651 research outputs found

    Divorce proceedings pursuant to the Code Civil and the Code de Proédure Civile of 1806 in the practice of polish courts

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    The aim of this paper is to present French provisions from the Napoleonic times which regulated divorce proceedings. It concerns not only legal rules but also the practice of their application in Poland in early 19th century. The Napoleonic Code regulated divorce proceedings separately from the ordinary procedure that was applied to a limited extent. The main goal of the lawmakers was to reduce the number of divorces, very popular in the revolutionary period. This goal was achieved by introducing a number of formalities that were required during the proceedings. There were two separate models of proceedings. The first option was a divorce for cause determinate, the second – a divorce by mutual consent. The first way consisted of an obligatory attempt at conciliation, of a possibility of suspending a permission of citation and it required at least four hearings. Yet the major limitation, in comparison to the revolutionary period, was a reduction of grounds for divorce. Only adultery, outrageous conduct and conviction to infamous punishment entitled a spouse to seek divorce. The second model of proceedings was initiated by a petition for divorce with mutual consent. In this case, spouses were required to appear four times (with three-month intervals in between) before the president of the court in the assistance of two notaries. Each time they had to declare their will to dissolve the marriage and submit new divorce authorizations from their parents.Los procedimientos de divorcio ante los tribunales polacos según el Code civil y Code de procédure civile del año 1806. El objetivo del presente trabajo es dar a conocer las normas Napoleónicas del divorcio y cómo se aplicaron en la práctica en Polonia a principios del siglo XIX. En el Código de Napoleón el procedimiento de divorcio se regulaba de forma particular e indistintamente del procedimiento ordinario. Los preceptos de Code de procédure civile se aplicaban en los pleitos de divorcio de manera limitada. Uno de los supuestos fundamentales de los creadores del código fue reducir el número de divorcios, ya que fueron muy populares en la década de los noventa del siglo XVIII. Este objetivo se logró mediante, entre otras, la introducción de numerosas formalidades que ralentizaron y obstaculizaron el procedimiento. Coexistieron entonces dos modelos de dicho procedimiento: primero, el divorcio por causa determinada, y segundo, el divorcio de mutuo acuerdo. El primer modelo preveía un intento obligatorio de conciliación, una posibilidad de aplazamiento de citación de un cónyuge por parte del tribunal y una necesidad de celebración de al menos cuatro vistas orales. Sin embargo, la limitación fundamental de posibilidad de obtener un divorcio, en comparación con el período de la Revolución, fue la eliminación de una parte de las causas de divorcio. Sólo el adulterio, los malos tratos y la condena a pena infamatoria concedían el derecho a solicitar un divorcio. El segundo modelo de procedimiento se iniciaba mediante la solicitud conjunta de ambos cónyuges. Los que elegían este camino fueron obligados a comparecer cuatro veces (a intervalos de tres meses) ante el presidente de la corte en presencia de dos notarios. En cada ocasión debían declarar la voluntad de disolución de su matrimonio y presentar un nuevo certificado de autorización de divorcio firmado por sus padres.Ciencias ReligiosasDerech

    Extramarital affair as a ground for divorce in the practice of courts of the Duchy of Warsaw

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    This paper explores extramarital affair as a ground for civil divorce in the practice of courts of the Duchy of Warsaw. In 1808 the Napoleonic Code was enforced on this territory. Under the rules of the Code Civil a couple could petition for a divorce with mutual consent (article 233). There were also three grounds entitling one of spouses to demand a divorce, when it was possible to attribute fault to the second party. In the case of the husband’s infidelity, the wife could demand a divorce only when he brought his concubine into their common residence (article 230). On the other hand, the husband could demand a divorce as a result of every act of his wife’s adultery (article 229). Moreover, each spouse could demand a divorce for outrageous conduct, ill-usage or grievous injuries exercised by the second spouse (article 231). Condemnation of one of the married parties to infamous punishment was also a ground for a divorce to the second party (article 232). In spite of discrimination of women in the case of adultery, more than 75% of divorce judgments were issued as a result of actions filed by wives. It was caused by the Polish Courts which gave a broad interpretation to the article 230 in their jurisprudence. Each act of husbands’ adultery in a common residence was treated as a ground for a divorce, although, according to article the 230, a wife had to prove that her husband lived with his concubine in conjugal house. The husbands’ adultery can be easily distinguished from the wives’ kind. Generally, men committed adultery because of lust. Female infidelity was usually connected with leaving a husband. Husbands often committed adultery with maids, whereas wives – with [email protected] Warszawsk

    "Liczba rozwodów orzeczonych na ziemiach polskich na podstawie Kodeksu Napoleona"

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    Celem niniejszego szkicu jest oszacowanie liczby rozwodów ogłoszonych na ziemiach polskich na podstawie Kodeksu Napoleona w okresie stosowania jego regulacji w tym zakresie, tj. w Księstwie Warszawskim, Królestwie Polskim (do 1825 r.) i Rzeczypospolitej Krakowskiej (do 1852 r.)

    Comparison of Energy Performance of Different HVAC Systems for a Typical Office Room and a Typical Classroom

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    Międzynarodowe Forum Młodych Historyków Prawa „Kobieta i mężczyzna w historii prawa”

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    Międzynarodowe Forum Młodych Historyków Prawa „Kobieta i mężczyzna w historii prawa

    Jubileusz sześćdziesięciolecia Instytutu Historii Prawa Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego

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    Jubileusz sześćdziesięciolecia Instytutu Historii Prawa Uniwersytetu Warszawskieg

    Electromobility in Poland, availability, trends and challenges

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    PURPOSE: The article deals with the issue of changes that take place in the habits of car users and in the automotive market in terms of introducing electromobility solutions. Basic documents show the necessity and possibility of developing electromobility in Europe and Poland. It indicates the harmfulness of the current transport model. The author paid special attention to the study of automotive preferences among the inhabitants of Polish cities.DESIGN/METHODOLOGY/APPROACH: The survey was carried out using the CAWI and direct survey method on a sample of over 200 residents from the ten most populated Polish cities.CONCLUSIONS: The study shows that choosing an electric car in the near future will become as common as petrol one. At the same time, the lack of sufficient infrastructure, especially public availability is clearly indicated.PRACTICAL IMPLICATIONS: The availability of charging points and the level of household income should be indicated as key for the development of electromobility. Consumers' attitudes related to experiences and concerns about new products are also not without significance.ORIGINALITY/VALUE: An attempt to identify the current mood towards electromobility, as well as practical obstacles in the purchase and operation of this type of vehicle.peer-reviewe