6 research outputs found

    The recursive scheme of clustering

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    The problem of data clustering is one of the most important in data analysis. It can be problematic when dealing with experimental data characterized by measurement uncertainties and errors. Our paper proposes a recursive scheme for clustering data obtained in geographical (climatological) experiments. The discussion of results obtained by k-means and SOM methods with the developed recursive procedure is presented. We show that the clustering using the new approach gives more acceptable results when compared to experts assessments

    Multi-objective optimization of vehicle routing problem using evolutionary algorithm with memory

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    The idea of a new evolutionary algorithm with memory aspect included is proposed to find multiobjective optimized solution of vehicle routing problem with time windows. This algorithm uses population of agents that individually search for optimal solutions. The agent memory incorporates the process of learning from the experience of each individual agent as well as from the experience of the population. This algorithm uses crossover operation to define agents evolution. In the paper we choose as a base the Best Cost Route Crossover (BCRC) operator. This operator is well suited for VPRTW problems. However it does not treat both of parent symmetrically what is not natural for general evolutionary processes. The part of the paper is devoted to find an extension of the BCRC operator in order to improve inheritance of chromosomes from both of parents. Thus, the proposed evolutionary algorithm is implemented with use of two crossover operators: BCRC and its extended-modified version. We analyze the results obtained from both versions applied to Solomon鈥檚 and Gehring & Homberger instances. We conclude that the proposed method with modified version of BCRC operator gives statistically better results than those obtained using original BCRC. It seems that evolutionary algorithm with memory and modification of Best Cost Route Crossover Operator lead to very promising results when compared to the ones presented in the literature

    Pewne spostrze偶enia na temat wp艂ywu optymalizacji na bezpiecze艅stwo baz danych

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    One of the most important factors of real live business applications are speed and reliability. The question that arises during development states: what is more important: efficiency of servers or security of database/application. One of the biggest databases used in the University of 艁贸d藕 for its applications must have restricted access to data. On the other hand, although it is used by many people concurrently cannot be overloaded. Security rules are based on views created for every user, which gives scalability and flexibility. Unfortunately this approach has security vulnerabilities which is presented in this article.W zastosowaniach biznesowych bardzo cz臋sto, jako najwa偶niejsze wska藕niki jako艣ci rozwi膮zania, wskazuje si臋 szybko艣膰 dzia艂ania oraz niezawodno艣膰. W trakcie tworzenia takich rozwi膮za艅 pojawia si臋 dylemat: wydajno艣膰 serwera czy te偶 jego bezpiecze艅stwo? Przed podobnym dylematem stan臋li tw贸rcy jednej z najwi臋kszych baz danych u偶ytkowanych na Uniwersytecie 艁贸dzkim, gdy偶 aplikacje j膮 u偶ywaj膮ce musia艂y posiada膰 bardzo ograniczony dost臋p do danych, a poniewa偶 aplikacje te u偶ywane s膮 przez wiele os贸b, to istnieje problem przeci膮偶enia bazy danych. Regu艂y bezpiecze艅stwa zosta艂y oparte na widokach tworzonych dla ka偶dego u偶ytkownika, co daje du偶膮 skalowalno艣膰 i elastyczno艣膰 rozwi膮zania. Niestety, takie rozwi膮zanie posiada pewne niedostatki zwi膮zane z bezpiecze艅stwem, kt贸re zosta艂y om贸wione w niniejszej publikacji

    Pewne spostrze偶enia na temat wp艂ywu optymalizacji na bezpiecze艅stwo baz danych

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    One of the most important factors of real live business applications are speed and reliability. The question that arises during development states: what is more important: efficiency of servers or security of database/application. One of the biggest databases used in the University of 艁贸d藕 for its applications must have restricted access to data. On the other hand, although it is used by many people concurrently cannot be overloaded. Security rules are based on views created for every user, which gives scalability and flexibility. Unfortunately this approach has security vulnerabilities which is presented in this article.W zastosowaniach biznesowych bardzo cz臋sto, jako najwa偶niejsze wska藕niki jako艣ci rozwi膮zania, wskazuje si臋 szybko艣膰 dzia艂ania oraz niezawodno艣膰. W trakcie tworzenia takich rozwi膮za艅 pojawia si臋 dylemat: wydajno艣膰 serwera czy te偶 jego bezpiecze艅stwo? Przed podobnym dylematem stan臋li tw贸rcy jednej z najwi臋kszych baz danych u偶ytkowanych na Uniwersytecie 艁贸dzkim, gdy偶 aplikacje j膮 u偶ywaj膮ce musia艂y posiada膰 bardzo ograniczony dost臋p do danych, a poniewa偶 aplikacje te u偶ywane s膮 przez wiele os贸b, to istnieje problem przeci膮偶enia bazy danych. Regu艂y bezpiecze艅stwa zosta艂y oparte na widokach tworzonych dla ka偶dego u偶ytkownika, co daje du偶膮 skalowalno艣膰 i elastyczno艣膰 rozwi膮zania. Niestety, takie rozwi膮zanie posiada pewne niedostatki zwi膮zane z bezpiecze艅stwem, kt贸re zosta艂y om贸wione w niniejszej publikacji

    Using K-Means Clustering in Python with Periodic Boundary Conditions

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    Periodic boundary conditions are natural in many scientific problems, and often lead to particular symmetries. Working with datasets that express periodicity properties requires special approaches when analyzing these phenomena. Periodic boundary conditions often help to solve or describe the problem in a much simpler way. The angular rotational symmetry is an example of periodic boundary conditions. This symmetry implies angular momentum conservation. On the other hand, clustering is one of the first and most basic methods used in data analysis. It is often a starting point when new data are acquired and understood. K-means clustering is one of the most commonly used clustering methods. It can be applied to many different situations with reasonably good results. Unfortunately, the original k-means approach does not cope well with the periodic properties of the data. For example, the original k-means algorithm treats a zero angle as very far from an angle that is 359 degrees. Periodic boundary conditions often change the classical distance measure and introduce an error in k-means clustering. In the paper, we discuss the problem of periodicity in the dataset and present a periodic k-means algorithm that modifies the original approach. Considering that many data scientists prefer on-the-shelf solutions, such as libraries available in Python, we present how easily they can incorporate periodicity into existing k-means implementation in the PyClustering library. It allows anyone to integrate periodic conditions without significant additional costs. The paper evaluates the described method using three different datasets: the artificial dataset, wind direction measurement, and the New York taxi service dataset. The proposed periodic k-means provides better results when the dataset manifests some periodic properties