA Situ Gunung sebagai sumber belajar geografi, 2) Mengetahui pendapat dan penilaian guru terhadap pemanfaatan TWA Situ Gunung sebagai sumber belajar geografi, 3) Mengidentifikasi faktor pendorong dan penghambat TWA Situ Gunung sebagai sumber belajar geografi. Menggunakan metode deskriptif. Populasi seluruh guru geografi SMA di Kabupaten Sukabumi bagian utara, dan sampel menggunakan area sampling dengan faktor lokasi. Teknik analisis data menggunakan teknik persentase dan Skala likert. Hasil penelitian yang menunjukkan : 1) Potensi Taman Wisata Alam Situ Gunung meliputi kondisi fisik, tersedianya sarana dan prasarana, keanekaragaman flora dan fauna serta objek wisata dapat menunjang sebagai sumber belajar geografi. 2) Sebanyak 67% guru geografi memberikan pendapat dan penilaian kuat atau positif terhadap pemanfaatan TWA Situ Gunung sebagai sumber belajar. Hal tersebut meliputi guru memahami sumber belajar, mengetahui TWA Situ Gunung sebagai sumber belajar, guru cukup memanfaatkan TWA Situ Gunung sebagai sumber belajar geografi dan pendapat penilaiannya positif terhadap dukungan pemanfaatan lingkungan TWA Situ Gunung sebagai sumber belajar. 3) Sebagian besar guru setuju faktor pendukung berupa potensi TWA Situ Gunung dapat mendukung kegiatan pembelajaran geografi. Serta diantara faktor penghambat, yaitu faktor sekolah memiliki pengaruh lebih dominan disamping faktor guru. Kata Kunci : Pembelajaran Geografi, Sumber Belajar, Taman Wisata Alam Situ Gunung In case to acquire steps of geography learning, learning source is needed to get information, knowledge, experiences, and skills at teaching and learning process. Learning source has some kinds, one that can be used at Geography learning which studying about indication and natural events that occur on earth is enviromental learning source. So that the existence of Taman Wisata Alam Situ Gunung in Sukabumi Regency has potential to be used by high school geography teacher as geography learning source in teaching and learning activity. Based on this background, this research examines the usage TWA Situ Gunung as the learning source for geography high schooler in Sukabumi Regency. The goals from this research are: 1) Identifying the potential of TWA Situ Gunung as the learning source, 2) Knowing the opinions and judgements from the geography teachers about using TWA Situ Gunung as the learning source, 3) Identifying the organizer factors and the obstacles TWA Situ Gunung as a source of geography learning. Using descriptive metode. The population of senior high school’s geography teachers in north Sukabumi Regency, and using area sampling or schools distance. Data were analyzed using percentage techniques and Likert scale. The yield of research indicating : 1) Physical conditon of TWA Situ Gunung, the availability of the tools and infrastructure, also the various of flora and fauna also tour object has potential to be used as geography’s learning source. 2) about 67% geography teacher gave opinion and good rating or positive for the usage of TWA Situ Gunung as learning source. This includes teachers understand the learning source, find out TWA Situ Gunung as learning source, the teachers using TWA Situ Gunung as geography learning source and their positive appraisal to support the usage of the TWA Situ Gunung environment as learning source. 3) More than half of them agreed that the organizer factors which are the potential of TWA Situ Gunung can support the geography learning activity. As well as among the obstacles, is school factor have bigger dominan than the teachers affect. Keywords: Geography learning, The Learning Source, Taman Wisata Alam Situ Gunun


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    Cakupan persalinan di pelayanan kesehatan sebesar 81,18% (Profil Kesehatan Indonesia, 2020) dengan persentase paling besar ditolong Bidan (62,7%) dan tempat persalinan paling banyak di Praktek Mandiri Bidan yaitu sebesar 29% (Balitbangkes Kemkes RI (2019)). Pandemi covid-19 berdampak pada banyak sektor termasuk pelayanan kesehatan maternal. Terjadi penurunan pada cakupan pemeriksaan Ibu Hamil K4 dari tahun 2020 dibandingkan 2019 yaitu dari 88,54% menjadi 84,6%. Penurunan ini kemungkinan dari daerah yang terkena pandemi Covid-19 (Profil Kesehatan Indonesia, 2020). Persiapan persalinan yang baik sangat penting dilakukan apalagi fasilitas kesehatan terstandar sudah menerapkan protokol Covid-19 dengan baik. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian peneliti tentang kesiapan ibu hamil trimester III dalam menghadapi persalinan pada masa pandemi Covid-19 (2021) didapatkan masih ada ibu hamil trimester III dalam kategori tidak siap dalam menghadapi persalinan yaitu sebesar 5,3% pada aspek fisik, 6,67% pada aspek psikologis, dan 8% pada aspek kultural. Maka, perlu adanya pendampingan kepada ibu hamil tersebut agar siap dalam menghadapi persalinan di masa pandemi ini. Tujuan dari pengabdian masyarakat ini adalah melakukan Pendampingan Penggunaan Buku Panduan Kesiapan Menghadapi Persalinan di Masa Pandemi Covid-19 Secara Islami.Kegiatan ini diselenggarakan dengan melakukan pendampingan kepada Para Bidan di Klinik Barokah yang berjumlah 7 orang terkait penggunaan buku panduan Menghadapi Persalinan Secara Islami Pada Masa Pandemi Covid-19 dengan media video dalam youtube agar dapat digunakan oleh Ibu Hamil. Setelah itu dilakukan pendampingan kepada bidan dalam melakukan edukasi terhadap 15 orang ibu hamil trimester III. Edukasi ini dinilai sangat penting dalam mengadapi persalinan secara islami karena belum pernah diberikan sebelumnya

    Evaluasi Pelaksanaan Kegiatan Simpan Pinjam Perempuan PNPM Mandiri Perdesaan di Kecamatan Siantan Kabupaten Pontianak

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    This study aims to inform the Implementation of Women's Savings and Loans PNPM Rural in District Siantan Pontianak regency. The research method used is a form of descriptive research method case study research. Data Sources manager in UPK PNPM Rural and PNPM Rural PJOK. Techniques of data collection, observation, interview and documentation. Data collection tool that observation sheets, interview guidelines and documents. The data were analyzed qualitatively. The results showed that the implementation of the Savings and Loan Activity in District Siantan the revolving fund allocation is very effective achievement of the target of 116.56%. Achievement of women RTM quite effective for 82% of the target. Efekktif not coaching at 36.27%. Although coaching is not running optimally, but the implementation of SPP activity revolving fund in the District Siantan Pontianak District achieved on target

    Pengelolaan Limbah Padat di Fakultas Kesehatan dan Non Kesehatan Universitas Jember (The Solid Waste Management on Health and Non Health Faculty in University of Jember)

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    Recently, the increase of students in University of Jember also resulting increased of activities.This may cause solid waste also being increase. According to UI’s GreenMetric UniversitySustainability Ranking, University of Jember have tended to decrease in realizing green campuswhich the one of criteria was solid waste management . Based on early study, health and nonhealth faculty was collected in open area in each faculty, being mixed, and burned. This researchaim to describe the solid waste management on health and non health faculty in University ofJember. This research used descriptive observational approach. Unit analysis in this researchwere all health and non health faculty in University of Jember then two health and two non healthfaculty was choosen consist of Public Health Faculty, Faculty of Dentistry, Faculty of Agricultural,and Faculty of Economic. The result of the research showed that Faculty of Economic has thehighest mean weight of solid waste 36,88 kg/day and the mean volume 742,05 liters/day whileFaculty od Dentistry has the lowest mean weight of solid waste 19,38 kg/day and mean volume397,79 liters/day. The conclusion of this research were solid waste management includereduction of solid waste still not comprehensive and handling of solid waste still mixed, heaped inopen place, and burned.Keywords:solid waste, solid waste management, University of Jember


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    Abstract: This study aims to inform the Implementation of Women's Savings and Loans PNPM Rural in District Siantan Pontianak regency. The research method used is a form of descriptive research method case study research. Data Sources manager in UPK PNPM Rural and PNPM Rural PJOK. Techniques of data collection, observation, interview and documentation. Data collection tool that observation sheets, interview guidelines and documents. The data were analyzed qualitatively. The results showed that the implementation of the Savings and Loan Activity in District Siantan the revolving fund allocation is very effective achievement of the target of 116.56%. Achievement of women RTM quite effective for 82% of the target. Efekktif not coaching at 36.27%. Although coaching is not running optimally, but the implementation of SPP activity revolving fund in the District Siantan Pontianak District achieved on target. Keywords: Evaluation, PNPM Rural, SPP. Abstrak: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menginformasikan Pelaksanaan Kegiatan Simpan Pinjam Perempuan PNPM Mandiri Perdesaan di Kecamatan Siantan Kabupaten Pontianak. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode penelitian deskriptif bentuk penelitian studi kasus. Sumber data pengelola di UPK PNPM Mandiri Perdesaan dan PJOK PNPM Mandiri Perdesaan. Teknik pengumpulan data, Observasi, Wawancara dan dokumentasi. Alat pengumpulan data yakni lembar observasi, pedoman wawancara dan dokumen. Analisis data dilakukan secara kualitatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa dalam pelaksanaan Kegiatan Simpan Pinjam di Kecamatan Siantan dalam alokasi dana bergulir sangat efektif pencapaian target sebesar 116,56%. Pencapaian target perempuan RTM cukup efektif sebesar sebesar 82% dari target. Pembinaan tidak efekktif sebesar 36,27%. Walaupun pembinaan belum berjalan dengan optimal namun pelaksanaan dana bergulir kegiatan SPP di Kecamatan Siantan Kabupaten Pontianak tercapai sesuai target. Kata Kunci: Evaluasi, PNPM Mandiri Perdesaan, SP

    Cadmium (Cd) and Mercury (Hg)in the Soil, Leachate and Ground Water at the final Waste Disposal Pakusari Jember Distric Area

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    Open dumping and controlled landfill were method that used in almost the entire final waste disposal in Indonesia. It was potentially contaminate the soil, and grand water, especially heavy metal such as cadmium and Mercury. The objective of this research is to identifying cadmium and mercury in the soil, leachate and ground water at the final waste disposal Pakusari Jember District area. This research was an observational analytical study conducted cross sectionally. There were six kavlings, three leachate ponds and five ground water. Soil Samples were collected by diagonal method for every kavlings. There were 48 soil samples with composite samples, 3 leachete and 5 water samples. The result showed that mean total cadmium (TCd) and mercury (THg) were 1,46 ppm (kavling 3); 0,859 ppm (kavling4); 0,415 ppm (kavling 5a); 0,16 ppm (kavling 5b); 0,467 ppm (kavling 6);1,459ppm (kavling 9) and not detected for THg. TCd in the leachate ponds 1,2,3 were 0,029 ppm; 0,044 ppm; 0,045 ppm. THg in the leachate ponds 1,2,3 were 0; 0,013; 0,021


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    Composting is one way to reduce waste and add something beneficial to the earth and health. It is very important to analyze the quality of compost before adding compost to the soil. pH value is one of the indicator of compost quality. The pH value is an indicator of the acidity or alkalinity of the maturity compost. The objective of this reseach is to analyzed pH value compost which added dolomit and whithout dolomit, compos quality and reduce waste. Anaerobic and aerobic composter modification from reuse plastic mineral drinking water 19 litter. The method of this research is experimental design.The row organic materials are 3 kg kithcen waste, fruits waste 1 kg (composter anaerobic 1 and aerobic 3) as control and added dolomit 0,3 kg (composter anaerobic 2 and aerobic 4 ) as treatment. The row material in the control and treatment showed that temperature at 20.2 °C and 25°C; pH value at 4.3 and 5.6; moisture at 86.3 and 88.9; carbon into nitrogen (C/N) ratios 23.4 and 14.05.  Maturity compost showed temperature and pH value are at 20°C and 6.0  (composter 3) and at 2.5 °C and 7 (composter 4). Compost Quality analyzed in NPK. The control showed NPK at 0,41; 0.1758; 0,125  (composter 1); 1.42; 0.208; 0.151 (composter 3). The treatment showed NPK at 0.97; 0,0502; 0.124 (composter 2); 1,04; 0.082; 0,222 (composter 4). Waste reduction at 93% (composter 1), 95% (composter 2), 60% (composter 3), 96,8%(composter 4). Dolomit is pH stabilitation on household waste and Effective to redue waste.   Keyword: Dolomit, composting, p

    Pentingnya Penerapan Metode Pembelajaran Mind Mapping bagi Siswa Sekolah Dasar

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    The purpose of this study is to describe the implementation of Islamic cultural history learning using discovery learning strategies. The form and type of this research is field research using descriptive qualitative methods. Data collection techniques through observation, interviews and documentation. The data sources are in the form of primary data and secondary data. The primary data are religious teachers who have used discovery learning strategies in learning the history of Islamic culture, while the secondary data are the Principals and Administration of MAM Lakitan. The data analysis technique that the writer uses is data reduction, data presentation and conclusion. Learning the history of Islamic culture using the Discovery Learning Strategy Religion teachers are required to design an implementation plan before teaching by the Principal, the implementation of learning can bring maximum results, but Religion teachers experience problems in implementing learning so Religion teachers must try to overcome the obstacles encountered in learning cultural history Islam by using the Discovery Learning Strategy in class X IPS at MAM Lakita

    The pH and Total Suspended Solid with Poly Alumunium Chloride (PAC) and Alumunium Sulfate in Leachate

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    Leachate water is a liquid containing waste degradation results from polluters. PAC and Aluminum Sulfate coagulant is a big molecular weight that are able to form larger clumps form flok. The purpose of the study to see the difference a lower pH and TSS using PAC and Aluminum Sulfate in water leachate. This research is a true experiment and method using Random Design complete (RAL) with six repetitions. The sample consists of the control group (C) and treatment group (T1, T2, T3). Coagulation-Flocculation is carried out using a PAC and Aluminum Sulfate with dose 1600 mg/L (T1), 2600 mg/L (T2), and 3600 mg/L (T3) for 76 minutes. Each sample is mixed with leachate is one liter and stirred by jar test with a speed of 400 rpm for one minute (stirring quickly) and 150 rpm for 15 minutes (stirring slowly), then it only 60 minutes. After that, the results were compared with a control group. The data were analyzed using kruskal-wallis test. The results showed that Aluminum Sulfate is more effective than PAC in lowering the pH and TS

    Hygiene Sanitation and Rhodamin B Dyes in Cenil: Study in Sub-District Market of Jember District

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    Cenil is still one of the traditional foods that people are interested in nowadays. To make it look attractive, cenil producers often use red coloring substance such as Rhodamine B. Rhodamin B is one type of textile dye that is prohibited from being used in food. Many cases of food poisoning or illness are caused by insecure food consumed, lack of application of hygiene sanitation and the use of hazardous chemical dyes as additional ingredients in Cenil. This research used descriptively with quantitative approach. The population of the study was the producer of the cenil as many as seven producers that are selling at the spread in 4 traditional markets in 3 sub-district of Jember District. The sample in this study is total population. The result of the knowledge level of cenil respondents related to the use of additives dye has a medium category (57%). The result hygiene sanitation of cenil has a good selection quality (57%). The result of a laboratory test to the existence of Rhodamin B dye on cenil showed two samples (29%) which contain positive Rhodamin B. Identification the difference of cenil which containing Rhodamine B have bright pink color, tend to fluoresce, there are nonhomogeneous color spots and bitter taste