Typology of lakes in Slovenia


A typology of natural lakes in Slovenia with the surFace area of >50 ha was prepared according to the Water Framework Directive. lake Bled and Lake Bohinjwere taken into consideration only. Both systems proposed by the Water Framework Directive (Directive 2000/60/EC) far the preparation of the lake typology were tested. Using the system A, the satisfactory differentiation forthe description of biological reference conditions could not be established. The system B was chosen based on the obligatory descriptors that include altitude, latitude, longitude, depth, geology and size. An additional descriptor, which concerns bioregional affiliation, was also chosen (sensu Urbanič, 2006a), which includes two obligatory descriptors, altitude and geology. These two descriptors are not specifically mentioned in the description of lake types.V skladu z Vodno direktivo smo pripravili tipologijo naravnih jezer v Sloveniji s površino >50 ha. Takšni sta Blejsko in Bohinjsko jezero. Preverili smo oba predlagana sistema za pripravo tipologije po Vodni direktivi (Direktiva 2000/60/ES) in ugotovili, da po sistemu A ne dosežemo dovolj dobre diferenciacije za opis bioloških referenčnih razmer. Izbrali smo sistem B in obveznim deskriptorjem - geografskemu položaju oz. ekoregijam, velikosti površine jezera, povprečni globini jezera, geološki podlagi in nadmorski višini - dodali še izbirni deskriptor. Deskriptor, ki smo ga izbrali, je pripadnost bioregiji (sensu Urbanič 2006a), ki vključuje tudi dva obvezna deskriptorja - geološko podlago in nadmorsko višino, zato ju posebej pri opisu tipov nismo navajali

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