6,798 research outputs found

    High coherence hybrid superconducting qubit

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    We measure the coherence of a new superconducting qubit, the {\em low-impedance flux qubit}, finding T2T11.5μT_2^* \sim T_1 \sim 1.5\mus. It is a three-junction flux qubit, but the ratio of junction critical currents is chosen to make the qubit's potential have a single well form. The low impedance of its large shunting capacitance protects it from decoherence. This qubit has a moderate anharmonicity, whose sign is reversed compared with all other popular qubit designs. The qubit is capacitively coupled to a high-Q resonator in a λ/2\lambda/2 configuration, which permits the qubit's state to be read out dispersively

    Isolation and characterization of microsatellite loci from two inbreeding bark beetle species (Coccotrypes)

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    We developed 14 microsatellite markers in Coccotrypes carpophagus and 14 in C. dactyliperda. These loci will be used for studying genetic structure and the level of inbreeding in populations in the Canary Islands and Madeira. As a result of long-term inbreeding, genetic variability is relatively low in these bark beetle species. We found one to five alleles per locus in 29 C. carpophagus and 41 C. dactyliperda from various localities. Eleven of the markers developed for C. carpophagus amplified in C. dactyliperda and seven of the markers developed for C. dactyliperda amplified in C. carpophagus

    High folic acid consumption leads to pseudo-MTHFR deficiency, altered lipid metabolism, and liver injury in mice.

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    Increased consumption of folic acid is prevalent, leading to concerns about negative consequences. The effects of folic acid on the liver, the primary organ for folate metabolism, are largely unknown. Methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase (MTHFR) provides methyl donors for S-adenosylmethionine (SAM) synthesis and methylation reactions

    Modilling of the production processes in order to improve its energy efficiency

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    У статті викладена особливість використання віртуальних моделей при проектуванні промислових підприємств, обґрунтування використання імітаційних моделей дискретного програмування, а також їх вплив на підвищення енергетичної ефективності виробничих процесів.This article describes features use of the virtual models in design of industrial enterprises, the rationale use of the simulation models of discrete programming, as well as their impact on the energy efficiency improvement of the production processes.В статье изложена особенность использования виртуальных моделей при проектировании промышленных предприятий, обоснование использования имитационных моделей дискретного программирования, а также их влияние на повышение неэффективности производственных процессов

    A simple all-microwave entangling gate for fixed-frequency superconducting qubits

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    We demonstrate an all-microwave two-qubit gate on superconducting qubits which are fixed in frequency at optimal bias points. The gate requires no additional subcircuitry and is tunable via the amplitude of microwave irradiation on one qubit at the transition frequency of the other. We use the gate to generate entangled states with a maximal extracted concurrence of 0.88 and quantum process tomography reveals a gate fidelity of 81%

    Oscillations in continuous culture populations of Streptococcus pneumoniae: population dynamics and the evolution of clonal suicide

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    Agents that kill or induce suicide in the organisms that produce them or other individuals of the same genotype are intriguing puzzles for ecologists and evolutionary biologists. When those organisms are pathogenic bacteria, these suicidal toxins have the added appeal as candidates for the development of narrow spectrum antibiotics to kill the pathogens that produce them. We show that when clinical as well as laboratory strains of Streptococcus pneumoniae are maintained in continuous culture (chemostats), their densities oscillate by as much as five orders of magnitude with an apparently constant period. This dynamic, which is unanticipated for single clones of bacteria in chemostats, can be attributed to population-wide die-offs and recoveries. Using a combination of mathematical models and experiments with S. pneumoniae, we present evidence that these die-offs can be attributed to the autocatalytic production of a toxin that lyses or induces autolysis in members of the clone that produces it. This toxin, which our evidence indicates is a protein, appears to be novel; S. pneumoniae genetic constructs knocked out for lytA and other genes coding for known candidates for this agent oscillate in chemostat culture. Since this toxin lyses different strains of S. pneumoniae as well as other closely related species of Streptococcus, we propose that its ecological role is as an allelopathic agent. Using a mathematical model, we explore the conditions under which toxins that kill members of the same clone that produces them can prevent established populations from invasion by different strains of the same or other species. We postulate that the production of the toxin observed here as well as other bacteria-produced toxins that kill members of the same genotype, ‘clonal suicide’, evolved and are maintained to prevent colonization of established populations by different strains of the same and closely related species

    Reasoning with comparative moral judgements: an argument for Moral Bayesianism

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    The paper discusses the notion of reasoning with comparative moral judgements (i.e judgements of the form “act a is morally superior to act b”) from the point of view of several meta-ethical positions. Using a simple formal result, it is argued that only a version of moral cognitivism that is committed to the claim that moral beliefs come in degrees can give a normatively plausible account of such reasoning. Some implications of accepting such a version of moral cognitivism are discussed

    Wonderful design: Applying Appraisal Theory to Procedural Level Generation

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    Procedural level generation for games is an active field of research with successful applications. However, how to generate content that embodies design intent is still an open research question. Level designers lack abstractions and tools for authoring generated artifacts for affecting emotion. We propose a novel pattern language for generative level design inspired by Appraisal Theory. Its patterns enable designers to add meaning, depth, and cohesiveness to the resulting content, and modify artifacts to make the content more engaging. We illustrate how these patterns can be implemented in a generative grammar for level generation for an adventure game. Formative evaluation of generated level content demonstrates the feasibility of the approach and suggests points for further improvements. Future work could focus on other elements which seem important for affecting emotions, including pacing, perception, and expectation

    Effect of carcass contamination on necrophagous invertebrate performance

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    Background The breakdown of dead organic matter is driven by a diverse array of organisms and is an important process increasingly impacted by a range of contaminants. While many studies have documented how contaminants affect food webs that are fueled by decaying plant litters, much less is known about how contaminants affect organisms that rely on dead animal material. Here, we begin to explore the effects of food contamination—using silver nanoparticles (AgNPs) as a model contaminant—on the carrion beetle Nicrophorus vespilloides that buries carcasses of small vertebrates in soils as food source and larval nursing grounds. Results Our data show that a single ingestion of a non-lethal dose of 1 μg mL−1 AgNPs by adult female beetles does not affect overall gut microbial activity but results in shifts in the gut microbial community composition towards pathogens including Alcaligenes, Morganella, and Pseudomonas. While no effects were observed in offspring clutch size, some reductions were visible in clutch weight, number of larvae, and number of eclosing pupae in exposed N. vespilloides in comparison with controls. Repeated ingestion of AgNPs over several weeks led to a decrease in survival of adult beetles, suggesting that more environmentally realistic exposure scenarios can directly affect the success of carcass-feeding animals. Conclusions Sub-lethal carcass contamination with a model pollutant can affect the gut microbial composition in female beetles and reduce offspring fitness. This encourages consideration of currently overlooked propagation routes of contaminants through necrophagous food webs and inherent consequences for ecological and evolutionary processes.publishedVersio