38 research outputs found

    TA : Sistem Pendukung Keputusan Pengadaan Buku Perpustakaan STIKOM Surabaya Menggunakan Fuzzy C-Means Clustering

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    Solusi pemanfaatan teknologi komputer sebagai alat bantu dalam mendukung kegiatan operasional suatu bidang usaha memudahkan manusia dalam mendapatkan data atau informasi secara cepat, tepat dan akurat sehingga efektivitas dan efisiensi kerja tercapai. STIKOM Surabaya merupakan salah satunya sekolah tinggi yang memanfaatkan teknologi komputer untuk mendukung kegiatan operasional sehari-harinya, contohnya adalah pemanfaatan teknologi komputer dalam proses pengadaan koleksi buku di perpustakaan. Dalam membantu proses pengadaan buku di perpustakaan STIKOM Surabaya maka dibuatkan sebuah sistem pendukung keputusan dengan menggunakan metode Fuzzy C-Means Clustering. Dari hasil uji coba baik secara sistem dan manual menghasilkan data yang sama, selain itu uji coba juga dilakukan dengan menggunakan data yang sama tetapi diolah dengan nilai-nilai parameter yang berbeda dan menghasilkan pengelompokan yang berbeda pula, karena DDC pada kelompok atau cluster tertentu ada kemungkinan akan berpindah pada kelompok lain, ini menunjukkan bahwa sistem sudah berjalan dengan benar


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    Brucellosis is among the important diseases in livestock because the disease infects multiple species of animals and causes economic loss. Brucellosis in sheep is generally caused by Brucella melitensis and/or Brucella ovis. This study aimed to detect seropositive brucellosis in sheep. Serological tests used in this study was a parallel test between Rose Bengal Test (RBT) and Complement Fixation Test (CFT). Samples were collected from 150 sheep slaughtered in small ruminant slaughterhouse, Sentul, Bogor Regency. Seropositive proportion of brucellosis in sheep based on parallel test RBT and CFT was 52% (78/150)

    Studi Kandungan Bahan Organik Dan Mineral (N, P, K, Fe Dan Mg) Sedimen Di Kawasan Mangrove Desa Bedono, Kecamatan Sayung, Kabupaten Demak

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    Mangroves in Bedono Village, District Sayung, Demak Regency considered as degraded mainly due to land conversion and reclamation which lead to coastal erosion and permanent flooding. This mangroves condition, in conjuction with the exsistance of several estuaries believes in some part controlled sedimentation and related process in the area including sediment particle size, organic and mineral (N, P, K,Fe and Mg) distribution. The study was aimed to determine distribution of organic and mineral (N, P, K,Fe and Mg) of mangrove sediment in Bedono Village, District Sayung, Demak Regency, and conducted between May-July 2010. A purposive sampling base descriptive method was applied for this study, and sediment samples were analysed at Geological Laboratory (Marine Science Department) Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Sciences and Chemical Analytical Laboratory (Chemical Department), Faculty of Science and Mathematics, Diponegoro University. The result showed that sediment organic content of Tunjung Sari (15,42%) and Gonjol (16,46%) were slightly higer than in Sayung (12,48%) and Soban (12,06%), N content in Tunjung Sari (0,46%) and Soban (0,43%) much higher than in Gonjol (0,27%) and Sayung (0,29%), while P content in Gonjol (354,73 mg/kg) was the highest followed by Tunjung Sari (245,60 mg/kg) and Sayung (203,43 mg/kg) and the lowest was in Soban (80,42 mg/kg). The rate of sediment K content, similar to N content, was high in Tunjung Sari (0,50%) and Soban (0,54%) and lower in Gonjol (0,39%) and Sayung (0,35%). Fe content was higher in Gonjol (5,52 %) than in Tunjung Sari (3,93 %), Sayung (2,55 %) and Soban (3,92 %), meanwhile Mg content was higher in Tunjung Sari (0,125 %) than Gonjol (0,075 %), Sayung (0,080 %) and Soban (0,006 %)


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    Selama kurun waktu tahun 1600 hingga 2007 telah terjadi kurang lebih 109 tsunami di Indonesia dengan 90% diakibatkan gempa tektonik. Pacitan berada pada daerah tunjaman (subduction) yang sangat rawan terhadap gempabumi dan tsunami. Kondisi morfologi pesisir Pacitan berpotensi besar terhadap bahaya tsunami. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melakukan pemodelan tsunami yang dibangkitkan oleh gempa hipotetik megathrust segmen Jawa Timur berkekuatan Mw 8.7. Metode yang digunakan Cornell-Multi Grid Coupled dengan software COMCOT 1.7. Sistem nested grid menggunakan 4-layer terdiri dari 1-layer GEBCO, 2-layer batimetri, dan 1-layer integrasi untuk menghasilkan pemodelan tsunami dengan resolusi yang tinggi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan skenario gempa hipotetik megathrust segmen Jawa Timur menyebabkan vertical displacement pada permukaan laut sebesar -4.59 m hingga 7.02 m. Propagasi tsunami ke arah utara menuju pesisir Pacitan memiliki amplitudo maksimum 33.16 m dengan waktu tempuh 23 – 29 menit kemudian menyebar ke segala arah. Jangkauan inundasi terjauh terjadi di Kecamatan Pacitan sejauh 4.19 km ke arah utara Pantai Ranuharjo, sedangkan run-up maksimum 21.82 m terjadi di Pantai Soge Kecamatan Ngadirojo. Berdasarkan peta bahaya tsunami, Kecamatan Pacitan memiliki luasan area terdampak inundasi paling luas 21.63 km2, sedangkan luasan area inundasi terkecil di Kecamatan Tulakan 0.33 km2

    Karakterisasi Antibodi Poliklonal terhadap Aflatoksin M1

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    The aim of the research was characterized the polyclonal antibody at AFM for diagnostic reagens on track 1 and measure the levels of AFM in milk. The series of experiments are given a polyclonal antibody testing 1 dimetilaminobenzidin (DAB) by dot blot immunoassay (DBIA) so it will look brown color display on the positive control sample; purification and estimation antibody of AFM concentration with ammonium sulfate; 1 dialysis; fractionation using HiTrap Protein A HP column, measured using a spectrophotometer at a wavelength of 280 nm; and characterized of IgG using SDS-PAGE. DBIA test results showed a typical reaction betweenantigen AFM1-BSA with AFM1-BSA antibody to rabbit serum in the form of brown dots after addition of DAB substrate. The results of spectrophotometric against rabbit serum fractionation showed the type of IgG heavy chain

    Penggunaan Imunostik sebagai Uji Serologi untuk Deteksi Brucella abortus pada Sapi (APPLICATION IMMUNOSTICK ASSAY FOR SEROLOGICAL TEST BRUCELLA ABORTUS IN BOVINE)

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    Serological test is one of diagnostic method to detect pathogenicity brucella.  Several methods are being improving such as Rose Bengal Test (RBT), Complement Fixation Test (CFT) dan Enzyme-linked Immunosorbent Assay (ELISA). Immunostick has an accuracy equivalent to ELISA and is easy to apply in the field so it is possible to be applied as a rapid test for brucellosis detection. The study aim was to know sensitivity and specificity of immunostick that were used to detecte antibody Brucella abortus using commercial antigens of B. abortus Strain 19 (S19) and B. abortus Strain 99 (S99). The test have compared with ELISA. The tests were conducted in two stages, namely (i) immunostick ability to detect antibodies in seropositive and seronegative serum, and (ii) the immunostick result were compared with ELISA result in serum grup that were be know and unknown status. A total of 250 serums were examined and result indicated that immunostick can be detect B. abortus antibodies in cattle serum with sensitivity 100%. Immunostick specifity were 45,45% for B. abortus S99(1) antigen; 78,79% for B. abortus S99(2) antigen and 51,52% for B. abortus S19 antigen. When the test compared with ELISA, the sensitivity 82,86% and the spesifity were 52,31% for B. abortus S99(1) antigen; 93,54% and 79,71 for B. abortus S99(2) antigen and 82,86%  and 58,46% for B. abortus S19 antigen

    Teknik Memanen Makrokonidia dari Dermatofita Microsporum gypseum dan Trichophyton mentagrophytes

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    Dermatofitosis adalah penyakit kulit yang disebabkan oleh kapang dermatofita. Penelitian ini bertujuan menentukan teknik yang sesuai untuk memanen makrokonidia dan waktu fase eksponensial Microsporum gypseum dan Tricophyton mentagrophytes. Media 1 dan 2 digunakan untuk pembiakan isolat Microsporum gypseum dan Trichophyton mentagrophytes. Media 1 mengandung pepton, dekstrosa, dan kloramfenikol dan pada media 2 memiliki komposisi yang sama dengan media 1 dengan tambahan sikloheksamida. Teknik penggoresan pada permukaan koloni dan penggoyangan tabung dengan vortex digunakan untuk memanen makrokonidia. Makrokonidia dipanen pada hari ke 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, dan 20. Hasil yang didapatkan menunjukkan jumlah rata-rata makrokonidia kapang yang dipanen dengan penggoresan pada permukaan koloni lebih tinggi daripada penggoyangan tabung menggunakan vortex selama masa pertumbuhan hingga hari ke-20. Hasil yang didapatkan juga menunjukkan fase eksponensial telah dimulai pada hari ke-14

    The Application of Decomposting Microbes For Reduce Amonia and Hydrogen Sulfide Emission From The Piggeries in Bali

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    The unpleasant odor of piggeries is mostly caused by the emission of ammonia and hydrogen sulfide. An experimentwas conducted to study the effect of decomposting microbes EM4 on the emission of ammonia and hydrogen sulfide. The manure was treated with four different concentrations of EM4@, 0'70, 0.5%, 1.0% and 1.5% respectively. The ammonia released was trapped in 0.02N boric acid and analyzed with Nessler method, while the hydrogen sulfide was trapped in 0.02N zinc acetate and analyzed with the methylene blue method. The study suggested that the high concentrationof ammonia and hydrogen sulfide gas were decreasedafter 14 days, and there was no significant differencesin either ammonia or hydrogen sulfide emission although theammonia emission decreased to under 20 ppm with of 1.5%EM^" and the hydrogen sulfide decreased to 0.202 ppmwith application of 1.0% EM4@


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    Pengaruh Rekrutmen Dan Seleksi Terhadap Kinerja Karyawan Pada PT. Swastisiddhi Amagra (Kampar Kiri Tengah)

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    This study aims to determine and analyze the effect of recruitment and selection on the performance of employees of PT Swastisiddhi Amagra Kampar Kiri Tengah. This research method is descriptive quantitative. The sampling technique used is total sampling, the sample of this research is 30 respondents, the data collection method is using questionnaires. The data analysis technique used is multiple linear regression, t test, F test, and coefficient of determination. Based on the results of multiple linear regression is Y = 4.931 + 1.323X1 + 0.313X2 + e. From the results of the t test, it was found that recruitment had a significant effect on the performance of employees of PT. Swastisiddhi Amagra. Selection has a significant effect on the performance of employees of PT. Swastisiddhi Amagra. The results of the F test found that recruitment and selection together have a significant effect on the performance of employees of PT. Swastisiddhi Amagra