3,307 research outputs found

    Konseling Bagi Anak Berbakat Akademik

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    Counseling for the Academically Gifted Children. The number of academically gifted children is quite high distributed in all areas. The academically gifted children will be benefecial for themselves and other people, if they can develop optimally. There are many academically gifted children who are succesful in their life; however we can find some who are in difficulty. They need counseling services. There are some important issues in counseling, especially for the academically gifted children, such as: (1) divergent thinker, (2) excitability, (3) sensitivity, (4) perceptiveness, (5) entelechy. (6) self-concept, (7) counseling with parents, and (8) underachievement. To help them face important issues, social-personal counseling, academic counseling, and career counseling are necessary. These three counseling approaches can be conducted simultaneously, depending on their needs. The models and strategies of counseling for the academically gifted children are therapeutic, preventive, and developmental models. The choice of models is strongely determined by the need of effective counseling, in order to achieve the optimal result. To establish the effective counseling, it is necessary that counseling services should be conducted by professional counselors

    Model Bimbingan Perkembangan untuk Meningkatkan Kecakapan Sosial-pribadi Anak Berbakat Akademik

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    A Development Guidance Model to Improve Academically GiftedChildren\u27s Social-Personal Skills. This study intended to investigate theeffectiveness of personal-social guidance programs for Academically GiftedStudents (AGS). This study was a research and development study. The researchsubjects were 80 senior high students. The data were collected using an inventoryand rating scales. The quantitative data were analyzed by the the descriptive andinferential statistical techniques, i.e. percentile, t-test and ANOVA, and thequalitative data by the descriptive technique. The results show that (1) the profileof personal-social skills among the AGS is very good, (2) the materials andimplementation of the Personal-Social Guidance Program Guide on the basis of theDevelopment Model is an appropriate alternative model that can increase theAGS\u27s personal-social skills, (3) the Personal-Social Guidance Program Guide onthe basis of the Developmental Model is empirically proven to be able to increasethe AGS\u27s personal-social skills

    Food Label Use and Awareness of Nutritional Information Among Consumers in Bahrain: An Exploratory Study

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    Nutritional labeling allows consumers to make informed and healthier food choices. It is particularly useful for people who are on special diets requiring specific foods for their health conditions. This study interviewed 430 consumers (60% were female) while shopping at various grocery stores in the Kingdom of Bahrain to assess their knowledge, attitudes and practices with regards to food labelling. Consumers' responses showed little awareness of the value of reading the food label (only 42% of consumers buying prepackaged food read the label). The majority of the consumers (92%) read the basic information like production and expiry dates; 60% believed that food labels are useful tools for consumers. In addition, they reported that amount of fat and sugar were the most important items to be looked at when they buy the product for the first time. A lot of work is needed to raise the level of awareness of the consumers about the nutrition aspects of reading food labels in order to assist them to make their best healthy food choices. Keywords: Food Labels, Pre-packaged Foods, Awareness, Nutrition, Healt

    Single side damage simulations and detection in beam-like structures

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    Beam-like structures are the most common components in real engineering, while single side damage is often encountered. In this study, a numerical analysis of single side damage in a free-free beam is analysed with three different finite element models; namely solid, shell and beam models for demonstrating their performance in simulating real structures. Similar to experiment, damage is introduced into one side of the beam, and natural frequencies are extracted from the simulations and compared with experimental and analytical results. Mode shapes are also analysed with modal assurance criterion. The results from simulations reveal a good performance of the three models in extracting natural frequencies, and solid model performs better than shell while shell model performs better than beam model under intact state. For damaged states, the natural frequencies captured from solid model show more sensitivity to damage severity than shell model and shell model performs similar to the beam model in distinguishing damage. The main contribution of this paper is to perform a comparison between three finite element models and experimental data as well as analytical solutions. The finite element results show a relatively well performanc

    Analisis Faktor Profesionalisme Aparatur Sekretariat Daerah Kabupaten Aceh Besar (Studi Pada Faktor Kemampuan Dan Performansi)

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melakukan kajian Profesionalisme Aparatur Sekretariat Daerah Kabupaten Aceh Besar (Studi Pada Faktor Kemampuan dan Performansi) dalam rangka pelaksanaan tugas pemerintahan, pembangunan dan pembinaan kemasyarakatan. Metode penelitian yang dipakai adalah metode kualitatif dengan pendekatan fenomenologis. Profesionalisme aparatur pemerintah ini mencakup kemampuan dan performansi yang dilakukan oleh aparatur di Sekretariat Daerah Kabupaten Aceh Besar dalam pelaksanaan tugas-tugas pemerintahan, serta fungsi dan tanggungjawabnya sebagai pilar pemerintah dalam mencapai tujuan pemerintahan. Profesionalisme aparatur pemerintah dilihat dari faktor kemampuan dan performansi aparatur di Sekretariat Daerah Kabupaten Aceh Besar secara umum dapat dikatakan masih rendah yang dipengaruhi oleh pemahaman visi dan misi organisasi, wewenang dan tanggung jawab dalam struktur organisasi, kepemimpinan dan pemberian penghargaan yang kurang selaras dengan tujuan organisasi. Hal-hal tersebut perlu mendapatkan perhatian serius untuk menentukan pencapaian tujuan organisasi. Pemerintah perlu melakukan sosialisasi yang mendalam dan penanaman kembali nilai-nilai atau bila diperlukan mendefinisikan ulang visi dan misi organisasi, pemilihan dan penempatan pemimpin dan pegawai yang sesuai dengan bidang keahlian, pemberian kesempatan bawahan untuk mengambil keputusan lapangan, pemberian insentif sesuai kebutuhan dan didasarkan pada keahlian atau prestasi serta memberikan motivasi dan kesempatan untuk menambah pengetahuan dan ketrampilan diharapkan dapat menumbuhkan responsifitas dan inovasi aparatur dalam rangkamewujudkan aparatur pemerintah yang profesional

    Migrasi Infrastruktur Sistem Pemancar Stasiun Televisi Lokal di Sulawesi Utara dalam Menghadapi Migrasi Sistem Siaran Televisi Digital

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    The Geneva Plan Agreement 2006 International Telecommunication Union (ITU) mewajibkan penyelenggara penyiaran dunia melakukan penyiaran digital dengan batas waktu 17 Juni 2015. Stasiun TV lokal sebagai komponen/unsur pendukung sistem siaran TV digital harus segera melakukan migrasi terutama migrasi infrastruktur. Penelitian dilakukan dengan pendekatan kualitatif deskriptif dan pengumpulan data primer dengan wawancara mendalam, yang bertujuan mengetahui rencana migrasi infrastruktur pemancar dan hambatan stasiun TV lokal di Sulawesi Utara (Sulut) dalam menghadapi sistem siaran TV digital. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pada implementasi siaran TV digital sebagian infrastruktur sistem pemancar akan diganti. Namun stasiun TV di Sulut ternyata belum merencanakan spesifikasi detail infrastruktur yang akan diganti disebabkan kurangnya sosialisasi peraturan terkait prosedur migrasi. Penyelenggara industri penyiaran masih ragu dalam implementasinya untuk melakukan pergantian alat. Karena itu disarankan intensifikasi sosialisasi serta implementasi regulasi terkait infrastruktur bersama