7 research outputs found

    Incidence of anthropometric variables on the performance of top Optimist sailors

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    The aim of this study was to determine the anthropometric profile of top Optimist sailors to examine how anthropometric variables influence their performance, taking the wind conditions into account. The study comprised 180 sailors (158 males and 22 females) aged 11-15 years competing in the Optimist World Sailing Championship held in Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain, from 23 July to 3 August 2003. A descriptive correlational design was used. Assessments were made before and during the championship. The variables studied were body weight, height, arm span, lengths, fat tissue, muscle tissue, somatotype and performance level, in relation to race finishing place. The mean characteristics presented by the Top Group (sailors ranked 1 to 45) were: body weight (48.3 ± 6.4 kg), height (159.9 ± 5.4 cm), arm span (167.4 ± 6.5 cm), trunk length (37.2 ± 3 cm), lower limb length (90.7 ± 3.9 cm), fat tissue (10.5 ± 1.6%), muscle tissue (45.5 ± 2.1%) and somatotype (endomorphy 2.4 ± 0.9; mesomorphy 4 ± 2.5 and ectomorphy 3.3 ± 0.9). A close relation was observed between finishing place and the variables of weight, height, age, arm span, lower limb length, upper arm girth, sum of skinfolds, muscle weight, bone weight and residual weight. Top sailors tend to be meso-ectomorphic, with significant values for muscle mass and linearity and low fat content

    Point-scoring plays related to level of set win and in-game role during volleyball rules testing

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    The aim of this study was to analyse the characteristics of point-scoring plays related to level of set win and in-game role under experimental rules tested at the U23 Men’s Volleyball World Championship in Uberlandia, Brazil (21-point set, 15 seconds between points) from the 16th point in the first four sets and the 10th point in the fifth set. The analysis of 1335 points from 123 sets in 36 matches played by 144 males (average age 21.1±1.4 years) focused on in-game role (setter, outside hitter, middle blocker, opposite, libero), final score, finishing point actions (serve-ace, three attack types, three counter attack types, block), set outcome (Win-Lose), and level of set win (Walkover-Balanced-Tough). Pearson’s Chi-Square test was used for data analysis. The results showed that the difference in the structure of won and lost points decreased from walkover to balanced to tough sets. Attack-spike and block were the most frequently executed technical elements. Outside-hitter was identified as the in-game role that finished more points, followed by Opposite and Middle blockers. If the tested rules are applied, developing the block, serve and attacks may have greater influence on set outcome in the future

    Perfil dermatoglífico das atletas de voleibol feminino da Copa da Rainha da Espanha

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    Situado entre os cinco maiores esportes de prestígio no mundo, o voleibol é um esporte que exige potência, agilidade, bem como alta velocidade de seus atletas, principalmente quando praticado em alto nível de competição. Seguindo esse contexto, torna-se importante o surgimento de ferramentas que possam servir de subsidio para a orientação de novos talentos na modalidade em questão. A dermatoglífia surge como um método possível para a busca e orientação de atletas no desporto de alto rendimento.  Desta forma, o objetivo do presente estudo foi comparar as impressões digitais de atletas femininas de alto rendimento de Voleibol da Copa da Rainha da Espanha e de um grupo controle composto por mulheres não atletas. A amostra do estudo foi composta por 162 indivíduos do sexo feminino divididos em dois grupos. O primeiro composto por 81 atletas profissionais de equipes femininas de voleibol, participantes da Copa da Rainha de Voleibol da Espanha, que foram comparadas ao Grupo Controle, composto por 81 mulheres não atletas. A análise dermatoglífica seguiu o protocolo proposto por Cummins e Midlo, por intermédio do Leitor Dermatoglífico® validado por Nodari. Os resultados encontrados demonstraram que na comparação das variáveis numéricas, a quantidade de linhas do dedo médio da mão direita (MDSQL3) é menor no grupo das atletas profissionais de voleibol, quando comparados ao grupo controle. Os resultados encontrados neste estudo demonstraram que o perfil dermatoglífico das atletas de Voleibol feminino de alto rendimento difere significativamente do perfil da população não atleta. Recomendam-se novos estudos com populações de amostra maiores, com grupos étnicos variados, e pertencentes a diferentes competições e níveis competitivos do voleibol

    Análisis del fútbol de máximo nivel a partir de redes complejas : el caso de la selección argentina en el Campeonato del Mundo de Qatar 2022

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    El objetivo del presente estudio fue estudiar el nivel de las interacciones (pases efectivos) de la selección argentina de fútbol mediante la técnica de análisis de redes, en el Campeonato del Mundo celebrado en Qatar en el año 2022. Para determinar las características de la red, el punto de partida fue el número de nodos (jugadores) y aristas (conexiones). Se hallaron los valores de la densidad de la red, la centralidad (Degree Centrality, Closeness Centrality y Betwenness Centrality) y el nivel de conexión (Clustering Coefficient, Hub, Athority, Eigenvector Centrality y PageRank). Asimismo, el espacio de interacción individual, con posesión y sin posesión del balón. Los resultados demuestran que la importancia de los jugadores está en función de la métrica utilizada para evaluar las características de la red, además de su posición en el campo. Los jugadores que presentaron una alta conectividad fueron los defensas centrales y centrocampistas, mientras que Messi, fue el jugador más importante cuando se utilizaron los parámetros para medir el nivel de agrupamiento. El comportamiento de la selección argentina ofreció patrones consistentes, recurrentes y singulares, si bien, el estado del marcador pudo haber sido un aspecto favorable a la hora de observar este tipo de comportamientos.The objective of this study was to study the level of interactions (effective passes) of the Argentine national football team using the network analysis technique, in the World Championship held in Qatar 2022. To determine the characteristics of the network, the starting point was the number of nodes (players) and edges (connections). Values of network density, centrality (Degree Centrality, Closeness Centrality y Betwenness Centrality) and connection level (Clustering Coefficient, Hub, Athority, Eigenvector Centrality y PageRank), were identified. Additionally, the individual interaction space, both with and without possession of the ball was explored. The results demonstrate that the importance of players is influenced by the metric used to evaluate network characteristics, as well as their position on the field. Players with high connectivity were central defenders and midfielders, while Messi emerged as the most important player when parameters measuring clustering level were applied. The behavior of the Argentine team exhibited consistent, recurrent and unique patterns, although the state of the scoreboard may have been a favorable aspect when observing such behaviors.El objetivo del presente estudio fue estudiar el nivel de las interacciones (pases efectivos) de la selección argentina de fútbol mediante la técnica de análisis de redes, en el Campeonato del Mundo celebrado en Qatar en el año 2022. Para determinar las características de la red, el punto de partida fue el número de nodos (jugadores) y aristas (conexiones). Se hallaron los valores de la densidad de la red, la centralidad (Degree Centrality, Closeness Centrality y Betwenness Centrality) y el nivel de conexión (Clustering Coefficient, Hub, Athority, Eigenvector Centrality y PageRank). Asimismo, el espacio de interacción individual, con posesión y sin posesión del balón. Los resultados demuestran que la importancia de los jugadores está en función de la métrica utilizada para evaluar las características de la red, además de su posición en el campo. Los jugadores que presentaron una alta conectividad fueron los defensas centrales y centrocampistas, mientras que Messi, fue el jugador más importante cuando se utilizaron los parámetros para medir el nivel de agrupamiento. El comportamiento de la selección argentina ofreció patrones consistentes, recurrentes y singulares, si bien, el estado del marcador pudo haber sido un aspecto favorable a la hora de observar este tipo de comportamientos

    Game rhythm and stoppages in soccer: a case study from Spain

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    The purpose of this paper was to quantify and analyze the participation/pause game times and stoppages of 11-a-side soccer. A total of 617 players of 44 Spanish men's teams and 33 matches of the 2007/08 and 2008/09 men's soccer players of 2nd division A and B and 3rd division were studied. The methodology used is observational and systematic, active and non-participating and with an observational instrument based on a category system. The variables studied were: Stoppages and Game Rhythm. The most frequent stoppage is out of bound (mean±SD) (59.03±10.15), followed by fouls (37.33±7.09). The stoppage which registers the longest duration (in hours, minutes and seconds) is foul (16'35"±3'48"), followed by out of bound (14'30"±3'26"). Regarding game rhythm the real time of each match totaled an average of 1h36'14"±2'03" seconds. The actual time of play is on average 49'±4'44" while the pause time is 47'14"±5'23"seconds. In the description of the implications of pause time in the game dynamics of soccer, some regularities can be observed; such as the fact that the most frequent stoppages are those made due to fouls and out of bound and that the duration of the majority of these stoppages varies within a range of 4 to 7 seconds. The pauses have shown to be a major element in the study of soccer game rhythm because they take at least half the total time of the match. Consistent with this, it is understood that game rhythm can easily be improved with regulatory modifications such as the elimination of interruptions because of substitutions