2,016 research outputs found

    Lateral phase separation of confined membranes

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    We consider membranes interacting via short, intermediate and long stickers. The effects of the intermediate stickers on the lateral phase separation of the membranes are studied via mean-field approximation. The critical potential depth of the stickers increases in the presence of the intermediate sticker. The lateral phase separation of the membrane thus suppressed by the intermediate stickers. Considering membranes interacting with short and long stickers, the effect of confinement on the phase behavior of the membranes is also investigated analytically

    Self-Paced Endurance Performance and Cerebral Hemodynamics of the Prefrontal Cortex: A Scoping Review of Methodology and Findings.

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    Recent research has suggested that top-down executive function associated with the prefrontal cortex is key to the decision-making processes and pacing of endurance performance. A small but growing body of literature has investigated the neurological underpinnings of these processes by subjecting the prefrontal cortex to functional near-infrared spectroscopy (fNIRS) measurement during self-paced endurance task performance. Given that fNIRS measurement for these purposes is a relatively recent development, the principal aim of this review was to assess the methodological rigor and findings of this body of research. We performed a systematic literature search to collate research assessing prefrontal cortex oxygenation via fNIRS during self-paced endurance performance. A total of 17 studies met the criteria for inclusion. We then extracted information concerning the methodology and findings from the studies reviewed. Promisingly, most of the reviewed studies reported having adopted commonplace and feasible best practice guidelines. However, a lack of adherence to these guidelines was evident in some areas. For instance, there was little evidence of measures to tackle and remove artifacts from data. Lastly, the reviewed studies provide insight into the significance of cerebral oxygenation to endurance performance and the role of the prefrontal cortex in pacing behavior. Therefore, future research that better follows the guidelines presented will help advance our understanding of the role of the brain in endurance performance and aid in the development of techniques to improve or maintain prefrontal cortex (PFC) oxygenation to help bolster endurance performance

    Microcystins as Agents for Treatment of Cancer

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    This invention relates to the use of microcystins as agents for treatment of cancer. Also provided are methods of screening for microcystins with improved cytotoxicity

    Neuromuscular fatigue of the knee extensors does not differ following repeated maximal intensity leg cycling sprints interspersed with 30s and 180s of rest

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    The objective of this thesis was to examine the development of neuromuscular fatigue during a leg-cycling repeated sprint exercise interspersed with short and long duration recovery times. Ten recreationally active males completed two sessions of ten 10s sprints, interspersed with either 30s or 180s of recovery. Participants completed a knee extensor maximal voluntary contraction (MVC) with interpolated twitch technique (ITT) protocol pre-, mid-, and post-repeated sprint exercise. Participant’s peak power was significantly higher during sprint 5 and 10, but not sprint 1, when sprints were interspersed with 180s of rest compared to 30s of rest. Post-sprint 5 there was a significant decreased in MVC force and potentiated twitch force. Post-sprint 10 participant’s voluntary activation was significantly decreased. There was no difference between groups for knee extensor MVC force, potentiated twitch force or voluntary activation. Results indicate that a longer recovery time may improve repeated sprint performance but not improve neuromuscular function

    A New Species of \u3ci\u3eAcanthobothrium\u3c/i\u3e Van Beneden, 1849 (Eucestoda: Tetraphyllidea: Onchobothriidae) in \u3ci\u3eDasyatis longus\u3c/i\u3e Garman (Chondrichthyes: Myliobatiformes: Dasyatididae) from Chamela Bay, Jalisco, Mexico

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    A new species of Acanthobothrium in Dasyatis longus from Chamela Bay, Jalisco, Mexico, is a member of a presumed clade of species diagnosed by being anapolytic or nearly so, having more than 100 testes per proglottis, with immature and mature proglottides wider than long to square, aspinose scolex, muscular bothridia fused to the scolex at their posterior ends, H- to V-shaped ovaries, relatively short symmetrical to asymmetrical ovarian arms that extend anteriorly to, or nearly to, the cirrus sac, and vitellaria arranged in fields rather than a single row of follicles. The new species most closely resembles Acanthobothrium terezae from the freshwater stingray Potamotrygon motoro in the following characters: bothridial hooks longer than 200 μm with inner hooks having bent asymmetrical prongs, an average of 130-140 testes per proglottis, and shallow genital atria located posterior to midline of proglottis. The new species differs from A. terezae by having outer hooks approximately the same size and shape as the inner hooks, inner hooks averaging 230 μm rather than 313 μm in total length, and cirrus sacs averaging 255 μm rather than 450 μm in length. The new species is unique among all described species of Acanthobothrium by having a cleft in the posterior margin of each apical bothridial pad. The apparent close relationship of the new species to one inhabiting a Neotropical freshwater stingray provides support for the hypothesized Pacific marine ancestry of Neotropical freshwater stingrays and raises the possibility that the Neotropical freshwater stingrays may not be monophyletic

    The TOMCAT global chemical transport model v1.6: description of chemical mechanism and model evaluation

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    This paper documents the tropospheric chemical mechanism scheme used in the TOMCAT 3-D chemical transport model. The current scheme includes a more detailed representation of hydrocarbon chemistry than previously included in the model, with the inclusion of the emission and oxidation of ethene, propene, butane, toluene and monoterpenes. The model is evaluated against a range of surface, balloon, aircraft and satellite measurements. The model is generally able to capture the main spatial and seasonal features of high and low concentrations of carbon monoxide (CO), ozone (O3), volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and reactive nitrogen. However, model biases are found in some species, some of which are common to chemistry models and some that are specific to TOMCAT and warrant further investigation. The most notable of these biases are (1) a negative bias in Northern Hemisphere (NH) winter and spring CO and a positive bias in Southern Hemisphere (SH) CO throughout the year, (2) a positive bias in NH O3 in summer and a negative bias at high latitudes during SH winter and (3) a negative bias in NH winter C2 and C3 alkanes and alkenes. TOMCAT global mean tropospheric hydroxyl radical (OH) concentrations are higher than estimates inferred from observations of methyl chloroform but similar to, or lower than, multi-model mean concentrations reported in recent model intercomparison studies. TOMCAT shows peak OH concentrations in the tropical lower troposphere, unlike other models which show peak concentrations in the tropical upper troposphere. This is likely to affect the lifetime and transport of important trace gases and warrants further investigation

    Evaluation of the significance of polyamines and their oxidases in the aetiology of human cervical carcinoma.

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    The risk of cancer of the cervix is linked with sexual behaviour. Although infectious agents such as human papillomaviruses (HPVs) are implicated, these alone may be insufficient to induce the disease. We have investigated the potential role of oxidation products of the polyamines spermine and spermidine and the diamine putrescine in seminal plasma (SP) as co-factors in the development of cervical cancer. These amines are oxidised by polyamine oxidase (PAO) and diamine oxidase (DAO) to generate oxygen radicals and hydrogen peroxide, reactive aldehydes and acrolein, which are likely to exert local mutagenic, cytotoxic and immunosuppressive effects in vivo. Using a chemiluminescence assay, we determined the levels of these amines in 187 samples of SP. Spermine plus spermidine, as substrates for PAO, were present in a range equivalent to 0-4.8 mg ml-1 spermine. Putrescine, as a substrate for DAO, was detectable in only 4 of 40 samples assayed (range 0-168 micrograms ml-1) and constitutes a minor component of the oxidisable content of SP. Cervical mucus (126 samples) was assayed for the presence of PAO and DAO. Both enzymes were present in 14.3% of the samples, PAO only in 21.4%, DAO only in 15.1% and neither enzyme in 49.2%. PAO levels ranged from 0 to 0.828 pmol peroxide generated min-1 mg-1 mucus and DAO levels ranged from 0 to 7.0 pmol peroxide generated min-1 mg-1 mucus. These results suggest that sexual activity in the absence of physical barrier contraception may lead to the generation of mutagenic and immunosuppressive polyamine oxidation products within the female genital tract. We thus propose that women with high levels of PAO and/or DAO in their cervical mucus may be at increased risk of cervical cancer, especially if the male partner's SP shows high polyamine levels. HPV infection may synergise with the effects of polyamine oxidation by suppressing apoptosis in keratinocytes carrying potentially oncogenic mutations, leading to the survival and proliferation of transformed cells in the cervix

    Adhesion-induced phase separation of multiple species of membrane junctions

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    A theory is presented for the membrane junction separation induced by the adhesion between two biomimetic membranes that contain two different types of anchored junctions (receptor/ligand complexes). The analysis shows that several mechanisms contribute to the membrane junction separation. These mechanisms include (i) the height difference between type-1 and type-2 junctions is the main factor which drives the junction separation, (ii) when type-1 and type-2 junctions have different rigidities against stretch and compression, the ``softer'' junctions are the ``favored'' species, and the aggregation of the softer junction can occur, (iii) the elasticity of the membranes mediates a non-local interaction between the junctions, (iv) the thermally activated shape fluctuations of the membranes also contribute to the junction separation by inducing another non-local interaction between the junctions and renormalizing the binding energy of the junctions. The combined effect of these mechanisms is that when junction separation occurs, the system separates into two domains with different relative and total junction densities.Comment: 23 pages, 6 figure

    Indirect interactions of membrane-adsorbed cylinders

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    Biological and biomimetic membranes often contain aggregates of embedded or adsorbed macromolecules. In this article, the indirect interactions of cylindrical objects adhering to a planar membrane are considered theoretically. The adhesion of the cylinders causes a local perturbation of the equilibrium membrane shape, which leads to membrane-mediated interactions. For a planar membrane under lateral tension, the interaction is repulsive for a pair of cylinders adhering to the same side of the membrane, and attractive for cylinders adhering at opposite membrane sides. For a membrane in an external harmonic potential, the interaction of adsorbed cylinders is always attractive and increases if forces perpendicular to the membrane act on the cylinders.Comment: 9 pages, 8 figures; typos correcte
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