25 research outputs found

    Więziotwórcze funkcje chleba w obozie koncentracyjnym

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    The article follows the multiple functions bread had in life of concentration camp prisoners. At first a short history of bread in European culture is drawn to visualize the immense panorama of places bread appears, but at the same time a key part it plays in cultural and social processes until now. In the second part focus of interest moves to hunger context of concentration camp bread appears in. Its function as a tool of social control and objectification within the framework of Erving Goffman Total institution theory is juxtaposed with various subjectivizing forms bread morphs into when manipulated by prisoners. It provokes creation of material and non-material culture on the one hand, and specific social bonds on the other hand, which try to be partially explained by mechanisms named in Peter Blau’s exchange theor

    Pamięć uwikłana w próżnię. Shoah i różne wymiary nie-bycia miejsc w Berlinie

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    Landscape of Berlin was shaped significantly by numerous accidental and planed events. Air raids during the Second World War, the construction and demolition of the Berlin Wall created in the aftermath many physically empty spaces and voids in the city structure. However not only military operations, urbanists and architects’ actions shape city environment. Artistic and social activities, individual and social memory can also highlight the ambiguous nature of places by restoring their old dimensions or playing with their stable contemporary meaning. The text devotes attention to such architectural projects in Berlin, which work with memory and representation of the holocaust by abandoning simply understood ideas of space and place used in traditional monuments. The text focuses on the play with emptiness that constitutes, reduces and broadens the understanding of an idea of the monument and redefines concept of a place. This paper addresses the projects of D. Libeskind Jewish Museum, C. Boltanski Missing House, M. Ullman Book Burning Memorial, Z. Hecker, M. Ullman, and E. Weizman Page Memorial, and G. Demnig Stumblingblocks

    Powroty do normalności więźniów obozów koncentracyjnych

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    Numer wydany w 2017 r.This study is an attempt to approach some dimensions of returning to and reestablishing what we call home and everyday life. The article investigates returns from incarceration in the concentration camps to the after camp world. It results in numerous difficulties, unsolvable problems and influences the ways in which the camp experiences appear later in life. At the beginning of the paper I look at the process of confronting with home or rather its remains. Then I follow the steps of former inmates in their endeavors to rebuild their biographies and ways in which they incorporate camp experiences into the rhythm of everyday life. This article is based on biographical materials, both already published memoirs and documents, as well as interviews conducted from 2009 to 201

    Rzecz jako przepustka. Samotna ucieczka z Ravensbrück

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    Item as a pass: Lonely escape from Ravensbrück, in: B. Walęciuk-Dejneka (ed.) Patterns of women’s loneliness – maidens, widows, divorced, Kraków, pp. 77-86. This research represents a case study of Eugenia Kocwa's escape from Ravensbrück concentration camp in 1944, in which she was incarcerated for her activity in the resistance movement in 1941. Flights from the camps belonged to an extremely rare instances and almost always would have taken a form of group organized break-outs with an additional support from the outer world. The analyzed phenomenon is the only successful individual escape from Ravensbrück, and deserves therefore meticulous attention. In the analysis author lays strong emphasis on a material aspect of the escape and objects incorporated into it, which properly managed, had a decisive influence on fugitive's success. The article is based on testimonies of Eugenia Kocwa and other Ravensbrück prisoners, and adopts theoretical framework of Erving Goffman's total institutions and dramaturgical mode

    Nitrazepam and 7-aminonitrazepam studied at the macroscopic and microscopic electrified liquid-liquid interface

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    Two benzodiazepine type drugs, that is, nitrazepam and 7-aminonitrazepam, were studied at the electrified liquid-liquid interface (eLLI). Both drugs are illicit and act sedative in the human body and moreover are used as date rape drugs. Existence of the diazepine ring in the concerned chemicals structure and one additional amine group (for 7-aminonitrazepam) allows for the molecular charging below their pKa values, and hence, both drugs can cross the eLLI interface upon application of the appropriate value of the Galvani potential difference. Chosen molecules were studied at the macroscopic eLLI formed in the four electrode cell and microscopic eLLI formed within a microtip defined as the single pore having 25 μm in diameter. Microscopic eLLI was formed using only a few μL of the organic and the aqueous phase with the help of a 3D printed cell. Parameters such as limit of detection and voltammetric detection sensitivity are derived from the experimental data. Developed methodology was used to detect nitrazepam in pharmaceutical formulation and both drugs (nitrazepam and 7-aminonitrazepam) in spiked biological fluids (urine and blood).R. Wietecha-Posłuszny and P. Stelmaszczyk are grateful for the financial support (National Science Centre, Grant no. UMO-2019/35/O/ST4/00978: application of developed extraction procedure, study the interfacial behavior of NIT and 7a-NIT), so is L. Poltorak (National Science Centre, Grant no. UMO-2018/31/D/ST4/03259: application of designed fused silica capillary and 3D printed cell for NIT and 7a-NIT detection)

    Pisanie i pamięć w biografiach więźniów obozów koncentracyjnych

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    Kobiety walczące - kobiety grające

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    Artykuł porusza kwestie rozumienia muzyki politycznie zaangażowanej na przykładzie twórczości trzech kobiecych inicjatyw – Riot Grrrls, Spice Girls i Pussy Riot. Idea Girl Power, zrodzona w kontekście działania feministycznej subkultury punkowej i poglądów anarchistycznych w Stanach Zjednoczonych lat 90’ stanowi interesujący przypadek szeroko zakrojonych działań politycznych w polu muzyki. Kolejny przykład działań to historia grupy Pussy Riot z Rosji, której członkinie za swoją obrazoburczą aktywność trafiły do więzienia. Przykłady alternatywnych i niszowych działań bardzo silnie przeplatają się i zazębiają z działalnością twórców i twórczyń muzyki popularnej. W tekstach Spice Girls radykalne w wymowie hasła ruchu Riot Grrrls ulegają wygładzeniu, ich polityczne ostrze stępia się, ale w rezultacie rozpowszechnia się emancypacyjny przekaz na niespotykaną wcześniej skal

    Przestrzeń, miejsce i nie-miejsce w relacji do pamięci i nie-pamięci

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