117 research outputs found
Effect of Nonpharmacological Therapies on Pain and Health Perception in Patients with Knee Osteoarthritis
Objective: Comparing the efficiency of ultrasound therapy (US) versus extracorporeal shock wave therapy (ESWT) on pain and perceived health in men with bilateral knee osteoarthritis (OA). Design: A pilot randomized trial with concealed allocation, assessor blinding and intention-to-treat analysis was conducted
Innovation places : theoretical and methodological Remarks for analysing metropolitan creativity and Innovations
Metropolises are currently regarded as nodes in a global network of flows, becoming
the driving forces for territorial development, characterised by high potential of creativity and the
innovations generated as a result. A contemporary challenge is to find adequate concepts for analysing
and understanding metropolitan innovativeness. The objective of the article is to provide
the necessary features by which a new approach to studying metropolitan inventiveness can be
adopted. The formulation of this model was inspired by the independently functioning concepts of
metropolisation, innovativeness, and the concepts of place. By considering these three perspectives
together and their specific methods of analysis, it is possible to describe and explain the process of
generating innovations in contemporary metropolises. This article is divided into three main sections
illustrating how the concepts of innovation environments, networks, and districts combined
with the dynamic concept of place, all relate to innovation place. The analysis presented serves as
the basis for the model of an innovation place, it being essential to future initiatives in this sphere
of study. The article concludes with methodological remarks indicating the potential use for “innovation
space” model
Zalecenia dietetyczne dotyczące spożywania jodu — w poszukiwaniu konsensusu między kardiologami a endokrynologami
Iodine is one of the essential bioactive components of the diet which has an effect on the synthesis of the thyroid hor- mones, and the latter affect proper development and functioning of the organism. If iodide intake is below 50 μg/day, the thyroid gland cannot maintain adequate synthesis of thyroid hormones. The 1992/1993 Polish Council for Control of Iodine Deficiency Disorders study results were a direct reason for resumption of compulsory table salt iodination. Table salt is the commonly used iodine carrier. According to the World Health Organization recommendations, daily salt intake should not exceed 5 g of sodium chloride (2 g of sodium) per person. Reduction of dietary sodium intake may thus prevent cardiovascular disease. Actions are also being taken to increase the intake of other natural iodine carriers (milk, mineral water). Alternative iodine sources in the diet include codfish, Alaska pollock, salmon, eggs, wheat bran, broccoli, dried pea seeds, and hazelnuts. Iodination of mineral water and milk, as well as biofortification of the selected vegetables and feeding flock and cattle by food rich in iodine should be concerned according to salt restriction diet. It is also justified to introduce iodination of mineral water and milk, as well as biofortification of selected vegetables and feeding flock and cattle with food rich in iodine to provide adequate iodine intake in the setting of coexisting recommendations to reduce salt intake. Jod jest pierwiastkiem należącym do niezbędnych bioaktywnych składników diety, który ma udział w syntezie hormo- nów tarczycy, a te z kolei wpływają na prawidłowy rozwój i funkcjonowanie organizmu. W sytuacji gdy spożycie jodków jest mniejsze niż 50 μg/dobę, gruczoł tarczowy nie jest w stanie utrzymać syntezy hormonów tarczycy na prawidłowym poziomie. Wyniki badań z lat 1992–1993 Polskiej Komisji ds. Kontroli Zaburzeń z Niedoboru Jodu były bezpośrednim powodem powrotu do obowiązkowego jodowania soli kuchennej. Sól kuchenna jest powszechnie stosowanym nośnikiem jodu. Zgodnie z zaleceniami Światowej Organizacji zdrowia dzienne spożycie soli nie powinno przekraczać 5 g NaCl (2 g Na) na osobę. Kontrolowanie zawartości Na w diecie jest metodą prewencji chorób układu sercowo-naczyniowego. Równocześnie są prowadzone działania służące zwiększeniu spożycia innych naturalnych nośników jodu (mleko, woda mineralna). Alternatywne źródło jodu w diecie to między innymi dorsz, mintaj, łosoś, jaja, otręby pszenne, brokuły, suche nasiona grochu i orzechy laskowe. Zasadna jest idea wdrożenia jodowania wody mineralnej i mleka, a także biofortyfi- kacji wybranych warzyw oraz podawania jodu trzodzie i bydłu w celu zapewnienia jego odpowiedniej podaży w związku z zaleceniami ograniczenia spożycia soli kuchennej.
Vasodilatory efficacy and impact of papaverine on endothelium in radial artery predilatation for CABG surgery : in search for optimal concentration
Abstract Objective: The aim of this study was to compare the efficacy of two different papaverine concentrations (0.5 mg/ml and 2 mg/ml) for vasospasm prevention and their impact on endothelium integrity. Methods: We have studied distal segments of radial arteries obtained by no-touch technique from coronary artery bypass graft (CABG) patients (n=10). The vasodilatory effect of papaverine (concentrations of 0.5 mg/ml and 2 mg/ml) was assessed in vitro, in isometric tension studies using ex vivo myography (organ bath technique) and arterial rings precontracted with potassium chloride (KCl) and phenylephrine. The impact of papaverine on endothelial integrity was studied by measurement of the percentage of vessel's circumference revealing CD34 endothelial marker. Results: 2 mg/ml papaverine concentration showed stronger vasodilatatory effect than 0.5 mg/ml, but it caused significantly higher endothelial damage. Response to KCl was 7.35±3.33 mN for vessels protected with papaverine 0.5 mg/ml and 2.66±1.96 mN when papaverine in concentration of 2 mg/ml was used. The histological examination revealed a significant difference in the presence of undamaged endothelium between vessels incubated in papaverine 0.5 mg/ml (72.86±9.3%) and 2 mg/ml (50.23±13.42%), P=0.002. Conclusion: Papaverine 2 mg/ml caused the higher endothelial damage. Concentration of 0.5 mg/ml caused better preservation of the endothelial lining
Zalecenia dietetyczne dotyczące spożywania jodu — w poszukiwaniu konsensusu między kardiologami a endokrynologami
Iodine is one of the essential bioactive components of a diet and which has an influence on the thyroid hormones synthesis, and these hormones affect the proper development and functioning of the organism. In the situation when the iodides consumption is less than 50 μg/day, it is unable to maintain the thyroid hormones synthesis at a normal level by the thyroid gland. The 1992/1993 Polish Council for Control of Iodine Deficiency Disorders study results were a direct reason for the compulsory resumption of table salt iodination. Table salt is a, commonly used, iodine carrier. According to the World Health Organization recommendations, the daily salt intake should not exceed 5 g NaCl (2 g Na) per person. Verification of Na content in the diet is a method for cardiovascular diseases prevention. Actions aimed at increasing of the other natural iodine carriers (milk, mineral water) intake are taken. Alternative sources of iodine in the diet are include: codfish, pollock, salmon, eggs, wheat bran, broccoli, dried pea seeds and hazelnuts. Iodination of mineral water and milk, as well as biofortification of the selected vegetables and feeding flock and cattle by food rich in iodine should be concerned according to salt restriction diet. Jod jest pierwiastkiem należącym do niezbędnych bioaktywnych składników diety, który ma udział w syntezie hormo- nów tarczycy, a te z kolei wpływają na prawidłowy rozwój i funkcjonowanie organizmu. W sytuacji gdy spożycie jodków jest mniejsze niż 50 μg/dobę, gruczoł tarczowy nie jest w stanie utrzymać syntezy hormonów tarczycy na prawidłowym poziomie. Wyniki badań z lat 1992/1993 Polskiej Komisji ds. Kontroli Zaburzeń z Niedoboru Jodu były bezpośrednim powodem powrotu do obowiązkowego jodowania soli kuchennej. Sól kuchenna jest powszechnie stosowanym nośnikiem jodu. Zgodnie z zaleceniami Światowej Organizacji zdrowia dzienne spożycie soli nie powinno przekraczać 5 g NaCl (2 g Na) na osobę. Kontrolowanie zawartości Na w diecie jest metodą prewencji chorób sercowo-naczyniowych. Prowadzone są równocześnie działania mające na celu zwiększenie spożycia innych naturalnych nośników jodu (mleko, woda mine- ralna). Alternatywnym źródłem jodu w diecie są między innymi: dorsz, mintaj, łosoś, jaja, otręby pszenne, brokuły, suche nasiona grochu i orzechy laskowe. Zasadna jest idea wdrożenia jodowania wody mineralnej i mleka, a także biofortyfi- kacji wybranych warzyw oraz podawania jodu trzodzie i bydłu w celu zapewnienia odpowiedniej jego podaży w związku z zaleceniami ograniczenia spożycia soli kuchennej
Scaling up contrast-enhanced micro-CT imaging:Optimizing contrast and acquisition for large ex-vivo human samples
Microfocus Computed Tomography (Micro-CT) is a novel method for non-destructive 3D imaging of samples, reaching microscale resolutions. While initially prominent in material sciences for small samples, micro-CT now gains significance in biological and medical studies. Here we present our utilization of micro-CT for imaging large ex-vivo human samples for anatomical and forensic research in three recent experiments and discuss the fundamentals of micro-CT imaging. For pelvic anatomical research, whole human pelvises were imaged to explore nerve anatomy around the prostate using various concentrations of buffered lugol (B-lugol). Advanced acquisition protocols were essential due to X-ray attenuation properties of the sample, which required higher energy for sufficient photon transmission. For fetal research, B-lugol stained fetuses of 20–24 gestational weeks underwent full body imaging. However, this led to challenging acquisition parameters and images of insufficient quality. Subsequent destaining yielded less dense, yet contrast-maintaining samples allowing higher quality images. Refined acquisition protocols with reduced energy improved image quality. For forensic research, explanted hyoid-larynx complexes were imaged. Micro-CT imaging showed potential in visualizing micro-fractures. The addition of B-lugol allowed for excellent soft tissue contrast and promising possibilities for forensic evaluation. In conclusion, micro-CT imaging accommodates a diversity of large ex-vivo human samples for anatomical and forensic purposes, though challenges arise with optimal soft tissue staining and acquisition protocols. We describe partial destaining as a new possibility to alleviate scanning issues to improve scan quality and highlight topics for future research. Micro-CT imaging is a promising new avenue for medical research and forensic evaluation.</p
Scaling up contrast-enhanced micro-CT imaging:Optimizing contrast and acquisition for large ex-vivo human samples
Microfocus Computed Tomography (Micro-CT) is a novel method for non-destructive 3D imaging of samples, reaching microscale resolutions. While initially prominent in material sciences for small samples, micro-CT now gains significance in biological and medical studies. Here we present our utilization of micro-CT for imaging large ex-vivo human samples for anatomical and forensic research in three recent experiments and discuss the fundamentals of micro-CT imaging. For pelvic anatomical research, whole human pelvises were imaged to explore nerve anatomy around the prostate using various concentrations of buffered lugol (B-lugol). Advanced acquisition protocols were essential due to X-ray attenuation properties of the sample, which required higher energy for sufficient photon transmission. For fetal research, B-lugol stained fetuses of 20–24 gestational weeks underwent full body imaging. However, this led to challenging acquisition parameters and images of insufficient quality. Subsequent destaining yielded less dense, yet contrast-maintaining samples allowing higher quality images. Refined acquisition protocols with reduced energy improved image quality. For forensic research, explanted hyoid-larynx complexes were imaged. Micro-CT imaging showed potential in visualizing micro-fractures. The addition of B-lugol allowed for excellent soft tissue contrast and promising possibilities for forensic evaluation. In conclusion, micro-CT imaging accommodates a diversity of large ex-vivo human samples for anatomical and forensic purposes, though challenges arise with optimal soft tissue staining and acquisition protocols. We describe partial destaining as a new possibility to alleviate scanning issues to improve scan quality and highlight topics for future research. Micro-CT imaging is a promising new avenue for medical research and forensic evaluation.</p
3D histopathology of stenotic aortic valve cusps using ex vivo microfocus computed tomography
BackgroundCalcific aortic stenosis (AS) is the most prevalent heart valve disease in developed countries. The aortic valve cusps progressively thicken and the valve does not open fully due to the presence of calcifications. In vivo imaging, usually used for diagnosis, does not allow the visualization of the microstructural changes associated with AS.MethodsEx vivo high-resolution microfocus computed tomography (microCT) was used to quantitatively describe the microstructure of calcified aortic valve cusps in full 3D. As case study in our work, this quantitative analysis was applied to normal-flow low-gradient severe AS (NF-LG-SAS), for which the medical prognostic is still highly debated in the current literature, and high-gradient severe AS (HG-SAS).ResultsThe volume proportion of calcification, the size and number of calcified particles and their density composition was quantified. A new size-based classification considering small-sized particles that are not detected with in vivo imaging was defined for macro-, meso- and microscale calcifications. Volume and thickness of aortic valve cusps, including the complete thickness distribution, were also determined. Moreover, changes in the cusp soft tissues were also visualized with microCT and confirmed by scanning electron microscopy images of the same sample. NF-LG-SAS cusps contained lower relative amount of calcifications than HG-SAS. Moreover, the number and size of calcified objects and the volume and thickness of the cusps were also lower in NF-LG-SAS cusps than in HG-SAS.ConclusionsThe application of high-resolution ex vivo microCT to stenotic aortic valve cusps provided a quantitative description of the general structure of the cusps and of the calcifications present in the cusp soft tissues. This detailed description could help in the future to better understand the mechanisms of AS
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