463 research outputs found

    A Fully Self-Consistent Treatment of Collective Fluctuations in Quantum Liquids

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    The problem of calculating collective density fluctuations in quantum liquids is revisited. A fully quantum mechanical self-consistent treatment based on a quantum mode-coupling theory [E. Rabani and D.R. Reichman, J. Chem. Phys.116, 6271 (2002)] is presented. The theory is compared with the maximum entropy analytic continuation approach and with available experimental results. The quantum mode-coupling theory provides semi-quantitative results for both short and long time dynamics. The proper description of long time phenomena is important in future study of problems related to the physics of glassy quantum systems, and to the study of collective fluctuations in Bose fluids.Comment: 9 pages, 4 figure

    Constructing Spin Interference Devices from Nanometric Rings

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    The study of nanospintronic devices utilizing coherent transport through molecular scale multiply-connected geometries in the presence of moderate magnetic fields is presented. It is shown how two types of simple devices, spin filters and spin splitters (or Stern-Gerlach devices) may be constructed from molecular nanometric rings utilizing the Aharonov-Bohm effect. The current is calculated within a single electron approximation and within a many-body master equation approach where charging effects are accounted for in the Coulomb Blockade regime. We provide rules and tools to develop and analyze efficient spintronic devices based on nanometric interferometers.Comment: 16 pages, 8 figures, submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Synchronization in Scale Free networks: The role of finite size effects

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    Synchronization problems in complex networks are very often studied by researchers due to its many applications to various fields such as neurobiology, e-commerce and completion of tasks. In particular, Scale Free networks with degree distribution P(k)kλP(k)\sim k^{-\lambda}, are widely used in research since they are ubiquitous in nature and other real systems. In this paper we focus on the surface relaxation growth model in Scale Free networks with 2.5<λ<32.5< \lambda <3, and study the scaling behavior of the fluctuations, in the steady state, with the system size NN. We find a novel behavior of the fluctuations characterized by a crossover between two regimes at a value of N=NN=N^* that depends on λ\lambda: a logarithmic regime, found in previous research, and a constant regime. We propose a function that describes this crossover, which is in very good agreement with the simulations. We also find that, for a system size above NN^{*}, the fluctuations decrease with λ\lambda, which means that the synchronization of the system improves as λ\lambda increases. We explain this crossover analyzing the role of the network's heterogeneity produced by the system size NN and the exponent of the degree distribution.Comment: 9 pages and 5 figures. Accepted in Europhysics Letter

    Incidence of Snake Bites in Kashan, Iran During an Eight Year Period (2004-2011)

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    Background: Snake bites are one of the significant health problems in the tropical and subtropical regions. Snake bite is a common medical emergency in Iran, and the epidemiological features and management of such cases vary from region to region. Objectives: This present research study was conducted to obtain new information about the epidemiology of snake bites in the region of Kashan, located in the central part of Iran. Patients and Methods: This research was a descriptive retrospective study. Data from 2004 to 2011 of snakebite cases were collected from case reports. Information included; age and sex of the victim, district, month of incident, mortality, and time of bite. Results: The results of this study showed that the majority of snake bite patients were male (96%). The age distribution of patients indicated that the greatest rate of snake bites occurred among the 15-24 year old group. Data collected in this study revealed that the highest incidence of snake bite cases took place in summer (60%) and the lowest number occurred in winter, with no snake bite cases being recorded. The peak number of snakebite cases was seen during June-September. Conclusions: It was concluded that snake bite cases in Kashan are similar to other areas in Iran from an epidemiological point of view, including; age distribution rates, gender and site of the bites. The existence of Macrov ipera lebetina, a dangerous venomous snake, can cause a range of clinical effects among residents in central parts of Iran, such as Kashan area

    Approximating Fixation Probabilities in the Generalized Moran Process

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    We consider the Moran process, as generalized by Lieberman et al. (Nature 433:312–316, 2005). A population resides on the vertices of a finite, connected, undirected graph and, at each time step, an individual is chosen at random with probability proportional to its assigned “fitness” value. It reproduces, placing a copy of itself on a neighbouring vertex chosen uniformly at random, replacing the individual that was there. The initial population consists of a single mutant of fitness r>0 placed uniformly at random, with every other vertex occupied by an individual of fitness 1. The main quantities of interest are the probabilities that the descendants of the initial mutant come to occupy the whole graph (fixation) and that they die out (extinction); almost surely, these are the only possibilities. In general, exact computation of these quantities by standard Markov chain techniques requires solving a system of linear equations of size exponential in the order of the graph so is not feasible. We show that, with high probability, the number of steps needed to reach fixation or extinction is bounded by a polynomial in the number of vertices in the graph. This bound allows us to construct fully polynomial randomized approximation schemes (FPRAS) for the probability of fixation (when r≥1) and of extinction (for all r>0)

    Composition de la poudre des feuilles sèches de moringa oleifera dans trois régions du Niger

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    In Niger, the acute and chronic malnutrition constitutes a public health problem among children aged from six to fifty-nine months. The use of local foods was identified in the national protocol of malnutrition management as an alternative for ready to use therapeutic foods that are currently used. Among these local foods, the powder of dried leaves of Moringa oleifera was analyzed in order to know the composition of the powder of dried leaves of Moringa oleifera produced in Niger compared to the available data. To achieve this, four samples from the three main Moringa production regions in Niger namely Tillabéri, Niamey both located in the river basin and southern Maradi of the Sahel-Sudanese zone, were analyzed. The chromatographic analysis hasbeen made in the laboratory of the International Crops Research Institute for the Semi- Arid Tropics. The nitrogen extraction technique was done using H2SO4 digestion + salicylic acid + H2O2 and selenium. It was measured using the calorimetry auto analyzer, based the Bertholet reaction. Total phosphorous, iron, zinc, potassium, calcium, magnesium, sodium and copper was also extracted, using the same method. Phosphorus was measured by calorimetry using the method of molybdo-phosphate reduced to ascorbic acid. The other elements were measured using atomic spectroscopy absorption. The results correspond to the average of two parallel tests. Five standards enabled to make the calibration and a control sample was analyzed in the same conditions. The test is valid if the regression is about 0,9950 - 0,9999. The powder of dried leaves of Moringa produced in Niger turned out be rich in proteins with an average of 24, 8 % (Confidence Interval at 95%: 19, 34-30, 24) with values going from 21,58% in Tillabéri to 28,72% in Niamey and in micronutrients. According to regions, the composition varies for iron between 51,9 and 55,12 mg/100g, 0,45 and 1,58 mg/100g for zinc, 1192,5and 1957,5 mg/100g for calcium, 414,37 and 714,37 mg/100g for magnesium,1587 and 2037 mg/100g for potassium, 207,75 and 326,25 mg/100g for sodium, 32 and 61 mg/100g for phosphorus. These results are close to those revealed by earlier studies.Key words: Moringa oleifera, composition, powder, dry, leaves, different, regions, Nige

    Simple eigenvalue-self-consistent Δ ¯ G W 0 .

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    We show that a rigid scissors-like GW self-consistency approach, labeled here Δ ¯ G W 0 , can be trivially implemented at zero additional cost for large scale one-shot G 0 W 0 calculations. The method significantly improves one-shot G 0 W 0 and for large systems is very accurate. Δ ¯ G W 0 is similar in spirit to evGW 0 where the self-consistency is only applied on the eigenvalues entering Green's function, while both W and the eigenvectors of Green's function are held fixed. Δ ¯ G W 0 further assumes that the shift of the eigenvalues is rigid scissors-like so that all occupied states are shifted by the same amount and analogously for all the unoccupied states. We show that this results in a trivial modification of the time-dependent G 0 W 0 self-energy, enabling an a posteriori self-consistency cycle. The method is applicable for our recent stochastic-GW approach, thereby enabling self-consistent calculations for giant systems with thousands of electrons. The accuracy of Δ ¯ G W 0 increases with the system size. For molecules, it is up to 0.4-0.5 eV away from coupled-cluster single double triple (CCSD(T)), but for tetracene and hexacene, it matches the ionization energies from both CCSD(T) and evGW 0 to better than 0.05 eV. For solids, as exemplified here by periodic supercells of semiconductors and insulators with 6192 valence electrons, the method matches evGW 0 quite well and both methods are in good agreement with the experiment

    Observation of Single Transits in Supercooled Monatomic Liquids

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    A transit is the motion of a system from one many-particle potential energy valley to another. We report the observation of transits in molecular dynamics (MD) calculations of supercooled liquid argon and sodium. Each transit is a correlated simultaneous shift in the equilibrium positions of a small local group of particles, as revealed in the fluctuating graphs of the particle coordinates versus time. This is the first reported direct observation of transit motion in a monatomic liquid in thermal equilibrium. We found transits involving 2 to 11 particles, having mean shift in equilibrium position on the order of 0.4 R_1 in argon and 0.25 R_1 in sodium, where R_1 is the nearest neighbor distance. The time it takes for a transit to occur is approximately one mean vibrational period, confirming that transits are fast.Comment: 19 pages, 8 figure