428 research outputs found

    Different sensitivities of two optical magnetometers realized in the same experimental arrangement

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    In this article, operation of optical magnetometers detecting static (DC) and oscillating (AC) magnetic fields is studied and comparison of the devices is performed. To facilitate the comparison, the analysis is carried out in the same experimental setup, exploiting nonlinear magneto-optical rotation. In such a system, a control over static-field magnitude or oscillating-field frequency provides detection of strength of the DC or AC fields. Polarization rotation is investigated for various light intensities and AC-field amplitudes, which allows to determine optimum sensitivity to both fields. With the results, we demonstrate that under optimal conditions the AC magnetometer is about ten times more sensitive than its DC counterpart, which originates from different response of the atoms to the fields. Bandwidth of the magnetometers is also analyzed, revealing its different dependence on the light power. Particularly, we demonstrate that bandwidth of the AC magnetometer can be significantly increased without strong deterioration of the magnetometer sensitivity. This behavior, combined with the ability to tune the resonance frequency of the AC magnetometer, provide means for ultra-sensitive measurements of the AC field in a broad but spectrally-limited range, where detrimental role of static-field instability is significantly reduced.Comment: 9 pages, 6 figure

    Public policy jako narzędzie interwencji państwa w rynek pracy na przykładzie Polski po 1989 roku

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    The article describes the public policy as a tool of state’s intervention in the policy of the labour market. The main example is Poland 25 years after the transformation of the political system. This article is an attempt to reflect on the phenomenon of public policy in free Poland. It’s the analysis of definitions, sectorial policies created to solve the sectoral problems and the process of intervention in the labour market policy in Poland over the last 25 years

    Naming God: Christian Philosophy of Language, Wierzbicka’s Natural Semantic Metalanguage and Intercultural Dialogue

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    Who is He, to Whom we address words God, Theos, Deus, etc.? How far goes possibility for adaptation of religious and philosophical language from other (non-Western) cultures? Do people, by using certain words and terms, denote being of God, or are they just conventional names? Those questions were raised quite early in theological debates in early stages of Christianity, and answers were given by such prominent Church Fathers as Gregory of Nyssa and Basil the Great. The problem resurfaced millennium later, when Western missionaries encountered nations and people whose religious and philosophical concepts were far different from their own. Should they accommodate local terms to fit the Christian concept of God, or should they introduce Western terminology? This translational and linguistic problem leads to the question: are there universal concepts which (despite of cultural affiliation, based on the common human experience) could communicate the Christian idea of God? Findings of Wierzbicka, and her own claim is: yes – there are semantic primes, through which we can translate our ideas (with minor imperfections). But this last question goes beyond the reach of mere secular linguistics, and enters the domain of theology. For it is theological claim that in our human nature we are capable of addressing Triune God.Who is He, to Whom we address words God, Theos, Deus, etc.? How far goes possibility for adaptation of religious and philosophical language from other (non-Western) cultures? Do people, by using certain words and terms, denote being of God, or are they just conventional names? Those questions were raised quite early in theological debates in early stages of Christianity, and answers were given by such prominent Church Fathers as Gregory of Nyssa and Basil the Great. The problem resurfaced millennium later, when Western missionaries encountered nations and people whose religious and philosophical concepts were far different from their own. Should they accommodate local terms to fit the Christian concept of God, or should they introduce Western terminology? This translational and linguistic problem leads to the question: are there universal concepts which (despite of cultural affiliation, based on the common human experience) could communicate the Christian idea of God? Findings of Wierzbicka, and her own claim is: yes – there are semantic primes, through which we can translate our ideas (with minor imperfections). But this last question goes beyond the reach of mere secular linguistics, and enters the domain of theology. For it is theological claim that in our human nature we are capable of addressing Triune God

    The occurrence and strength of clusters in Ukraine and Poland

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    Clusters are agglomerations of elements remaining in relationships of different kind between one another. The core type of connection between companies in a cluster is rivalry. This is due to the fact that they have to compete in order to gain access to finite resources that are used to thrive on the market. Another type of relations between entities that form clusters is cooperation. As Europe is trying to figure out a way to strengthen its competitive position against its main global competitors, clusters have recently been dubbed as means for Europe and European regions to become more competitive. The main aim of this paper is to depict the current state of clusters in Ukraine and Poland and to underline the most prominent similarities and differences with reference to their occurrence and strength

    Off-axis vortex beam propagation through classical optical system in terms of Kummer confluent hypergeometric function

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    The analytical solution for the propagation of the laser beam with optical vortex through the system of lenses is presented. The optical vortex is introduced into the laser beam (described as Gaussian beam) by spiral phase plate. The solution is general as it holds for the optical vortex of any integer topological charge, the off-axis position of the spiral phase plate and any number of lenses. Some intriguing conclusions are discussed. The higher order vortices are unstable and split under small phase or amplitude disturbance. Nevertheless, we have shown that off-axis higher order vortices are stable during the propagation through the set of lenses described in paraxial approximation, which is untypical behavior. The vortex trajectory registered at image plane due to spiral phase plate shift behaves like a rigid body. We have introduced a new factor which in our beam plays the same role as Gouy phase in pure Gaussian beam.Comment: 28 pages, 8 figure

    The pain of a heart being broken : pain experience and use of analgesics by caregivers of patients with Alzheimer's disease

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    Background: It has been observed that psychical suffering (e.g. the feeling of losing a significant person) tends to reduce the physical pain tolerance threshold, as well as to increase the subjective sense of painfulness. The purpose of this study was to assess pain sensation among a group of caregivers of patients with Alzheimer's disease, and to determine the psychological factors (emotional and relational) that contribute to both pain perception and coping with pain via the use of analgesics. Methods: The study comprised 127 caregivers of patients with Alzheimer's disease. Questionnaires were used to elicit pain intensity, strength of emotional relationship between caregiver and patient, sense of painfulness of the loss experienced, depression level, and somatic ailments. Results: A large majority (87.4 %) of participants reported pain complaints, while 93 % took analgesics without a doctor's recommendation at least once a week; 8 % took painkillers daily. The strongest predictors of both perceived pain and tendency to use analgesics were sense of loss and painfulness of loss in relation to the patient's deteriorating condition. Conclusions: The pain experienced by caregivers may be connected to social pain resulting from the experience of losing someone they are close to. Caregivers may resort to excessive use of analgesics as a pain-coping strategy

    Facebook as an information management tool : in light of the research conducted among Polish students

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    The paper offers a look at Facebook social service from the point of view of information management in an information society. The article presents a description and comparison of two sets of focus group research. The study was carried out among students in an academic center in a small city (population of 120 thousand), and in an academic center in a big city (population exceeding 750 thousand). The research was aimed at exploring issues related to using Facebook, in particular including the issue of motives related to creating a profile on the service and using it in everyday life. The research has revealed three categories related to Facebook use: a need for security in the scope of access to information, a need to possess a tool facilitating management of information-communication processes, as well as respondent’s dislike for Facebook. In the final part, the paper presents conclusions, but also limitations of the described research

    Character of the relationship with Alzheimer patient and the psychological costs of care

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    Alzheimer’s disease is the most common form of dementia. The aim of this study was to determine the dependence between the quality of the caregiver-patient relationship and the psychological costs the caregiver bears during the caregiving period. This study encompassed 292 caregivers (104 partners, 117 children and 71 friends or others persons). The study indicated the greatest level of depression and caregiving-related burdens in the spouses group, and the least in the friends/others group. The most important predictor of the level of burden in the caregiving role turned out to be the nature of the caregiver-patient relationship; however, a varying set of the signifi cance of individual elements of this relationship were indicated in different caregiver groups

    General Data Protection Regulation : results of a pilot study

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    The article focuses on the social aspects of the GDPR implementation. Paper presents the results of a study conducted in 2018, after the introduction of legislative changes. The study was exploratory and its aim was to find out how administrative employees evaluated and feels about GDPR. The survey was conducted as an online survey questionnaire. The article presents the results of the study, initial conclusions after its implementation, and a proposal for further research