105 research outputs found

    Clinical recommendations for pain, sedation, withdrawal and delirium assessment in critically ill infants and children: an ESPNIC position statement for healthcare professionals

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    Background: This position statement provides clinical recommendations for the assessment of pain, level of sedation, iatrogenic withdrawal syndrome and delirium in critically ill infants and children. Admission to a neonatal or paediatric intensive care unit (NICU, PICU) exposes a child to a series of painful and stressful events. Accurate assessment of the presence of pain and non-pain related distress (adequacy of sedation, iatrogenic withdrawal syndrome, and delirium) is essential to good clinical management and to monitoring the effectiveness of interventions to relieve or prevent pain and distress in the individual patient. Methods: A multidisciplinary group of experts was recruited from the members of the European Society of Paediatric and Neonatal Intensive Care (ESPNIC). The group formulated clinical questions regarding assessment of pain and non-pain related distress in critically ill and non-verbal children, and searched the PubMed/Medline, Cinahl, and Embase databases for studies describing the psychometric properties of assessment instruments. Further, level of evidence of selected studies was assigned and recommendations were formulated, and grade or recommendations were added based on the level of evidence. Results: An ESPNIC Position Statement was drafted which provides clinical recommendations on assessment of pain (n=5), distress and/or level of sedation (n=4), iatrogenic withdrawal syndrome (n=3), and delirium (n=3). These recommendations were based on the available evidence and consensus amongst the experts and other members of the ESPNIC society. Conclusions: This multidisciplinary ESPNIC Position Statement guides professionals in the assessment and re-assessment of the effectiveness of treatment interventions for pain, distress, inadequate sedation, withdrawal syndrome and delirium

    Assessment and management of iatrogenic withdrawal syndrome and delirium in pediatric intensive care units across Europe: an ESPNIC survey.

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    Analgesia and sedation are essential for the care of children in the pediatric intensive care unit (PICU); however, when prolonged, they may be associated with iatrogenic withdrawal syndrome (IWS) and delirium. We sought to evaluate current practices on IWS and delirium assessment and management (including non-pharmacologic strategies as early mobilization), and to investigate associations between presence of an analgosedation protocol and IWS and delirium monitoring, analgosedation weaning, and early mobilization. A multicenter cross-sectional survey-based study collecting data from one experienced physician or nurse per PICU in Europe was conducted from January to April 2021. We then investigated differences among PICUs that did or did not follow an analgosedation protocol. Among 357 PICUs, 215 (60%) responded across 27 countries. IWS was systematically monitored with a validated scale in 62% of PICUs, mostly using the Withdrawal Assessment Tool-1 (53%). Main first-line treatment for IWS was a rescue bolus with interruption of weaning (41%). Delirium was systematically monitored in 58% of PICUs, mostly with the Cornell Assessment of Pediatric Delirium scale (48%) and the Sophia Observation Scale for Pediatric Delirium (34%). Main reported first-line treatment for delirium was dexmedetomidine (45%) or antipsychotic drugs (40%). Seventy-one percent of PICUs reported to follow an analgosedation protocol. Multivariate analyses adjusted for PICU characteristics showed that PICUs using a protocol were significantly more likely to systematically monitor IWS (Odds Ratio [OR ]1.92, 95% Confidence Interval [CI] 1.01-3.67) and delirium (OR 2.00, 95% CI 1.07-3.72), use a protocol for analgosedation weaning (OR 6.38, 95% CI 3.20-12.71), and promote mobilization (OR 3.38, 95% CI 1.63-7.03). Monitoring and management of IWS and delirium are highly variable among European PICUs. The use of an analgosedation protocol was associated with increased likelihood of monitoring IWS and delirium, performing a structured analgosedation weaning, and promoting mobilization. Education on this topic and interprofessional collaborations are highly needed to help reduce the burden of analgosedation-associated adverse outcomes

    Rapid increase in clearance of phenobarbital in neonates on extracorporeal membrane oxygenation: A pilot retrospective population pharmacokinetic analysis

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    Objectives: This study characterizes the changes in the pharmacokinetics of phenobarbital associated with extracorporeal membrane oxygenation treatment in neonates, to illustrate our findings and provide guidance on dosing.Design: Retrospective pilot population pharmacokinetic analysis.Setting: Neonatal ICU.Patients: Thirteen critically ill neonates (birth body weight, 3.21kg [2.65-3.72 kg]; postnatal age at start of treatment: 2 d [0-7 d]; gestational age: 38wk [38-41 wk]) receiving venovenous or venoarterial extracorporeal membrane oxygenation.Interventions: Phenobarbital administered in a loading dose of 7.5mg/kg (8.5-16mg/kg) and maintenance dose of 6.9mg/kg/d (4.5-8.5mg/kg/d).Measurements and Main Results: Therapeutic drug monitoring data were available, yielding 5, 31, and 19 phenobarbital concentrations before, during, and after extracorporeal membrane oxygenation, respectively. Population pharmacokinetic analysis was performed using NONMEM 7.3.0 (ICON Development Solutions, Ellicott City, MD). Maturation functions for clearance and volume of distribution were obtained from literature. In a one-compartment model, clearance and volume of distribution for a typical neonate off extracorporeal membrane oxygenation and with a median birth body weight (3.21kg) at median postnatal age (2 d) were 0.0096L/hr (relative se = 11%)) and 2.72L (16%), respectively. During extracorporeal membrane oxygenation, clearance was found to linearly increase with time. Upon decannulation, phenobarbital clearance initially decreased and subsequently increased slowly driven by maturation. Extracorporeal membrane oxygenation-related changes in volume of distribution could not be identified, possibly due to sparse data collection shortly after extracorporeal membrane oxygenation start. According to the model, target attainment is achieved in the first 12 days of extracorporeal membrane oxygenation with a regimen of a loading dose of 20mg/kg and a maintenance dose of 4mg/kg/d divided in two doses with an increase of 0.25mg/kg every 12 hours during extracorporeal membrane oxygenation treatment.Conclusions: We found a time-dependent increase in phenobarbital clearance during the first 12 days of extracorporeal membrane oxygenation treatment in neonates, which results in continuously decreasing phenobarbital exposure and increases the risk of therapeutic failure over time. Due to high unexplained variability, frequent and repeated therapeutic drug monitoring should be considered even with the model-derived regimen.Pharmacolog

    Phenobarbital pharmacokinetics in neonates and infants during extracorporeal membrane oxygenation

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    Introduction: The disposition of drugs is potentially changed due to extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO) in neonates and infants. Methods: The aim of the study was to evaluate the individual pharmacokinetics (PK) of phenobarbital and the effect of PK covariates in neonates and infants undergoing ECMO. Sixteen patients (7 neonates, 9 infants) treated with phenobarbital during ECMO (centrifugal-flow pump circuits) were enrolled in the PK study. Phenobarbital serum concentrations were measured using a fluorescence polarization immunoassay. Individual PK parameters - volume of distribution (Vd) and clearance (CL) were calculated in a one-compartmental pharmacokinetic model. Results: The mean (SD) Vd and CL values in neonates were 0.46 (0.24) L/kg and 8.0 (4.5) mL/h/kg, respectively. Respective values in infants were 0.56 (0.23) L/kg and 8.5 (3.1) mL/h/kg. PK parameters in neonates and infants were not significantly different. We observed high inter-individual variability in PK parameters (coefficients of variation [CV] were 52% and 53% for CL and Vd, respectively). Doses were adjusted based on therapeutic drug monitoring (TDM) in 87.5% patients. Only 50% of the first measured phenobarbital serum concentrations in each patient were within the therapeutic range of 10-40 mg/L, in comparison with 88.6% concentration measured after TDM implementation. Linear regression models showed that both Vd and CL are significantly related with body weight (BW) and length. Median optimal phenobarbital loading dose (LD) and maintenance dose (MD), calculated from pharmacokinetic data, were 15 mg/kg and 4 mg/kg/day, respectively. Conclusions: Body weight was shown to be the main PK covariate of phenobarbital disposition. Subsequent dosing nomograms are provided for phenobarbital dosing during ECMO

    Drug Disposition and Pharmacotherapy in Neonatal ECMO: From Fragmented Data to Integrated Knowledge

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    Extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO) is a lifesaving support technology for potentially reversible neonatal cardiac and/or respiratory failure. As the survival and the overall outcome of patients rely on the treatment and reversal of the underlying disease, effective and preferentially evidence-based pharmacotherapy is crucial to target recovery. Currently limited data exist to support the clinicians in their every-day intensive care prescribing practice with the contemporary ECMO technology. Indeed, drug dosing to optimize pharmacotherapy during neonatal ECMO is a major challenge. The impact of the maturational changes of the organ function on both pharmacokinetics (PK) and pharmacodynamics (PD) has been widely established over the last decades. Next to the developmental pharmacology, additional non-maturational factors have been recognized as key-determinants of PK/PD variability. The dynamically changing state of critical illness during the ECMO course impairs the achievement of optimal drug exposure, as a result of single or multi-organ failure, capillary leak, altered protein binding, and sometimes a hyperdynamic state, with a variable effect on both the volume of distribution (Vd) and the clearance (Cl) of drugs. Extracorporeal membrane oxygenation introduces further PK/PD perturbation due to drug sequestration and hemodilution, thus increasing the Vd and clearance (sequestration). Drug disposition depends on the characteristics of the compounds (hydrophilic vs. lipophilic, protein binding), patients (age, comorbidities, surgery, co-medications, genetic variations), and circuits (roller vs. centrifugal-based systems; silicone vs. hollow-fiber oxygenators; renal replacement therapy). Based on the potential combination of the above-mentioned drug PK/PD determinants, an integrated approach in clinical drug prescription is pivotal to limit the risks of over- and under-dosing. The understanding of the dose-exposure-response relationship in critically-ill neonates on ECMO will enable the optimization of dosing strategies to ensure safety and efficacy for the individual patient. Next to in vitro and clinical PK data collection, physiologically-based pharmacokinetic modeling (PBPK) are emerging as alternative approaches to provide bedside dosing guidance. This article provides an overview of the available evidence in the field of neonatal pharmacology during ECMO. We will identify the main determinants of altered PK and PD, elaborate on evidence-based recommendations on pharmacotherapy and highlight areas for further research

    Current knowledge, challenges and innovations in developmental pharmacology: A combined conect4children Expert Group and European Society for Developmental, Perinatal and Paediatric Pharmacology White Paper

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    Developmental pharmacology describes the impact of maturation on drug disposition (pharmacokinetics, PK) and drug effects (pharmacodynamics, PD) throughout the paediatric age range. This paper, written by a multidisciplinary group of experts, summarizes current knowledge, and provides suggestions to pharmaceutical companies, regulatory agencies and academicians on how to incorporate the latest knowledge regarding developmental pharmacology and innovative techniques into neonatal and paediatric drug development. Biological aspects of drug absorption, distribution, metabolism and excretion (ADME) throughout development are summarized. Although this area made enormous progress during the last two decades, remaining knowledge gaps were identified. Minimal risk and burden designs allow for optimally informative but minimally invasive PK sampling, while concomitant profiling of drug metabolites may provide additional insight in the unique PK behavior in children. Furthermore, developmental PD needs to be considered during drug development, which is illustrated by disease- and/or target organ-specific examples. Identifying and testing PD targets and effects in special populations, and application of age- and/or population-specific assessment tools are discussed. Drug development plans also need to incorporate innovative techniques like preclinical models to study therapeutic strategies, and shift from sequential enrollment of subgroups, to more rational designs. To stimulate appropriate research plans, illustrations of specific PK/PD-related as well as drug safety-related challenges during drug development are provided. The suggestions made in this joint paper of the Innovative Medicines Initiative conect4children Expert group on Developmental Pharmacology and the European Society for Developmental, Perinatal and Paediatric Pharmacology, should facilitate all those involved in drug development

    Geometric Triangular Chiral Hexagon Crystal-Like Complexes Organization in Pathological Tissues Biological Collision Order

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    The present study describes and documents self-assembly of geometric triangular chiral hexagon crystal like complex organizations (GTCHC) in human pathological tissues.The authors have found this architectural geometric expression at macroscopic and microscopic levels mainly in cancer processes. This study is based essentially on macroscopic and histopathologic analyses of 3000 surgical specimens: 2600 inflammatory lesions and 400 malignant tumours. Geometric complexes identified photographically at macroscopic level were located in the gross surgical specimen, and these areas were carefully dissected. Samples were taken to carry out histologic analysis. Based on the hypothesis of a collision genesis mechanism and because it is difficult to carry out an appropriate methodological observation in biological systems, the authors designed a model base on other dynamic systems to obtain indirect information in which a strong white flash wave light discharge, generated by an electronic device, hits over the lines of electrical conductance structured in helicoidal pattern. In their experimental model, the authors were able to reproduce and to predict polarity, chirality, helicoid geometry, triangular and hexagonal clusters through electromagnetic sequential collisions. They determined that similar events among constituents of extracelular matrix which drive and produce piezoelectric activity are responsible for the genesis of GTCHC complexes in pathological tissues. This research suggests that molecular crystals represented by triangular chiral hexagons derived from a collision-attraction event against collagen type I fibrils emerge at microscopic and macroscopic scales presenting a lateral assembly of each side of hypertrophy helicoid fibers, that represent energy flow in cooperative hierarchically chiral electromagnetic interaction in pathological tissues and arises as a geometry of the equilibrium in perturbed biological systems. Further interdisciplinary studies must be carried out to reproduce, manipulate and amplify their activity and probably use them as a base to develop new therapeutic strategies in cancer

    Genome of the Komodo dragon reveals adaptations in the cardiovascular and chemosensory systems of monitor lizards

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    Monitor lizards are unique among ectothermic reptiles in that they have high aerobic capacity and distinctive cardiovascular physiology resembling that of endothermic mammals. Here, we sequence the genome of the Komodo dragon Varanus komodoensis, the largest extant monitor lizard, and generate a high-resolution de novo chromosome-assigned genome assembly for V. komodoensis using a hybrid approach of long-range sequencing and single-molecule optical mapping. Comparing the genome of V. komodoensis with those of related species, we find evidence of positive selection in pathways related to energy metabolism, cardiovascular homoeostasis, and haemostasis. We also show species-specific expansions of a chemoreceptor gene family related to pheromone and kairomone sensing in V. komodoensis and other lizard lineages. Together, these evolutionary signatures of adaptation reveal the genetic underpinnings of the unique Komodo dragon sensory and cardiovascular systems, and suggest that selective pressure altered haemostasis genes to help Komodo dragons evade the anticoagulant effects of their own saliva. The Komodo dragon genome is an important resource for understanding the biology of monitor lizards and reptiles worldwide

    Excess cardiovascular mortality associated with cold spells in the Czech Republic

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The association between cardiovascular mortality and winter cold spells was evaluated in the population of the Czech Republic over 21-yr period 1986–2006. No comprehensive study on cold-related mortality in central Europe has been carried out despite the fact that cold air invasions are more frequent and severe in this region than in western and southern Europe.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Cold spells were defined as periods of days on which air temperature does not exceed -3.5°C. Days on which mortality was affected by epidemics of influenza/acute respiratory infections were identified and omitted from the analysis. Excess cardiovascular mortality was determined after the long-term changes and the seasonal cycle in mortality had been removed. Excess mortality during and after cold spells was examined in individual age groups and genders.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Cold spells were associated with positive mean excess cardiovascular mortality in all age groups (25–59, 60–69, 70–79 and 80+ years) and in both men and women. The relative mortality effects were most pronounced and most direct in middle-aged men (25–59 years), which contrasts with majority of studies on cold-related mortality in other regions. The estimated excess mortality during the severe cold spells in January 1987 (+274 cardiovascular deaths) is comparable to that attributed to the most severe heat wave in this region in 1994.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The results show that cold stress has a considerable impact on mortality in central Europe, representing a public health threat of an importance similar to heat waves. The elevated mortality risks in men aged 25–59 years may be related to occupational exposure of large numbers of men working outdoors in winter. Early warnings and preventive measures based on weather forecast and targeted on the susceptible parts of the population may help mitigate the effects of cold spells and save lives.</p
