1,476 research outputs found

    The Influence of a Goalkeeper as an Outfield Player on Defensive Subsystems in Futsal

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    The aim of this study was to investigate the influence of the goalkeeper as an outfield player on defensive subsystems in the team sport of futsal. For this purpose, all sequences of play involving the goalkeeper (n = 65), and the sequences without a goalkeeper (controls) (n = 11), were selected from digital video footage of a futsal competition, and analysed using TACTO software. The defensive area, attacker-defender distance, and interception distance were used to examine players’ coordination tendencies as a team in completion of successful and unsuccessful passes and shots. Results showed that each team reduced its defensive area as well as its variability in situations where the goalkeeper acted as an outfield player. This finding implies that it was an effective defensive strategy because it led to emergence of more unsuccessful passes. It was also observed that the goalkeeper acting as an outfield player was an effective strategy for attacking in terms of increasing shots at goal

    Biomolecular imaging and electronic damage using X-ray free-electron lasers

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    Proposals to determine biomolecular structures from diffraction experiments using femtosecond X-ray free-electron laser (XFEL) pulses involve a conflict between the incident brightness required to achieve diffraction-limited atomic resolution and the electronic and structural damage induced by the illumination. Here we show that previous estimates of the conditions under which biomolecular structures may be obtained in this manner are unduly restrictive, because they are based on a coherent diffraction model that is not appropriate to the proposed interaction conditions. A more detailed imaging model derived from optical coherence theory and quantum electrodynamics is shown to be far more tolerant of electronic damage. The nuclear density is employed as the principal descriptor of molecular structure. The foundations of the approach may also be used to characterize electrodynamical processes by performing scattering experiments on complex molecules of known structure.Comment: 16 pages, 2 figure

    Factors associated with recruitment to randomised controlled trials in general practice : protocol for a systematic review

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    This study is supported by a PhD studentship provided by the University of St Andrews.Background: Randomised controlled trials (RCTs) are frequently unable to recruit sufficient numbers of participants. This affects the trial’s ability to answer the proposed research question, wastes resources and can be unethical. RCTs within a general practice setting are increasingly common and similarly face recruitment challenges. The aim of the proposed review is to identify factors that are associated with recruitment rates to RCTs in a general practice setting. These results will be used in further research to predict recruitment to RCTs. Methods/design: The electronic databases Medline, EMBASE, Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, NTIS and OpenGrey will be searched for relevant articles with no limit on the date of publication. BMC Trials will be manually searched for the past 5 years. Both quantitative and qualitative studies will be included if they have studied recruitment within a general practice RCT. Only English language publications will be included. Screening, quality assessment and data extraction will be conducted by two review authors not blinded to study characteristics. Disagreement will be resolved by discussion and the involvement of a third review author if required. A narrative synthesis of the studies included will be performed. Discussion: The review will, for the first time, systematically synthesise existing research on factors associated with recruitment rates to RCTs in general practice. By identifying research gaps to be prioritised in further research, it will be of interest to academics. It will also be of value to clinical trialists who are involved in the complex task of improving trial recruitment. Our team will use the findings to inform a prediction model of trial recruitment using machine learning.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe

    A combination of l-arabinose and chromium lowers circulating glucose and insulin levels after an acute oral sucrose challenge

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>A growing body of research suggests that elevated circulating levels of glucose and insulin accelerate risk factors for a wide range of disorders. Low-risk interventions that could suppress glucose without raising insulin levels could offer significant long-term health benefits.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>To address this issue, we conducted two sequential studies, the first with two phases. In the first phase of Study 1, baseline fasting blood glucose was measured in 20 subjects who consumed 70 grams of sucrose in water and subsequently completed capillary glucose measurements at 30, 45, 60 and 90 minutes (Control). On day-2 the same procedure was followed, but with subjects simultaneously consuming a novel formula containing l-arabinose and a trivalent patented food source of chromium (LA-Cr) (Treatment). The presence or absence of the LA-Cr was blinded to the subjects and testing technician. Comparisons of changes from baseline were made between Control and Treatment periods. In the second phase of Study 1, 10 subjects selected from the original 20 competed baseline measures of body composition (DXA), a 43-blood chemistry panel and a Quality of Life Inventory. These subjects subsequently took LA-Cr daily for 4 weeks completing daily tracking forms and repeating the baseline capillary tests at the end of each of the four weeks. In Study 2, the same procedures used in the first phase were repeated for 50 subjects, but with added circulating insulin measurements at 30 and 60 minutes from baseline.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>In both studies, as compared to Control, the Treatment group had significantly lower glucose responses for all four testing times (AUC = <it>P </it>< 0.0001). Additionally, the Treatment was significantly more effective in lowering circulating insulin after 60 minutes from baseline (AUC = <it>P </it>= < 0.01). No adverse effects were found after acute sucrose challenge or in those who consumed LA-Cr daily for four weeks.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>As compared to a placebo control, consumption of a LA-Cr formula after a 70-gram sucrose challenge was effective in safely lowering both circulating glucose and insulin levels.</p> <p>Trial Registration</p> <p>Clinical Trials.gov, <a href="http://www.clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT0110743">NCT0110743</a></p

    The role of Comprehension in Requirements and Implications for Use Case Descriptions

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    Within requirements engineering it is generally accepted that in writing specifications (or indeed any requirements phase document), one attempts to produce an artefact which will be simple to comprehend for the user. That is, whether the document is intended for customers to validate requirements, or engineers to understand what the design must deliver, comprehension is an important goal for the author. Indeed, advice on producing ‘readable’ or ‘understandable’ documents is often included in courses on requirements engineering. However, few researchers, particularly within the software engineering domain, have attempted either to define or to understand the nature of comprehension and it’s implications for guidance on the production of quality requirements. Therefore, this paper examines thoroughly the nature of textual comprehension, drawing heavily from research in discourse process, and suggests some implications for requirements (and other) software documentation. In essence, we find that the guidance on writing requirements, often prevalent within software engineering, may be based upon assumptions which are an oversimplification of the nature of comprehension. Hence, the paper examines guidelines which have been proposed, in this case for use case descriptions, and the extent to which they agree with discourse process theory; before suggesting refinements to the guidelines which attempt to utilise lessons learned from our richer understanding of the underlying discourse process theory. For example, we suggest subtly different sets of writing guidelines for the different tasks of requirements, specification and design

    Patient access to complex chronic disease records on the internet

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    Background: Access to medical records on the Internet has been reported to be acceptable and popular with patients, although most published evaluations have been of primary care or office-based practice. We tested the feasibility and acceptability of making unscreened results and data from a complex chronic disease pathway (renal medicine) available to patients over the Internet in a project involving more than half of renal units in the UK. Methods: Content and presentation of the Renal PatientView (RPV) system was developed with patient groups. It was designed to receive information from multiple local information systems and to require minimal extra work in units. After piloting in 4 centres in 2005 it was made available more widely. Opinions were sought from both patients who enrolled and from those who did not in a paper survey, and from staff in an electronic survey. Anonymous data on enrolments and usage were extracted from the webserver. Results: By mid 2011 over 17,000 patients from 47 of the 75 renal units in the UK had registered. Users had a wide age range (&#60;10 to &#62;90 yrs) but were younger and had more years of education than non-users. They were enthusiastic about the concept, found it easy to use, and 80% felt it gave them a better understanding of their disease. The most common reason for not enrolling was being unaware of the system. A minority of patients had security concerns, and these were reduced after enrolling. Staff responses were also strongly positive. They reported that it aided patient concordance and disease management, and increased the quality of consultations with a neutral effect on consultation length. Neither patient nor staff responses suggested that RPV led to an overall increase in patient anxiety or to an increased burden on renal units beyond the time required to enrol each patient. Conclusions: Patient Internet access to secondary care records concerning a complex chronic disease is feasible and popular, providing an increased sense of empowerment and understanding, with no serious identified negative consequences. Security concerns were present but rarely prevented participation. These are powerful reasons to make this type of access more widely available

    Beyond element-wise interactions: identifying complex interactions in biological processes

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    Background: Biological processes typically involve the interactions of a number of elements (genes, cells) acting on each others. Such processes are often modelled as networks whose nodes are the elements in question and edges pairwise relations between them (transcription, inhibition). But more often than not, elements actually work cooperatively or competitively to achieve a task. Or an element can act on the interaction between two others, as in the case of an enzyme controlling a reaction rate. We call “complex” these types of interaction and propose ways to identify them from time-series observations. Methodology: We use Granger Causality, a measure of the interaction between two signals, to characterize the influence of an enzyme on a reaction rate. We extend its traditional formulation to the case of multi-dimensional signals in order to capture group interactions, and not only element interactions. Our method is extensively tested on simulated data and applied to three biological datasets: microarray data of the Saccharomyces cerevisiae yeast, local field potential recordings of two brain areas and a metabolic reaction. Conclusions: Our results demonstrate that complex Granger causality can reveal new types of relation between signals and is particularly suited to biological data. Our approach raises some fundamental issues of the systems biology approach since finding all complex causalities (interactions) is an NP hard problem

    Mental health first aid training of the public in a rural area: a cluster randomized trial [ISRCTN53887541]

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    BACKGROUND: A Mental Health First Aid course has been developed which trains members of the public in how to give initial help in mental health crisis situations and to support people developing mental health problems. This course has previously been evaluated in a randomized controlled trial in a workplace setting and found to produce a number of positive effects. However, this was an efficacy trial under relatively ideal conditions. Here we report the results of an effectiveness trial in which the course is given under more typical conditions. METHODS: The course was taught to members of the public in a large rural area in Australia by staff of an area health service. The 16 Local Government Areas that made up the area were grouped into pairs matched for size, geography and socio-economic level. One of each Local Government Area pair was randomised to receive immediate training while one served as a wait-list control. There were 753 participants in the trial: 416 in the 8 trained areas and 337 in the 8 control areas. Outcomes measured before the course started and 4 months after it ended were knowledge of mental disorders, confidence in providing help, actual help provided, and social distance towards people with mental disorders. The data were analysed taking account of the clustered design and using an intention-to-treat approach. RESULTS: Training was found to produce significantly greater recognition of the disorders, increased agreement with health professionals about which interventions are likely to be helpful, decreased social distance, increased confidence in providing help to others, and an increase in help actually provided. There was no change in the number of people with mental health problems that trainees had contact with nor in the percentage advising someone to seek professional help. CONCLUSIONS: Mental Health First Aid training produces positive changes in knowledge, attitudes and behaviour when the course is given to members of the public by instructors from the local health service

    The Thousand-Pulsar-Array programme on MeerKAT – VIII. The subpulse modulation of 1198 pulsars

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    We report on the subpulse modulation properties of 1198 pulsars using the Thousand-Pulsar-Array programme on MeerKAT. About 35 per cent of the analysed pulsars exhibit drifting subpulses that are more pronounced towards the death line, consistent with previous studies. We estimate that this common phenomenon is detectable in 60 per cent of the overall pulsar population if high-quality data were available for all. This large study reveals the evolution of drifting subpulses across the pulsar population in unprecedented detail. In particular, we find that the modulation period P3 follows a V-shaped evolution with respect to the characteristic age τc, such that the smallest P3 values, corresponding to the Nyquist period P3 ≃ 2, are found at τc ≃ 107.5 yr. The V-shaped evolution can be interpreted and reproduced if young pulsars possess aliased fast intrinsic P3, which monotonically increase, ultimately achieving a slow unaliased P3. Enhancement of irregularities in intrinsic subpulse modulation by aliasing in small-τc pulsars would explain their observed less well defined P3’s and weaker spectral features. Modelling these results as rotating subbeams, their circulation must slow down as the pulsar evolves. This is the opposite to that expected if circulation is driven by E × B drift. This can be resolved if the observed P3 periodicity is due to a beat between an E × B system and the pulsar period. As a by-product, we identified the correct periods and spin-down rates for 12 pulsars, for which harmonically related values were reported in the literature