105 research outputs found

    Late Roman Structural Element Construction in Medieval Sacred Structures in the Area of Sirmium Imperial Palace

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    Archaeological investigations of the north section of the Imperial palace complex in Sirmium (site 85) started in 2002 and continued until 2006. After an interruption between 2007 and 2009, the excavations were resumed in 2010 and lasted until 2015. In the control trench excavated in 2002 we established the stratigraphy of the site, taking note of the Pre-Roman, Early Roman, Tetrarchic, Late Roman and Medieval periods, the last generally dated between the 13thand 15thcentury

    Architectural Features of Roman Horrea in the Area of Modern-day Serbia

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    The expansion of the Roman Empire and the formation of new provinces brought about the establishment of a serious system of collecting, storing and distributing food and other goods. Food storage facilities (horrea) were built throughout the empire both for the needs of the army and for the needs of the civilian population. The subject of this paper is the analysis of the features of these specific facilities, their size, shape, constructive characteristics, in the area of Upper Moesia and Lower Pannonia

    Uloga i značaj strategijskog budžetiranja za konkurentnost agrobiznis lanaca snabdevanja

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    Rapid challenges and changes that are an integral part of the business environment require from the enterprises to plan carefully their business, as well as to assess the probability of occurrence and outcome of future events. The importance of this approach is even more evident in the field of agribusiness, which is characterized by the increasingly unfavorable business conditions along with numerous specificities and limitations typical for agricultural activity. It is primarily about the growing business costs on one side and disproportionate changes in the level of agricultural products' selling prices on the other one. The enterprises form a supply chain in order to reduce risk and uncertainty, to realize the production of high-quality products at competitive prices, to maintain and increase the market share. The realization of such complex goals requires an adequate approach to the budgeting process. The aim of the paper is to highlight the importance, achievements and challenges of budgeting as an instrument of management accounting and strategic budget in order to support management in their efforts of acquiring and improving the competitiveness of the entire supply chain.Rapidni izazovi i promene koje su sastavni deo poslovnog ambijenta zahtevaju da preduzeća pažljivo planiraju svoje poslovanje, kao i da procene verovatnoću nastanka i ishod budućih događaja. Značaj navedenog pristupa još više dolazi do izražaja u domenu agrosektora koji, uz brojne specifičnosti i ograničenja svojstvena samoj poljoprivrednoj delatnosti, odlikuju i sve nepovoljniji uslovi poslovanja. Reč je pre svega o rastućim troškovima poslovanja s jedne i nesrazmerne promene u visini prodajnih cena poljoprivrednih proizvoda na drugoj strani. Preduzeća formiraju lanac snabdevanja kako bi redukovala rizik i neizvesnost, realizovala proizvodnju kvalitetnih proizvoda po konkurentnim cenama, očuvala i povećala tržišno učešće. Realizacija tako složenih ciljeva zahteva adekvatan pristup procesu budžetiranja. Cilj rada je da osvetli značaj, domete i izazove budžetiranja kao instrumenta upravljačkog računovodstva i strategijskog budžeta za potrebe podrške menadžmentu u naporima sticanja i unapređenja konkurentnosti čitavog lanca snabdevanja

    Glamija – Rtkovo, New Consideration

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    Glamija - Rtkovo is one of the important archaeological sites on the lower course of the Danube in Serbia. The discovered parts of architecture and movable finds offer the possibility for the analysis of archi tectural elements, used materials and mutual relationships of structures of older and younger fortifications, as well as their dating. Also, with more detailed analysis, it is possible to draw certain conclusions and principles on the basis of which a proposal for the ideal architectural reconstruction of the older fortification could be made, as well as a comparison with similar fortifications in the immediate vicinity

    Felix Romuliana – Access Routs and Comunications

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    Felix Romuliana was situated, in the Roman period, in the immediate vicinity of the important road from Bononia to Horreum Margi and the crossing of the mentioned road and the communication connecting Naissus and Ratiaria. Its location as well as the more recent discovery of the ‘northern settlement’ resulted in certain distinctions regarding the connection of the fortification and main communication routes. It has been concluded that there were two access roads, which are chronologically close but their routes differ. The earlier road is related to the ‘northern settlement’ and the period of construction of Romuliana, while the other, later one, is related to the construction of the tetrapylon and the memorial complex at Magur

    Architecture of the imperial palace in the age of tetrarchy : Felix Romuliana (Gamzigrad)

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    Докторска дисертација Aрхитектура царске палате у доба тетрархије. Felix Romuliana (Гамзиград) представља нови и свеобухватнији поглед на архитектуру касноантичке царске палате цара Галерија, недалеко од данашњег Зајечара (Србија), са свим специфичностима које карактеришу ову врсту тетрархијске архитектуре. Она има за циљ сагледавање, анализу и реконструкције остатака ансамбла Галеријеве царске палате у северном делу утврђења, ради потпунијег познавања и јаснијег тумачења овог резиденцијално-меморијалног комплекса. У раду су анализиране све тетрархијске царске палате које су грађене у новим престоницама Царства због одређених сличности и разлика које су кориштене за компарацију. Такође, анализирани су истражени остаци делова палате Д, њихови међусобни односи, али и односи палате са осталим елементима утврђеног комплекса, на основу којих су добијени нови закључци и релативна и апсолутна хронолошка датовања одређених целина. Сагледавани су и анализирани аспекти позиције утврђеног комплекса и прилаза истом, грађевински материјали, архитектонски украси, функционално-конструктивни и визуелни аспекти палате, као и живот и девастација њене изворне функције. Ова дисертација доприноси потпунијем познавању резиденцијално-меморијалног комплекса Феликс Ромулијана сажимањем резултата и анализа нових архитектонских истраживања на терену, и досада објављених стручних чланака и монографија, у мултидисциплинарном приступу који је примењен током истраживања.PhD thesis “Architecture of the Imperial Palace in the Age of Tetrarchy. Felix Romuliana (Gamzigrad)” is a new and broader approach to the architecture of the late antique imperial palace of the emperor Galerius in the vicinity of city of Zajecar, Serbia, with all its specificities that characterize this type of tetrarchic architecture. The aim of the thesis is inspection, analysis and reconstruction of remains of the imperial palace ensemble of Galerius in the north part of fortification to gain a deep understanding and clear interpretation of this residential-memorial complex. The study includes an analysis of all tetrarchic imperial palaces built in new capitals of the Empire due to certain similarities and differences used for comparison. Additionally, already explored remains of the part of the palace D have been analyzed as well as their interrelationship and relation of the palace with other elements of the complex resulting in new conclusions and relative and absolute chronological dating of certain structures. Inspection and analysis cover aspects of position of the complex and access to it, construction materials, architectural decorations, functional-constructive and visual aspects of the palace and the life and devastation of its original function. This thesis provides full insight into the residential-memorial complex of Felix Romuliana since it covers results and analysis of a new architectural fieldwork and previously published scientific articles and monographs within multidisciplinary approach implemented in the research

    Srednji i trenutni maseni protok goriva - automatizacija diskontinualnog merenja u realnom vremenu

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    U radu su prikazani rezultati razvoja prototipa automatizovanog procesorski upravljanog laboratorijskog sistema za merenje srednjeg i trenutnog masenog protoka goriva u realnom vremenu na principu promene hidrostatičkog pritiska u mernoj posudi. Sa stanovišta obrade signala, metodom virtuelnog eksperimenta, testirane su tri statističke metode pokretnih sredina i metode najmanjih kvadrata i aproksimacionog kubnog splajna. Eksperimentalna verifikacija sprovedena je u vanmotorskim uslovima, korišćenjem piezo-rezistivnog senzora IHTM Tpr 110 i 12-bit akvizicionog sistema ED428

    Uticaj alternativnih načina pribavljanja opreme na konkurentnost poljoprivrednih proizvođača

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    To keep pace with competing farmers in terms of technological equipment, and thus the amount of yield and quality of those products, traditional farmers are forced to carry out the modernization of its technical and technological capacity. The development of a number of financial services in the past decade and their offerings by financial institutions in the Republic of Serbia, made available to interested parties numerous opportunities for funding the purchase of equipment. Respecting all the difficulties that local farmers have faced in the past, the paper will consider the possibility of using borrowed funding, primarily loans and leases, as well as alternatives and their impact on the competitiveness of users.Da bi održali korak sa konkurentskim proizvođačima u pogledu tehnološke opremljenosti, a time i visine prinosa i kvaliteta dobijenih proizvoda, tradicionalni poljoprivredni proizvođači su prinuđeni da vrše osavremenjavanje svojih tehničko-tehnoloških kapaciteta. Razvoj brojnih finansijskih usluga u protekloj deceniji i njihova ponuda od strane finansijskih institucija u Republici Srbiji, zainteresovanim stranama čini dostupnim brojne mogućnosti finansiranja nabavke opreme. Respektujući sve teškoće sa kojima su se domaći farmeri suočavali u proteklom periodu, u radu ćemo razmatrati mogućnosti korišćenja pozajmljenih izvora finansiranja, pre svega kredita i lizinga, kao alternativa i njihov povratni uticaj na konkurentnost korisnika

    Srednji i trenutni maseni protok goriva - automatizacija diskontinualnog merenja u realnom vremenu

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    U radu su prikazani rezultati razvoja prototipa automatizovanog procesorski upravljanog laboratorijskog sistema za merenje srednjeg i trenutnog masenog protoka goriva u realnom vremenu na principu promene hidrostatičkog pritiska u mernoj posudi. Sa stanovišta obrade signala, metodom virtuelnog eksperimenta, testirane su tri statističke metode pokretnih sredina i metode najmanjih kvadrata i aproksimacionog kubnog splajna. Eksperimentalna verifikacija sprovedena je u vanmotorskim uslovima, korišćenjem piezo-rezistivnog senzora IHTM Tpr 110 i 12-bit akvizicionog sistema ED428