368 research outputs found


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    The relationship between science and religion throughout history ranged from opposition to their unity. The long-standing prevalence of theology over science has caused a counter-atheistic reaction, which has grown into the absolutization of science in all spheres of life. The introduction to the secular general education of the course “Fundamentals of Religious Cultures and Secular Ethics” was ambiguously accepted by society. The author substantiates the position that science and religion are not mutually exclusive, but rather can complement each other, forming a unified picture of the world among the younger generation.Взаимоотношения науки и религии на протяжении всей истории выстраивались от противопоставления до их единства. Многолетнее преобладание богословия над наукой вызвало встречную атеистическую реакцию, переросшую в абсолютизацию науки во всех сферах бытия. Введение в светское общее образование курса «Основы религиозных культур и светской этики» было неоднозначно воспринято обществом. Автор обосновывает позицию, что наука и религия не взаимно исключают друг друга, а напротив, могут дополнять друг друга, формируя у подрастающего поколения единую картину мира


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    The tools used as the basis for the experiment on independent higher education quality assessment, conducted by the Federal Service for Supervision in Education and Science of the Russian Federation have been analysed. The developed set of indicators for students’ knowledge assessment and quality of academic teaching staff are described. The results of the participation of HEIs in the fourth stage of the experiment on independent assessment of the quality of higher education are presented, including typification of higher education institutions, obtained by using cluster analysis

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    Total Synthesis of Various Hormaomycin Analogues with Modified Amino Acid Residues

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    Hormaomycin 1 und sein all-Peptid aza-Analog 53 wurden in den Mengen von 39 und 34 mg nach der Sequenz von B. Zlatopolsky synthetisiert, um genug Material für in vivo sowie in vitro biologischen Tests zu haben.(R)-allo-Threonin 67 wurde im Multigram Maßstab nach der modifizierten Methode von Belokon unter kinetisch kontrollierten Bedingungen der Aldolreaktion vom Enolat des Glycin-Komplexes und Acetaldehyd hergestellt.Die neue Synthese von β-Methyl(haloaryl)alaninen 48 52 wurde aus den kommerziell zugänglichen Haloacetophenonen durch Alkylierung des (S)-konfigurierten Belokon Komplexes mittels 1-(Haloaryl)ethyliodiden entwickelt. Methylphenylalanin (2S,3R)-48 wurde in Multigram Maßstab nach dem entsprechenden Protokoll hergestellt.(2R)- und (2S)-3-(1´S,2´R)-(2´Fluoromethylcyclopropyl)alanin [mono- (R-96a und S-96a) , di- (R-96b und S-96b) und trifluoromethylderivate (R-96c und S-96c)] wurden nach der von O. Larionov für die Synthese von 3-(2-trans-nitrocyclopropyl)alanin entwickelten Methode synthetisiert.Neue Hormaomycin-Analoga 109 mit den (2R)- und (2S)-3-(1´S,2´R)-(2´Fluoromethylcyclopropyl)alanin Resten statt (2R)- und (2S)-3-(1´S,2´R)-(2´Fluoromethylcyclopropyl)alanine wurden synthetisiert, und ihre in vitro antimalariale Aktivitäten wurden getestet. Diese Aktivitäten sind mit dem vom nativen Hormaomycin vergleichbar und im Fall des MeZ-geschützten zyklischen Peptidolakton-Kernes mit (2R)-3-(1´S,2´R)-(2´Fluoromethylcyclopropyl) 103 zweimal besser als Referenz Chloroquine gegen der Malaria Parasit Plasmodium falciparum strain K1.Hormaomycin 1 and its all-peptide aza-analogue 53 were synthesized in quantities of 39 and 34 mg respectively, using the protocol developed by B. Zlatopolskiy, to have enough material for in vitro and in vivo biological tests.(R)-allo-Threonine 67 was prepared on a multigram scale employing a modified Belokon protocol providing kinetically controlled conditions for an aldol reaction between the glycine complex enolate and acetaldehyde.A new synthesis of β-methyl(haloaryl)alanines 48 52 was developed on the basis of the Belokon protocol using commercially available haloacetophenones as starting materials for the preparation of 1-(haloaryl)ethyl iodides to alkylate the (S)-configured Belokon glycine complex (S)-BGC 13. β-Methylphenylalanine (2S,3R)-48 was prepared on a multigram scale according to this protocol.(2R)- and (2S)-3-(1´S,2´R)-(2´-Fluoromethylcyclopropyl)alanines [mono- (R-96a and S-96a), di- (R-96b and S-96b) and trifluoromethyl (R-96c and S-96c) derivatives] were prepared employing the protocol developed by O. Larionov for the preparation of 3-(2-trans-nitrocyclopropyl) alanines.New Hormaomycin analogues 109 a-c, containing (2R)- and (2S)-3-(1´S,2´R)-(2´-fluoromethylcyclopropyl) alanine moieties instead of (2R)- and (2S)-3-(1´R,2´R)-(2`-nitrocyclopropyl)alanine were synthesized, and their in vitro antimalarial activities were tested. The activities turned out to be comparable to the one for native Hormaomycin and in the case of the MeZ-protected cyclic peptidolactone core with (2R)-3-(1´S,2´R)-(2´-trifluoromethylcyclopropyl)alanine 103 c twice better than that of the reference drug Chloroquine against the malaria parasite Plasmodium falciparum strain K1

    Методологический подход к созданию механизма планирования пространственного развития макрорегиона или региона в составе современной системы стратегического планирования в Российской Федерации

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    В статье рассматриваются проблемы совершенствования регулирования пространственного развития на уровне макрорегионов, регионов, муниципалитетов. Современная практика подготовки мастер-планов не обеспечивает разработку стратегически ориентированных документов территориального планирования, реализующих стратегии социаль­но-экономического и пространственного развития. Законодательством не установлены содержание, порядок подготовки, утверждения и реализации мастер-плана. Определены назначение, особенности подготовки зарубежных моделей мастер- плана и обоснована нецелесообразность их имплементации в систему стратегического планирования РФ. В настоящее время не установлены логика планирования, механизмы взаимной увязки документов стратегического планирования - стратегий развития, генпланов, государственных и муниципальных программ. Планирование пространственного развития осуществляется только на уровне РФ. Предложен методологический подход к обоснованию внешнепространственных условий, направлений, приоритетов развития регионов, муниципальных образований в составе макрорегионов, регионов, обеспечивающий детали­зацию положений стратегии пространственного развития РФ при подготовке стратегических документов территориального планирования. Подход основан на принципах программно-целевого планирования и кластеризации развития регионов и направлена на обоснование территориальных кластеров в границах макрорегиона (региона) и принципов кластеризации экономики составляющих их регионов

    Status and problems of legislative regulation of circulation and consumption of nicotinecontaining goods

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    Objective: to study the current state of the legislative regulation of nicotine-containing products turnover and consumption; to identify the main problems in this area and to suggest possible ways to solve them. Methods: the methodological basis of the work is interdisciplinary, systematic and comparative approaches, as well as general scientific methods of cognition: induction and deduction, analysis and synthesis, abstraction, observation, and empirical methods. Results: the trend of the recent years has been the transition from the use of traditional nicotine products to electronic means of nicotine delivery, which is confirmed by a large amount of data and is explained by a number of advantages. However, the potential threats from the use of alternative nicotine-containing products have not been sufficiently studied and are accompanied by a weak legal framework for their use. In the article, the author considers the features of state regulation of nicotine-containing products that are not related to tobacco products, and analyzes the contradictions and shortcomings of legislative solutions in this area. The main consequences of equating nicotine-containing products with tobacco products are systematized, both in terms of the impact on the nicotine use restriction and of referring them to excisable products. Legislative solutions concerning the use of food nicotine-containing products and products intended for chewing, sucking, and sniffing are also analyzed. Scientific novelty: recommendations are proposed to eliminate the problems identified during the analysis of the regulation of the nicotine-containing products turnover and use. The presented measures are aimed at mitigating the regulatory impact of the nicotine-containing products use while reducing the negative impact of such products on public health.Practical significance: the provisions and conclusions presented in this paper can be used in the development of regulatory legal acts aimed at amending the legislation regulating the nicotine-containing products turnover and consumption

    Développement d'une méthode respirométrique visant à mesurer l'activité biologique sur du charbon actif en poudre

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    RÉSUMÉ Le couplage des procédés membranaires basse pression (microfiltration et ultrafiltration) et du charbon actif en poudre (CAP), appelé procédé hybride, est actuellement en plein développement dans le domaine du traitement de l’eau potable. Alors que les membranes permettent la séparation du charbon et la pollution particulaire de l’eau traitée, le CAP est utilisé pour l’élimination de la matière organique dissoute, sous la forme de carbone organique biodégradable et aussi pour l’enlèvement des traces de composés toxiques (pesticides). Pour mieux connaitre les processus de biodégradation du substrat dans le réacteur hybride, une estimation de la croissance et l’abondance bactérienne est nécessaire. À ce jour, il existe plusieurs méthodes pour caractériser la biomasse sur de charbon actif en grains (CAG), mais aucune méthode pour le cas de CAP. Cependant, la respirométrie, une méthode très couramment utilisée dans le domaine des eaux usées, pourrait une alternative intéressante : simple et peu coûteuse. Le présent projet porte sur l’application de la méthode de respirométrie dans le cas de charbon actif en poudre (CAP) utilisé en mode biologique. Les buts principaux étaient de caractériser l’activité bactérienne et quantifier la biomasse hétérotrophe aérobie (ZBH) colonisant la surface du charbon actif en poudre. Du charbon de trois sources différentes a été testé à l’aide de respiromètre Challenge AER-200, soit du CAP de 25 et 200 μm (CAP-laboratoire) et du CAB (CAG-Ste Rose) colonisés au laboratoire à l’extrait de levure, soit du CAP de 25 μm (CAP-Opaline) provenant du pilote biomembrane Opaline-B de l’usine Ste Rose colonisé de façon naturelle avec de l’eau décantée ozonée. Les observations microscopiques au BacLighttm de CAP-laboratoire ont montré que le charbon de 25 μm possédait plus de biomasse par champ microscopique que celui de 200 μm ce qui n’était pas démontré par les résultats expérimentaux de respirométrie. De plus, la comparaison entre les valeurs de ZBH pour 3 et 6 g du même diamètre de CAP a montré que la masse de 3 g possédaitesconcentrations de biomasse supérieures à celles de 6 g ce qui n’était pas en accord avec les attentes.----------ABSTRACT Integration of low pressure membrane processes (microfiltration and ultrafiltration) and powdered activated carbon (PAC), termed as the hybrid process, is currently under development in the field of drinking water treatment. While membranes allow the separation of PAC and particulate matter from treated water, the PAC is used for the removal of dissolved organic matter in the form of biodegradable organic carbon and also to remove traces of organic compounds (pesticides). To learn more about the process of biodegradation of substrate in hybrid membrane reactors, an estimate of bacterial activity and abundance is needed. Up to now, there are several methods to characterize the biomass on activated carbon (GAC), but no method applies to the case of PAC. However, respirometry, a method commonly used in the field of wastewater could be an interesting alternative due to its simplicity and low cost. This project involves the application of respirometry to the case of biological powdered activated carbon (PAC). The main aims were to characterize the biological activity and quantify heterotrophic aerobic biomass (ZBH) colonizing the surface of activated carbon powder. Activated carbons from three different sources were tested using respirometer Challenge AER- 200, PAC 25 and 200 μm (PAC-laboratory) and BAC (GAC-Ste Rose WTP) colonized in the laboratory using yeast extract, or PAC 25 μm (PAC-Opaline) from the biomembrane pilot Opaline-B (located at the Ste Rose treatment plant) colonized naturally with settled-ozonated water. The microscopic observations of BacLighttm PAC-laboratory showed that coal 25 μm had more biomass per microscopic field than 200 μm which was also demonstrated by the experimental results of respirometry. In addition, the comparison between the values of ZBH using 3 or 6 g of the same diameter of PAC have shown that the mass of 6 g had biomass concentrations higher than 3 g, which was consistent with expectations. However, PAC-laboratory of the two diameters were more colonized than the PAC-Opaline

    Sarmatian Graves with Hiding-Holes in the Bottom of Pits in Kurgan Cemeteries of the Lower Volga Region

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    Introduction. The article discusses one of the types of hiding-holes that were made in Sarmatian graves of the Lower Volga region. Hiding-holes as a substantial element of a graves structure are typical for Sarmatian burials of the last century BC and the first centuries AD. They were built in the burial pit, as well as near it, as a rule, in the west soil. In the burial pit, these were usually made as niches in the bottom parts of the walls, though hiding-holes in the bottom of the graves are characteristic only for the Lower Volga region. Methods and materials. There are not very many graves with hiding-holes in the Volga Region – eight in total, and none of them have been found in the neighboring regions, or only single cases are known. Archive data on excavations of the kurgans in the region allows the author to specify some essential construction details of the graves with hidingholes. These holes were dug out in the bottom of the grave pits; they are round in shape, 0.3–0.5 m in diameter and 0.3–0.6 m in depth. A deceased was placed over the holes. A principal item always placed in all hiding-holes is a bronze cauldron, which in some cases is accompanied by other types of metal and ceramic vessels. The author comprehensively applies several scholarly methods of archaeological research. The first stage of collecting and initial processing of material included methods of external and internal analysis of sources taking into account professional characteristics of researchers. The primary classification method based on the similarity of objects, as well as the traditional method of comparative typology, was used at the interpretation stage. The interpretation of materials also required the use of the classical method of extensive parallels including ethnological examples. Results. Among the burials with hiding-holes in the bottom of the pits, the majority were burials of women. Considering not only the ordinary but also the sacred meaning that was attached to the cauldrons by the nomads of Eurasia, the author concludes that the hiding-holes in the bottom of Sarmatian graves blocked out by the body of the deceased, served not only as a secret place for treasures but had some others cult significance