597 research outputs found

    Kinerja Operasional Kapal Pelayaran Rakyat di Pelabuhan Pare-Pare

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    The role of people's shipping or traditional ships as a means of sea transportation is needed to encourage and encourage economic development in underdeveloped areas. This study aims to identify the operational performance of people's shipping vessels at the Port of Pare-Pare. This research was conducted with a qualitative method through semi-structured interviews with the aim of obtaining in-depth information from respondents regarding information on the operational performance of people's shipping vessels and community perceptions regarding the operational performance of these people's shipping vessels. After looking at the discussion presented, it can be concluded that the provision of transportation depends on the supply function. This function describes the correlation between the amount of goods offered by the market and the price level offered. The number of transportation services available depends on several factors, including vehicle capacity, road and terminal capacity, as well as the level and quality of management.The role of people's shipping or traditional ships as a means of sea transportation is needed to encourage and encourage economic development in underdeveloped areas. This study aims to identify the operational performance of people's shipping vessels at the Port of Pare-Pare. This research was conducted with a qualitative method through semi-structured interviews with the aim of obtaining in-depth information from respondents regarding information on the operational performance of people's shipping vessels and community perceptions regarding the operational performance of these people's shipping vessels. After looking at the discussion presented, it can be concluded that the provision of transportation depends on the supply function. This function describes the correlation between the amount of goods offered by the market and the price level offered. The number of transportation services available depends on several factors, including vehicle capacity, road and terminal capacity, as well as the level and quality of management

    Analysis of Fulfillment of Navigation Equipment on Motor Sailing Ship on Safety Ship Safety The flag of Indonesia (Case Study of Makassar Potere Port)

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    In the development of shipping, the national frequency has increased quite significantly. However, the rate of ship accidents and incidents that occur in Indonesian waters has also increased. Developing countries including Indonesia have not succeeded in reducing the number of sea transportation accidents . This study aims to analyze the readiness of the fulfillment of navigation tools on motor sailing vessels to the safety of shipping on Indonesian-flagged vessels and describe how much influence the readiness of the fulfillment of navigation tools on motor sailing vessels has on the safety of shipping on Indonesian-flagged vessels. Quantitative research method using a survey approach. The analysis technique used is regression analysis and correlation analysis. The results showed that there was an influence of readiness to fulfill navigational equipment on motor sailing vessels affecting shipping safety on Indonesian-flagged ships (p value 0.000 0.05) and 53.2% of the effect, while 46.8 % was determined by other variables outside of this study. There is a need for further research on the influence of other factors from motor sailing vessels on shipping safety on Indonesian-flagged vessels

    Suku Bangsa dan Ekspresi Ke Sukubangsaan

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    Pada akhir-akhir ini, di berbagai belahan dunia telah terjadi gerakan-gerakan kesuku-bangsaan, baik yang menuntut otonomi yang lebih luas maupun berupa gerakan kemerdekaan yang ingin memisahkan diri dari \u27negara induknya\u27 semula. Munculnya berbagai gerakan tersebut ada yang beranggapan merupakan indikasi bahwa proses menuju asimilasi dalam rangka suatu negara kesatuan yang lebih besar, telah mengalami hambatan atau kegagalan. Peristiwa runtuhnya negara adidaya Llni Soviet, konflik berkepanjangan di bekas negara Yugoslavia, pertentangan antara orang Tamil dan Sinhala di Srilangka, dan sebagainyamerupakan fenomena yang menandai akhir abad XX, termasuk berbagai konflik kesuku-bangsaan di Indonesia seperti yang terjadi di Ambon, Kalimantan Barat dan Kalimantan Tengah


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    Abstrak - Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji pengaruh pengungkapan aktivitas Corporate Social Responsibility dalam laporan tahunan perusahaan terhadap Earnings Response Coefficient. Sampel dalam penelitian ini diambil dari perusahaan yang terdaftar pada Bursa Efek Indonesia tahun 2014. Pengolahan data dilakukan menggunakan analisis regresi linier berganda dengan model interaksi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pengungkapan CSR tidak memiliki pengaruh signifikan terhadap ERC. Hal itu disebabkan karena minimnya informasi yang diungkapkan perusahaan terkait aktivitas CSR dalam laporan tahunan dan investor tidak sepenuhnya percaya terhadap informasi tersebut. Kata Kunci: Earnings Response Coefficient (ERC), Pengungkapan Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Abstract –This study aimed to examine the effect of Corporate Social Responsibility activity disclosed in the companies’ annual reports on the Earnings Response Coefficient. The sample in this study was drawn from companies listed on Indonesia Stock Exchange in 2014. Tests carried out using multiple linear regression analysis with interaction models. The results show that the disclosure of CSR does not significantly affect the ERC. It is caused due to lack of CSR information disclosed by companies and investors do not fully confidence toward that information. Keywords: Earnings Response Coefficient (ERC), Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) disclosur

    K-Means – Resilient Backpropagation Neural Network in Predicting Poverty Levels

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    In solving economic problems, the government has implemented several development policies. However, this policy is considered to be too centered on big cities. So, through this research it is hoped that it can provide an overview related to regional groups that fall into the poorer category so that the government can also provide accelerated development policies that are oriented towards improving the economy of residents in the area. This study aims to determine the results of classifying district/city poverty levels in Indonesia as a basis for classification for predictions and to classify district/city poverty levels based on influencing factors. The method used in this study is K-Means Clustering using the poverty depth index and poverty severity index variables, then proceed with using the Backpropagation Neural Network (BNN) algorithm using the GRDP, per capita expenditure, human development index, and mean years of schooling. The results obtained using the K-Means algorithm are that there are 42 districts/cities that belong to cluster 1 where this region has a poverty index depth and severity index value that is higher than the 472 districts/cities in cluster 2. Furthermore, the cluster results are used as response variables for classification with BNN. The accuracy of the model obtained is very high, which is equal to 98.06, so the model is very feasible to be used as a poverty rate prediction model based on the variables used

    Study of Incubation Duration After Degreening and Storage Methods on the Quality of Tangerine "Garut" (Citrus reticulata B.)

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    Ripened citrus fruits with an orange rind have a higher market demand relative to unripen citrus with a green rind. This research was aimed to evaluate the combination of post-degreening incubation duration before storage with the type of storage to increase orange rind color and storage life of citrus fruit. A randomized block design with two factors was used; the first factor was post-degreening incubation duration before storage that comprised of without incubation, incubation for two and four days. The second factor was storage method that comprised of storage at room temperature (29 ± 1oC), at 18 ± 1oC, waxing and storage at room temperature, waxing and storage at 18 ± 1oC. The result shows that post-degreening incubation duration that increased orange color of citrus rind was four days. The citrus which was stored at 18 ± 1oC had the smallest fruit weight loss. The best treatment combination which increased orange color formation and had lower percentage of fruit weight loss was a combination of 4 days incubation after degreening and storage at 18± 1oC


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    Abstrak -Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji pengaruh pengungkapan aktivitas Corporate Social Responsibility dalam laporan tahunan perusahaan terhadap Earnings Response Coefficient. Sampel dalam penelitian ini diambil dari perusahaan yang terdaftar pada Bursa Efek Indonesia tahun 2014. Pengolahan data dilakukan menggunakan analisis regresi linier berganda dengan model interaksi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pengungkapan CSR tidak memiliki pengaruh signifikan terhadap ERC. Hal itu disebabkan karena minimnya informasi yang diungkapkan perusahaan terkait aktivitas CSR dalam laporan tahunan dan investor tidak sepenuhnya percaya terhadap informasi tersebut. Kata Kunci: Earnings Response Coefficient (ERC), Pengungkapan Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Abstract –This study aimed to examine the effect of Corporate Social Responsibility activity disclosed in the companies’ annual reports on the Earnings Response Coefficient. The sample in this study was drawn from companies listed on Indonesia Stock Exchange in 2014. Tests carried out using multiple linear regression analysis with interaction models. The results show that the disclosure of CSR does not significantly affect the ERC. It is caused due to lack of CSR information disclosed by companies and investors do not fully confidence toward that information. Keywords: Earnings Response Coefficient (ERC), Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) disclosur


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    ABSTRACT YULIANA PRASTIKA POERWANTO. Correlation Between Job Satisfaction With Organizational Citizen Behavior in Employees Cooperative Institute of Oil and Gas at South Jakarta. Skripsi, Jakarta : Concentration of Economic Cooperative Education Study Program of Economics Education, Department Economics Administration, faculty of Economic, State University of Jakarta. 2013. This study aims to determine the closeness of the relationship between Job Satisfaction with Organization Citizen Behavior. The research was conducted on existing employees on Lemigas Cooperative located at Jalan Ciledug Raya Kav. 109, Cipulir Kebayoran Lama, South Jakarta conducted from July to December 2012. This study uses survey correlational approach. In this study, the population is all employees of cooperative Lemigas South Jakarta totaling 35 people using census research.Collecting X Variable data (job satisfaction) and Y Variable (organizational citizen behavior), using likert scale model questioner, before that it has construct validity test by validation process, that is correlation coefficient valuing score with the total score and reliability test using Alpha Cronbach formula. Reliability X Variable (job satisfaction) is 0,699 and Y Variable (organization citizen behavior)is 0,816. The analysis test by finding regression equation, that is Y = 50,26 + 0,799X. After that data normally test by using Liliefors formula and the result is Lcount = 0,135 in significant level 0,05 and Ltable = 0,150 so Lcount Ftabel (2,29). Showing that, it has significanced regression . while regression linierity test, Fcount (13,98) < F tabel (4,13), showing that regression is linier. The result of product moment of correlation coefficient test is r xy = 0,545 continued by using correlations coefficient test with t-test. Counting result tcount (3,74) hile Ttabel (1,70) and so tcount > ttabel . It mean that there are significance correlations between job satisfaction with organizational citizen behavior. Besides that, the result of determination coefficient test is 29,75% it mean that Organizational Social Behavior (Y) is determined by the Job Satisfaction (X). The conclusion of the research have shown that there is a positive correlation between job satisfaction with organizational citizen behavior in employees cooperative institute of oil and gas south jakarta with enough catagory
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