182 research outputs found

    Revisión de las avispas figítidas fósiles (Insecta: Hymenoptera: Cynipoidea) descritas de depósitos de compresión durante la primera mitad del siglo XX

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    The holotypes of the Cenozoic fossil wasps attributed to the family Figitidae, which were described in the first half of the 20th century by Charles T. Brues and Georg Statz from Florissant (USA) and Rott-am-Siebengebirge (Germany) sites respectively, have been restudied. The following new taxonomic changes are proposed: Palaeogronotoma? sola (Brues) n. comb., Aulacidea rotundata (Statz) n. comb., A. plana (Statz) n. comb. and A. spiniger (Statz) n. comb. The three last species listed have changed their taxonomic position, as the extant genus Aulacidea belongs to family Cynipidae, not Figitidae as was considered originally in 1938. The revision of one Baltic amber fossil species originally described in 1919, shows that it has a unique set of characters within Cynipidae, allowing the description of a new tribe: Kinseycynipsini n. tribe. Taxonomical comments about other three fossil cynipid species are provided. The correct taxonomical placement of the figitid and cynipid fossil species described ca. one century ago is important for understanding the evolution of these two cynipoid families, which play an important ecological role in the extant terrestrial ecosystems. In addition, updated lists of figitid and cynipid fossil species known are also provided.En la presente investigación se revisan los holotipos de las avispas fósiles del Cenozoico atribuidas a la familia Figitidae, las cuales fueron descritas en la primera mitad del siglo XX por Charles T. Brues y Georg Statz provenientes de los yacimientos de Florissant (EE.UU.) y Rott-am-Siebengebirge (Alemania), respectivamente. Se proponen los siguientes cambios taxonómicos: Palaeogronotoma? sola (Brues) n. comb., Aulacidea rotundata (Statz) n. comb., A. plana (Statz) n. comb. y A. spiniger (Statz) n. comb. Los cambios taxonómicos para las tres últimas especies indicadas han implicado su emplazamiento en el género actual Aulacidea, de la familia Cynipidae, y por lo tanto no pertenecen a la familia Figitidae como se consideró originalmente en 1938. La revisión de una especie fósil originalmente descrita en 1919, conservada en ámbar báltico, muestra que posee un conjunto único de caracteres para la familia Cynipidae, permitiendo la descripción de una nueva tribu: Kinseycynipsini n. tribe. Se hacen indicaciones taxonómicas referidas a otras tres especies de cinípidos fósiles. La adscripción taxonómica correcta de las especies fósiles de figítidos y cinípidos descritas hace alrededor de un siglo es importante para entender la evolución de estas dos familias de cinipoideos, las cuales desempeñan un importante papel ecológico en los ecosistemas terrestres actuales. También se proporcionan listas actualizadas de las especies fósiles de figítidos y cinípidos conocidas

    First records of genus Dilyta from Madagascar with description of Dilyta paretasmartinezi n. sp. (Hymenoptera: Figitidae: Charipinae)

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    Es cita per primera vegada el gènere Dilyta de Madagascar. Han estat col·lectades dues espècies: D. subclavata Förster, 1869 and D. paretasmartinezi n. sp. La nova espècie que aquí es descriu presenta una carena a l’àpex de l’escutel·le en forma de ∩, la qual cosa diferencia aquesta nova espècie de la resta d’espècies africanes del gènere Dilyta. Les característiques morfològiques i els caràcters diagnòstics es discuteixen i s’il·lustren.The genus Dilyta is mentioned from Madagascar for the first time. Two species have been collected: D. subclavata Förster, 1869 and D. paretasmartinezi n. sp. The new species has ∩-shaped carinae at the apex of scutellum which differentiate it from the African Dilyta species. Its morphological features and diagnostic characters are discussed and illustrated

    Revision of the Charipinae species present in India with some taxonomic changes (Hymenoptera: Cynipoidea, Figitidae, Charipinae)

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    Charipinae species present in India are revised and taxonomic changes are proposed for some species recently described from this country. In total seven species are nowadays valid from India: Alloxysta brevis (Thomson, 1862), A. consobrina (Zetterstedt, 1838), A. nottoni Ferrer-Suay & Pujade-Villar, 2015, A. pleuralis (Cameron, 1879), Phaenoglyphis indica Ferrer-Suay & Pujade-Villar, 2013, P. longicornis (Hartig, 1840) and P. villosa (Hartig, 1841). Alloxysta ochracea Bijoy & Rajmohana, 2013, is a new synonymy of A. brevis (Thomson, 1862). Alloxysta bhagyae Bijoy & Rajmohana, 2013, A. indica Bijoy & Rajmohana, 2013, and A. sholicola Bijoy & Rajmohana, 2013 are new synonymies of A. consobrina (Zetterstedt, 1838). Comments and figures are included here to support these taxonomic changes. Diagnosis for these species and a key to identify the Charipinae from India is also incorporated

    Revision of the Eurasian species of Aegilips Haliday, 1835 (Hymenoptera: Figitidae: Anacharitinae).

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    The knowledge of Aegilips in Eurasia is updated. One new species is described: Aegilips insularis Mata-Casanova and Pujade-Villar sp. nov., from Portugal (Madeira). The genus is also cited for the first time in the Indomalayan region with specimens of A. atricornis found in Northern India and Pakistan. Aegilips curvipes Giraud, 1860, Aegilips gemellus Belizin, 1961, Aegilips laevis (Hedicke, 1914), Aegilips montanus Belizin, 1951 and Aegilips punctatus Belizin, 1951 are synonymized with A. nitidulus (Dalman, 1823). Aegilips vena Fergusson, 1985 is synonymized with Aegilips zaitzevi Kovalev, 1974. Aegilips notatus Belizin, 1951, and Aegilips punctulatus Hedicke, 1928 are designated as incertae sedis. The known distributions of A. atricornis, A. kozlovi, A. nitidulus and A. romseyensis are expanded. Morphological differences are discussed and a key for Eurasian Aegilips species is also given

    Intraspecific variation in the morphology of Alloxysta fracticornis (Thomson, 1862) (Hymenoptera: Figitidae: Charipinae).

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    A new brachypterous form of Alloxysta fracticornis (Thomson, 1862) has been found in the Museum of Natural History of Wroclaw University (Poland). This is the first time that this morphological variation has been recorded for A. fracticornis. The morphological features of this new form match with this species, except for the wing length, which is characteristic of the brachypterous form, and the colour. COI sequences and phylogenetic analysis for the specimens studied (macropterous and brachypterous) confirm that the two morphologies belong to the same species, as we suspected a priori. Thus, in this study we show evidence of morphological variation in A. fracticornis, and demonstrate the value of studying entomological collections as well as new material to improve the taxonomic knowledge of this subfamily

    Nuevo género de avispa agallícola del encino, Kokkocynips Pujade-Villar & Melika, gen. n., con descripción de una nueva especies de México (Hymenoptera, Cynipidae)

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    A new genus of oak gallwasp, Kokkocynips Pujade-Villar & Melika gen.n., is described from Mexico. Diagnostic characters and generic limits of the new genus are discussed in detail. Galls were found on branches of Quercus acutifolia Née. Diagnostic characters, distribution and biology of the new species are described and illustrated.Se describe un nuevo género de cinípido agallícola, Kokkocynips Pujade-Villar & Melika n. gen. (Hymenoptera: Cynipidae: Cynipini) de México. Se discuten en detalle los caracteres diagnósticos y los límites genéricos de este nuevo género. Las agallas se encuentran en las ramas de Quercus acutifolia Née. Se describen e ilustran los caracteres diagnósticos, su distribución y la biología de la nueva especie

    Fenología de los bracónidos (hymenoptera, ichneumonoidea, braconidae) del pirineo andorrano

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    [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected] fenología de la familia Braconidoe (Hymenoptera, Ichneumonoidea) ha sido estudiada mediante una trampa Malaise en Andorra durante el año 1993. Han sido colectados 1.892 bracónidos (excepto Aphidiinae), pertenecientes a 23 subfamilias y 79 géneros. El 93,7% de los bracónidos capturados representa la estrategia biológica koinobionte frente al 6,3% de idiobiontes. La correlación de las capturas de los bracónidos con las condiciones meteorológicas ha permitido caracterizar la fenología anual de éstos. La evolución anual de las poblaciones alcanza sus máximes en el período comprendido entrelos dos épocas de lluvias, pudiéndose señalar un único pico para la familia Braconidae, el cual transcurre desde mediados de mayo a finales de agosto, debido a las condiciones xerotérmicas de la localidad andorranaPhenology of the Braconidae (Hymenoptera, Ichneumonoidea) at Andorra has been conducted/studied using a Malaise trap after a one-year cycle during 1993. A total of 1.892 specimens, representing 23 subfamilies and 79 genera were sampled. About 93.7% of the captures were koinobiont braconids, whereas 6.3% belonged to idiobiont braconids. The annual phenology has been characterized through the correlation between the evolution of the collected braconids and the weather (meteorological conditions). The maximum of the populations were registered between the two rain periods. In fact, the family Braconidae shows an abundance peak from middle of May to end of August, due to the xerothermic conditions of the andorran locality