34 research outputs found

    Pengembangan Sistem Evaluasi OSCE Berbasis Aplikasi Ponsel untuk Mahasiswa Kedokteran di Indonesia

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    Evaluation of Objective Structured Clinical Examination (OSCE) is required to assess medical students’ skills in order to meet the Indonesian medical doctor competency standards. This study presents an innovative method for developing a mobile app-based OSCE evaluation system in Med Stud Games (MSG) and explores its condition. To evaluate MSG, we use the focus group discussion (FGD) method. We use a purposeful sampling approach, consisting of a content expert, medical education expert and medical students. The result of an experience in using MSG for two OSCE training was discussed in FGD. Data was analyzed using in vivo coding and divided into categories to advantages, problems, content, interface, and future improvements. The FGD results in 19 codes. Advantages are categorized as easy to use, fast, practical, and automation timer and scoring. Problems categorized in distraction potential of incoming calls and notifications and online only. Content results in the validity of score and checklist quality. Interface results in font size and layout. Future improvement results in saving and sharing data, open feedback and text, and user-generated content. MSG improve assessment and feedback qualities for medical students. Further observational studies are needed to assess OSCE validation to be used in exam setting

    Characterization of spontaneous recurrent epileptiform discharges in hippocampal–entorhinal cortical slices prepared from chronic epileptic animals

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    AbstractEpilepsy, a common neurological disorder, is characterized by the occurrence of spontaneous recurrent epileptiform discharges (SREDs). Acquired epilepsy is associated with long-term neuronal plasticity changes in the hippocampus resulting in the expression of spontaneous recurrent seizures. The purpose of this study is to evaluate and characterize endogenous epileptiform activity in hippocampal–entorhinal cortical (HEC) slices from epileptic animals. This study employed HEC slices isolated from a large series of control and epileptic animals to evaluate and compare the presence, degree and localization of endogenous SREDs using extracellular and whole cell current clamp recordings. Animals were made epileptic using the pilocarpine model of epilepsy. Extracellular field potentials were recorded simultaneously from areas CA1, CA3, dentate gyrus, and entorhinal cortex and whole cell current clamp recordings were obtained from CA3 neurons. All regions from epileptic HEC slices (n=53) expressed SREDs, with an average frequency of 1.3Hz. In contrast, control slices (n=24) did not manifest any SREDs. Epileptic HEC slices demonstrated slow and fast firing patterns of SREDs. Whole cell current clamp recordings from epileptic HEC slices showed that CA3 neurons exhibited paroxysmal depolarizing shifts associated with these SREDs. To our knowledge this is the first significant demonstration of endogenous SREDs in a large series of HEC slices from epileptic animals in comparison to controls. Epileptiform discharges were found to propagate around hippocampal circuits. HEC slices from epileptic animals that manifest SREDs provide a novel model to study in vitro seizure activity in tissue prepared from epileptic animals

    Clinical features and outcome of sporadic colorectal carcinoma in young patients: A cross-sectional analysis from a developing country

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    Background: Early onset colorectal carcinoma (CRC) is rare and has been hypothesized to be a biologically and clinically distinct entity personifying aggressive disease and worse survival.Methods: Data for 131 patients was collected by retrospective chart review. Cox proportional hazard model was used to compute prevalence ratios and 95% confidence intervals.Results: Early onset sporadic CRC accounted for 32% of all CRC treated in the specified time period. The mean age was 33.3 ± 7.9 years and the male to female ratio was 2 : 1. Colon and rectal cancers accounted for 55% and 45% of patients, respectively. 96% of rectal carcinoma patients received appropriate therapy as opposed to 65% of colon cancers. On multivariable analysis, appropriate reception of therapy (PR 4.99; 95% CI, 1.21-20.6) and signet ring morphology (PR 2.40; 95% CI, 1.33-4.32) were significantly associated with rectal cancers as opposed to colon cancer. Kaplan-Meier analysis revealed a trend towards inferior survival for rectal carcinoma 2 years after diagnosis.Conclusion: A high prevalence of early onset CRC was noted in the study. A trend towards inferior survival was seen in patients with rectal cancer. This finding raises the possibility of rectal carcinoma being an aggressive subset of young CRC

    Efecto inmunomodulador de Pimpinella anisum L. (anís) en pollos de engorde contra la Enfermedad de Newcastle y la enfermedad viral de la Bursitis infecciosa)

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    Pimpinella anisum L. (Anís) se utiliza principalmente como un estimulante inmunológico, promotor del crecimiento, antifúngico, y antibacteriano, en muchos países durante siglos. El objetivo de este estudio fue determinar el efecto inmunomodulador de anís contra la enfermedad de Newcastle (ND) y la enfermedad de la bursitis infecciosa (IBD). El efecto inmunomodulador de anís contra los virus ND y e IBD se determinaron mediante la modificación del ensayo de inhibición de la migración de células del bazo y recuento diferencial de leucocitos de la inmunidad celular. La inhibición de la hemaglutinación y hemaglutinación indirecta se utilizaron para la medición de la respuesta inmune humoral contra el virus de ND e IBD, respectivamente. El presente estudio sugiere que la adición de anís a la dieta basal a la tasa de 0,5 g/kg y 1 g/kg de alimentación tuvo una mejor actividad inmunomoduladora tanto para las respuestas inmunes humorales como celulares. Sin embargo, a dosis más altas de anís tuvo efectos adversos. El anís posee una importante actividad inmunomoduladora cuando se añade en dosis más bajas, es decir, 0,5 g/kg y 1 g/kg

    Does Emotional Intelligence Dwindle the Stress Due to Time Pressure and Work Overload? A Case Study of Nurses in Public Hospitals

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    The objective behind this research paper was to observe the impact of emotional intelligence on stress which is triggered by time pressure and due to work overload. With no regard to public or private organization setup, time pressure and work overload are reported by employees in general. Nurses are face the issue on daily basis. Stressful conditions due to time pressure and workload often lead to many organizational concerns in terms of mental health, physical health, absentees‟ turnover, emotional burnout etc. emotional intelligence is considered a best-coping strategy and it is studied with many organizational variables which positively related to positive variable and inversely related negative variable. Time pressure and workload werestudied with emotional intelligence it was observed that emotional intelligence was inversely related to time pressure and work overload. For this purpose, SmartPLS 3.0 was used to find the path coefficients and R-square, the output shows that the path coefficient for work overload (-0.55) and for time pressure (-0.38), the R-square (0.31) and (0.14) for work overload and time pressure with significance P-value (0.000) (0.000) and T-statistic value (14.9) (8.5) respectively. Nurses of the three main hospitals of Peshawar was the observing unit. And data was collected through self- administrated questionnaires, a stratified and systematic random sample was used to obtain the sample size of 359 out of approximately 2000 nurses including the adjusting nursing schools which works under these hospitals setting

    Efecto promotor del crecimiento de Pimpinella anisum (semilla de anis) en pollos broiler

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    Se realizó el presente estudio para evaluar el efecto promotor del crecimiento de Pimpinella anisum L. (anís) en pollos de  engorde en términos de ganancia de peso corporal, peso de los órganos, el consumo de alimento y conversión alimenticia (FCR). Para este  propósito, cuatro niveles (0,5, 1,0, 1,5 y 2,0 gramos por kg de alimento) de anís en polvo se administraron en el pienso desde el día 0 hasta  el final del experimento (42 días de edad). La ganancia de peso corporal, consumo de alimento y FCR fueron registrados en forma semanal.  Las aves mostraron un buen rendimiento (mejor ganancia de peso, un mejor consumo de alimento y FCR) cuando el anís se alimentó en  dosis más bajas, sin embargo, las aves mostraron malos resultados en los niveles más altos de anís. Del mismo modo, se observó casi el  mismo patrón de peso de los órganos. Este estudio sugiere que el buen efecto del anís en el rendimiento de pollos de engorde en dosis más  bajas que sugiere la necesidad adicional de experimentos de la serie para conocer los niveles de seguridad mínimos de anís que se  incorporarán en la ración de pollos de engorde para obtener los resultados deseados

    Antimicrobial, Antioxidant and Cytotoxic Potential of Aerial Parts of Monotheca buxifolia

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    In this study, different aerial parts of Monotheca Buxifolia were screened for their antibacterial, antifungal, and anti-oxidant activity. Extract of the fruit was most active against P. mirabilis, MSSA and M. morganii strains. Moreover, the methanolic fruit extract demonstrated good antibacterial properties against VRSA, S. aureus and Acinetobacter. Despite having good antibacterial properties, Monotheca buxifolia showed low antifungal activity. The cytotoxic activity was the highest in the pet-ether fruit extract, causing 60% of lethality against Artemia salina larvae with LD50 at 3.307. The highest scavenging activity was shown by the methanolic leaf extract in a concentration-dependent pattern. The findings of this study suggest that Monotheca Buxifolia has good antibacterial, antioxidant potential but low antifungal properties

    Integrated Software Systems for Crew Management During Extravehicular Activity in Planetary Terrain Exploration

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    Initial planetary explorations with the Apollo program had a veritable ground support army monitoring the safety and health of the 12 astronauts who performed lunar surface extravehicular activities (EVAs). Given the distances involved, this will not be possible on Mars. A spacesuit for Mars must be smart enough to replace that army. The next generation suits can do so using 2 software systems serving as virtual companions, LEGACI (Life support, Exploration Guidance Algorithm and Consumable Interrogator) and VIOLET (Voice Initiated Operator for Life support and Exploration Tracking). The system presented in this study integrates data inputs from a suite of sensors into the MIII suit s communications, avionics and informatics hardware for distribution to remote managers and data analysis. If successful, the system has application not only for Mars but for nearer term missions to the Moon, and the next generation suits used on ISS as well. Field tests are conducted to assess capabilities for next generation spacesuits at Johnson Space Center (JSC) as well as the Mars and Lunar analog (Devon Island, Canada). LEGACI integrates data inputs from a suite of noninvasive biosensors in the suit and the astronaut (heart rate, suit inlet/outlet lcg temperature and flowrate, suit outlet gas and dewpoint temperature, pCO2, suit O2 pressure, state vector (accelerometry) and others). In the Integrated Walkback Suit Tests held at NASA-JSC and the HMP tests at Devon Island, communication and informatics capabilities were tested (including routing by satellite from the suit at Devon Island to JSC in Houston via secure servers at VCU in Richmond, VA). Results. The input from all the sensors enable LEGACI to compute multiple independent assessments of metabolic rate, from which a "best" met rate is chosen based on statistical methods. This rate can compute detailed information about the suit, crew and EVA performance using test-derived algorithms. VIOLET gives LEGACI voice activation capability, allowing the crew to query the suit, and receive feedback and alerts that will lead to corrective action. LEGACI and VIOLET can also automatically control the astronaut's cooling and consumable use rate without crew input if desired. These findings suggest that non-invasive physiological and environmental sensors supported with data analysis can allow for more effective management of mission task performance during EVA. Integrated remote and local view of data metrics allow crewmember to receive real time feedback in synch with mission control in preventing performance shortcomings for EVA in exploration missions

    Analysis of morphological traits in different host plants associated with resistance to Phenacoccus solenopsis- an invasive pest in Pakistan

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    Phenacoccus solenopsis Tinsley (Pseudococcidae: Hemiptera) is a sucking insect pest and is polyphagous in nature. Twenty five (25) different host plants were screened against P. solenopsis and their  physicomorphic traits were determined to correlate their role against pest population. Among the tested plant species, most favorable host plants of mealy bug on the basis of population were Gossypium hirsutum (69.74±10.5), Solamum melongena (62.41±10.0), Helianthus annuus (61.83±10.0), Hibiscus rosa-sinensis (61.1±10.0) and Lantana camara (55.83±9.75), but the least preferred plants were tandla Digera arvensis (1.57±1.00) and Conyza bonariensis (3.83±1.75). Significant variations were observed in all the morphological plant characters recorded from different plant species. The maximum leaf thickness per plant was 2.04±0.23 ìm in plant species S. melongena while minimum thickness of leaf was recorded from lehli (0.25±0.02 ìm). Maximum trichome density per plant was 444±72.4 in sunflower followed by 411.6±19.6, 399±52, 391.6±22.0, in C. bonariensis, Abelmoschus esculentus and Withania somnifera respectively but minimum were 2.33±1.45 in Chinopodium morale, followed by 2.66±1.4, and 3±2.08 in Portulaca oleracea and Trianthema portulacastrum respectively. The maximum hair length per plant (2.62±0.07 mm) was of sunflower followed by 2.55±0.03 mm in okra, 2.53±0.06 mm in both S. melongena and G. hirsutum. It was concluded that plant characters including trichome density and hair length favor mealy bug population showing r-values of 0.357* and 0.190 respectively but leaf size and leaf width (leaf area and leaf thickness) exerted negative effect on pest population showing r-values of -0.172 and -0.285 respectively.Key words: Phenacoccus solenopsis, invasive species, physicomorphic traits, resistance