43 research outputs found

    Effects of the leptin in the onset of puberty in animal males

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    ABSTRACT: The leptin is a 16 KDa hormone principally produced by the adipose tissue, codified by the ob gene and composed by 146 amino acids. This hormone carries out its functions at peripheral levels and in the hypothalamic- hypophysis - gonadal axis. In several species the effect of this hormone on reproduction and their concentration and expression changes might be associated with the onset of puberty in different animal species and in human beings. The role of leptin in male reproduction has been studied especially in rats, mice, human beings, and other animal species. Leptin receptor and mRNA expression has been found in Leydig cells, seminiferous tubules, spermatogonies, spermatozoa, among other cells, indicating that leptin could have an important role in testicular function. An inhibitory effect of testosterone on leptin secretion has been found and vice versa, which indicates that leptin can regulate testicular steroidogenesis. Leptin can also act in non differentiated cells of the testis, promoting spermiogenesis. Then, leptin appears to be an important hormone probably involved in vital functions of the male neuroendocrine and reproductive axis.RESUMEN: La leptina es una hormona de 16 KDa producida principalmente por el tejido adiposo, codificada por el gen ob y compuesta por 146 aminoácidos. Cumple sus funciones en la periferia del organismo en el eje hipotálamo - hipófisis - gónadas. En varias especies se ha estudiado el efecto de esta hormona en la reproducción; los cambios en su concentración y en su expresión podrían estar asociados con el inicio de la pubertad en diferentes especies animales y en los humanos. El rol de la leptina en la reproducción del macho ha sido estudiado especialmente en ratas y ratones, pero también se han realizado investigaciones en humanos y otras especies animales. En las células de Leydig, en los túbulos seminíferos, las espermatogonias y los espermatozoides, entre otros tipos de células, hay expresión de los receptores y el RNAm de receptores de leptina, lo que indica que puede haber una función importante de la leptina en los testículos. En general, se ha hallado un efecto inhibitorio de la testosterona con la secreción de leptina y viceversa, lo cual indica que la leptina puede regular la esteroidogénesis en el testículo. La leptina también puede actuar en células no diferenciadas del testículo para permitir su diferenciación en espermatocitos y puede asistir a la célula a través de toda su diferenciación y maduración hacia espermátides. A través de todos estos resultados obtenidos, se observa a la leptina como una importante hormona que puede estar involucrada en funciones vitales del eje neuroendocrino y reproductivo del mach

    Chemical petreatments evaluation on lignocellulosic materials

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    RESUMEN: La eficiencia de la producción de etanol a partir de materiales lignocelulósicos depende en alto grado de la remoción de lignina, la que limita la hidrólisis de la celulosa y la posterior fermentación. En este trabajo se determinó el efecto de diferentes pretratamientos químicos sobre la composición química y cristalinidad en los materiales lignocelulósicos, aserrín de madera, bagazo de caña y cascarilla de arroz. Los pretratamientos evaluados se llevaron a cabo aplicando ácido sulfúrico o hidróxido de sodio o la combinación de ambos sobre el material. Con la aplicación del pretratamiento combinado genera las mayores remociones de lignina. Para bagazo de caña se obtuvo una remoción de lignina del 80,6%, mientras que para aserrín y cascarilla de arroz la remoción fue del 46,7%. Sin embargo, se observó una pérdida apreciable de celulosa, del 30,7% para el bagazo y 15,58% para la cascarilla. El análisis por difractometría de rayos X, reveló un incremento de la cristalinidad para el aserrín y el bagazo de caña.ABSTRACT: The efficiency in ethanol production from lignocellulosic materials depends on high grade on the degree of lignin removal. Lignin presence limits cellulose hydrolysis and fermentation. In this work, was determined the effect of different chemical pretreatments on chemical composition and crystallinity on the lignocellulosic materials, wood chips, cane bagasse, and rice husks. Pretreatments evaluated were carried out applying sulfuric acid or sodium hydroxide or their combination over each material. The combined pretreatment allowed to obtain the highest lignine removal. For cane bagasse it was obtained an 80.6% of lignine removal, while for wood chip and rice husks lignine was removed in 46.7%. However one important cellulose loss of 30.7% was observed from bagasse cane and 15.8% from rice husks. DRX analysis showed an increase in the crystallinity for wood chip and cane bagasse

    Efectividad de los inhibidores de la aromatasa (aromP450) Letrozol y Exemestano para la masculinización de tilapia roja (Oreochromis spp.)

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    ABSTRACT: cytochrome P450 aromatase enzyme (aromP450) is a key enzyme in the conversion of androgens into estrogens, a crucial step in the control of sexual differentiation in fish. Objective: the aim of this study was to evaluate the efficiency of two aromatase inhibitors (AIs) as an alternative method for the masculinization of red tilapia (Oreochromis spp.). Methods: Letrozole (LT) and Exemestane (EM) aromatase inhibitors were used at two experimental doses (25 and 100 mg/Kg). Five days post-hatching larvae (5 dph) were fed the inhibitors for 30 days (35 dph). The control treatments consisted of 17α metil testosterone (MT) at a concentration of 60 mg/Kg (positive control) and food with 300 ml/Kg ethanol (negative control). On 60 dph, gonadal extraction of fishes was performed for histological processing and staining with hematoxylin-eosin for analysis. Results: there were no significant differences (p > 0.05) between any compound and implemented doses with the controls in terms of larval survival. Percentage of male fish increased for LT, EM, and MT (positive control), which showed significant differences (p 0,05) entre ninguno de los tratamientos y los controles para la variable sobrevivencia larvaria. La proporción de machos aumentó con la implementación de LT, EM y MT (control positivo), los cuales presentaron diferencias significativas (p < 0,05) con el control negativo. Hubo diferencias significativas (p < 0,05) entre la dosis de 100 mg/Kg y el control positivo con la dosis de 25 mg/Kg y el control negativo; también se presentaron diferencias entre las dosis de 25 mg/kg y el control negativo. Conclusiones: nuestros resultados sugieren que el suministro vía oral de IAs de tercera generación, tipo I o tipo II, es eficiente en aumentar la proporción de machos en los grupos tratados, sin diferencias entre el tipo de inhibidor, pero con un efecto directo de la dosis sobre la proporción de machos. La supresión de la actividad de la aromatasa, permitió orientar la diferenciación sexual hacia el desarrollo testicular

    Epidemiological characterization of incident cases of Rickettsia infection in rural areas of Urabá region, Colombia

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    Introduction Most of the studies related to rickettsial infection in Colombia are cross-sectional because of the challenge in conducting prospective studies on infectious disease that may have a difficult diagnosis. Although cross-sectional studies are essential to detect people exposed to rickettsiae, they are not suited to demonstrate the recent circulation of this pathogen in areas at risk of transmission. Objective To characterize the epidemiology of incident cases of Spotted fever group (SFG) rickettsial infection in humans and equines from rural areas of Uraba´ region in Colombia where outbreaks of rickettsiae previously occurred. Materials and methods A prospective study was conducted in the Alto de Mulatos and Las Changas in the Uraba´ region. Serum samples and socio-ecological information were collected from 597 people enrolled in 2015, and a second sample was collected from 273 people a year later. Indirect immune-fluorescence assays for detection of IgG antibody against rickettsiae were done using slides with Rickettsia rickettsii antigens. A titer 128 was considered positive. Incident cases were defined as (i) serological conversion of IgG titers from seronegative to seropositive or (ii) at least a four-fold increase in IgG end point titers in the second sample. Results The cumulative incidence of rickettsial infection was 6.23% (95%CI 3.67–9.78) in humans and 32.31% (21/65) of incident cases in equines. Incident cases were mostly females (82.35%), the median age of cases was 41.02 years (IQR 18.62–54.1), and 29.41% reported tick bites during the study period. Results from multivariate analysis showed that removal of ticks after working outdoors is a protective factor for rickettsial infection (RR 0.26, 95%CI 0.08–0.84) and that a higher incidence of infection occurred in people who reported fever in the last year (RR 4.26, 95%CI 1.15–9.31). Conclusions These results showed recent circulation of SFG rickettsiae in areas where previous lethal outbreaks have been reported, supporting the implementation of preventive measures to halt rickettsial transmission in the studied communities.UCR::Vicerrectoría de Investigación::Unidades de Investigación::Ciencias de la Salud::Centro de Investigación en Enfermedades Tropicales (CIET

    De la responsabilidad social empresarial a la responsabilidad ambiental universitaria

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    Este artículo indaga inicialmente por la categoría Responsabilidad Social Universitaria, cuyo primer hallazgo identifica dos grandes tradiciones de su emergencia, una derivada-de, que se fundamenta en tres perspectivas de la Responsabilidad Social Empresarial: teorías de la agencia, teorías de la legitimidad y teorías de la institucionalidad; y la otra tradición es denominada, originaria-en la universidad latinoamericana, que promueve el surgimiento de la Responsabilidad Ambiental Universitaria. A partir de un enfoque cualitativo el diseño documental que permite el abordaje de diversas bases de datos: informes, proyectos y programas ambientales en el interior de un caso de manejo de residuos sólidos en una universidad colombiana. Se puede destacar que en el marco general de las prácticas y acciones ambientales de la universidad se hibridan de forma alternada perspectivas de Responsabilidad Ambiental Universitaria matizadas desde las perspectivas de la Responsabilidad Social Empresarial y la Responsabilidad Social Universitaria.This article initially investigates the category of University Social Responsibility, whose first finding identifies two great traditions of its emergence, one derived from three perspectives of Corporate Social Responsibility: theories of the agency, theories of legitimacy and theories of the institutionality; and another original tradition-in the Latin American University that promotes the emergence of the University Environmental Responsibility. From a qualitative approach, the documentary design allows the approach of diverse data bases: reports, projects and environmental programs within a solid waste management case in a Colombian university. It is possible to emphasize that in the general framework of the environmental practices of the university perspectives of University Environmental Responsibility are alternately hybridized, nuanced from the perspectives of the Corporate Social Responsibility and the University Social Responsibility

    Alternativas de comercialización de aguacate Hass en el Valle del Cauca

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    Ilustraciones (principalmente a color), diagramas, figuras, fotografías, mapasComo resultado del proyecto de regalías Incremento de la competitividad sostenible en la agricultura de ladera en todo el departamento del Valle del Cauca, Occidente, en el cual participaron la Universidad Nacional, la Universidad del Valle y el Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical (CIAT), en esta cartilla se presentan dos formas de comercialización de guacate Hass: Aguacate en fresco y aguacate procesado. Se espera que la información aquí consignada sirva de guía a productores, comercializadores y procesadores para agregar valor al producto, como fruta fresca durante la exportación o como aceite después de procesarla, minimizando, de esta manera, las altas pérdidas poscosecha del aguacate. (Texto tomado de la fuente)1° ed

    Research advances in Risaralda. An overview of 8 experiences

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    I am honored to present to you this remarkable book, a testament to the invaluable research conducted in the fields of Health, Law, Engineering, and Administrative Sciences. Each chapter within these pages represents the culmination of extensive investigations carried out by dedicated scholars affiliated with the Red Universitaria de Risaralda (RUN), a network comprising 15 esteemed higher education institutions. Risaralda has emerged as a thriving hub for higher education, bolstered by its strategic geographical location, high quality of life, rich biodiversity, and competitive development. Today, Pereira ranks third in the index of university cities, with a student enrollment rate exceeding 63%. Close to 50,000 students pursue academic programs within the department. Notably, three institutions have achieved accreditation for their excellence in education, positioning Risaralda among the most competitive regions in terms of accredited academic programs. As we celebrate the 20th anniversary of the Red Universitaria de Risaralda in 2023, it is with great pride that we reflect on its pivotal role in fostering collaboration among public and private higher education institutions. Our mission has been twofold: attracting students to our region and supporting sustainable development and quality of life for our community. The mesa de investigación (research committee) has diligently coordinated the necessary actions to unite our researchers, facilitating an integrated approach to various disciplines and themes associated with the challenges faced in our region.CONTENT Introduction...................................................................................................................5 CHAPTER ONE. Tobacco Use and Social Skills in Children from Two Schools in Pereira, Colombia .......................................................................................................9 Angélica María Blanco Vanegas, Natalia Jeaneth Carmona Valencia and Ángela Liceth Pérez Rendón CHAPTER TWO. Lesbian visibility: between control and family silence.................................................35 Mireya Ospina Botero and Carolina Carmona Castilla CHAPTER THREE. New centralities in the city of Pereira, 1990-2019 .......................................................65 Cesar Augusto Castaño Galvis CHAPTER FOUR. Bibliometric analysis of scientific publications on the effect of roots on slope stability ...........................................................................................................95 Alejandro Alzate Buitrago, Raúl Alberto Gaviria Valencia, César Augusto Peñuela Meneses, Carlos Alberto Ospina Parra CHAPTER FIVE. Sustainability of local agri-food systems in a municipality of the Eje Cafetero, Colombia...............................................................................................131 Jaime Cardona Ocampo, Orlando Ospina Salazar and Julia Arredondo Botero CHAPTER SIX. Organizational strategies aimed at the Emberá Chamí unified indigenous reservation, Inamurcito community located in the municipality of Pueblo Rico, Risaralda............................................................................................................163 Carla Johana Martínez García and Yenny Marcela Vélez Herrera CHAPTER SEVEN. Psychomotor profile of children between 4 and 5 years old in the city of Pereira, Colombia ...................................................................................................199 Jhonatan Gonzalez-Santamaría and Claudia Jimena Lopez-Garcia CHAPTER EIGHT. Analysis of assembly tasks without the use of vision: an opportunity for the design of support technologies in manufacturing environments.....................217 Gustavo Adolfo Peña Marín, Carlos Andrés Quintero Diaztagle and Juan Diego Gallego Góme

    Procesos agroindustriales en piña md2

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    Ilustraciones (principalmente a color), diagramas, figuras, fotografías,En este documento se incluyen los resultados de los productos y los procesos seleccionados de acuerdo con las brechas identificadas para piña md2, tanto en fresco como procesada, y se realiza un análisis comparativo de dichos resultados. La vigilancia tecnológica se llevó a cabo incluyendo 4 tipos de vigilancias (competitiva, comercial, científico-tecnológica y estratégica). Con base en estas, se seleccionaron los productos y procesos correspondientes a la fruta que fue objeto de este estudio. (Texto tomado de la fuente)1° ed