13 research outputs found
Penelitian ini bertujuan adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh brand image
dan gaya hidup terhadap keputusan pembelian di Starbucks Reverse Galaxy Mall
Surabaya. Populasi yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini meliputi seluruh
konsumen yang datang di Starbucks Reserve Galaxy Mall Surabaya dengan teknik
pengambilan sampel sampling aksidental, dan jumlah sampel adalah sebanyak
100 orang. Adapun Teknik analisa yang digunakan adalah analisa regresi
Hasil pengujian menunjukkan bahwa brand image dan gaya hidup
berpengaruh terhadap keputusan pembelian di Starbucks Reserve Galaxy Mall
Surabaya. Hasil tersebut dapat didukung oleh tingkat koefisien determinasi parsial
variabel brand image sebesar 17,63% dan variabel gaya hidup sebesar 10,62%.
Dari hasil pengujian tersebut dapat disimpulkan bahwa variabel brand image dan
gaya hidup masing-masing berpengaruh terhadap keputusan pembelian di
Starbucks Reserve Galaxy Mall Surabaya, dan variabel brand image yang
mempunyai pengaruh dominan terhadap keputusan pembelian di Starbucks
Reserve Galaxy Mall Surabay
Ecological Literacy, Environmental Awareness, Academic Ability and Environmental Problem-Solving Skill at Adiwiyata School
This study aimed to analyze ecological literacy, environmental awareness, academic ability, and environmental problem-solving skill at the Adiwiyata schools in Tangerang City. The research method used descriptive quantitative with survey technique. The respondents consisted of 245 students of class XI Science from three Adiwiyata Senior High Schools in Tangerang City. The instruments used in this study were tests and questionnaires. Ecological literacy was measured using multiple choice tests and questionnaires, environmental awareness was measured using a questionnaire, academic ability was measured by using the total national exam scores of students when in Junior High School, and environmental problem-solving skill was measured using essay tests. The results showed that the majority of students had ecological literacy scores with basic categories, environmental awareness scores with very good categories, academic ability scores with moderate categories, and scores for environmental problem-solving skill with enough categories. Based on the results of the study, other schools are expected to also be able to implement the Adiwiyata program so that students can develop ecological literacy, environmental awareness, academic ability and environmental problem solving skills. Keywords: Academic Ability, Ecological Literacy, Environmental Awareness, Problem-Solving Skills. Â
Tujuan penelitian ini adalah: (1) mengetahui efektivitas pendekatan
kontekstual dengan setting pembelajaran kooperatif think pair share ditinjau dari
kemampuan pemahaman konsep matematika siswa kelas VII SMP; (2)
mengetahui efektivitas pendekatan saintifik dengan setting diskusi efektif ditinjau
dari kemampuan pemahaman konsep matematika siswa kelas VII SMP; (3)
mengetahui efektivitas pendekatan kontekstual dengan setting pembelajaran
kooperatif think pair share jika dibandingkan dengan pendekatan saintifik dengan
setting diskusi ditinjau dari kemampuan pemahaman konsep matematika siswa
kelas VII SMP.
Penelitian ini merupakan quasi experiment dengan desain penelitian
pretest-posttest group design. Subjek penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas VII SMP
Negeri 2 Kretek sebanyak 4 kelas dengan total 110 siswa. Sampel penelitian ini
terdiri dari dua kelas yang dipilih secara acak yaitu kelas VII B yang mendapat
perlakuan pembelajaran menggunakan pendekatan kontekstual dengan setting
pembelajaran kooperatif think pair share sebagai kelas eksperimen dan kelas VII
D yang mendapat perlakuan pembelajaran menggunakan pendekatan saintifik
dengan setting diskusi sebagai kelas kontrol. Instrumen yang digunakan dalam
penelitian ini adalah instrumen tes berupa soal pretest-posttest untuk mengukur
kemampuan pemahaman konsep matematika siswa dan instrumen non-tes berupa
lembar observasi keterlaksanaan pembelajaran. Statistik uji yang digunakan
adalah one sample t-test dan independent t-test (uji-t).
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa: (1) Pendekatan kontekstual dengan
setting pembelajaran kooperatif think pair share efektif ditinjau dari kemampuan
pemahaman konsep matematika siswa kelas VII SMP, (2) Pendekatan saintifik
dengan setting diskusi efektif ditinjau dari kemampuan pemahaman konsep
matematika siswa kelas VII SMP, (3) Pendekatan kontekstual dengan setting
pembelajaran kooperatif think pair share lebih efektif dibandingkan pendekatan
saintifik dengan setting diskusi ditinjau dari kemampuan pemahaman konsep
matematika siswa kelas VII SMP
Other Dimensions of Tax Billing with Gjzeling (Study on Tax Confiscation Officials at KPP Pratama Surabaya Wonocolo)
Hostage or Gjzeling is one of the tax collection efforts to tax payers in certain places within a maximum period of 6 months from the tax insurer placed in the hostage-taking and this can be extended for about 6 months. Many of the constraints faced by tx confiscation officals are related to the duty of gijzeling. This study aims to explore the ways of  gijzeling using a qualitative approach or non-positivistic with interpretive paradigm in approaching the true reality. The result shows that the efforts made for the success of tax confiscation officials in gizjeling process are to: 1) believe that the process of gijzeling is for the law enforcement efforts, the process of education to taxpayers, as well as carrying  out the mandate of the State to save the state money; 2) manage the conflict with tax insurer based on the hang rule to the taxpayer, neutral, professional, and uphold integrity; 3) uploading awareness by downloading "brainwashing" penangung paja
Masyarakat di Kauman Yogyakarta memiliki potensi sumber daya manusia golongan usia anak anak yang cukup besar. Hal ini karena golongan usia ini akan memegang estafet regenerasi dan memajukan bangsa di masa depan. Dengan potensi yang cukup besar tersebut sayangnya belum diolah dengan efektif. Program KKN Alternatif 61 Universitas Ahmad Dahlan bertujuan untuk memberdayakan dan mengedukasi masyarakat Kauman dalam hal kegiatan pendidikan karakter dan budi pekerti anak agar masyarakat Kauman memiliki wawasan dan pengetahuan bagaimana cara menanamkan karakter dan budi pekerti pada anak sehingga mereka tumbuh menjadi anak yang berkarakter dan berkepribadian positif. Program pemberdayaan melalui KKN ini dilakukan dengan metode pendidikan dan praktik. Hasil dan dampak setelah pelaksanaan program adalah masyarakat terutama anak-anak mengikuti seluruh rangkaian program KKN yang dilaksankaan mahasiswa KKN Alternatif 61 dengan antusias dan semangat. Kegiatan yang dilakukan antara lain pengenalan permainan tradisional, pembacaan cerita rakyat, pelatihan bahasa inggris,  dan pelatihan gerak dan lagu. Sementara masyarakat juga memberikan respon yang positif terhadap kegiatan KKN yang dilaksanakan. yang dilaksanakan.Â
The Correlation between Student’s Perception about School Garden with the Attitude of School Environmental Management
School garden is one of learning sources to introduce students with environmental education. Environmental education through school garden can form a student’s perception that helps to develop a good atittude of school environmental management. The aim of this study was to find out the correlation between student’s perception about school garden with the attitude of school environmental management. This study was conducted in May 2015 at SMAN 4 Tangerang and SMAN 5 Tangerang. This study used quantitative method through correlational studies. Sampling was done by simple random sampling used 214 students of class XI who had been using school garden as a learning sources. The analysis prerequisite test results are normally distributed and homogeneous data. The regression models was Ŷ = 19.41 + 0,672X, and the correlation coefficient was 0.715 which means there was positive correlation between student’s perception about the school garden with the attitude of school environmental management. The coefficient of determination was 51.1%. It can be interpreted that student’s perception about school garden contributed 51.1% to the attitude of school environmental management
The environmental problem-solving skill is influenced by many factors, including ecological literacy. This study aims to analyze the relationship between ecological literacy and environmental problem-solving skill in the Adiwiyata school of Tangerang City. The research method that used was quantitative descriptive with survey technique. The number of respondents consisted of 245 students of grade 11th Science from three Adiwiyatas' Senior High Schools in Tangerang City. Ecological literacy was measured by using test and questionnare, while the environmental problem-solving skill was measured using an essay test. The results showed that there was a weak positive relationship through the regression model Ŷ = -18,084 + 0,877X. The correlation coefficient obtained was 0.382 and the determination coefficient was 14.6%. The higher score of the ecological literacy, so the students' environmental problem-solving skill will be better. Based on the results of the study, other schools also need to implement Adiwiyata programs in order to ecological literacy and students' environmental problem-solving skills could be better.ABSTRAKKemampuan memecahkan masalah lingkungan dipengaruhi oleh berbagai faktor, termasuk literasi ekologi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis hubungan antara literasi ekologi dengan kemampuan memecahkan masalah lingkungan di sekolah Adiwiyata, Kota Tangerang. Metode penelitian yaitu deskriptif kuantitatif dengan teknik survey. Jumlah sampel pada penelitian ini sebanyak 245 kelas 11 IPA yang berasal dari 3 sekolah Adiwiyata di Kota Tangerang. Literasi ekologi diukur dengan menggunakan tes dan kuesioner, sementara kemampuan memecahkan masalah lingkungan diukur dengan menggunakan tes essai. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat hubungan dengan tingkatan yang lemah melalui model regresi Ŷ = -18,084 + 0,877X. Koefisien korelasi yang diperoleh sebesar 0.382 dan koefisien determinasi sebesar 14.6%. Semakin tinggi skor literasi ekologi maka kemampuan memecahkan masalah lingkungan siswa akan semakin baik. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, sekolah lain perlu mengimplementasikan Program Adiwiyata sebagai upaya agar terbentuk literasi ekologi dan kemampuan memecahkan masalah lingkungan yang lebih baik.Kata kunci: sekolah Adiwiyata, literasi ekologi, lingkungan, kemampuan memecahkan masalah
Taking A Risk To Get A Freedom's Life In Everything, Everything (2015) By Nicola Yoon: An Individual Psychological Approach.
This study aims to discuss the issue of Taking a risk to get a freedom in life in Everything, everything (2015) by using an Individual Psychological Approach. The objectives of the study is in order to identify the indicators of taking a risk to get a freedom in Maddy’s life, also why Maddy does not get her freedom, the last is what rights they have deprived by her mom. The researcher is using a qualitative research during the study. There are two steps of data sources, such as; primary data and secondary data. The primary data source is Nicola Yoon’s Everything, everything novel published in 2015. The secondary data sources are from the books, journal, arcticle, and the nformation on the internet to help the researcher collect and analyzing the research. The conclusion that can be found out during the research are; Fisrt, there are six indicators of taking a risk to get a freedom’s life which are Inferiority feelings, Fictional Finalism, Striving for superiority, Social interest, Style of life, and The creative self. Second, the rights that has deprived by Maddy’s mom are personal right and social rights. The last, the struggle of Maddy gets the freedom in life is by taking a risk with going to Hawaii with the man she loves and found out a few facts that she is actually does not get SCID, a moment to bring her get a freedom in life