9 research outputs found

    Implementasi Best Practices Program Rumah Tangga Mandiri Pangan Dan Energi (Rtmpe) Di Kabupaten Kampar

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    Best Practices are defined as initiatives that have resulted in contributions prominent (outstanding contribution) in improving the quality better of life. The research objective to see the implementation of best practices program independent household of food and energy in kampar regency and to determine the factors that affect the implementation of best practices program independent household of food and energy in Kampar regency.Theoretical concept that researchers use are eko prasojo (2004:4) thereare three partnerships and sustainable impact. This research uses qualitative methods with an assessment of descriptive data. In the data collection reseachers use interviewing techniques, observation and documentation. By using purposive sampling method in which sample is designed by researchers and triangulation techniques as a source af data authenticity.The results showed that the implementers, implementation of best practices in independent households of food and energy in Kampar Regency not ranning optimally because there are still many obstacles in the implementatin, because there are many people who are not interested in implementing the program independent household of food and energy although mainstay programs Kampar Regency with the goal of three zero, zero proverty, zero unemployment and zero slum housing.Factors that hinder the implementation of best practices program independent household of food and energy in Kampar Regency (1) public's understanding of the program (2) participation in the implementation of the program (3) the role of regent in the innovation program (4) a bureaucratic culture

    Reproductive Biology of Featherback Fish (Notopterus Notopterus Pallas, 1769) From the Sail River, Pekanbaru Regency, Riau Province

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    Featherback fish (Notopterus notopterus) is a type of freshwater fish that inhabit the Sail River, Riau Province. To understand the reproductive biology of this fish, a study has been conducted from March to April 2017. Total fish captured was 70 (34 males and 36 females). Sex ratio between male and female was 1 : 1. The gonado somatic index (GSI) of the male was 0.06-0.78 % and that of the female was 0.05%-6.78%. The fecundity of the fish were 1.630-5.526 eggs/fish. Egg diameter was 1.8 mm-2.5 mm. The relationship between fecundity and standard lenght was y = 3.11x - 4.06, that of the fecundity and body weight was y = 1.86x-0.86, and that of the fecundity and ovary weight was y = 0.81x+2.66. The water quality parameter are as follows : temperature 28-300C, transparency 5.5-15.5 cm, depth 0.7-1.87 cm, pH 6, DO 2.4-4 mg/L, and CO2 11.9-19.9 mg/L

    Stomach Analyse of Trichogaster Pectoralis

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    A study aims to understand stomach analysis of Trichogaster pectoralis present in thecanals at Tangkerang Barat District and Delima Disctrict has been conducted on February toApril 2013. Fish samples were captured using fishing rod and trawl once/week for 3 monthperiod. There were 87 fishes (32 males and 55 females) captured and TL is ranged from 113to 185 mm and BW ranged from 24 to 82.5 gr. Fish stomach was removed and stomachcontent was analyze using volumetric, occurence frequency.Stomach content of fish is related to their size. In small fish (TL less than 135 mm),the main food is plankton. In the relatively bigger fish (TL more than 135 mm) the main foodcrustacean and insect. Preponderance Index in the fish in general was Chlorophyta 26%,Cyanophyta 25%, Bacillariophyta 18%, Euglenophyta 1%, Insect 9%, and Crustacean 21%.Based on data obtained, it can be conclude that Trichogaster pectoralis is plankton feeder

    Studi Morfometrik, Meristik, Dan Pola Pertumbuhan Ikan Belida (Notopterus Notopterus Pallas, 1769) Di Sungai Sail Kota Pekanbaru Provinsi Riau

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    Featherback fish (Notopterus notopterus) is a type of freshwater fish that inhabit theSail River. This fish has high economic value, the price is more than Rp 60.000/kg.Information on biological aspects of this fish, including morphometric, meristic, andgrowth patterns is rare. To understand the those characteristics, a research had beenconducted from March-April 2017. There were 100 fishes (116-299 mm TL and 8.6-234gr BW) captured from the river. There were 23 morphological characteristics measuredand 8 meristical characteristics counted. The meristical characteristics were as follows:D.6-7, P.11-14, V.1, A.99-111, the number of scale in the pre-dorsal fin was 102-103,around the body was 126-136, in the caudal peduncle was 12-14, and in the lateral linewas 150-168. The length-weight relationship shown that the growth of male and femalewas positive allometric (b= 3.363). The water quality parameters shown thattemperature 28-30°C, transparency 5.50-14.83 cm, pH 5-6, DO 2-3.8 mg/L, CO2 11.9-21.9 mg/L and depth 0.7-1.8 m. Data on water quality in the Sail River is able tosupport the life of the N. notopterus

    Translating international HIV treatment guidelines into local priorities in Indonesia

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    Objective: International guidelines recommend countries to expand antiretroviral therapy (ART) to all HIV-infected individuals and establish local-level priorities in relation to other treatment, prevention and mitigation interventions through fair processes. However, no practical guidance is provided for such priority-setting processes. Evidence-informed deliberative processes (EDPs) fill this gap and combine stakeholder deliberation to incorporate relevant social values with rational decision-making informed by evidence on these values. This study reports on the first-time implementation and evaluation of an EDP in HIV control, organised to support the AIDS Commission in West Java province, Indonesia, in the development of its strategic plan for 2014–2018. Methods: Under the responsibility of the provincial AIDS Commission, an EDP was implemented to select priority interventions using six steps: (i) situational analysis; (ii) formation of a multistakeholder Consultation Panel; (iii) selection of criteria; (iv) identification and assessment of interventions’ performance; (v) deliberation; and (vi) selection of funding and implementing institutions. An independent researcher conducted in-depth interviews (n = 21) with panel members to evaluate the process. Results: The Consultation Pa