3,517 research outputs found

    Fractional Euler-Lagrange differential equations via Caputo derivatives

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    We review some recent results of the fractional variational calculus. Necessary optimality conditions of Euler-Lagrange type for functionals with a Lagrangian containing left and right Caputo derivatives are given. Several problems are considered: with fixed or free boundary conditions, and in presence of integral constraints that also depend on Caputo derivatives.Comment: This is a preprint of a paper whose final and definite form will appear as Chapter 9 of the book Fractional Dynamics and Control, D. Baleanu et al. (eds.), Springer New York, 2012, DOI:10.1007/978-1-4614-0457-6_9, in pres

    Effects of therapeutic and aerobic exercise programs in temporomandibular disorder-associated headaches

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    Objective: To assess the effects of three 8-week exercise programs on the frequency, intensity, and impact of headaches in patients with headache attributed to temporomandibular disorder (TMD). Methodology: Thirty-six patients diagnosed with headache attributed to TMD participated in the study and were divided into three groups of 12 patients: a therapeutic exercise program (G1, mean age: 26.3±5.6 years), a therapeutic and aerobic exercise program (G2, mean age: 26.0±4.6 years), and an aerobic exercise program (G3, 25.8±2.94 years). Headache frequency and intensity were evaluated using a headache diary, and the adverse headache impact was evaluated using the Headache Impact Test (HIT-6). The intensity was reported using the numerical pain rating scale. These parameters were evaluated twice at baseline (A01/A02), at the end of the 8-week intervention period (A1), and 8-12 weeks after the end of the intervention (A2). Results: At A1, none of the G2 patients reported having headaches, in G1, only two patients reported headaches, and in G3, ten patients reported headache. The headache intensity scores (0.3 [95% CI: -0.401, 1.068]), (0.0 [95% CI: -0.734, 0.734]) and HIT-6 (50.7 [95% CI: 38.008, 63.459]), (49.5 [95% CI: 36.808, 62.259]), significantly decreased in G1 and G2 at A1. At A2 headache intensity scores (0.5 [95% CI: -0.256, 1.256]), (0.0 [95% CI: -0.756, 0.756]) and HIT-6 (55.1 [95% CI: 42.998, 67.268]), (51.7 [95% CI: 39.532, 63.802]) in G1 and G2 haven't change significantly. The effects obtained immediately after the completion of the intervention programs were maintained until the final follow-up in all groups. Conclusion: The programs conducted by G1 (therapeutic exercises) and G2 (therapeutic and aerobic exercise) had significant results at A1 and A2.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Calreticulin is a secreted BMP antagonist, expressed in Hensen's node during neural induction

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    Hensen's node is the “organizer” of the avian and mammalian early embryo. It has many functions, including neural induction and patterning of the ectoderm and mesoderm. Some of the signals responsible for these activities are known but these do not explain the full complexity of organizer activity. Here we undertake a functional screen to discover new secreted factors expressed by the node at this time of development. Using a Signal Sequence Trap in yeast, we identify several candidates. Here we focus on Calreticulin. We show that in addition to its known functions in intracellular Calcium regulation and protein folding, Calreticulin is secreted, it can bind to BMP4 and act as a BMP antagonist in vivo and in vitro. Calreticulin is not sufficient to account for all organizer functions but may contribute to the complexity of its activity


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    This paper explores the quest for an account of the ‘total linguistic fact’. Speech act theory, sociolinguistics, linguistic anthropology and social semiotics have all attempted, in various ways and at various times, to find a way to describe as much as possible that is going on around any speech event. While this search for the total linguistic fact will always be a chimerical goal, this paper proposes a framework based on the acronym SEMIOSIS as one way of grasping the complexity of what is at play, comprising social relations, emotional and sensorial engagement, mobility, Iterative activity, objects and assemblages, socio- and translingual practices, interactivity, and spatial repertoires. Looking at data from a small Bangladeshi-run store in Tokyo, the paper shows how bringing in this wider set of concerns at least allows for a more comprehensive account of sociolinguistic moments.</jats:p

    Ontogenia larval comparativa de duas esp?cies (Characiformes e Siluriformes) end?micas do rio S?o Francisco

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    Objetivou-se com este trabalho comparar histologicamente o desenvolvimento ontogen?tico de duas esp?cies de peixes end?micos da bacia do rio S?o Francisco, Prochilodus argenteus (curimat?-pacu) e Lophiosilurus alexandri (pacam?). As coletas para as an?lises histol?gicas foram realizadas a cada 24 horas a partir do momento da eclos?o at? o 14? dia p?s-eclos?o (DPE) para a observa??o do desenvolvimento larval e at? o 39? DPE para a observa??o do desenvolvimento gonadal. As larvas foram fixadas inteiras em solu??o de Bouin e as l?minas histol?gicas foram coradas pelo m?todo de Hematoxilina-Eosina. Larvas de pacam? exibiram um tamanho corporal maior em rela??o ?s larvas de curimat?-pacu desde a eclos?o. Larvas de pacam? apresentaram a abertura da boca e in?cio da pigmenta??o dos olhos no momento da eclos?o, enquanto que nas larvas de curimat?-pacu, esses eventos foram observados no 1? DPE. No curimat?-pacu a visualiza??o e a insufla??o da bexiga natat?ria ocorreram no 1? e 3? DPE, respectivamente, sendo esses eventos mais tardios no pacam?, com visualiza??o no 2? e insufla??o no 8? DPE. Os gr?nulos de vitelo foram absorvidos no 4? DPE pelo curimat?-pacu e no 10? DPE pelo pacam?. No 7? DPE, o tubo digest?rio do pacam? apresentou-se mais diferenciado em rela??o ao curimat?-pacu. O sistema digest?rio de ambas as esp?cies ao 14? DPE demonstraram caracter?sticas relacionadas aos seus respectivos h?bitos alimentares, com est?mago amplo e intestino curto no pacam?, t?picos de h?bito carn?voro; est?mago com fun??o mec?nica e intestino longo no curimat?-pacu, t?picos de h?bito detrit?voro. O tecido epitelial de revestimento, formado por uma ?nica camada de c?lulas nas larvas rec?m-eclodidas (0 DPE), apresentou diferencia??o ao longo dos dias, exibindo presen?a de escamas no curimat?-pacu e numerosas c?lulas ?club? na regi?o epitelial intermedi?ria do pacam?, em avalia??es realizadas ao 39? DPE. Analisando os indiv?duos com 39 DPE, verificou-se a presen?a de g?nadas indiferenciadas com c?lulas som?ticas e c?lulas germinativas primordiais que foram observadas realizando migra??o no sentido caudo-cranial desde o 1? DPE em ambas as esp?cies. P?de-se concluir que as altera??es anat?micas observadas durante a ontogenia de larvas P. argenteus e L. alexandri est?o diretamente relacionadas ao h?bito alimentar e ao comportamento inerente ? cada esp?cie, sendo uma detrit?vora que nada ativamente na coluna d??gua, e outra carn?vora que habita regi?es de fundo, respectivamente. Aos 39 dias p?s-eclos?o, em ambas as esp?cies n?o foram observados ind?cios histol?gicos de diferencia??o sexual.Banco do Nordeste do Brasil (BNB)Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Cient?fico e Tecnol?gico (CNPq)Coordena??o de Aperfei?oamento de Pessoal de N?vel Superior (CAPES)Disserta??o (Mestrado) ? Programa de P?s-Gradua??o em Zootecnia, Universidade Federal dos Vales do Jequitinhonha e Mucuri, 2016.The objective of this work was to compare histologically the ontogenetic development of two endemic species of fish from the S?o Francisco river basin, Prochilodus argenteus (curimat?-pacu) and Lophiosilurus alexandri (pacam?). The samples for the histological analyzes were performed every 24 hours since the moment of hatching until the 14th day post-hatching (DPH) for observation of the larval development and until the 39th DPH for the observation of gonadal development. The whole larvae were fixed in Bouin's solution and the histological slides were stained by the Hematoxylin-Eosin method. Pacam? larvae exhibited a larger body size relative than the curimat?-pacu larvae since hatching. Pacam? larvae presented the mouth opening and pigmentation of eyes beginning at the time of hatching, whereas in curimat?-pacu larvae, these events were observed in the 1st DPH. The visualization and the inflation of the swim bladder in the curimat?-pacu, occurred in the 1st and 3rd DPH, respectively, being these events in the pacam? later, with visualization in the 2nd and insufflation in the 8th DPH. The yolk granules were absorbed in the 4th DPH by the curimat?-pacu and in the 10th DPE by the pacam?. In the 7th DPH, the pacam??s digestive tube was more differentiated than curimat?-pacu. The digestive system of both species at the 14th DPH has features of it eating habits the pacam?, with a broad stomach and a short intestine in the pacam?, typical of a carnivorous habit; stomach with a mechanical function and a long intestine in curimat?-pacu, typical of detritivorous habit. The epithelial lining tissue, formed by a single layer of cells in the newly hatched larvae (0 DPH), showed a differentiation throughout the days, exhibiting scales in curimat?-pacu and numerous club cells in the middle epithelial region of the pacam?, at evaluations carried at the 39th DPH. Analyzing the individuals with 39 DPH, the presence of undifferentiated gonads with somatic cells and primordial germinative cells were observed, which has a caudate-cranial migration since 1st DPH in both species. It was concluded that the anatomical alterations of the ontogeny of P. argenteus and L. alexandri larvae are directly associated to the feeding habit and the inherent behavior of each species, being these detritivorous that nothing actively in the column of water and carnivorous that inhabits bottom regions, respcectively. At the 39 day post-hatching, both species hasn't evidenced of sexual differentiation

    Callous-Unemotional Traits Moderate Anticipated Guilt and Wrongness Judgments to Everyday Moral Transgressions in Adolescents.

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    Callous-unemotional (CU) traits observed during childhood and adolescence are thought to be precursors of psychopathic traits in adulthood. Adults with high levels of psychopathic traits typically present antisocial behavior. Such behavior can be indicative of atypical moral processing. Evidence suggests that moral dysfunction in these individuals may stem from a disruption of affective components of moral processing rather than from an inability to compute moral judgments per se. No study to date has tested if the dissociation between affective and cognitive dimensions of moral processing linked to psychopathic traits in adulthood is also linked to CU traits during development. Here, 47 typically developing adolescents with varying levels of CU traits completed a novel, animated cartoon task depicting everyday moral transgressions and indicated how they would feel in such situations and how morally wrong the situations were. Adolescents with higher CU traits reported reduced anticipated guilt and wrongness appraisals of the transgressions. However, our key finding was a significant interaction between CU traits and anticipated guilt in predicting wrongness judgments. The strength of the association between anticipated guilt and wrongness judgement was significantly weaker for those with higher levels of CU traits. This evidence extends our knowledge on the cognitive-affective processing deficits that may underlie moral dysfunction in youth who are at heightened risk for antisocial behavior and psychopathy in adulthood. Future longitudinal research is required to elucidate whether there is an increased dissociation between different components of moral processing from adolescence to adulthood for those with high psychopathic traits