13 research outputs found


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    Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk menjawab satu hipotesa, yaitu: Apakah ada perhedaan tingkat penyesuaian diri yang signiflkan antara karyawan non shift dan karyaw~shift. Populasi penelitian adalah karyawan PT. Hyatt Regency Surabaya bagian House Keeping. Penarikan aampel dengan menggunakan teknik random sampling. Dari populasi yana berjumlah 109 orang. diambil 60 orang untuk dijadlkan sampel. Dalam penelitian ini, validitas item dihitung dengan mengkorelasikan skor masing-masing item dengan skor total subyek. Korelasi skor antar item dengan skor total dihitung dengan menggunakan Korelasi Product Moment. Dan hasil pengujian validitas pada kuisioner penyesuaian diri terdapat 11 item yang gugUr dari 5O item, yairu no 1, 3, 4, 16, 19, 22, 27, 33, 42, 45, 49

    Rancang Bangun “Building Automation System” Dengan Menerapkan Kontrol Logika Fuzzy Untuk Mendapatkan Efisiensi Daya Dari Beban Kipas Angin, Lampu Dan Air Conditioner

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    Energi listrik merupakan salah satu kebutuhan yang sangat vital di Politeknik Elektronika Negeri Surabaya (PENS) dan wajib diterapkan efisiensi energi di dalamnya. Untuk mendapatkan efisiensi energi listrik maka dibuatlah Building Automation System (BAS) yang diaplikasikan untuk beban kipas angin, lampu, dan juga air conditioner (AC). BAS dioperasikan melalui PLC menggunakan Kontrol Logika Fuzzy (KLF) yang inputnya dari sensor Passive Infra Red (PIR), LM35, dan LDR. Dengan mengolah input-input tersebut menggunakan KLF didapatkan penghematan daya AC di laboratorium(LAB) sebesar 4,167kWh dari 30,756kWh dan 8,92 kWh dari 26,49 kWh per minggu untuk beban lampu penerangan 4 ruang kelas

    Th e Accuracy of Delta Neutrophil Index as a Marker of Sepsis Severity Level Compare to Serum Amyloid A

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    Background. Early diagnosis of infection before its progression to become organ dysfunction or circulation failure has an important clinical effect and critical patient outcome. Diagnostic modality used as a gold standard on diagnosing sepsis condition still relies on microbe culture. Microbial culture needed a long duration to grow bacteria in high numbers be identified. The upcoming alternative diagnostic modality used as a marker of sepsis severity level was Delta Neutrophil Index (DNI) and Serum Amyloid A (SAA). There were no references to compare the accuracy of DNI and SAA as a marker of sepsis severity level.Methods. 45 study subjects were patients with sepsis and severe sepsis or septic shock first known when first come to the ER or underwent treatment in the inpatient unit, ICU (Intensive Care Unit) or IMC (Intermediate Care) Sardjito’s Hospital that fulfilled the inclusion and exclusion criteria. The independent variable was DNI and the dependent variable was sepsis severity level. All of blood samples from septic patient undergo DNI and SAA test. Distributed data used the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test. DNI and SAA accuracy used sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value, negative predictive value, like hood ratio and receiver-operating characteristics (ROC) curve.Results. The study consisted of 45 study subjects. The mean age was 52.98 years. The mean of SAA in this study was 54.39 ± 45.53 mg/L, while the mean of DNI in this study was 12.47 ± 8.79 %. Cut off point DNI 6.85% with value of sensitivity 93%, specificity 70%, positive predictive value (PPV) 79.31%, and negative predictive value (NPV) 87.5%, like hood ratio for a positive test result (LR+) (PLR) 14.28 and like hood ratio for a negative test result (LR-) (NLR) 3.3. Cut off for SAA 54.93 mg/L with value of sensitivity 60%, specificity 56%, positive predictive value (PPV) 52%, negative predictive value (NPV) 64%, like hood ratio for a positive test result (LR+) (PLR) 1.36 and likelihood ratio for a negative test result (LR-) (NLR) 0.71.Conclusions. DNI has better diagnostic accuracy value as a marker of sepsis severity level than SAA.Keywords. Sepsis, sepsis severity level, Delta Neutrophil Index (DNI), Serum Amyloid A (SAA

    Changes in Anthropometry Measurement among Human Immunodefi ciency Virus/Acquired Immune Defi ciency Syndrome (HIV/AIDS) Patients Received Antiretroviral Treatment

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    ABSTRACTBackground: Estimated nearly 38.6 million people infected by HIV and 2.8 million died in 2005. Evidence suggests the existence of a very important relationship between the output and improved nutritional statusin HIV/AIDS patients. Poor nutritional status in HIV/AIDS can be caused by several factors, namely the intake and absorption of inadequate nutrition, metabolic changes, hyper metabolism, or a combination of these, changes in the gastrointestinal tract as well as interactions between drugs and nutrients. Losing weight remains on the HAART (Highly Active Antiretroviral Therapies) era, but the problems are the side effects of HAART and lipodystrophy.Objective: The purpose of this study is to determine the provision of anti- retroviral effect on changes in anthropometric values people with HIV/AIDS. Method: The study is using the one group pre-posttest design (quasi-experimental), by assessing changes in anthropometric values in subjects with HIV before and after the administration of ARVs. Analysis of the data is computerized by a computer program Result: Obtained 30 samples of the study with anthropometric changes pre and post ARVs 6 months. Theweight was 51.4 ± 9.12 to 53.6 ± 8.68 with a p-value 0.001. Body Mass Index (BMI) was 19.98 ± 3.47 into 20.84 ± 3.35 with a p-value 0.001 and upper arm circumference 24.13 ± 3.62 into 24.95±3.48 with a p-value 0.003. The provision of antiretroviral drugs for 6 months infl uences the change in nutritional status of HIV patients are assessed by anthropometric measure. Signifi cant changes in the changes body weight, BMIand upper arm circumference. Changes in anthropometric values ARV Efavirenz group and non-Efavirenz meaningful change signifi cant in skinfold thickness obtained at the value of p 0.010.Conclusion: There were no signifi cant changes in anthropometric values compared to patients with early stage HIV and advanced stage after 6 months of antiretroviral therapy.Keywords: HIV, antiretroviral drugs, anthropometric, nutritional statu

    Persistent lymphopenia in septic patients at Dr. Sardjito General Hospital, Yogyakarta

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    Sepsis triggers immune responseboth pro-inflammatory and anti-inflammatory. Lymphocytes play an important role in the regulation of the inflammatory response. The decrease in lymphocyte numbers due to continuous apoptosis by sepsiscan suppress the immune system and failure to resolve inflammation. Persistent lymphopenia is also associated with a poor prognosis of sepsis. Currently, there are limited studies about persistent lymphopenia in sepsis patients in low- and middle-income countries, including Indonesia. This study aimed to describe the sociodemographic, clinical, and laboratory patterns of sepsis patients with persistent lymphopenia. This was a descriptive study that analyzed patients’ medical records who were treated at the Department of Internal Medicine, Dr. Sardjito General Hospital, Yogyakarta from January 1st, 2016, to December 31th, 2017. Patients diagnosed with clinical sepsis and persistent lymphopenia were included in the study. The status of persistent lymphopenia was described as lymphocyte counts that remained low or lower (<1.62x103/L) on day 4± 24 h compared to the initial value at the time of sepsis diagnosis (day one). Information of patients’ individual and clinical characteristics, complete blood cell count profiles and culture results were included. The outcomes of interest were the survival status and length of stay of the patients. A total of 101 patients with sepsis and persistent lymphopenia were involved in this study. The average increase in lymphocyte numbers was 73.63 ± 426.86/µL. The main source of infection was pulmonary infection, with a mortality rate of 43.6% and a median survival of 19 days. The average length of stay was 13.1±6.8. Persistent lymphopenia in patients with sepsis has a high mortality. Further research is needed to determine the clinical ramifications of persistent lymphopenia

    Experimental Study of Wind Flow in a Street Canyon between High-Rise Buildings Using PIV

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    In recent years there have been several occasions of failure of non-buildings such as billboard towers and pedestrian bridges around high-rise areas in urban Indonesia. Most cases did not occur during any particular high-speed wind gusts but rather during normal wind speed. This research aimed to show the increase in wind load for structures built between high-rise buildings. A simplified cluster of 4 symmetrical high-rise building was investigated. The study used a wind tunnel and a Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV) device in the experiment. Several angles of attack and also different distances between buildings were investigated to see the impact of these parameters on the wind flow between the buildings. Wind flow experiences an interaction flow in all central areas, which translates into an increase in speed. The change in distance between buildings changes the behavior of the flow in the cross area while a change in the angle of attack of the wind does not influence the amplification factor. The results show that there was an increase from 7 to 44% in wind speed due to the street canyons and that the highest amplification occurred with an angle of attack of 0°

    Analysis of the Influence Theory off Planned Behavior on Interest in Money Waqf (Case Study in Dompet Dhuafa Republika)

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    Abstract Cash waqf can be in the form of cash waqf given from the wakif to the institution receiving the cash waqf. This research aims to analyze the effect of Theory of Planned Behavior (Attitudes, Norms and Behavioral Control) on the interest of waqif in waqf money with a case study at the Dompet Dhuafa Republika Waqf Institute. The strategy of gathering information in this investigation was through the delivery of questionnaires to the wakif as many as 105 respondents. The information collected was analyzed using the Structural Equation Modeling approach with the AMOS program. The results obtained are that there is a positive and significant influence between behavioral and normative factors on interest in waqf for cash waqf, while the behavioral control variable has no positive and fundamental effect on interest in cash waqf. This paper is expected to provide benefits for cash waqf management institutions in understanding the behavior of waqf in cash waqf so that it can be used as a guide in advancing procedures for collecting cash waqf funds. Keywords: Cash Waqf, Theory Plannned of Behavior JEL Classification: Management and Cash Waq

    Sinergitas Tentara Nasional Indonesia dan Sipil dalam Penanganan Darurat Banjir Kabupaten Bandung

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    In 2005 an estimated nearly 38,6 million people infected with HIV and 2,8 million died. Evidence suggests the existence of a very important relationship between the output and repair nutrients HIV/AIDS. Poor nutritional status in HIV/AIDS can be caused by several factors, namely the intake and absorption of inadequate nutrition, metabolic changes, hypermetabolism, or a combination of these, changes in the gastrointestinal tract as well as interactions between drugs and nutrients. Although losing weight remains on the HAART era, but the side effects of HAART and lipodystrophy to be a problem . The purpose of this study to determine whether the provision of antiretroviral effect on changes in anthropometric values people with HIV/AIDS. Research using the one group pre - post test design ( quasi- experimental ), by assessing changes in anthropometric values in subjects with HIV before and after the administration of ARV. Analysis of the data is computerized . Obtained 30 samples of the study with anthropometric changes pre and post ARVs 6 months. Weight 51,4 ± 9,12 to 53,6 ± 8,68 with a p-value 0,001, BMI 19,98 ± 3,47 into 20.84 ± 3,35 with p value 0,001 and upper arm circumference 24,13±3,62 become 24,95±3,48 with a p-value 0,003. The provision of antiretroviral drugs for 6 months influence the change in nutritional status of HIV patients are assessed by anthropometric measure. Significant changes in the changes body weight, BMI and upper arm circumference. Changes in anthropometric values ARV efavirenz group and non-efavirenz meaningful change significant in skinfold thickness obtained at the value of p 0,010. There were no significant changes in anthropometric values compared to patients with early stage HIV and advanced stage after 6 months of antiretroviral therapy