29 research outputs found

    The formation of the internal image of the company (in case of «Shokoladnitsa Ekaterinburg»)

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    The image is a complex phenomenon consisting of different factors comes together. Therefore, for the successful formation and maintenance of a positive image of the company must pay attention to all the details, carefully analyzing each step and pondering every decision. Formation of image of the company - it is an art that requires a long and laborious work. It is important to try to ensure that the desired image correspond to the real. With image management can influence and control the emotions of consumers, which is a core value in today's market.Имидж – это сложное явление, состоящее из разных факторов, сливающихся воедино. Поэтому для успешного формирования и поддержания положительного имиджа предприятия необходимо обращать внимание на все мелочи, тщательно анализируя каждый шаг и обдумывая каждое решение. Формирование имиджа предприятия – это искусство, которое требует длительной и трудоемкой работы. Важно стремиться к тому, чтобы желаемый имидж соответствовал реальному. С помощью управления имиджем можно воздействовать и управлять эмоциями потребителей, что является основной ценностью в условиях современного рынка

    New Data on the Distribution of Southern Forests for the West Siberian Plain during the Late Pleistocene: A Paleoentomological Approach

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    Subfossil remains of insects and branchiopod crustaceans (Cladocera and Notostraca) found in three late Pleistocene deposits in the Novosibirsk region in the vicinity of the village of Suzun have been described. The calibrated radiocarbon dates for these deposits were 24,893-25,966 cal BP (Suzun-1), 20,379-20,699 cal BP (Suzun-2), and 27,693-28,126 cal BP (Nizhny Suzun), which correspond to the onset of marine isotope stage 2 (MIS 2). The insect assemblages of these deposits are mainly represented by Coleoptera, which are noteworthy for high taxonomic and ecological diversity. At least 194 beetle species from 21 families have been found altogether. Of them, 74 species were found in the Pleistocene deposits of Western Siberia for the first time. All deposits were similar in species composition of beetles; Carabidae and Curculionidae prevailed everywhere. The ecological composition was dominated by steppe and tundra-steppe species; aquatic and riparian groups were also well represented. The Cladoceran and notostracan taxa revealed in Suzun-1 and Suzun-2 are characteristic of recent steppes rather than the forest zone of Western Siberia. The studied entomocomplexes are congruent with the periglacial Otiorhynchus-type fauna that inhabited the southern part of the West Siberian Plain at the end of the Pleistocene and had no close contemporary analogues. Cold and dry conditions, as well as the prevailing open landscapes of the tundra-steppe type, were the reconstructed conditions for this fauna. At the same time, the Suzun-1 and Suzun-2 entomocomplexes had a distinctive feature, namely a high proportion of forest species associated with both coniferous and deciduous trees. According to these data, at the beginning of MIS 2 in the Upper Ob region, spruce forests with the participation of small-leaved species (birch) were present. They were probably confined to river valleys and were not widely distributed

    New Data on the Distribution of Southern Forests for the West Siberian Plain during the Late Pleistocene: A Paleoentomological Approach

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    Subfossil remains of insects and branchiopod crustaceans (Cladocera and Notostraca) found in three late Pleistocene deposits in the Novosibirsk region in the vicinity of the village of Suzun have been described. The calibrated radiocarbon dates for these deposits were 24,893–25,966 cal BP (Suzun-1), 20,379–20,699 cal BP (Suzun-2), and 27,693–28,126 cal BP (Nizhny Suzun), which correspond to the onset of marine isotope stage 2 (MIS 2). The insect assemblages of these deposits are mainly represented by Coleoptera, which are noteworthy for high taxonomic and ecological diversity. At least 194 beetle species from 21 families have been found altogether. Of them, 74 species were found in the Pleistocene deposits of Western Siberia for the first time. All deposits were similar in species composition of beetles; Carabidae and Curculionidae prevailed everywhere. The ecological composition was dominated by steppe and tundra-steppe species; aquatic and riparian groups were also well represented. The Cladoceran and notostracan taxa revealed in Suzun-1 and Suzun-2 are characteristic of recent steppes rather than the forest zone of Western Siberia. The studied entomocomplexes are congruent with the periglacial “Otiorhynchus-type” fauna that inhabited the southern part of the West Siberian Plain at the end of the Pleistocene and had no close contemporary analogues. Cold and dry conditions, as well as the prevailing open landscapes of the tundra-steppe type, were the reconstructed conditions for this fauna. At the same time, the Suzun-1 and Suzun-2 entomocomplexes had a distinctive feature, namely a high proportion of forest species associated with both coniferous and deciduous trees. According to these data, at the beginning of MIS 2 in the Upper Ob region, spruce forests with the participation of small-leaved species (birch) were present. They were probably confined to river valleys and were not widely distributed. © 2023 by the authors.Ural Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences, UB RAS: FUWU-2022-0005The studies of A.G., R.D. and A.L. were carried out under the Federal Fundamental Scientific Research Program (grant No. 1021051703269-9-1.6.12). The studies of A.A.P. were carried out under the framework of Russian state research project No. 121051100109-1. Overall, this study was carried out under a government contract with the Institute of Plant and Animal Ecology, Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences (research subject: FUWU-2022-0005)

    Современный взгляд на проблему трахеостомии

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    The paper reviews urgent approaches to tracheostomy in intensive care unit patients, by analyzing the data available in the modern Russian and foreign references. It describes moot points on indications for, time and methods of tracheostoma application. Key words: tracheostoma; time of tracheostomy; techniques for tracheostomy; percutaneous dilatational tra-cheostomy; puncture dilatational tracheostomy.Представлен обзор актуальных подходов к проведению трахеостомии у больных в отделениях реанимации и интенсивной терапии на основании анализа данных современной отечественной и зарубежной литературы. Изложены спорные вопросы о показаниях, сроках и методах наложения трахеостомы. Ключевые слова: трахеостомия, сроки трахео-стомии, методы трахеостомии, чрескожная дилятационная трахеостомия, пункционно-дилятационная трахеостомия

    Cockroaches Probably Cleaned Up after Dinosaurs

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    Dinosaurs undoubtedly produced huge quantities of excrements. But who cleaned up after them? Dung beetles and flies with rapid development were rare during most of the Mesozoic. Candidates for these duties are extinct cockroaches (Blattulidae), whose temporal range is associated with herbivorous dinosaurs. An opportunity to test this hypothesis arises from coprolites to some extent extruded from an immature cockroach preserved in the amber of Lebanon, studied using synchrotron X-ray microtomography. 1.06% of their volume is filled by particles of wood with smooth edges, in which size distribution directly supports their external pre-digestion. Because fungal pre-processing can be excluded based on the presence of large particles (combined with small total amount of wood) and absence of damages on wood, the likely source of wood are herbivore feces. Smaller particles were broken down biochemically in the cockroach hind gut, which indicates that the recent lignin-decomposing termite and cockroach endosymbionts might have been transferred to the cockroach gut upon feeding on dinosaur feces

    Effect of pH on corrosion fatigue of a magnesium alloy MA-2-1

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    Combined linings of rotary kilns that reduce fuel expenditure

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    First records of sub-fossil insects from Quaternary deposits in the southeastern part of West Siberia, Russia

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    Data are presented on species composition in Bun'kovo taphocoenosis at the Chik River, Novosibirsk, Russia (55°03′46″ N, 82°29′50″ E) with conventional radiocarbon dating ca 11,550 ± 125 14C BP. The entomofauna complex is unique by species composition. 90 species of Coleoptera from 15 families, 4 species from 3 families of Hymenoptera (Pamphiliidae, Formicidae, Sphecidae) and pupae of Diptera are recorded. Amongst Coleoptera the most numerous is Curculionidae represented with 41 species, especially Otiorhynchus – 10 species and Stephanocleonus – 8 species, Carabidae – 21 species and Chrysomelidae – 7 species. Among the species recorded, Otiorhynchus karkaralensis (Curculionidae) predominates with 250 specimens present. 80% of the species are not known for this territory at the present time. Species typical of open landscapes such as boggy tundra, cold northern and warm southern steppes are included in the taphocoenosis. Forest species are rare, and humid thermophilic species are completely absent. The Bun'kovo taphocoenosis is closely related to entomofaunal complexes found in older deposits (28,000–24,000 BP) in central part of West Siberia and the Urals based on species composition, but differs in the abundance of Stephanocleonus. Similar-age taphocoenosis from central and northern parts of West Siberia are contrasted with Bun'kovo, highlighting the absence of xerophilic species. Based on the beetle species composition, cold and dry climate conditions (at least 4–5 C° cooler than present) and prevalence of dry tundra-steppe landscapes are re-constructed at Bun'kovo. This conclusion is reinforced by palynological data from nearby sites in the southern part of West Siberia. Analysis of modern distribution ranges of the species found in the taphocoenosis shows that species have shifted dramatically from the late Pleistocene to present time because of increasing warmth and humidity during the Holocene. The contemporary distributions include shifts to the north in meso-hygrophilous and mesophilous species, to the east or south in xerophilous species, and to northern, eastern or southern directions in hygrophilous species. © 2015 Elsevier Ltd and INQUAWe are grateful to S. Schoville (Madison: Wisconsin, USA) for linguistic revision of the text; Dr. A.Yu. Solodovnikov (Copenhagen) and Dr. V.K. Zinchenko (Novosibirsk) for help in the determination of beetles; Dr. B.M. Kataev and Dr. B.A. Korotyaev (Saint-Petersburg) for access to the beetle collection of the Zoological Institute; Dr. N.N. Yunakov (Oslo) for the photos of Otiorhynchus kasachstanicus and O. karkaralensis ; L.A. Orlova (deceased) and I.Yu. Ovchinnikov (Centre of Cenozoic Geochronology, Novosibirsk) for the radiocarbon dating; and by the Laboratory of Restoration Ecology of the Ural Federal University. The study was partially supported by the Federal Fundamental Scientific Research Programme for 2013–2020, project no. VI.51.1.7 and Russian Foundation for Basic Research , projects no. 15-04-02971 , no. 15-29-02479 -ofi-m

    New Data on the Distribution of Southern Forests for the West Siberian Plain during the Late Pleistocene: A Paleoentomological Approach

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    Subfossil remains of insects and branchiopod crustaceans (Cladocera and Notostraca) found in three late Pleistocene deposits in the Novosibirsk region in the vicinity of the village of Suzun have been described. The calibrated radiocarbon dates for these deposits were 24,893–25,966 cal BP (Suzun-1), 20,379–20,699 cal BP (Suzun-2), and 27,693–28,126 cal BP (Nizhny Suzun), which correspond to the onset of marine isotope stage 2 (MIS 2). The insect assemblages of these deposits are mainly represented by Coleoptera, which are noteworthy for high taxonomic and ecological diversity. At least 194 beetle species from 21 families have been found altogether. Of them, 74 species were found in the Pleistocene deposits of Western Siberia for the first time. All deposits were similar in species composition of beetles; Carabidae and Curculionidae prevailed everywhere. The ecological composition was dominated by steppe and tundra-steppe species; aquatic and riparian groups were also well represented. The Cladoceran and notostracan taxa revealed in Suzun-1 and Suzun-2 are characteristic of recent steppes rather than the forest zone of Western Siberia. The studied entomocomplexes are congruent with the periglacial “Otiorhynchus-type” fauna that inhabited the southern part of the West Siberian Plain at the end of the Pleistocene and had no close contemporary analogues. Cold and dry conditions, as well as the prevailing open landscapes of the tundra-steppe type, were the reconstructed conditions for this fauna. At the same time, the Suzun-1 and Suzun-2 entomocomplexes had a distinctive feature, namely a high proportion of forest species associated with both coniferous and deciduous trees. According to these data, at the beginning of MIS 2 in the Upper Ob region, spruce forests with the participation of small-leaved species (birch) were present. They were probably confined to river valleys and were not widely distributed