6 research outputs found

    Metadata of European lake fishes dataset

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    Here we provide the metadata for an overview on fish species presence/absence in 1943 Palearctic (Europe + Turkey) lakes and reservoirs. The data have been obtained by standardized multi-mesh gillnet fishing, primarily to fulfill the requirements of the European Water Framework Directive (WFD). The species list encompasses about 100 species, a few of them split into subspecies. The database has been accumulated for the purpose of intercalibration of the evaluation systems for the WFD, and has systematically been used for research in the EU project WISER

    Testiranje nekaterih evropskih metod vrednotenja ekološkega stanja na podlagi rib s slovenskimi podatki

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    The European Fish Index (EFI), the Fish Index Austria (FIA) and the German fish-based assessment system (FiBS) were tested using Slovenian fish data. Fish were sampled using electric fishing procedure in small and medium sized rivers of the Danube river basin in the Ecoregion Alps. To test the appropriateness of selected indices, correlations between hydromorphological alteration pressure and fish indices were calculated. Hydromorphological alteration pressure was defined using seven Slovenian hydromorphological quality classes. Correlations were positive and statistically significant in all cases but the coefficient of determination (R2) was very low, not exceeding 0.15. The highest R2 was calculated using FIA without the biomass knockout criterion. Possible reasons for the low R2 values including criteria for the hydromorphological alteration classes, fishery management influence and tested fish indices, are discussed. In addition, appropriateness of the inclusion of allochthonous fish species in the fish-based assessment systems is discussed.S slovenskimi podatki smo testirali Evropski ribji indeks (EFI), Ribji index Avstrija (FIA) in Nemški sistem vrednotenja na podlagi rib (FIBS). Ribe smo vzorčili z elektriko v malih in srednje velikih rekah donavskega porečja ekoregije Alpe. Za preverjanje primernosti izbranih indeksov smo izračunali soodvisnost med razredi hidromorfološke spremenjenosti rek in ribjimi indeksi.Pozitivno in statistično značilno soodvisnost smo ugotovili v vseh primerih, vendar je bil koeficient determinacije (R2) nizek in v nobenem primeru ni presegal 0,15. Najvišji R2 je bil izračunan, ko smo uporabili FIA brez izključitvenega sokriterija. Razpravljamo o možnih vzrokih za nizke vrednosti R2, vključno s kriteriji za razrede hidromorfološke spremenjenosti rek, ribiškim upravljanjem in testiranimi indeksi ter o primernosti upoštevanja tujerodnih vrst v sistemih vrednotenja ekološkega stanja

    Successful Long-Term Treatment with Azacitidine in Patient with Chronic Myelomonocytic Leukemia

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    The purpose of this article was to present a case of successful long term treatment with azacitidine in patient with Chronic Myelomonocytic Leukemia (CMML) and discussing possible contributing factors for its long term efficacy. Data from our case were compared with similar data available in the literature. Effective treatment with azacitidine resulted in overall survival of 11 years 5 months and we showed that applying multiple cycles of treatment is feasible. Our patient received 71 cycles of treatment with total duration of 7 years and 3 months. Our report about a patient with CMML and a good clinical course revealed, that long term treatment with azacitidine is feasible in some patients. Initially low bone marrow blast count, a relatively small malignant CMML clone, reduction of spleen size and fast platelet response seemed to be factors determining long term response to treatment in our patient. More data on CMML treatment by Hypomethylating Agents and their analysis are needed in order to make firm conclusions

    Typology of lakes in Slovenia

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    A typology of natural lakes in Slovenia with the surFace area of >50 ha was prepared according to the Water Framework Directive. lake Bled and Lake Bohinjwere taken into consideration only. Both systems proposed by the Water Framework Directive (Directive 2000/60/EC) far the preparation of the lake typology were tested. Using the system A, the satisfactory differentiation forthe description of biological reference conditions could not be established. The system B was chosen based on the obligatory descriptors that include altitude, latitude, longitude, depth, geology and size. An additional descriptor, which concerns bioregional affiliation, was also chosen (sensu Urbanič, 2006a), which includes two obligatory descriptors, altitude and geology. These two descriptors are not specifically mentioned in the description of lake types.V skladu z Vodno direktivo smo pripravili tipologijo naravnih jezer v Sloveniji s površino >50 ha. Takšni sta Blejsko in Bohinjsko jezero. Preverili smo oba predlagana sistema za pripravo tipologije po Vodni direktivi (Direktiva 2000/60/ES) in ugotovili, da po sistemu A ne dosežemo dovolj dobre diferenciacije za opis bioloških referenčnih razmer. Izbrali smo sistem B in obveznim deskriptorjem - geografskemu položaju oz. ekoregijam, velikosti površine jezera, povprečni globini jezera, geološki podlagi in nadmorski višini - dodali še izbirni deskriptor. Deskriptor, ki smo ga izbrali, je pripadnost bioregiji (sensu Urbanič 2006a), ki vključuje tudi dva obvezna deskriptorja - geološko podlago in nadmorsko višino, zato ju posebej pri opisu tipov nismo navajali

    Energy‐based top‐down and bottom‐up relationships between fish community energy demand or production and phytoplankton across lakes at a continental scale

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    Fish community feeding and production rates may differ between lakes despite similar fish biomass levels because of differences in size structure and local temperature. Therefore, across‐lake comparisons of the strength and direction of top‐down and bottom‐up fish–phytoplankton relationships should consider these factors. We used the metabolic theory of ecology to calculate size‐ and temperature‐corrected community energy demand (CEDom) and community production (CP) of omnivorous fishes in 227 European lakes from major habitat types (MHTs) of polar freshwaters, temperate floodplain rivers and wetlands, and temperate coastal rivers. We related CEDom with total phosphorus (TP)‐corrected chlorophyll a (Chl a) concentrations to evaluate a potential top‐down directed trophic cascade from fish to phytoplankton. Furthermore, we related Chl a with CP to demonstrate potential bottom‐up effects of phytoplankton on fish. For both analyses, we added the CED of piscivorous fishes (CEDpi) as a predictor to account for potential predation effects on the omnivorous fish community. CEDom was weakly positively related with TP‐corrected Chl a, but the strength of the relationship differed between MHTs. In contrast, CP was consistently positively related with Chl a in the entire dataset. CEDpi did not contribute to top‐down or bottom‐up relationships. The application of metabolic variables characterizing fish community feeding and production rates makes these results robust because the approach accounted for the usually neglected effects of fish size and temperature in across‐lake comparisons. Our results suggest that bottom‐up effects from phytoplankton on fish secondary production in lakes are substantially stronger than top‐down effects from fish on phytoplankton biomass