10 research outputs found
Acceleration of Graphics Algorithms by NEON Coprocessor
Cílem této práce je prozkoumat možnosti koprocesoru NEON. Porovnávají se grafické algoritmy napsané v jazyce C, jazyce symbolických adres, jazyce C s využitím intrinsických funkcí a automaticky vektorizovaný kód. Hlavním zjištěním je, že jde zkrátit délku výpočtu až 60 krát a díky tomu by bylo možné tyto algoritmy provádět v reálném čase na HD videu.The aim of this work is to examine capabilities of NEON coprocessor. Various implementations of the same algorithm are compared: language C, assembly language, language C with intinsic functions and automatically vectorized code. Main conslusion is, that computation time can be reduced up to 60 times, allowing real-time HD video processing.
Activities of Institute of Geodesy, Brno University of Technology in the Moravian Karst
Moravian karst is one of the longest explored karst areas worldwide. It is situated north of Brno on the surface of approximately 100 sq km. The longest cave system is the Amaterska cave with its length of more than 35 km of underground corridors. The system of the Amaterska cave contains also the world famous Punkevni caves with the Macocha abyss. The faculty of Civil Engineering at the Brno University of Technology has a long term cooperation with the Czech Speleological Society and the Administration of the Moravian Karst PLA. Several projects focused on the karsological mapping were solved in the past years. The main aim of these projects was to precisely locate the cave systems towards the surface and other caves.The Institute of Geodesy also offers a voluntary subject Speleological Surveying. The introductory part of the article is theoretical and the second part is focused on practical aspects of underground surveys. At the end, students spare two days on field training in the Býčí skála cave in the central part of the Moravian carst
Laser engraving
Předložená bakalářská práce se zabývá laserovým gravírováním. Práce se zaobírá popisem laserového gravírování, popisem krokových motorů, které jsou potřeba ke zprovoznění stroje a také se zaobírá ochrannými pomůckami, které jsou při této práci důležité. Hlavním cílem práce je gravírování na různé materiály a porovnání základního nastavení s nastavením, které nastavila obsluha. Dále se porovnává výkon laseru, rychlost kontury a čas gravírování.The presented bachelor thesis deals with laser engraving. The work deals with the description of laser engraving, the description of stepper motors that are needed to put the machine into operation and also deals with the protective aids that are important in this work. The main goal of the work is engraving on different materials and comparing the basic settings with the settings set by the operator. The laser power, contour speed and time are also compared.638 - Katedra automatizace a počítačové techniky v průmysluvýborn
Computing the decomposable entropy of belief-function graphical models
In 2018, Jiroušek and Shenoy proposed a definition of entropy for Dempster-Shafer (D-S) belief functions called decomposable entropy (d-entropy). This paper provides an algorithm for computing the d-entropy of directed graphical D-S belief function models. We illustrate the algorithm using Almond's Captain's Problem example. For belief function undirected graphical models, assuming that the set of belief functions in the model is non-informative, the belief functions are distinct. We illustrate this using Haenni-Lehmann's Communication Network problem. As the joint belief function for this model is quasi-consonant, it follows from a property of d-entropy that the d-entropy of this model is zero, and no algorithm is required. For a class of undirected graphical models, we provide an algorithm for computing the d-entropy of such models. Finally, the d-entropy coincides with Shannon's entropy for the probability mass function of a single random variable and for a large multi-dimensional probability distribution expressed as a directed acyclic graph model called a Bayesian network. We illustrate this using Lauritzen-Spiegelhalter's Chest Clinic example represented as a belief-function directed graphical model
On conditional belief functions in directed graphical models in the Dempster-Shafer theory
The primary goal is to define conditional belief functions in the Dempster-Shafer theory. We do so similarly to probability theory's notion of conditional probability tables. Conditional belief functions are necessary for constructing directed graphical belief function models in the same sense as conditional probability tables are necessary for constructing Bayesian networks. We provide examples of conditional belief functions, including those obtained by Smets' conditional embedding. Besides defining conditional belief functions, we state and prove a few basic properties of conditionals. In the belief-function literature, conditionals are defined starting from a joint belief function. Conditionals are then defined using the removal operator, an inverse of Dempster's combination operator. When such conditionals are well-defined belief functions, we show that our definition is equivalent to these definitions
Modular Software Tool for i.MX
Tato diplomová práce pojednává o vytvoření multiplatformní modulární aplikace pro práci s mikrokontroléry řady i.MX od firmy NXP. Tato aplikace je napsaná v programovacím jazyce C++ za použití frameworku Qt5. Následně je hotová aplikace porovnávána s již existujícími nástroji pro práci s mikrokontroléry i.MXThe aim of this work is to create multiplatform plug-in based application for work with microcontrollers i.MX from company NXP. This application is writen in programming language C++ with framework Qt5. Completed application is compared with already existing applications for work with microcontrollers i.MX
Lu Xun's Short Story "Zhufu" and its Film Adaptation
The bachelor thesis focuses on a comparison of Lu Xun's short story "The New Year's Sacrifice" from 1924 and its cinematic adaptation of the same name from 1956. Aside from being a comparison of concrete semantic similarities and diversions between the two narratives, the thesis is also a reflection of the reasons behind these changes in a different historical and ideological context. For simple comparison of the two narratives, we have used modern narratological studies taking into account specifics of literature and cinema. As a mean of searching for semantic differences between the short story and its cinematic adaptation we have used the three following thematic issues. These are "motive of a woman", "characters between tradition and modernity", and "role of a narrator". The performed comparison suggests that semantic shifts happened in all three thematic fields even though with a different emphasis on each. While some of the meaning-making elements were emphasised in the cinematic adaptation, others changed or even developed a new meaning. The results of the research urge consideration about the many possibilities and ways of manipulating an artistic composition from the point of ideological demand in the historical context of an adaptation's development. Powered by TCPDF (www.tcpdf.org