38 research outputs found


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    Dengan adanya kenaikan jumlah penduduk, maka ketahanan pangan menjadi suatu tantangan di tengah terjadinya hal tersebut, salah satunya di Kecamatan Boyolali, yang merupakan kecamatan terpadat di Kabupaten Boyolali. Oleh karena itu, adanya pelatihan tanaman hidroponik dapat dijadikan sebuah momentum bagi masyarakat untuk mampu memanfaatkan lahan sempit dan mampu memenuhi kebutuhan sayuran dan buah-buahan dalam kehidupan sehari-hari. Pelatihan penanaman tanaman hidroponik ini dilakukan dengan menerapkan Sistem Sumbu (Wick System) dan NFT System (Nutrient Film Techmique System). Sasaran kegiatan pelatihan ini adalah ibu-ibu dan bapak-bapak di Kecamatan Boyolali. Harapannya dengan dilakukannya kegiatan ini dapat sebagai alternatif usaha untuk ibu rumah tangga, ketahanan pangan dapat terwujud, serta dapat dijadikan sebagai ladang usaha yang menjanjikan

    New Evidence of Individual Level of Happiness in Indonesia: Does Easterlin Paradox Matter?

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    This study aims to estimate the determining factors of individual happiness of the head of household in Indonesia in 2014 using cross-section data from the Indonesia Family Life Survey (IFLS) batch 5 of 2014 with 5092 respondents estimated by a logit model. The Logit model was chosen due to the ordinal response variable and the dependent variable using a scale of 0 and 1. This study tested 7 independent variables using binary logistic regression. The results showed that the economic factors of employment and income had a significant effect on happiness. It implies that there was no Easterlin Paradox in Indonesia. Individual characteristic factors, comprising age, duration of education, and health showed an influence on the head of household’s level of happiness. This research found that gender and area of residence variables did not show significant results. In other words, the level of happiness of the head of household was not determined by the gender; male or female. The level of happiness of the head of household living in rural or urban areas also showed no effect

    Rancang bangun Sistem Informasi Termin pada PT Delta Sinergi Prima

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    PT Delta Sinergi Prima merupakan sebuah organisasi jasa yang bergerak pada bidang consulting. Dalam membantu proses bisnisnya PT Delta Sinergi Prima memiliki beberapa sistem informasi yang telah dimanfaatkan. Namun, terjadi kendala pada pengelolaan termin  setiap project yang dikerjakan oleh organisasi. Akibatnya, pengelolaan termin tidak dapat berjalan optimal bagi organisasi. Untuk itu diperlukan adanya sistem yang dapat mengoptimalkan pengelolaan termin pada organisasi tersebut. Sistem informasi termin merupakan sistem yang memudahkan pengelolaan termin untuk PT Delta Sinergi Prima. Sistem ini dapat mengelola data termin dan menyajikannya dalam bentuk laporan yang dilengkapi dengan adanya milestone untuk menunjukan progress pembayaran termin. Pengembangan sistem sendiri dikembangan dengan metode Software Development life Cycle agar pengembangan sistem dapat dilakukan dengan baik. Diharapkan dengan adanya sistem informasi termin yang dibangun maka pengelolaan termin dapat dilakukan dengan lebih optimal. Penelitian ini akan menghasilkan output berupa sebuah sistem informasi pengelolaan termin untuk PT Delta Sinergi Prima untuk memudahkan pengelolaan data termin. Hasil dari blackbox testing menunjukan bahwasannya sistem ini telah memenuhi kebutuhan organisasi dan menunjukkan setiap alur testing yang diujikan dinyatakan 100% berhasil berjalan sesuai dengan fungsinya

    Effect of Consumer Confidence Index, Interest Rate, Stock Market Composite Index, and Inflation on the Net Asset Value of Indonesian Mutual Funds

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    The growth of the mutual fund industry will continue to grow positively in line with the condition of the national economy, which is starting to recover from the crisis caused by the pandemic. It is essential to study the factors that influence this phenomenal growth to carry out risk mitigation. This research focuses on the factors that affect the NAV fluctuation by considering macroeconomic dimensions such as the consumer confidence index, interest rates, the stock market composite indexes, and inflation as independent variables. The study uses monthly time series data with the period from January 2013 to December 2020. The VAR model performed in the study proved that only the Composite Stock Price Index variable in the previous month significantly affects the Net Asset Value prices in the short- term. The impulse response function also confirms a strong relationship. The Composite Stock Price Index can influence the fluctuations to the Net Asset Value of Indonesia mutual funds. The composite stock price index can be used as a particular consideration when assessing the Indonesian mutual funds. Keywords: Mutual Funds; Consumer Confidence Index; Interest rate; stock market composite indexes, mutual funds DOI: 10.7176/EJBM/13-21-01 Publication date: November 30th 202

    Dampak Kawasan Industri di Desa Butuh terhadap Perekonomian dan Keinginan Berwirausaha di Kecamatan Mojosongo, Boyolali

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    This background of this research is the establishment of several factories in Butuh Village, Mojosongo Sub-District, Boyolali Regency, which forms an industrial area. In the past, the residents of Butuh Village worked by cultivating land and breeding livestock because the soil in this area is barren and water sources are difficult to find. Because of the establishment of industrial area, the economic activity of this area increases significantly.This research uses descriptive-quantitative research method. Qualitative analysis is used to discover the increase of economic activity and the level of health and education of the surrounding community. Whereas quantitative analysis was conducted by using Paired Samples T test. This test is used to discover the presence of average difference between two paired (corresponding) sample groups. In this case, it is about community\u27s income and expenditure in the surroundings of industrial area. Whereas regression analysis, specifically Ordinary Least Square(OLS) Logit, is used to discover community\u27s entrepreneurship desire after the existence of industrial area.The impact of industrial area in Butuh Village, Mojosongo Sub-district can reduce unemployment rate. However,most people in Butuh Village prefer becoming entrepreneurs around the industrial area to factory workers. Additional income earned shifts the way of thinking of people around industrial area in the field of education and health. In addition, there were differences of income and expenditure between the times before and after the existence of industrial area in Butuh Village. The last, education, income and expenditure influence the entrepreneurial decision


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    This background of this research is the establishment of several factories in Butuh Village, Mojosongo Sub-District, Boyolali Regency, which forms an industrial area. In the past, the residents of Butuh Village worked by cultivating land and breeding livestock because the soil in this area is barren and water sources are difficult to find. Because of the establishment of industrial area, the economic activity of this area increases significantly.This research uses descriptive-quantitative research method. Qualitative analysis is used to discover the increase of economic activity and the level of health and education of the surrounding community. Whereas quantitative analysis was conducted by using Paired Samples T test. This test is used to discover the presence of average difference between two paired (corresponding) sample groups. In this case, it is about community’s income and expenditure in the surroundings of industrial area. Whereas regression analysis, specifically Ordinary Least Square(OLS) Logit, is used to discover community’s entrepreneurship desire after the existence of industrial area.The impact of industrial area in Butuh Village, Mojosongo Sub-district can reduce unemployment rate. However,most people in Butuh Village prefer becoming entrepreneurs around the industrial area to factory workers. Additional income earned shifts the way of thinking of people around industrial area in the field of education and health. In addition, there were differences of income and expenditure between the times before and after the existence of industrial area in Butuh Village. The last, education, income  and expenditure influence  the entrepreneurial decision. Key words: Industrial Area, Income, Expenditure, Paired Samples T-test, Logit

    Community-Based Empowerment: Semi-Systematic Literature Review (SSLR)

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    The purpose of this study was to synthesize research results with the topic of community-based community empowerment in Indonesia using the Scopus database. The method used is a semi-systematic literature review (SSLR). Semi-systematic analysis shows that there are two main themes, namely the identification of scientific journals that contain articles on the topic of community-based community empowerment in Indonesia and the phenomenon of community-based community empowerment in Indonesia from previous studies. The findings in this study are publications on the topic of community-based community empowerment in Indonesia, the phenomenon of community-based community empowerment in Indonesia still can be explored more deeply considering the surge in articles related to this topic in 2020; Community empowerment is one of the strategies to reduce poverty in Indonesia. As a coping strategy, community empowerment is also provided with related regulations. The National Program for Independent Community Empowerment, empowerment of microfinance institutions (LKM), and micro-credit schemes and tourist villages are examples of the application of the concept of community empowerment in Indonesia, but the application still requires some improvements, for example by considering social capital such as local institutions, local wisdom Local customs, norms, and customs as an effort to apply the concept of community empowerment are getting closer to the main goal, namely reducing poverty and improving community welfare


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    This background of this research is the establishment of several factories in Butuh Village, Mojosongo Sub-District, Boyolali Regency, which forms an industrial area. In the past, the residents of Butuh Village worked by cultivating land and breeding livestock because the soil in this area is barren and water sources are difficult to find. Because of the establishment of industrial area, the economic activity of this area increases significantly. This research uses descriptive-quantitative research method. Descriptive-quantitative research method is a research method which uses more quantitative data and descriptive statistical analysis. In order to discover how is the impact of industrial area in Butuh Village, Mojosongo Sub-District, Boyolali Regency toward economic activity of the community, researchers conducted qualitative and quantitative analysis in order to discover the difference exactly. Qualitative analysis is used to discover the increase of economic activity and the level of health and education of the surrounding community. Whereas quantitative analysis was conducted by using Paired Samples T test. This test is used to discover the presence of average difference between two paired (corresponding) sample groups. In this case, it is about community’s income and expenditure in the surroundings of industrial area. The impact of industrial area in Butuh Village, Mojosongo Sub-district can reduce unemployment rate. The labors absorbed come from inside and outside of Butuh village. However,most people in Butuh Village prefer becoming entrepreneurs around the industrial area to factory workers. Additional income earned shifts the way of thinking of people around industrial area in the field of education and health. In education, they hope to send their children to the highest level. Whereas in the field of health, additional income earned from entrepreneurship makes them easier to obtain access to decent health. In addition, there were differences of income and expenditure between the times before and after the existence of industrial area in Butuh Village, Mojosongo Subdistrict Boyolali Regency

    Social Welfare Factors during Covid-19 in Indonesia in 2020-2021

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    In general, the progress made by the state has the same goal of improving the welfare conditions of its citizens. An increase in the well-being of people in a region can be seen in the increase in wages received by that region. Unfortunately, at the end of 2019, in December to be exact, a catastrophe believed to be caused by an unknown pneumonia shook the world. The incident occurred in Wuhan, China. China recognized pneumonia as a separate novel coronavirus strain on January 7, 2020. The research method used is qualitative with panel data regression analysis using the 2020-2021 time series and cross-sections of her 34 provinces in Indonesia. The dependent variable in this study is average consumption, and independent variables include gross domestic product (GDP), average wages, number of poor people, and open unemployment rate (TPT). The results of this study are that several independent variables are relevant, the variable GDPP has a positive effect on median consumption, median wages have no effect on median consumption, the number of poor people has a negative effect on median consumption, and TPT has a positive effect on median consumption

    Stakeholders’ Perception Behind the Index of Human Resources Development for Villages (IDRDV) in Klaten Regency, Central Java

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    The purpose of this study was to express an opinion of the stakeholders in Klaten Regency behind the Index of Human Resources Development for Village (IHRDV). The IHRDV was composed by three key indicators, namely indicators of health, education indicators and economic indicators. The index system and the model of Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) have been applied in this study. Among 3 (three) indicators, indicator of education in Klaten Regency have given the biggest contribution to the IHRDV. Meanwhile, based on the opinion from stakeholders, there have been found that economic aspects placed in first rank (35.6%). Stakeholders argued that most desirable for village development should be focused on economic development.