523 research outputs found
Documentary Locus: Three statements on self-reference and narrativity in photography of conflict situations
La fotografía de prensa y las imágenes obtenidas en escenarios de conflicto han generado una nueva iconografía del horror durante el siglo XX. Estas fotografías engrosan un imaginario sobre la base de estructuras, géneros y tipologías preexistentes inscritas en la historia del arte moderno, pero suplementan su semántica con un aporte ideológico que procede de su condición de registros de los hechos. Esta condición, a medio camino entre lo iconográfico y lo ideológico, configura un arco en el que se reubica un diálogo entre lo subjetivo y lo objetivo de la imagen. Este ensayo plantea tres hipótesis sobre las características de ese posicionamiento subjetivo que delatan las imágenes en su condición pretendidamente objetiva, tanto para el camarógrafo como para el espectador.Press photography and historical documents that come from conflict scenarios have created a new iconography of horror during the twentieth century. These pictures integrate imagery based on compositions, gender and archetypes registered in the history of modern art, but supplement their semantics with an ideological contribution that comes from their status as records of events. Their definition, halfway between the iconographic and the ideological realm, constitutes an arena in which a dialogue between the subjective and the objective of the image is relocated. This paper presents three hypotheses about the characteristics of this subjective positioning revealed by images in their supposedly objective condition for both the photographer and the spectato
La investigación y la exploración submarina
Transparencias auxiliares de la conferencia que dictó el Dr. Díaz del Río en la Universidad de Málaga.Existe una creciente necesidad por conocer en detalle la naturaleza del fondo marino y la dinámica de la vida submarina (hábitats). La Oceanografía consume una gran cantidad de recursos económicos que podrían reducirse si la tecnología de prospección permitiera adquirir datos in situ y transmitirlos de forma automática en “tiempo real”. El desarrollo de las tecnologías de prospección exige equipamientos de adquisición de datos de alta y muy alta resolución, principalmente los de imagen y acústicos.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech
Trusted 5G Vehicular Networks Blockchains and Content-Centric Networking
[EN] Vehicular communications, though a reality, must continue to evolve to support higher throughput and, above all, ultralow latency to accommodate new use cases, such as the fully autonomous vehicle. Cybersecurity must be assured since the risk of losing control of vehicles if a country were to come under attack is a matter of national security. This article presents the technological enablers that ensure security requirements are met. Under the umbrella of a dedicated network slice, this article proposes the use of content-centric networking (CCN), instead of conventional transmission control protocol/Internet protocol (TCP/IP) routing and permissioned blockchains that allow for the dynamic control of the source reliability, and the integrity and validity of the information exchanged.Ortega Álvarez, V.; Bouchmal, F.; Monserrat Del Río, JF. (2018). Trusted 5G Vehicular Networks Blockchains and Content-Centric Networking. IEEE Vehicular Technology Magazine. 13(2):121-127. https://doi.org/10.1109/MVT.2018.2813422S12112713
Comparative study on the impact of equally stressful environmental sporulation conditions on thermal inactivation kinetics of B. subtilis spores
Control of bacterial spores continues to be one of the main challenges for the food industry due to their wide dissemination and extremely high resistance to processing methods. Furthermore, the large variability in heat resistance in spores that contaminate foods makes it difficult to establish general processing conditions. Such heterogeneity not only derives from inherent differences among species and strains, but also from differences in sporulation environments that are generally ignored in spores encountered in foods. We evaluated heat inactivation kinetics and the thermodependency of resistance parameters in B. subtilis 168 spores sporulated at adverse temperatures, water activity (aw), and pH, applying an experimental approach that allowed us to quantitatively compare the impact of each condition. Reduction of incubation temperature from the optimal temperature dramatically reduced thermal resistance, and it was the most influential factor, especially at the highest treatment temperatures. These spores were also more sensitive to chemicals presumably acting in the inner membrane. Reducing sporulation aw increased heat resistance, although the magnitude of that effect depended on the solute and the treatment temperature. Thus, changes in sporulation environments varied 3D100°C values up to 10.4-fold and z values up to 1.7-fold, highlighting the relevance of taking such a source of variability into account when setting heat processing conditions. UV-C treatment and sodium hypochlorite efficiently inactivated all spore populations, including heat-resistant ones produced at low aw
Batch to the future: Analyzing timestamp accuracy of high-performance packet I/O engines
Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works. V. Moreno, P. M. S. Del Rio, J. Ramos, J. J. Garnica, and J. L. Garcia-Dorado, "Batch to the future: Analyzing timestamp accuracy of high-performance packet I/O engines", IEEE Communications Letters, vol. 16, no. 11, pp. 1888 - 1891, November 2012.Novel packet I/O engines allow capturing traffic at multi-10Gb/s using only-software and commodity-hardware systems. This is achieved thanks to the application of techniques such as batch processing. Nevertheless, this feature involves degradation in the timestamp accuracy, which may be relevant for monitoring purposes. We propose two different approaches to mitigate such effect: a simple algorithm to distribute inter-batch time among the packets composing a batch, and a driver modification to poll NIC buffers avoiding batch processing. Experimental results, using both synthetic and real traffic, show that our proposals allow capturing accurately timestamped traffic for monitoring purposes at multi-10Gb/s rates
Asymmetric synthesis of Rauhut-Currier-type esters via Mukaiyama-Michael reaction to acylphosphonates under bifunctional catalysis
A highly enantioselective organocatalytic Mukaiyama-Michael reaction of silyloxy dienes and α,β-unsaturated acyl phosphonates under bifunctional organocatalysis is presented. The new reactivity triggered by the catalyst conducted to Rauhut-Currier type esters, via a formal conjugate addition to α,β-unsaturated esters. This protocol proceeds under mild conditions with complete regioselectivity and excellent enantiocontrolWe are grateful to the Spanish Government (CTQ2015-64561-R and CTQ2016-76061-P) and the European Research Council (ERCCG-UNBICAT, contract number: 647550). J. A. F.-S. and V. L.-M. thank the Spanish Government for a Juan de la Cierva Contract and the Universidad Auto´noma de Madrid for a predoctoral fellowship (FPI-UAM), respectively. Financial support from the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness, through the ‘‘Maria de Maeztu’’ Program of Excellence in R&D (MDM-2014-0377), is also acknowledged. We acknowledge the generous allocation of computing time at the CCC (UAM
Coordinación de recursos digitales sobre catálogos on line de las colecciones de arte en museos e instituciones de Castilla y León para la enseñanza en asignaturas de Historia del Arte y Bellas Artes
Memoria ID-0056. Ayudas de la Universidad de Salamanca para la innovación docente, curso 2016-2017
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