18 research outputs found

    Cluster superconductivity in the magnetoelectric Pb(Fe1/2Sb1/2)O3 ceramics

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    We report the observation of cluster (local) superconductivity in the magnetoelectric Pb(Fe1/2Sb1/2)O3 ceramics prepared at a hydrostatic pressure of 6 GPa and temperatures 1200-1800 K to stabilize the perovskite phase. The superconductivity is manifested by an abrupt drop of the magnetic susceptibility at the critical temperature TC 7 K. Both the magnitude of this drop and TC decrease with magnetic field increase. Similarly, the low-field paramagnetic absorption measured by EPR spectrometer drops significantly below TC as well. The observed effects and their critical magnetic field dependence are interpreted as manifestation of the superconductivity and Meissner effect in metallic Pb nanoclusters existing in the ceramics. Their volume fraction and average size were estimated as 0.1-0.2% and 140-150 nm, respectively. The superconductivity related effects disappear after oxidizing annealing of the ceramics.Comment: 9 pages, 5 figure

    Erbium luminescence in (Y, Er, Yb)3Al5O12 powders

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    In this work, the Stokes and anti-Stokes luminescence (upconversion) of erbium in powders of yttrium-aluminum garnet with various concentrations of erbium, as well as co-doped with erbium and ytterbium, synthesized by the sol-gel method using multistage thermal processing, was investigated. It was established that the phase composition of the resulting powders corresponds to the crystal structure of garnet. For all powders, high-intensity Stokes luminescence with a maximum at 1.53 μm was observed due to the I13/24→I15/24 electronic transition, and anti-Stokes luminescence was observed with the most intense band in the region of 0.65–0.69 μm, associated with the F9/24→I15/24 transition of Er3+ ions. The highest intensity of the Stokes luminescence is observed for the maximum substitution of yttrium by erbium considered here, which corresponds to the Yb1.5Er1.5Al5O12 stoichiometry. The highest intensity of the anti-Stokes luminescence is for the lowest erbium concentration and for codoping with ytterbium with Y2.71Er0.29Al5O12 and Y2Er0.5Yb0.5Al5O12 stoichiometries, respectively

    Composition-, temperature- and pressure-induced transitions between high-pressure stabilized perovskite phases of the (1-x)BiFe0.5Sc0.5O3 - xLaFe0.5Sc0.5O3 series

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    Crystal structures of the high-pressure synthesized perovskite phases of the (1-x)BiFe0.5Sc0.5O3-xLaFe0.5Sc0.5O3 (0 ​= ​x ​≤ ​1) system and their temperature and pressure behaviours were studied using laboratory and synchrotron X-ray diffractions as well as neutron diffraction. At room temperature, the as-prepared phases with x ​≤ ​0.05 have an antipolar structure with the Pnma symmetry and with the √2ap ​× ​4ap ​× ​2√2ap superstructure (where ap is the pseudocubic perovskite unit-cell parameter). An incommensurately modulated phase with the Imma(00γ)s00 superspace group is observed for 0.10 ​= ​x ​≤ ​0.33, while a non-polar Pnma phase (√2ap ​× ​2ap ​× ​√2ap) is stable when x ​≥ ​0.34. The antipolar Pnma phase in the as-prepared samples with composition corresponding to x ​= ​0 transforms into the polar Ima2 one via irreversible annealing-caused transformation accompanied by a formation of a high-temperature intermediate polar R3c polymorph, while the antipolar Pnma phase in samples with x ​= ​0.05 is stable until the decomposition temperature. In the solid solutions with 0.10 ​= ​x ​≤ ​0.33, increasing temperature was found to result in a reversible transformation of the Imma(00γ)s00 phase into a non-polar Pnma one. The transition temperature decreases with increasing x. A hydrostatic pressure of few GPa was also shown to induce a reversible Imma(00γ)s00 → Pnma transformation.publishe


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    The solid solutions with the rhombohedral distorted perovskite structure of the (1–x)(NaBi)1/2TiO3–xBiCoO3 system (x < 0.2) have been prepared by solid state reactions. The unit cell parameters aH and cH for these perovscites were found to increase linearly with increasing x. The dielectric properties of the solid solutions undergo a diffuse ferroelectric phase transition at 590–610 K. For compositions with x < 0.05, the transition to relaxor state at a temperature below 500 K was observed. At x > 0.05 such a transition was not revealed.Методом твердофазных реакций синтезирована керамика системы (1–x)(NaBi)1/2TiO3–xBiCoO3. Установлено, что в данной системе в области составов х ≤ 0,2 образуются твердые растворы (ТР) с ромбоэдрической структурой. Определены структурные характеристики ТР данной системы. Показано, что параметры гексагональной элементарной ячейки aH и cH линейно возрастают с увеличением х. Приводятся результаты исследования диэлектрических свойств керамики полученных ТР. Установлено, что керамика проявляет свойства сегнетоэлектрика с размытым фазовым пере- ходом. При увеличении содержания BiCoO3 в системе (х > 0,05) имеющий место для (NaBi)1/2TiO3 при Т < 500 К переход в релаксорное состояние для ТР вырождается

    Phase formation in the (1- y )BiFeO 3 - y BiScO 3 system under ambient and high pressure

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    Formation and thermal stability of perovskite phases in the BiFe1-yScyO3 system (0≤y≤0.70) were studied. When the iron-to-scandium substitution rate does not exceed about 15 at%, the single-phase perovskite ceramics with the rhombohedral R3c symmetry (as that of the parent compound, BiFeO3) can be prepared from the stoichiometric mixture of the respective oxides at ambient pressure. Thermal treatment of the oxide mixtures with a higher content of scandium results in formation of two main phases, namely a BiFeO3-like R3c phase and a cubic (I23) sillenite-type phase based on γ-Bi2O3. Single-phase perovskite ceramics of the BiFe1-yScyO3 composition were synthesized under high pressure from the thermally treated oxide mixtures. When y is between 0 and 0.25 the high-pressure prepared phase is the rhombohedral R3c with the √2ap×√2ap×2√3ap superstructure (ap ~ 4 Å is the pseudocubic perovskite unit-cell parameter). The orthorhombic Pnma phase (√2ap×4ap×2√2ap) was obtained in the range of 0.30≤y≤0.60, while the monoclinic C2/c phase (√6ap×√2ap×√6ap) is formed when y=0.70. The normalized unit-cell volume drops at the crossover from the rhombohedral to the orthorhombic composition range. The perovskite BiFe1-yScyO3 phases prepared under high pressure are metastable regardless of their symmetry. At ambient pressure, the phases with the compositions in the ranges of 0.20≤y≤0.25, 0.30≤y<0.50 and 0.50≤y≤0.70 start to decompose above 970, 920 and 870 K, respectivelypublishe

    Exchange bias effect in bulk multiferroic BiFe0.5Sc0.5O3

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    Below the Néel temperature, TN ∼ 220 K, at least two nano-scale antiferromagnetic (AFM) phases coexist in the polar polymorph of the BiFe0.5Sc0.5O3 perovskite; one of these phases is a weak ferromagnetic. Non-uniform structure distortions induced by high-pressure synthesis lead to competing AFM orders and a nano-scale spontaneous magnetic phase separated state of the compound. Interface exchange coupling between the AFM domains and the weak ferromagnetic domains causes unidirectional anisotropy of magnetization, resulting in the exchange bias (EB) effect. The EB field, HEB, and the coercive field strongly depend on temperature and the strength of the cooling magnetic field. HEB increases with an increase in the cooling magnetic field and reaches a maximum value of about 1 kOe at 5 K. The exchange field vanishes above TN with the disappearance of long-range magnetic ordering. The effect is promising for applications in electronics as it is large enough and as it is tunable by temperature and the magnetic field applied during cooling.publishe

    Multiferroic Bi 0.65 La 0.35 Fe 0.5 Sc 0.5 O 3 perovskite:Magnetic and thermodynamic properties

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    Magnetic and thermodynamic properties of polycrystalline multiferroic Bi 0.65 La 0.35 Fe 0.5 Sc 0.5 O 3 synthesized under high-pressure and high-temperature conditions are reported. Magnetic properties were studied using a SQUID magnetometer technique over the temperature range of 5−300 K in magnetic fields up to H=10 kOe. The field dependent magnetization M(H) was measured in magnetic fields up to 50 kOe at different temperatures up to 230 K after zero-field cooling procedure. A long-range magnetic ordering of the AFM type with a weak FM contribution occurs below the Néel temperature T N ~237 K. Magnetic hysteresis loops taken below T N show a huge coercive field up to H c ~10 kOe. A strong effect of magnetic field on the magnetic properties of the compound has been found. Derivative of the initial magnetization curves demonstrates a temperature-dependent anomaly in fields of H=15−25 kOe. Besides, an anomaly of the temperature dependent zero-field cooled magnetization measured in magnetic fields of 6−7 kOe has been found. Origin of both anomalies is associated with inhomogeneous magnetic state of the compound. The heat capacity has been measured from 2 K up to room temperature and a significant contribution from the magnon excitations at low temperatures has been detected. From the low-temperature heat capacity, an anisotropy gap of the magnon modes of the order 3.7 meV and Debye temperature T D =189 K have been determined

    Erbium upconversion luminescence from sol-gel derived multilayer porous inorganic perovskite film

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    Erbium-doped barium titanate (BaTiO3:Er) xerogel film with a thickness of about 500 nm was formed on the porous strontium titanate (SrTiO3) xerogel film on Si substrate after annealing at 800 °C or 900 °C. The elaborated structures show room temperature upconversion luminescence under 980 nm excitation with the photoluminescence (PL) bands at 523, 546, 658, 800 and 830 nm corresponding to 2H11/2→4I15/2, 4S3/2→4I15/2, 4F9/2→4I15/2 and 4I9/2→4I15/2 transitions of trivalent erbium. Raman and X-ray diffraction (XRD) analysis of BaTiO3:Er\porous SrTiO3\Si structure showed the presence of perovskite phases. Its excellent up-conversion optical performance will greatly broaden its applications in perovskite solar cells and high-end anti-counterfeiting technologies

    Polar and antipolar polymorphs of metastable perovskite BiFe0.5Sc0.5O3

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    A metastable perovskite BiFe0.5Sc0.5O3 synthesized under high-pressure (6 GPa) and high-temperature (1500 K) conditions was obtained in two different polymorphs, antipolar Pnma and polar Ima2, through an irreversible behavior under a heating/cooling thermal cycling. The Ima2 phase represents an original type of a canted ferroelectric structure where Bi3+ cations exhibit both polar and antipolar displacements along the orthogonal [110](p) and [1 (1) over bar0](p) pseudocubic directions, respectively, and are combined with antiphase octahedral tilting about the polar axis. Both the Pnma and the Ima2 structural modifications exhibit a long-range antiferromagnetic ordering with a weak ferromagnetic component below T-N similar to 220 K. Analysis of the coupling between the dipole, magnetic, and elastic order parameters based on a general phenomenological approach revealed that the weak ferromagnetism in both phases is mainly caused by the presence of the antiphase octahedral tilting whose axial nature directly represents the relevant part of Dzyaloshinskii vector. The magnetoelectric contribution to the spontaneous magnetization allowed in the polar Ima2 phase is described by a fifth-degree free-energy invariant and is expected to be small

    Metastable perovskite Bi1-xLaxFe0.5Sc0.5O3 phases in the range of the compositional crossover

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    Perovskite ceramics of the Bi1- xLaxFe0.5Sc0.5O3 composition (0.30 ≤ x ≤ 0.35) that cannot be sintered in bulk form as a single phase using the conventional ceramic route were successfully prepared using the high-pressure/high-temperature technique. It has been shown that the room-temperature compositional crossover from the antipolar phase whose incommensurate modulation of displacements of Bi/La and oxygen is described by the Imma(00γ)s00 superspace group to the non-polar Pnma phase occurs in the narrow range between x = 0.33 and x = 0.34 with no phase coexistence. The features of this compositional crossover are discussed in comparison with that observed in the Bi1- xLaxFeO3 system.publishe