377 research outputs found

    Nuevos datos sobre los Pamphagidae (Orthoptera, Caelifera) de la Península Ibérica I. Nueva subespecie de Eumigus Bolívar, 1878 de la Sierra de Alcaraz (Albacete, España)

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    Eumigus punctatus calarensis, a new subspecies of Pamphagidae, is described from Sierra de Alcaraz, in Albacete province (Spain), and its characteristics are discussed. We present data about its sound production and acoustic signals. New data on other species of Pamphagidae are given; including discussion of the taxonomic status of Acinipe mabillei, its account as valid species is proposed. We present the first known data on sound production by flapping method in Iberian Pamphagidae, for Eumigus punctatus punctatus. Lectotype and paralectotype of Kurtharzia nugatoria are designated.Se describe una nueva subespecie de Pamphagidae, Eumigus punctatus calarensis, de la Sierra de Alcaraz (Albacete, España), discutiéndose sus características diferenciales. Se presentan los datos sobre la producción de sonido y las manifestaciones acústicas. Se aportan nuevos datos sobre otras especies de Pamphagidae; entre ellos se discute la situación taxonómica de Acinipe mabillei, proponiéndose su consideración como especie válida, y se presentan los primeros datos conocidos sobre producción de sonido por el método del batido de tegminas (flapping) en panfágidos ibéricos, en Eumigus punctatus punctatus. Se designan lectotipo y paralectotipo de Kurtharzia nugatoria


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    The study of acridids’ taxocenosis of eleven mountains on the Iberian Peninsula has allowed to stablish three groups of mountains: Atlantic, Ibero-Continental and Ibero-Mediterranean. Thus, it has been confirmed its usefulness as biogeographical elements even in restricted areas.El estudio de las taxocenosis de acrídidos de once sistemas montañosos de la Península Ibérica ha permitido establecer tres grupos de sistemas montañosos: atlántico, ibérico-continental e ibérico-mediterráneo, confirmando su utilidad como indicadores biogeográficos incluso en áreas restringidas


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    The domestic fauna of Corvera, village of Murcia province (SE Spain) has been studied in eleven housings. Samplings, using sticky traps, were carried out from November 2002 to October 2003. 21 arthropod orders, belonging to Chaelicerata, Crustacea, Myriapoda and Hexapoda, have been collected. Results show higher abundance and diversity of peridomestic fauna than domestic one. On the other hand, some differences respect to the abundance and appearance frequency of several groups can be observed. This aspect seems to be due to the structural characteristics of the studied village and the biogeographic area to which it belongs.Se ha estudiado la fauna doméstica de once viviendas ubicadas en Corvera, pedanía de Murcia (SE. España). Los muestreos se realizaron desde noviembre de 2002 hasta octubre 2003, utilizando trampas adhesivas. Se han capturado representantes de 21 órdenes de Artrópodos repartidos entre Quelicerados, Crustáceos, Miriápodos y Hexápodos. Los resultados obtenidos muestran un mayor número de ejemplares y de órdenes de la fauna peridoméstica frente a la doméstica. Por otro lado se observa una serie de diferencias en cuanto a la abundancia y frecuencia de ciertos grupos, lo que parece deberse a las características biogeográfi cas de la zona y las estructurales de la población muestreada


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    Some songs of Arcyptera fusca fusca and A. Microptera microptera are described and commented. The patterns of the calling and rival song of both two species are compared. Also, a new analytical technic for analyzing and studying Orthoptera's songs is offered.Se describen y comentan distintas manifestaciones acústicas de Arcyptera fusca fusca y A. microptera microptera comparando los patrones de emisión de los cantos de poclamación y rivalidad de ambas especies. Así mismo, se presenta una técnica analítica válida para el estudio y análisis del comportamiento acústico de Orthoptera

    Spontaneous oxidation of disordered fcc FePt nanoparticles

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    In this work we present new results on spontaneous oxidation of disordered fcc FePt nanoparticles. The "as-made" oleic acid and oleylamine coated FePt nanoparticles of average size 4 nm synthesized by a high-boiling coordinating solvent method were exposed to air over a period of days and characterized structurally and magnetically by means of different techniques such as XANES, XPS, EXAFS, and SQUID magnetometry. The "as-made" FePt nanoparticles stabilize in the disordered fcc structure and have a very low magnetic saturation (M(s)=11 emu/g) and a huge coercive field (H_(c)=1800 Oe) compared to the low temperature bulk values of the disordered fcc FePt. We observed that the coercive field and the magnetic saturation change with the time the sample is exposed to air and these changes are associated with the oxidation or passivation of the nanoparticle surface that gives place to a core-shell structure. Indeed, the study on the electronic properties of the nanoparticles confirms the magnetic results and indicates that when the nanoparticles are exposed to air, changes in the oxidation state of both Fe and Pt occur, the oxidation state of Fe coming close to hematite. The formation of hematite tends to soften the "as-made" FePt nanoparticles as observed by the reduction of the coercive field to almost one third of the original value. Although the hematite softens the FePt nanoparticles, there is an exchange coupling at the interface of the core-shell characterized by the increase of the coercive field from 300 to 900 Oe when the sample is cooled in an applied field of 50 kOe

    Estrogen-related genes and postmenopausal osteoporosis risk

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    Background To date, more than 150 candidate genes related to osteoporosis have been described, but osteoporosis has increasingly been considered a polygenic disease modulated by environmental factors. It is thought that osteoporosis predisposition, pathology, and treatment response depend on the interaction between different genes or between genes and environmental factors. Objective The aim of this study was to evaluate the relationship between the presence of single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in the estrogen metabolic pathway and the development of osteoporosis and to determine whether this relationship is monogenic or whether interactions between genes exist. Materials and methods A multicentric study with 1980 postmenopausal Spanish women in fi ve Spanish communities was conducted. The women completed a specifi c questionnaire that inquired about risk factors for osteoporosis. Data on participants ’ bone mineral density were obtained with dual-energy X-ray densitometers, and genetic data were obtained from frozen peripheral blood. Results The digenic protection combinations indicated involvement of the wild-type genotype (WT) of the 3 UTR marker for the CYP19A1 gene, the IVS4 marker of the same gene, and the BMP15 and FSHR genes. Among patients who carried two or more of the genotypes considered ‘ risky ’ , the triple combination among markers of the ESR2 and NRIP1 genes with any of the two mutations of the analyzed markers of the BMP15 gene gave a mean T -score value of 2.32 0.91 ( p 0.02). Conclusion Variants of the new candidate genes ( NRIP and BMP15 ) can predispose patients to osteoporosis

    Phylogenetic prospecting for cryptic species of the genus Merluccius (Actinopterygii: Merlucciidae).

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    Hakes of the genus Merluccius include 11 valid species as well a number of rare morphotypes suspected to be “cryptic species”. Concatenated nucDNA ITS1-rDNA and mtDNA cyt b sequences plus nested ITS1Nes sequences allowed to ascribe 14 specimens of nine rare morphotypes from the South Pacific and the South Atlantic to the phylogenetic backbone of this genus. Bayesian analyses pointed to M. bilinearis and M. albidus as the oldest species of the genus and the New World cluster, respectively. The phylogenetic status of M. angustimanus from the upper Gulf of California suggests its hybrid origin between M. gayi and M. productus from about 0.25 MYA, although an ever since confinement of a subset of those species cannot be ruled out. The molecular phylodiagnostic test suggests a common origin of all rare morphotypes and the absence of cryptic hake species in the Southern Cone. The molecular background of the morphotypes distributed between the Western Pacific South of New Zealand and the western Atlantic South of Argentina is compatible with their hybrid origin between M. gayi and both, M. australis or M. hubbsi, respectively.This research was partially supported with the project LETSHAKE (AGL2013-4846-R) co-funded by MINECO (Ministerio Español de Economía y Competitividad) and EU-FEDER to M.P. as well as with grant (IN607B 2018/14) to M. P. from Xunta de Galicia-Axencia Galega de Innovación. This work was also partly funded with grants from “Consellería de Educación e Ordenación Universitaria Xunta de Galicia (Galician Regional Government) cofunding from the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) in the framework of the Operational Program Galicia 2014–2020 (CIM-UVIGO), “A way to build Europe”.Versión del edito