1,586 research outputs found

    A comparison between different optimization criteria for tuned mass dampers design

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    Tuned mass sampers (TMDs) are widely used strategies for vibration control in many engineering applications, so that many TMD optimization criteria have been proposed till now. However, they normally consider only TMD stiffness and damping as design variables and assume that the tuned mass is a pre-selected value. In this work a more complete approach is proposed and then also TMD mass ratio is optimized. A standard single degree of freedom system is investigated to evaluate TMD protection efficiency in case of excitation at the support. More precisely, this model is used to develop two different optimizations criteria which minimize the main system displacement or the inertial acceleration. Different environmental conditions described by various char- acterizations of the input, here modelled by a stationary filtered stochastic process, are considered. Results show that all solutions obtained considering also the mass of the TMD as design variable are more efficient if compared with those obtained without it. However, in many cases these solutions are inappropriate because the optimal TMD mass is greater than real admissible values in practical technical applications for civil and mechanical engineering. Anyway, one can deduce that there are some interesting indications for applications in some actual contexts. In fact, the results show that there are some ranges of environmental parameters ranges where results attained by the displacement criterion are compatible with real applications requiring some percent of main system mass. Finally, the present research gives promising indications for complete TMD optimization application in emerging technical contexts, as micro- mechanical devices and nano resonant beam

    A comparison between different optimization criteria for tuned mass dampers design

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    Tuned mass sampers (TMDs) are widely used strategies for vibration control in many engineering applications, so that many TMD optimization criteria have been proposed till now. However, they normally consider only TMD stiffness and damping as design variables and assume that the tuned mass is a pre-selected value. In this work a more complete approach is proposed and then also TMD mass ratio is optimized. A standard single degree of freedom system is investigated to evaluate TMD protection efficiency in case of excitation at the support. More precisely, this model is used to develop two different optimizations criteria which minimize the main system displacement or the inertial acceleration. Different environmental conditions described by various char- acterizations of the input, here modelled by a stationary filtered stochastic process, are considered. Results show that all solutions obtained considering also the mass of the TMD as design variable are more efficient if compared with those obtained without it. However, in many cases these solutions are inappropriate because the optimal TMD mass is greater than real admissible values in practical technical applications for civil and mechanical engineering. Anyway, one can deduce that there are some interesting indications for applications in some actual contexts. In fact, the results show that there are some ranges of environmental parameters ranges where results attained by the displacement criterion are compatible with real applications requiring some percent of main system mass. Finally, the present research gives promising indications for complete TMD optimization application in emerging technical contexts, as micro- mechanical devices and nano resonant beams

    Some recent results on singular p-Laplacian equations

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    A short account of some recent existence, multiplicity, and uniqueness results for singular p-Laplacian problems either in bounded domains or in the whole space is performed, with a special attention to the case of convective reactions. An extensive bibliography is also provided

    Optimal preliminary design of variable section beams criterion

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    The present paper discusses about optimal shape solution for a non-prismatic planar beam. The proposed model is based on the standard Timoshenko kinematics hypothesis (i.e., planar cross-section remains planar in consequence of a deformation, but it is able to rotate with respect to the beam center-line). The analytical solution for this type of beam is thus used to obtain deformations and stresses of the beam, under different constraints, when load is assumed as the sum of a generic external variable vertical one and the self-weight. The solution is obtained by numerical integration of the beam equation and constraints are posed both on deflection and maximum stress under the hypothesis of an ideal material. The section variability is, thus, described assuming a rectangular cross section with constant base and variable height which can be described in general with a trigonometric series. Other types of empty functions could also be analyzed in order to find the best strategy to get the optimal solution. Optimization is thus performed by minimizing the beam volume considering the effects of non-prismatic geometry on the beam behavior. Finally, several analytical and numerical solutions are compared with results existing in literature, evaluating the solutions’ sensibility to some key parameters like beam span, material density, maximum allowable stress and load distribution. In conclusion, the study finds a critical threshold in terms of emptying function beyond which it is not possible to neglect the arch effect and the curvature of the actual axis for every different case study described in this work. In order to achieve this goal, the relevance of beam span, emptying function level and maximum allowable stress are investigated

    Enhanced Multi-Strategy Particle Swarm Optimization for Constrained Problems with an Evolutionary-Strategies-Based Unfeasible Local Search Operator

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    Nowadays, optimization problems are solved through meta-heuristic algorithms based on stochastic search approaches borrowed from mimicking natural phenomena. Notwithstanding their successful capability to handle complex problems, the No-Free Lunch Theorem by Wolpert and Macready (1997) states that there is no ideal algorithm to deal with any kind of problem. This issue arises because of the nature of these algorithms that are not properly mathematics-based, and the convergence is not ensured. In the present study, a variant of the well-known swarm-based algorithm, the Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO), is developed to solve constrained problems with a different approach to the classical penalty function technique. State-of-art improvements and suggestions are also adopted in the current implementation (inertia weight, neighbourhood). Furthermore, a new local search operator has been implemented to help localize the feasible region in challenging optimization problems. This operator is based on hybridization with another milestone meta-heuristic algorithm, the Evolutionary Strategy (ES). The self-adaptive variant has been adopted because of its advantage of not requiring any other arbitrary parameter to be tuned. This approach automatically determines the parameters’ values that govern the Evolutionary Strategy simultaneously during the optimization process. This enhanced multi-strategy PSO is eventually tested on some benchmark constrained numerical problems from the literature. The obtained results are compared in terms of the optimal solutions with two other PSO implementations, which rely on a classic penalty function approach as a constraint-handling method

    Economics of One Health: Costs and benefits of integrated West Nile virus surveillance in Emilia-Romagna

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    Since 2013 in Emilia-Romagna, Italy, surveillance information generated in the public health and in the animal health sectors has been shared and used to guide public health interventions to mitigate the risk of West Nile virus (WNV) transmission via blood transfusion. The objective of the current study was to identify and estimate the costs and benefits associated with this One Health surveillance approach, and to compare it to an approach that does not integrate animal health information in blood donations safety policy (uni-sectoral scenario). Costs of human, animal, and entomological surveillance, sharing of information, and triggered interventions were estimated. Benefits were quantified as the averted costs of potential human cases of WNV neuroinvasive disease associated to infected blood transfusion. In the 2009–2015 period, the One Health approach was estimated to represent a cost saving of €160,921 compared to the uni-sectoral scenario. Blood donation screening was the main cost for both scenarios. The One Health approach further allowed savings of €1.21 million in terms of avoided tests on blood units. Benefits of the One Health approach due to short-term costs of hospitalization and compensation for transfusion-associated disease potentially avoided, were estimated to range from €0 to €2.98 million according to the probability of developing WNV neuroinvasive disease after receiving an infected blood transfusion