12 research outputs found

    Energy macro-model for on chip interconnection buses

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    This report presents a fast method of evaluating the power consumption of a bus. Given an on-chip bus driver-interconnection-receiver design of N parallel lines,the objective is to develop its energy consumption macro-model. With this model we are be able to evaluate the energy metrics for the bus under a certain traffic and information coding.Peer Reviewe

    Diagnosis socioambiental y presupuesto para el Parque Nacional Los Quetzales (Costa Rica)

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    Se realiza una diagnosis socioambiental y un presupuesto para el Plan de Manejo del Parque Nacional Los Quetzales (PNLQ). El PNLQ ocupa una superficie de 4117 ha. Presenta un régimen hí­drico elevado favorecido por la topografí­a quebrada que permite la presencia de fajas de condensación. Estas condiciones favorecen la presencia del bosque nublado que como se ha observado es el hábitat de innumerables especies, algunas de las cuales presentan gran valor ecológico. El presupuesto para el Plan de Manejo refleja cómo los gastos superan en una proporción importante a los ingresos, por lo que se recomienda centrar los esfuerzos en la búsqueda de formas de financiación (pago por servicios ambientales, convenios, co-manejo y donaciones). También se hace precisa una aportación anual del Gobierno Central para la ejecución del Plan.Es realitza una diagnosis socioambiental i un pressupost pel Pla de Gestió del Parque Nacional Los Quetzales (PNLQ). El PNLQ ocupa una superfície de 4117 ha. Presenta un règim hídric elevat afavorit per la topografia pronunciada que permet la presència de franges de condensació. Aquestes condicions afavoreixen la presència del bosc ennuvolat que, com s'ha observat, és l'hàbitat de innumerables espècies, algunes de les quals presenten gran valor ecològic. El pressupost pel Pla de Gestió reflecteix com les despeses superen en una proporció important els ingressos, per la qual cosa es recomana centrar els esforços en la recerca de formes de finançament(pagament per serveis ambientals, convenis, co-gestió i donacions). També es precisa una aportació anual per part del Govern Central per a l'execució del Pla.This paper is a synthesis of the project performed in Costa Rica, his final objective is to elaborate a socio-environmental diagnosis and a budget for the Parque Nacional Los Quetzales (PNLQ) Management Plan. The PNLQ has 4117 ha area. It has a high hydrological regime favoured by the sharp topography that lets condensation bands. This conditions lets the cloudy forest to be present. This forest is the habitat for a lot of species, some of them have a very important ecological value. The Management Plan's budget shows that overheads are superior to incomes. We advise to focus the efforts in the researching of finance modes (environmental services payments, agreements, co-management and donations). Furthermore it is necessary an annual contribution from the Central Govern in order to carry out the plan.Nota: Aquest document conté originàriament altre material i/o programari només consultable a la Biblioteca de Ciència i Tecnologia

    Actualització de la cartera de serveis i dels criteris de planificació per a l’atenció als nounats: recomanacions generals i detall per als nounats complexos

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    Nounats; Planificació; Cartera de serveis; Centres hospitalaris; SISCATRecién nacidos; Planificación; Cartera de servicios; Centros hospitalarios; SISCATNewborns; Planning; Portfolio of services; Hospital centers; SISCATEl CatSalut proposa com a objectiu principal actualitzar els criteris operatius de planificació i cartera de serveis establerts en relació amb l’atenció dels nounats als centres hospitalaris del SISCAT de Catalunya prenent com a referència principal el Pla estratègic d'ordenació de l’atenció maternoinfantil de l’any 2008. Per tal d’aconseguir aquest propòsit, es defineixen els objectius específics següents: Actualitzar els nivells d’atenció neonatal i la prestació de serveis associada a cada nivell. Actualitzar els indicadors i criteris d’activitat associat a cada nivell. Valorar els criteris d’organització i recursos en relació amb les cures intensives i intermèdies

    BCN World y la apuesta fallida por el turismo de casinos

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    Diagnosis socioambiental y presupuesto para el Parque Nacional Los Quetzales (Costa Rica)

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    Se realiza una diagnosis socioambiental y un presupuesto para el Plan de Manejo del Parque Nacional Los Quetzales (PNLQ). El PNLQ ocupa una superficie de 4117 ha. Presenta un régimen hí­drico elevado favorecido por la topografí­a quebrada que permite la presencia de fajas de condensación. Estas condiciones favorecen la presencia del bosque nublado que como se ha observado es el hábitat de innumerables especies, algunas de las cuales presentan gran valor ecológico. El presupuesto para el Plan de Manejo refleja cómo los gastos superan en una proporción importante a los ingresos, por lo que se recomienda centrar los esfuerzos en la búsqueda de formas de financiación (pago por servicios ambientales, convenios, co-manejo y donaciones). También se hace precisa una aportación anual del Gobierno Central para la ejecución del Plan.Es realitza una diagnosis socioambiental i un pressupost pel Pla de Gestió del Parque Nacional Los Quetzales (PNLQ). El PNLQ ocupa una superfície de 4117 ha. Presenta un règim hídric elevat afavorit per la topografia pronunciada que permet la presència de franges de condensació. Aquestes condicions afavoreixen la presència del bosc ennuvolat que, com s’ha observat, és l’hàbitat de innumerables espècies, algunes de les quals presenten gran valor ecològic. El pressupost pel Pla de Gestió reflecteix com les despeses superen en una proporció important els ingressos, per la qual cosa es recomana centrar els esforços en la recerca de formes de finançament(pagament per serveis ambientals, convenis, co-gestió i donacions). També es precisa una aportació anual per part del Govern Central per a l’execució del Pla.This paper is a synthesis of the project performed in Costa Rica, his final objective is to elaborate a socio-environmental diagnosis and a budget for the Parque Nacional Los Quetzales (PNLQ) Management Plan. The PNLQ has 4117 ha area. It has a high hydrological regime favoured by the sharp topography that lets condensation bands. This conditions lets the cloudy forest to be present. This forest is the habitat for a lot of species, some of them have a very important ecological value. The Management Plan’s budget shows that overheads are superior to incomes. We advise to focus the efforts in the researching of finance modes (environmental services payments, agreements, co-management and donations). Furthermore it is necessary an annual contribution from the Central Govern in order to carry out the plan.Nota: Aquest document conté originàriament altre material i/o programari només consultable a la Biblioteca de Ciència i Tecnologia

    Energy macro-model for on chip interconnection buses

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    This report presents a fast method of evaluating the power consumption of a bus. Given an on-chip bus driver-interconnection-receiver design of N parallel lines,the objective is to develop its energy consumption macro-model. With this model we are be able to evaluate the energy metrics for the bus under a certain traffic and information coding.Peer Reviewe

    Energy macro-model for on chip interconnection buses

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    This report presents a fast method of evaluating the power consumption of a bus. Given an on-chip bus driver-interconnection-receiver design of N parallel lines,the objective is to develop its energy consumption macro-model. With this model we are be able to evaluate the energy metrics for the bus under a certain traffic and information coding.Peer Reviewe

    Resistance of the citrus rootstock forner-alcaide 5 to Tylenchulus semipenetrans in replant situations

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    The resistance of the citrus rootstock Forner-Alcaide 5 to Tylenchulus semipenetrans was assessed in comparison to the susceptible Carrizo citrange (S) in two replant situations. Changes in soil and root population densities were monitored after planting the new trees to detect tree infection and nematode population growth over time. The efficacy of pre-plant control methods such as fumigation with 1,3 Dichloropropene (1,3D) or 2-year fallowing was also assessed. Fumigation and fallowing reduced juveniles + males/250 cm3 soil to undetectable levels for 3 and 2 years, respectively, and postponed root parasitism on Forner-Alcaide 5 for 3 and 2.5 years, respectively. Forner-Alcaide 5 supported lower densities of juveniles + males/250 cm3 soil and females/g root than Carrizo citrange in both replant situations The efficacy of the resistant rootstock was enhanced when combined with 1,3D fumigation or 2-year fallowing because the pre-planting control reduced densities of juveniles + males in soil before establishing the orchard, and the resistant rootstock, the female densities in the rootshis work was supported by Instituto Nacional de Investigación Agraria y Alimentaria (INIA) of Spain (grants SC98-103-C2; RTA02-068 and RTA05-00086-00-00) and European Funds for Regional Develop- ment (FEDER). We acknowledge Dr. J. B. Forner, who passed away while we were preparing the manuscript, for providing the rootstocks used in the study. The assistance of A. Alcaide in the field experiments and Dr. A. Catena in the statistical analyses is greatly appreciated. Thanks are also given to Miguel Fabregat (in memoriam) and Maria Carmen Fabregat for allowing conducting experiment 1 at their prop- erty.Postprint (updated version

    Variables associated with the performance of a male European professional rugby team. Analysis of the regular season

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    The main objective of this study was to identify the relationship between performance parameters and a team's probability of winning and losing during regular season matches. A retrospective observational study of a professional rugby team with thirty players and sixteen regular season matches was carried out. The analyses included the following metrics: carries in open play, gainline success, gainline unsuccess, good pass, average pass, bad pass, good kick, average kick, bad kick, effective ruck, ineffective ruck, dominant tackle, neutral tackle, passive tackle, tackle assist, tackle missed, defender in position, good offload, kick fielded successfully, kick fielded unsuccessfully, ball lost, intercept, turnover made, linebreak, yellow card, red card, a penalty conceded, try scored, injury, player off, player on, successful kick at goal, unsuccessful kick at goal, lineout, lineout won, scrum, scrum won, return to play, ruck speed and tackle completion. No single parameter could be directly related to wins or losses. Nevertheless, four parameters when pooled could be associated with winning during the analysed season (r = 0.897, r2 = 0.805, r adjusted = 0.635, p<0.05): gainline success (p<0.002), effective ruck (p<0.009), dominant tackle (p<0.018) and tackle assist (p<0.029). On this specific context, coaches and practitioners should pay more attention to these specific actions to improve team performance